Devil's Capital

Chapter 17 Discovery in the Library

"jingle", "jingle" and "jingle" sounded three times. With the bell after class, the students ran out of the classroom one after another, like birds flying out of the cage, thinking about a short free time running.

West Point is a military-managed school. In addition to daily military theory practice, students will also take some spare time to go to the library to find relevant books for further study. As usual, Edmund went to the school canteen to ask for a wild boar and three big cakes and a clear soup after class. The school's food was not bad, but three silver coins per meal was not something that Edmond could consume for a long time.

When the village head sent Edmund on a trip, he took out the 20 gold coins he had accumulated and spent almost 5 gold coins all the way from the south of the sickle magic collar to Zhongzhou, which was still Edmund's frugal. It's been more than a month since I came to West Point. I haven't heard anything about it, but all my savings have been spent. Just as Edmund was desperate, Lucia's teacher found him and found him a part-time job in the library, so that Edmund could save money to study and live in West Point.

Although Lucia's temperament changed greatly after experiencing that change in her early years, she still has a very good personality. She has always favored the students who live a simple and study hard in the class. After observing for a period of time, she finally took the initiative to lend a helping hand after Edmund's pocket was completely dry. For their teaching, every student needs to be treated attentively and given enough attention and care. As long as you work hard, teaching will be seen in the eyes, and your efforts will not be in vain and will be rewarded!

"It is the purpose of running a school like West Point that so many demons will work hard every year in order to be able to open a new chapter in their lives here!" Edmund thought silently and took the last bite of the big cake left in his hand. This big cake sprinkled with spices was his favorite food. After picking up a bowl and drinking a big mouthful of clear soup, Edmund wiped his mouth with his hand, got up from the table, picked up his textbook and walked straight out of the canteen and walked towards the library.

When Lucia found this part-time job for him in the library, the devil in charge of the library was not very happy, but later I saw that Edmund not only arrived on time every time he was on duty, but also worked very seriously. Before closing the door at night, he would carefully clean the ground and wipe it with a rag. It's really hard to find this kind of employee. At the beginning, Edmund was not familiar with the environment because of the tight course, and he didn't know where to start from the investigation of the previous generation, so he plunged into the pile of books after the library to see if he could find the relevant records.

It happens that today is Friday, and there are only two classes in the morning, so Edmund will spend this afternoon in the library to see if he can find something useful.

"Good afternoon, Aunt Lufei!" Edmund walked into the door of the library and politely greeted Aunt Lufei on duty.

"Isn't this Edmund? Why did he come so early today? Didn't he agree to work the night shift?" Lufei is a middle-aged female sickle demon, who is a little related to school teaching, so she was sent to the library on duty, which is also a way to make a living. She is the only one on duty. The steward of the library rarely appears in the library, so when she heard that there was a little devil to work part-time, thinking that his daily workload would be halved, and the income of 100 gold coins per month would not be reduced. Of course, Lu Fei was very willing.

"Aunt Lufei, it's like this. I don't have classes in the afternoon, so I want to come to the library to read. If you don't like this, you can go back first. I'll watch it for you until it closes at night and I'll go back to the dormitory!" Edmund said to Aunt Lufei with a sincere face, of course, Edmund did not say the deeper purpose.

It's a rare Friday, and the teachers in the school can take a break in the afternoon, and the teachers who are not in the class can even take a full day off. Lufei has been greedy for the card club on Friday for a long time. Although the library's monthly salary is not worth much and it is far from enough to use it as gambling, Luffy has been wandering in West Point for so many years and naturally has her own way to make money: that is, to secretly take some waste and unimportant things in the library, mostly by the students themselves. The recorded things are hidden and taken out during maintenance and sold to those smugglers at a high price. Among them, there are even spies from two other military schools. Of course, these are not under the control of Luffy.

"Really? That's great!" When Lu Fei thought of the card club, she was eager. There is a set of teaching books in the school, and their own strength is strong enough, but as soon as these arrive at the card table, they are nothing. She is Lufei, the legendary 'teaching killer', must export all these teaching trousers today!

Before leaving, Luffy told Edmund to take a good look at the library. If the stewman came to check, he would say that her 'that' was coming. Edmund didn't know what 'that' was, but he still listened to Luffy's advice carefully. Of course, if the steward really asked, Edmund would probably be half angry if he answered like this! Although the physiological cycle is the same as that of humans and other races, have you heard that the physiological period has not passed a hundred years later?

Edmond saw that he finally dismissed Lufei, so he went in and put the textbook in his hand into the clerk's private cabinet. Then Edmund opened the registration book and looked at nothing worth paying attention to. Then he took out a "rest" sign from the drawer at the bottom of the table and put it on the registration desk. He went straight in and prepared to continue to read the books he had not read. Fortunately, the Luffy has gone far away by now. If she comes back and sees Edmund hang up the 'rest' sign directly and run in to read by herself, she may think about it. If she sees it like this, she may also deduct her wages. Of course, these have nothing to do with Edmund.

It happens to be a weekend, and it is rare to have leisure. In the three years of studying in West Point, there is basically no vacation. Except for the so-called 'winter vacation' in winter, the 12 months of the year are basically spent at school for 11 months. In the demon world, many demons have criticized the teaching method of West Point, but the school only gave them three years to speed up. Since the time has been condensed and can no longer be condensed, the appropriate extension can only be the daily workload of the students!

Of course, based on the responsible attitude towards the students, West Point School proposed a graduation assessment. Unlike the admission assessment, the content of this graduation assessment is all what you have learned in three years. If you pass, congratulations, you have successfully graduated! If you don't pass, then it's a pity that you have been repeating the grade! The reason why West Point is highly respected in the whole demon world is that it is the humanized management of the school. When the school was founded, West Point did not have so many humanized regulations. At the beginning, the first principal set a rule that all demons felt strange at that time: any student of West Point, or Teacher, as long as you can make valuable suggestions for West Point, or question the existing regulations and give better correction methods, West Point will adopt and accept it, and give the naming right of the new regulations to the devil who dares to put forward!

Edmund picked a few books, which were all about the history of West Point, so he just flipped through them casually and skimmed them directly. Since discovering that the library may record what happened in those years, Edmund has been dedicated to the book area here that shows 'miscellaneous'. For several days, he did not find the campus events of nearly 100 years, and the variety of books also dazzled him. With a book "Flower Raising Talk" in his hand, Edmund sat on the ground against the shelf and opened the first page: I spent thousands of years raising more than 100,000 kinds of flowers, thousands of flowers, all kinds of flowers, nothing I have never seen and heard. Also!...

is another collection of hobbies. Edmund read the book all afternoon. At this time, he was physically and mentally exhausted. He really didn't want to continue reading the book "Flower Raising" in his hand, so he stood up and endured his physical discomfort and prepared to put the book back in place. At this time, Edmund's hand slipped, Ben The book that was not stable suddenly fell from the bookshelf and hit it into mid-air.

Soon after saying that, Edmund's right foot flashed, steadily caught the book from mid-air, and secretly said in his heart: It's really dangerous! Fortunately, it hasn't landed, otherwise this stitched book will not be guaranteed. You should know that only important books in the library, such as 'history' classification, 'demon inheritance' classification, 'military' classification and some famous deeds in the demon world will have special enchantment to prevent book corruption and lead to the loss of its contents. When Edmund left the ground, he accidentally found a deep footprint on the floor. From his point of view, it was obvious that the floor was empty.

"Oh! I cleaned it last night. Why is there dust around these two boards? Edmund was surprised. What has been said just now, and he has cleaned the library himself every night since he came here. It is reasonable that there should be no dust here, and depending on the color, the dust sprinkled evenly around him has obviously been dark brown for a long time.

"Is there any secret buried here?" Edmund couldn't resist his curiosity and looked at the dark sky outside. He was struggling in his heart. He remembered that there seemed to be several boards under the counter. Edmund had a decision in his heart and stopped entangled, so he carefully opened the board and prepared to see what was hidden underneath. P>