Devil's Capital

Chapter 20 Secret 3

It's almost evening. For the sake of safety, Edmund has quietly replaced the previously stepped floor with a new board when he got this note. After finishing it, Edmund also used a third-level magic "time finger mark" to leave years on the new board. Traces.

After ensuring that there were no flaws left, Edmund carefully took the note to the front desk and hung the "rest" billboard on the outside gate, so that except for the No. 1 administrator No. 1 to return, there was no need to worry about other students to disturb him. Edmund, who did everything well, put this dusty note on the table and read it carefully, and then what he saw made his eyes unconsciously wide. He really couldn't believe that what happened back then was, and his father Brady and Isabel, the mother who had never masked, actually Became a victim of the political confrontation 30 years ago!

This is the diary written by her mother Isabel herself, and the diary records that the rainy night when her father fled back to Balaan Village with her baby in her arms. In order to avenge the innocent villagers who died tragically at the hands of Baron Teller, his father gave all the evidence to Principal Gibran, because he knew that the upright Principal Gibran could not tolerate violations of the laws in the sickle demon territory. Coincidentally, Gibran had a good personal relationship with Lord Carlsas. Carlsas, who learned the news at the first time, sent his confidant Calondo to check the cause of the matter. He quickly found out the story of the Warcraft* incident in the 950 Thinking Gas Mountains in the new calendar. By the way, Calondo also visited Si The magic dragon couple in the depths of the Vegas Mountains, their child, a young male magic dragon, has successfully passed the childhood, and the family of three is very happy.

Magic Dragon Ferredil. Udir recalled the cub Regirod. The scene of Udir's birth: his wife Orsiah that day. Julian noticed a movement in his stomach and knew that he was going to give birth. In order to give birth to his wife, Ferredil. Udir emitted all his aura and drove out all the animal monsters in the Singgas Mountains. After that, he didn't seem to encounter much obstacles. Just as he was preparing to wait for the arrival of the magic dragon cubs, suddenly there was a bloody breath above the sky outside the Singgas Mountains, and Ferradil gradually became strong and then restless. Udier felt an extremely powerful breath of destruction, which made the depths of his soul tremble. His only thought at that time was that fortunately it was not the arrival of the real body, but just a split projection, and Ferredir sensed a strong breath of death from the split and knew that it was a long history. Ferredil couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief from the powerful existence of eternal sleep in the river. At this time, the little magic dragon was born smoothly, so Feredil and Orsiah were busy with their descendants, so they did not investigate the accident and did not expel the Mountain Warcraft that returned early.

After learning the information brought back by Calondo, Karsas basically believed in his heart that the current Baron Teller, the current Viscount, did play a disgraceful role in the Warcraft*. Considering the power of his lord and his supporters, the relationship with the local nobles has just eased. Even if he has now caught the handle of a viscount and can even appropriately reduce the territory and power of Count Gus, this kind of thing cannot be directly caused by their lord. It needs to have a *. In this way, it can't cause a sharp rebound from the other party.

So with the acquiescence of Carlsas, Gibran held a thesis seminar at the school in the name of his West Point principal. The theme of the meeting was a series of problems caused by Brady's students to expose Baron Teller's ugly behavior. At that time, the radical students led by Brady firmly put forward the request to sanction Baron Teller. A considerable number of the students were the descendants of the demons who died in the Warcraft*. Now that the historical truth is clear, they all know clearly and deeply what kind of grievances their fathers suffered in those years. It's dead.

The students spontaneously formed a parade and the team continued to grow, which also gave Carlsas a reason to intervene.

But an accident occurred during this period, which was also the fundamental reason why Isabel fell into a desperate situation: my family had a good relationship with Count Gus at that time and belonged to the same local aristocrats. When the local aristocratic forces intervened in the student parade, as Brady's girlfriend, my identity quickly exploded. It's exposed. My father, Schinder. Rocky wrote me a private letter and sent his confidant Levin to forward it to me. The letter asked me to dissuade my boyfriend Brady's reckless behavior and promised us to hold a wedding ceremony after graduation. He even asked me to persuade Brady to stop the parade immediately and leave for the family for an engagement ceremony, which was in the devil's world. It was a very unusual move at home, but my father did it, which made me very uneasy and contradictory.

I am selfishly inclined to my father's decision, because in my opinion, nothing is more important than Brady's lifelong happiness, but reason tells himself that Brady will definitely not listen to his persuasion at this time. Hatred has blinded Brady's heart. He only wanted to avenge his parents. After my trial was fruitless, he put out this thought and supported him wholeheartedly. At this time, the child in my stomach has been two months old. After I fell asleep, I could even clearly see the child in my belly smiling innocently at me.

The hesitation in my heart made me make the decision to turn to my beloved man, so I didn't reply to my father's letter. At this time, the lord of Karsas took the opportunity to attack Count Gus and dispatched troops to arrest Baron Teller with lightning. The whole thing was settled. . Baron Teller finally went to the Military Arbitration House. According to the Demon Act, he was sentenced to death by hanging for the crime of innocently mutilation of demon civilians, while Count Gus was deprived of nearly half of his power and one-third of his territory because of his laxity, concealment and non-reporting faults.

After that, I received a letter from my father Schinder, who severely condemned my mistakes and solemnly warned me to return to the family immediately. From my father's confused notes, I could see the anxiety in my father's heart at this moment. Suddenly, I had a bad expectation in my heart. I didn't have time to think about anything else. I quickly called Brady and embarked on the return journey with him. ...

The story is written here and there is no later. Contacting the memory of the village head of Xia Zuo, Edmund actually has an answer in his heart: when his mother Isabel and his father Brady drove out of the West Point Military Academy in a carriage, they were targeted by the killer sent by the local aristocratic forces. In order to cover his father's escape, his mother Isabel Ken I decided to use taboo magic such as life sacrifice, and I am a premature baby, so I was weak and sick when I was young and couldn't stand the wind and cold. It was not until I grew up that my body gradually improved.

"My father was blinded by hatred and forgot how weak his strength was. When he participated in the game of elephants, he would be affected by the battle between the two sides and died. I won't make the same mistake. As for who killed my mother, I will keep this account and calculate it slowly in the future!" Edmund closed the notes in his hand and swore to himself. The devil's life is long. In addition to death or accidents, those enemies must still live well now. You must wait and wait for me to end your lives! Let you use the rest of your life to repent slowly in the underworld. I swear, Edmund, will definitely avenge my mother!


"Su Fei, drink it, believe me, it will make you recover your lost memory!" Gibran said gently to Su Fei, who was sitting next to him.

"What kind of potion is this?" Su Fei took the test tube and looked at the red potion inside. His heart was a little numb and he couldn't help asking Principal Ji Bolun.

"This is a memory recovery potion. Lord Carlsas specially ordered someone to find it for you, and your followers are rushing to West Point. When you recover your memory, you can see them soon!" Gibran did not mention the hard journey of several people in the ruins. He just inherited the feelings of Carlsas, and he was not very optimistic about Su Fei himself. Over the years, he has also seen a lot of smart talents as the principal of West Point. From these vibrant demon teenagers, he seems to have returned to his youth. At that time, he and Carlsas also had great ambitions for the future, but in the end, it was still empty. I hope that the decision made by Carlsas was positive. Exactly.

When Su Fei heard this, his eyes immediately looked at the so-called memory recovery potion in his hand were full of enthusiasm. Although he said that he had adapted to the life after amnesia, if he could recall his past, why not? So under Gibran's encouraging eyes, Su Fei looked up and took a sip of the potion in his hand. Well, the taste was a little bitter and a little astringent, but it was quite cool and refreshing. As soon as this idea came to Su Fei's mind, he fell on the chair. Damn, is this refreshing or a sleeping pill?

Not to mention the thought that flashed in Su Fei's mind before he fell into a coma. Seeing Su Fei fall asleep, a smile appeared on Gibran's face. According to this script, some preparations should be made at the same time!