Devil's Capital

Chapter 4 Freshman!

"How did the ancestors survive that painful time?" Su Fei continued to ask.

Karsas looked at Su Fei with regret, and the white feathers on Su Fei's body looked particularly gorgeous under the moonlight.

"This is another story:

At that time, the demon army was ready to defeat the Protoss army in one fell swoop, dominate the whole ancient land, and make all races submit. In that war, Hab Gates called on all the young and strong men in the clan. When he saw his king return, he did not bring back the news of victory, and none of the demon men who accompanied him returned. The elders in the clan already had an ominous foreboding in their hearts. When they were about to go out to question Harb Gates, they saw Harb Gates who took off their crown in the old sacrificial hall. After several inquiries, after confirming the news of the defeat of the demon clan, the elders almost fell into a coma. When Hab Gates walked out of the demon tribe, they woke up.

This is a disaster of extermination. Because of the tough attitude of the demon clan at the beginning, almost every race in the ancient land had a life-and-death enmity. At this time, the defeat has been decided, and the only way out of the demon clan is to escape from the ancient land and avoid the endless pursuit of all clans. At that time, different time and space were wide open, and the abyss creatures vented from the broken time and space wormholes, quickly occupying the situation in the ancient land. All ethnic groups were attacked by abys creatures on the way to chase the demon clan, which greatly reduced the pressure of the demon clan.

At this time, the general trend of the demon clan had gone, and he had no choice but to find the abyss creatures at that time to form an alliance to jointly resist the invasion of all races. The abyss race that first entered the ancient land had no backup, and the other did not have good intelligence resources. With mutual support, the two sides slowly transferred the old and weak people into the underground world. Since then, they have gradually lost contact with the ethnic groups on the ground.

Things came here, although it was not honorable and even more sad. The great migration is not a word. At the beginning, many old people and children of the demon clan starved to death on the way alone. At that time, the demon pregnant women were focused on. The demon elders specially found a group of young demon teenagers to carry stretchers to safely transfer these pregnant women to an underground cave. . The abyss creatures are obviously more familiar with the underground world than demons. They can encounter compatible races in different worlds. The upper layer of the abyss did not want to take the opportunity of the demon's decline to annex, but gave them free help. Although in the eyes of the world, they are as cruel, evil and domineering as the demons, they are also There is a set of rules for survival!

What they believe in is the law of domineering. There are many races, and I am the only one! They use it to compose the essence of life, but only killing. But this does not mean that they have lost their civilization. On the contrary, they just act as scavengers in nature and erase all traces of those weak races from the world. Unlike the way, this is destined to be a lonely road. After the demons turned underground, they began to call themselves demons and associate with abys creatures. It is difficult to maintain the survival of the tribe and continue the fire of hope for generations.


After quietly listening to Carlsas's story of ancient history, Su Fei was fascinated, as if he was immersive in the era of beasts and many races. The demon ancestors went through hardships in order to continue the inheritance of demons and enable their descendants to pass on the racial culture from generation to generation.

"Lord Carlsace, I don't know how you learned about the secrets of the demon ancestors in ancient times?" In this era of historical fault, especially in the era of extreme lack of faith in today's demon world, not to mention ancient times, even ancient civilizations have lost most of ancient civilizations and have been buried in the catastrophe of ancient civilizations.

Listening to Su Fei's question, Carlsas couldn't help sighing that he was born in the era after the collapse of civilization. His father was the orphan in the catastrophe. They lost the literature of those demon ancestors, but successive patriarchs would lose the mainland to accept the inheritance of the previous patriarch. If the patriarch Accidental death, then the inheritance will fly directly back to the lost mainland. In this way, almost every patriarch is an insider about the secrets of ancient times. However, while inheriting the will of the ancient demon ancestors, they have also inherited the hatred left over from the ancient times, and have been fighting with the gods and races for generations.

"You will know these when you grow up, and now you need to set new goals! Amnesia does not mean that you should be decadent. This is the fate that leads your life trajectory to guide you, let you forget the past, struggle as the present, and face a new life with a new attitude!" Carlsas hopes that his words can inspire Su Fei and make this little devil out of the decadent and full of fighting spirit again!

"Are you a freshman?" Su Fei thought silently when he heard the words, yes, he had been decadent, depressed and confused for half a month of amnesia, but he never thought of abandoning his past memories and facing life with a new attitude! But why not do this? According to the age of the devil, Su Fei has not passed his childhood at this time. He will have a lot of time and a lot of time in the future. It should not be wasted to remember those memories that can't be found in the past.

"I know what to do. Under such difficult conditions, what the demon ancestors can do, there is no reason why I, Su Fei, can't do it!" Su Fei regained his self-confidence. Maybe he had not completely come out of that feeling of loss after losing his memory, but his heart was no longer confused. He knew what direction his future was and how he should move forward!

Carsus looked at Su Fei's previous decadent color and was stimulated to fight again. He was extremely excited. You know, this was the second hope he met after his son and carried the painstaking efforts for the rest of his life. He can't blame his good partner Sinjid, nor can he bear to blame Yulin. In these days of Su Fei's amnesia, he doesn't know how he spent. He buried himself in a lot of documents every day. Only when he is busy with work can he forget these troubles.

"It's windy at night. Don't blow outside for a long time. Go back to bed early. We'll take you to West Point Military Academy in a couple of days." Carlsas' collar was swinging around by the cold wind at night. It's late at night, and there are still a lot of things to do tomorrow. It's time to rest.

"Okay, thank you, Lord Calzas for your guidance. We must have had a good relationship before, right?" When Su Fei heard Khalsa's words, the cold wind at night was still a trace of coldness on his face. He couldn't help tightening his white feather coat and suddenly felt much warmer.

"Yes, we have always been fine!" Karsas took Sufi back to the castle and said loudly when Sufi walked to his room.


"Efne! Why, why haven't you done it all the time?

"No! No! He is my lover, and I can't hurt him!... Yes, you are a bad person. I don't want to listen to you! Don't listen to you!" In the dream, Evelyn's mood began to become unstable and almost out of control.

"Don't forget that I am your father and God, the life I gave you! You should listen to me, heroise. Colridge, don't forget that the boy you really miss is not the demon around you. He is still in the kingdom of your Father, if you don't want Bradley. Clement has something to do. You should know what you need to do next!" The voice in the dream gradually disappeared into nothingness, and Evelyn woke up from the dream and sweated coldly.

"Heroys. Coleridge, Bradley. Clement. I'm heroise, not Ephne. Who is Bradley? Why is it so clear in my memory? Ephne woke up and didn't notice that the oil lamp in the room had been lit, and her mind was in a mess. She didn't know which one was the real herself, heroise or Evelyn?

"What's wrong, Ephne? Did you wake up?" Su Fei gently entered the room and just lit the animal oil lamp. When she was about to take off her clothes and go to bed, she saw Evelyn turn over and sit on the sheets laid on the ground and be alone in a daze.

"Oh, it's Su Fei! Did you go out just now? Eveney didn't dare to let Su Fei find her abnormal situation, so she quickly changed the topic and asked Su Fei.

Su Fei didn't pay attention to Eveny's abnormality and replied softly, "It's convenient to go out just now. I just came back and saw you wake up. Didn't you have a good rest these two days? You can have a good rest from tomorrow."

"Ah! How are you?" When Evelyn heard Su Fei's words, she forced herself to suppress the nonsense in her heart. At this time, her face showed surprise and cooperated with her question.

"Yes, yes. Recently, you haven't had any nightmares, and you are not depressed, so that you can relax. Su Fei made a relaxed expression, responded to Evelyn, and then felt a strong tiredness, so she continued to say to Evelyn, "It's getting late. Keep going to sleep." You don't have to ask me to have breakfast when I get up tomorrow morning. I want to sleep a little longer.

"Okay, good night!"


In the quiet night, the two people lay in the room with different thoughts**. After the animal oil lamp went out, the whole room completely fell into darkness. Two people, a demon and a human, pulled together the trajectory of their lives under the trick of fate. The suffering people are in the distance. Ignorance is often the happiest!

What kind of life will the West Point Military Academy live in waiting for Su Fei? Let's wait and see! The West Point Military Academy of the Devil's Chapter is about to unveil the mysterious veil for you!