Devil's Capital

Chapter 19 Secret 2

On the day of May 3, spring packed up and was ready to leave, and early summer was approaching. I don't know what evidence Brady brought back from the Singgas Mountains. After running away for more than two months, he rushed into his dormitory and rushed to catch a long letter. After writing, he hurriedly took me to the principal's office and gave it to him in person.

When he came back afterwards, Brady didn't say a word to me, but quietly took my little hand and accompanied me on the green path of the school. I don't know what happened, but at that time, I suddenly had a bad idea in my heart. I grabbed Brady's little hand and didn't stop working hard, hoping to pull him all my life and never stop...

After about half a month, our lives began to calm down. On a sunny morning, the sun shone into the room. I narrowed my eyes, stretched out my arms lazily, and was ready to get up and tell my dear Brady a great good news: I'm pregnant!

Although we began to live together outside the school less than half a month after we met, we really slept together two months ago. When happiness suddenly came, I was not psychologically prepared at all! However, fortunately, according to the devil's physiological cycle, the days of pregnancy will not take too long, and you can have a baby in about eight months. Of course, this time can also be decided by themselves. Many demon mothers are willing to spend more time putting their children in their stomachs to slowly conceive for the strength of their offspring' bloodlines, so that the demon baby can absorb more blood concentration in the fetus. Although the benefits of this method are minimal, there are still many demon mothers who are very enthusiastic about it in the demon world!

"Honey, I want to tell you good news!"

"Honey, I want to tell you good news!"

"You say it first!"

"You say it first"


Brady couldn't resist my touching eyes and raised his hands high to announce his surrender: "Okay, okay, honey, I'll say it first!"

Under Brady's description, I finally understood the real reason why he was interested in the Singgas Mountains, not because he really likes geological things. The reason why he is so keen to visit the Singgas Mountains is to seek the truth of what happened 30 years ago:

Baron Teller is the culprit for killing his biological parents. Without direct evidence, a demon civilian charge can't defeat him. Instead, Brady's early appearance will alert the other party and bring Brady a murder. At first, Brady slowly began to investigate from the dark. When he found a record of what had happened in the year in the library, Brady learned from the picture of the village head Xia Zuo that year that none of the villagers who participated in the Warcraft defense had survived. Compared with the two, Brady quickly noticed the protection of that year. In the war, Baron Teller may have played an extremely disgraceful role here, so a further investigation was launched!

Because Brady himself is talented and willing to work hard, not long after he came to school, Brady's application for a successful field trip to the Thinking Gas Mountains. Three back and forth, Brady set out with a hopeful smile the first two times, and always came back with a gloomy face. I didn't take the initiative to ask him anything. It was not until the third time he returned that his face showed a relaxed look of relief.

And when the evidence collected by himself was handed over to Principal Gibran, perhaps he would not know how valuable the intelligence in his hand was at that time, and even implicated the direct conflict between the direct line of the military and the private troops of the elder nobles.

When he told me that everything had been completed, I was stunned for a moment, and even the words I had just prepared were gagged, and I couldn't say a word.

"Honey, what's wrong with you? Isabel, what's wrong with you? Brady saw me stunned and looked at me fixedly and asked twice in a row.

"Oh, nothing, I just didn't expect that you had such a mission, but you have given the evidence to the principal, so I believe that Baron Teller will be punished!" I quickly dealt with Brady's words and didn't want him to see anything in his eyes.

"Well, I believe that Principal Gibran will definitely get justice for my parents and those villagers who died in vain!" Brady gritted his teeth and said.

However, when people fall into a state of extreme excitement, the self-preparation in the bottom of their hearts will be much lower, and demons are no exception. When Gibbron handed over the evidence and Brady's personal statement to Lord Carlsas, an investigation against Count Gus and the current Viscount Teller began.

In the winter of 950, the Warcraft in the Surigas Mountains began to appear unprecedented*, and the first one was Baron Teller's territory. Count Gus, who received the news, quickly sent reinforcements to Baron Teller, but Baron Teller sent a demon detective as soon as he entered the Singgas Mountains, and there was no news from him. The failure to find out the root cause of Warcraft* meant that he could not formulate a targeted defense strategy, and the situation became deadlocked. At that time, during the period of conflict between the local nobles and the Karthian lord's regime, the count of various places had contracted their defenses and kept a distance from the lord's army, and the conflict had reached a white-hot stage.

At this time, Count Gus could no longer borrow enough troops from the Earl, who usually had a good personal relationship, and was embarrassed to ask Lord Carlsace for military support. In the face of the warcraft group, he could only take the policy of shrinking the defense line. His superiors could not solve the problem, and Baron Teller had no better way in the face of the tide of warcraft, so he had to give up his previous territory and people and began to evacuate to a safe area.

At this time, Baron Teller fell into a downturn. In order to fight against the raging monsters, Baron Teller had to catch adult demons everywhere as strong men. While resisting the monsters he met on the road, he sent a message to Count Gus for help. Under the call of life instinct, Baron Teller came up with an extremely sinister method:

Use the blood of the devil to summon the totem of the demon ancestors inherited from ancient times, and destroy the tide of warcraft in one fell swoop, at least to arouse the fear in the heart of * Warcraft, so that the warcraft can be driven back to the Singgas Mountains in one fell swoop and save his territory.

When Baron Teller revealed the plan to Count Gus, the count clapped his hands and agreed to protect his own interests, and the plan began to be officially implemented. First of all, the summoning totem ceremony requires enough life sacrifices. In order not to lose the army in their hands, Count Gus and Baron Teller reached a consensus on this point, that the lives of demon civilians are used to sacrifice the totems of demon ancestors. As long as a certain degree of sacrifice is reached, the totems of the demon ancestors can be summoned. Call it out and have a great power, a sentence to annihilate the monsters and protect the territory.

The plan was carried out as scheduled, and everything went smoothly. The lives of 3,000 civilian demons brought peace to the eardling and a breathing opportunity for the whole eardling. After the conflict between Lord Carlsas and the local aristocracy eased, a large number of demon troops marched towards the Singgas Mountains to find the real reason for Warcraft*:

Deep in the Singgas Mountains, there is a team of magic dragons and couples living for many years. They have legendary peak strength. They usually do not kill innocent people indiscriminately and are not afraid of general threats. There were such neighbors in Count Gus's territory, and he also felt very helpless. He could not beat, kill, and could not kill, and it was likely to attract the hatred of the dragon couple, so he had to turn a blind eye to their existence. And this time the * of the Warcraft Mountains is because this female magic dragon is pregnant. In order to protect the safety of his wife and children, the male magic dragon began to expel the Warcraft in the Thinking Gas Mountains, so the Warcraft * in the Thinking Gas Mountains began!

These are all real history. Gibran paid so much attention to the letters sent by Brady, a student, because of the new * decree in the sickle demon territory for hundreds of years: no demon can achieve his goal by killing the lives of demon civilians for any reason or excuse!

When Lord Carlss set up this decree, his original intention was to protect all the sickle demons in the territory as much as possible, because in that dark era, without the supplement of the sea of demons, their sickle demons could only be passed on from generation to generation by the descendants of blood, without the Demons and civilians, then the foundation of their sickle demons is gone!

The only thing he did wrong with this Baron Teller, the current viscount, is to protect his own security and the interests of his territory, kill demon civilians indiscriminately, and use their lives to prevent disasters for himself! This kind of behavior is undoubtedly shameful and should be severely sanctioned! There is no reason, and there is no excuse for you to kill these innocent lives wantonly. If you do it, you will pay for your actions, no matter who!

With Brady's letter and the evidence he collected, when Carlsas received a handwritten letter from Principal Gibran, he sent Carondo's personal guard to the Singgas Mountains to verify what Brady explained in his letter from the valley where the corpses of 3,000 sickle demons were buried at that time: 3,000 demons, no The strength of a demon is higher than that of the big devil, and their bones have begun to decay slowly. Some of them have already integrated into the ground and mixed with the soil.

Dear Brady, your big hatred finally waited for the day when it could be repaid to the enemy. We were very excited when we learned the news, but we ignored it. The crisis was gradually approaching!