Devil's Capital

Chapter 32 Conflict 2

"Kid, you've finished eating."

Su Fei felt a little puzzled when he heard this. There was still one-third of the steak left on his plate. How could the man in front of him say that I had finished eating? Looking at the approaching man with swollen muscles, Su Fei obviously saw something wrong from their malicious look. He pulled Cassie, who was about to return his mouth, and said in a low voice, "I don't know what's wrong with you? If it's not urgent, can you wait for us to finish eating?"

A well-sighted person knows that Su Fei has begun to be soft. After all, they have just come to school, and many rules and things are not clear. Although they are not afraid of trouble, Su Fei, who is promoted by nature, knows a truth that trouble is always good.

Su Fei is cowardly, at least those big men think so, but they think it's not enough, far from enough. You should know that no one has ever dared to sit in their actions. Even in such a public place as the canteen, they still have their own territory, and today Su Fei and others's reckless behavior gives these four evil stars a reason and an excellent reason to take action.

"It's because there is still something left on the plate, so it's not finished, right?" Jeff rubbed his hands and came forward as if he wanted to prove his words to Su Fei, but the movements of his hands did not stop while speaking. Jeff waved his hand gently on the table, and the plate next to it fell to the ground one by one, making a crisp sound of "jingle". Perhaps there are frequent private fights in West Point, and the tableware that fell on the ground was damaged on May 1st, which is an interesting thing.

"You are too domineering!" At this moment, before Su Fei and Cassie were angry, Burton stood up first and looked straight at Jeff, as if he wanted to see the devil's heart clearly.

"Why, when you are young, you are not small-tempered!" Jeff didn't care about the angry expressions of the people in front of him and said to himself, "Now that your cutlery is gone, then you have finished eating, right?"

Looking at Jeff's bright eyes, he was clearly asking several people present if they had really finished eating. Su Fei looked at the steak spilled on the ground with only a wry smile in his heart. First-grade students could not do such a thing, because even if they have strong personal strength, their social experience will inevitably be lacking. But the four big men in front of him are obviously senior students, that is, the student who just knocked down their plates. Su Fei couldn't see his origin. Suddenly, he was awe-inspiring and knew that he and others were in trouble today.

At this point, since the plate has been smashed and can't beat others, it will be smashed. Su Fei has not thought of getting justice back, but the four big men in front of him can deal with one by themselves. Cassie and Burton can also deal with one, but the remaining two Rogers can't handle it.

"The five of us have neglected this matter, and I am here to apologize to you. Your Excellency is naturally right. We have indeed finished eating. We are leaving now, and we won't disturb the elegance of you!" Su Fei bowed his head when he said this, was insulted by the students, and even pointed to his nose and provoked unscrupulously. He could tolerate these. For the sake of Roger and the three, he must also endure it.

After saying that, Su Fei did not wait for Jeff's answer, but directly put Cassie and others ready to leave their seats and return to the classroom for a rest. However, just after Su Fei stepped out of his seat, Jeff's figure also moved in front of Su Fei, blocking the way they left.

"What does this mean?" After being picked up and provoked again and again, Su Fei was still angry even if he was a clay figurine. Seeing that Jeff blocked the road and refused to leave, Su Fei's face suddenly sank.

Jeff looked at Su Fei's expression change and was suddenly stunned. The cold light in Su Fei's eyes just now made him dare not look directly at it, but it was very absurd to think that they were just a few first-grade junior students and threatened their lives.

"Do you think this table is for you to come and leave as soon as you want?"

"Is it possible that you opened this canteen?" Phil couldn't help getting out from behind Su Fei, poked out a small head, and pointed to Jeff and questioned loudly.

Seeing Phil, Jeff's eyes lit up, and his words suddenly changed: "This place is naturally not ours, and this canteen is not ours. In fact, you can't continue to stay. As long as this girl is willing to eat with us, everything is easy to say!" After saying that, Jeff looked at Phil greedily. It has been almost two years since they came to West Point. They have suffered everything. Even if they are demon women, they have slept of all races, but he has never met such a temperamental girl in front of him.

" boss, as I said, if you want them to keep this girl, you won't blame what happened just now!" Jeff seemed to be saying a very ordinary thing. Without consulting Su Fei and others and Phil himself, he said directly to the boss behind him.

What's going on in the world! Su Fei and Cassie were stunned directly. Although they knew that the demon world was a world of power, West Point neither encouraged nor restrained them from this.

Su Fei doesn't know the tedious rules in West Point, and naturally knows nothing about the unwritten rules in the canteen, so they naturally don't know the ferocity of Jeff's group. Old students know that there are many students in West Point, and many times they can't get a place to eat after class. In order to occupy their own achievements for a long time, there will be some private agreements between the old students. Of course, the content of the agreement is about the ownership of these seats.

Naturally, new students can't compete with the old students, and the old students can't compete with those who are about to graduate. Although there are some talented students, even freshmen can challenge old students, but after all, such students are in the minority. The reason why Jeff and others are so arrogant is that they want to step on the position of this class of freshmen. They can't beat those old perverts. Can't they handle these young people? You know, not everyone is as perverted as Sustine!

"So, you have to embarrass us?" Students have begun to gather around. From their private conversation, Su Fei has decided to postpone the name of the four people, but this does not mean that he is afraid, but he will try not to provoke some troubles. But at present, trouble comes to them to leave Phil, not to mention Su Fei. Even Cassie and others will never do it. Although the devil has many bastards, they still do very little to betray their friends. They are not a group of chaotic creatures in the abyss. They have emotions, wisdom and naturally perform a lot. It is no different from others.

"So, you are not happy?" When Orson heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little funny, so he asked. He is the boss of the four evils, and his strength is naturally the strongest. From the first sight of Su Fei, he knew that this was a hard stubble, so at the beginning, when they came over, they deliberately walked slowly. Naturally, he also hoped that Su Fei would eat early and get out early. However, since we have met now, it is naturally impossible for Orson to swallow this breath.

"Of course I'm not happy! I don't know what I have to pay to take these companions around me? Su Fei's face was so dark that he was about to squeeze out the water, but after all, he was not angry, because he knew that when he was defeated by the opponent, he must be rational and not let the opposite side take the initiative, because once this, it would be difficult for them to retreat today.

"The young man is very courageous!" Orson couldn't help looking at Su Fei. In fact, if it is possible, if it is possible to meet in another place, Orson may become friends with Su Fei, because there are really few friends who have a bad temper. He doesn't want to push Su Fei to his opposite side, because sometimes he is often the biggest enemy who is suitable for friends.

"Your Excellency, please draw your own, and I, Su Fei, will follow!" Su Fei is too lazy to say at this moment. Since the other party wants to take them to Liwei, it should be known that Su Fei is not a ball of soft mud, and he can't break it when his hands are not hard enough.

"Are you confident?" At this time, Orson suddenly talked more, and he seemed unwilling to have a head-on conflict with Su Fei.

"What does this have to do with you?" Su Fei asked rhetorically and then said, "What happened today is that we don't understand the rules. Naturally, we have to apologize for doing something wrong. If Mr. Orson has nothing else to do, please forgive me for being rude. We still have classes in the afternoon, and I'm going to leave with them."

"Interesting, interesting, you are the first freshman to be such a temperamental student!" Orson couldn't help clapping and praising him. He really admired Su Fei's courage, because when they first came, the four of them couldn't beat a freshman who entered the school together, so they were soft and lowered their heads at that time.

Oson knew that Su Fei would not bow his head today, but he had friends around him and worried about their safety, so he spoke in this tone. At the beginning, he didn't work hard with the old students of the previous class because he was concerned about the safety of his brothers. Although the rules are not bad, this does not mean that they can't be flexible. Of course, Orson is not a rigid person, otherwise their four brothers would not deliberately keep their seats away from the range of third-grade students, next to those free seats.

"I don't know if you agree to make friends with me?" Olsen paused, looked at Su Fei, and said seriously.

"Are you serious?" For the first time, a trace of other colors appeared in Su Fei's eyes. Is it hesitation or recognition? He doesn't know himself.

"When I watch you speak, you naturally speak the truth." Orson said calmly that he seemed to be very confident in Su Fei and was not afraid that he would not agree.

"In that case, I will recognize you as a friend!" Su Fei looked at Orson, and the two looked at each other, and then laughed.

"Let's go to class. I guess we'll be late later!" Su Fei did not explain to Cassie and others, so he took them out of the canteen. This time, naturally, no one stopped him, because he had a confidant and four friends.