Devil's Capital

Chapter 18 Secret 1

The wheels of history are rolling back:

It was the spring of 972 of the new calendar, which was the day of enrollment at West Point. There was light snow every day, and the spring snow was pitiful. The snow in early spring came suddenly. Not long after leaving the village, Brady began to walk hard on the snow.

The sky was snowing, and the earth was covered with a thin layer of white clothes. The gradually melting snow soaked the whole earth. The wet ground stirred the past demons into a ball and turned hard in the mud, but I didn't know where to go! It is in this weather that in order not to miss the open enrollment time of West Point, Brady follows the direction of Zhongzhou and walks firmly step by step, with no end...

"In order to be strong, control your own destiny!" Brady said silently from the bottom of his heart, lifting his feet, which were heavier and stiffer like lead, and stepped forward step after step. I don't know when the ambition buried in my heart began to sprout. As I grew older, under the rain and sunshine, the seeds of ambition gradually sprouted and grew rapidly, gradually occupying Brady's heart. When the village chief tested that Brady had a very high cultivation talent, under the careful guidance of the village head and with the enlightenment of knowledge, Brady began to embark on the road of pursuing strong power, starting to move towards West Point in the early spring of this year.

Balan Village is a very small village attached to the territory of Baron Wright in the town. The sickle demons in the village are very simple. In addition, the village's geographical location is remote, and it is rare to meet big people all year round. Therefore, the sickle demons in the village are also happy and live a self-sufficient and leisurely life. Calm days are always short. Even if you have been there for a long time, when someone breaks into your life one day, you will always remember those ordinary days in the past.

When Brady was a child, he simply thought that he would live in Balan Village all his life and live with his loving parents and kind and friendly village head, which was very satisfying. But the sky is elusive. Often when you are happy, it will bring disasters to remind you that the world is not as beautiful and harmonious as it seems, especially in the devil's world: it was a winter night, and it rained heavily in the dark sky, and every family began to return home and close the door. , or light the animal oil lamp to pull the household, and the husband talks to his woman about the harvest of going out hunting during the day. The more frugal demon family turned off the lights early and climbed onto the warm kang and entered a sweet dream. No one expected that the conscription order would come at this time!

Baron Wright personally supervised the battle, and a series of strong sickle soldiers broke the door under the baron's cold and ruthless order, grabbed the strong man door to door, and saw that the young sickle witch would ruthlessly forcibly take him away with the order of requisition of gangs and logistics personnel. On a rainy night, lightning struck, and Brady was carefully hidden in the compartment under the kang by his parents. There were two air holes on the compartment. Brady's thin body curled up in the partition, and his eyes witnessed the incident that night through the two small holes.

His father loves his mother very much, and young female demons are drafted into the army. In addition to cooking and providing some logistical supplies on weekdays, in the cold winter, he often needs to go to the tent to warm the beds for those demon soldiers! Brady remembers clearly that on that thunder and lightning rainy night, when two demon soldiers escorted his parents on the path in the village, one of the soldiers coveted his mother's beauty and touched his mother along the way. His father stared at the soldier's eyes. Brady can still recall that look. At that time, his father's eyes were very much like the devil in the back mountain of the village to protect his wife and daughter in front of his nest!

"Stab!" The lightning flashed, and the dazzling light made the demon walking in the rainy night subconsciously close his eyes, but Brady didn't. He widened his eyes and watched his father grab the soldier's weapon with his backhand, and then stabbed the soldier on the side who kept flirting with his daughter-in-law on the road. Blood spewed out of the soldier's chest, and the blood made Brady's father a bloody man alive, "Boom!" Then a fierce thunder hit everyone's hearts, and the severely damaged soldiers shouted in pain. When Baron Wright, who was walking in front of him, turned back to check, it had become such a scene: Brady's father had already been stabbed to death with a sharp long gun by the awakened soldiers, and his wife was now Lying on the body of the stubborn man in this small village, he sobbed in a low voice. The blood flowing from the fallen soldiers and the remaining warm body of Brady's father were mixed with the rain accumulated on the road. On this thunder and lightning rainy night, it looked so eye-catching!

Little Brady's curled up body tightened and witnessed the tragedy with his own eyes. His brain had been occupied by blood. At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind: "Skip out, knock down the bad guy and take back his mother!"

But at the moment when little Brady was about to lift the partition and rush out, he clearly saw his mother's calm and cold eyes. Brady understood what she wanted to say from his mother's eyes: "My child, for us, you must live, you must live strong!"

"No! Mother!" Little Brady's shout was buried in the 'tick' sound of heavy rain, and his mother took advantage of the attention of the guard soldiers next to him, grabbed the tip of the sharp gun penetrating from her husband's chest with one hand, aimed at his chest, and hit it hard. Lightning flashed, as if she was weeping for the lovely couple. Passed away. After that, Baron Wright forcibly took away the rest of the strong men, and the bodies of the couple were left in place, let the rain wash away ruthlessly!

Watching his parents die in front of him, but there is nothing he can do, little Brady has developed a lonely character and no longer plays with other young sickle demons in the village until the village head Xia Gu tests that he has a talent for cultivation. After knowing that he could also become powerful and become the great hero in his dream, Brady's silent heart suddenly became active. He seemed to have seen that not far away, on a rainy night, he took a large number of demon troops to blood wash Baron Wright's castle and avenge his parents!

West Point will be the first stop in his life. He has seen strong hope. He believes that as long as he works hard enough, he will be able to gain strong strength and matching status. Then he can clear his grievances and avenge his parents!


It is God's blessing that I can meet him. Although I am well aware of my mission, the devil dominates and forgive your humble people. When I found all this, it was too late! I have fallen deeply in love with him, Brady. He has integrated into every part of my life and become everything to me. I can't leave him anymore!

In order to allow me to stay with Brady for a long time, I hope to establish a firm love with him in the three years at West Point. As for the future, I don't care so much. Let's take a step at a step! Since I met Brady on that snowy night, I have begun to secretly pay attention to him. He is sunny, cheerful, enthusiastic and generous, but I can always feel the cold hidden behind Brady's smile.

It's like the first time we met, it was the first time I went far away. In order to gain freedom, I secretly took a little bag without telling my family, tricked the housekeeper into going out for a ride, and then rode a carriage and ran away in the direction of Zhongzhou. I didn't expect that the letter left for my family at that time really worked. When the messenger sent by the family secretly saw me once to confirm my safety, I really didn't send anyone to restrain me. Of course, happy times are short. Thinking about the days when I met Brady, every day is so sweet and beautiful. Yangguan is So soft, shining on their hearts and loving each other deeply, how good it would be if they continued like this!

Unfortunately, beautiful things can only be missed after all. Brady seems to have been with a certain purpose. After coming to West Point, in addition to studying hard, he often goes to the library to read books, especially some historical records. As for me, out of good intentions and feeling that it was too pitiful for Brady to translate alone, I sympathized with him, so I helped to read it together. Unexpectedly, this translation really turned out some famous:

In 976, Warcraft* appeared in the southern Sweigas Mountains. In view of the local count's misjudgment, he did not ask the lord for support at the first time, causing Warcraft to break through the defense line laid by the demon army in the mountains. This would have been a big disaster, but a baron named Teller under the Earl of Gus offered a clever plan to successfully block the attack of * Warcraft in the mountains. Although the lives of 3,000 demon soldiers were buried, this loss was within the psychological tolerance of all sickle demons, so this Instead of receiving punishment, Baron Teller received a reward and was directly promoted from a baron to a viscount. His territory was expanded fivefold, and he naturally became the confidant and minion of Count Gus.

I don't know why Brady seemed very excited when he saw this record. By the way, he tore off this page of paper and carefully hid it in his close-fitting clothes. Although I was curious at that time, I didn't think about it carefully, but Brady began to go out often. After more and more interrogations, he finally said where he went: the Thinking Gas Mountains. He went to find the truth of what happened in those years. I know that he obtained it in the name of exploring geographical characteristics. Before leaving, he specially obtained the consent of the teacher for this purpose.

But what I didn't expect was that his move eventually led to great changes in our lives, and everything was irreparable!......