Devil's Capital

Chapter 33 The Rescued Tango

Maybe Su Fei did not expect that this seemingly ordinary conflict would make his life trajectory accelerate his pace.

There was only one "Military Theory" on Wednesday afternoon. Thinking that he could return home early after class this afternoon, Su Fei was a little happy. School days are inevitably a little boring and monotonous. Imagine that if your friends around you discuss the topic of destroying the world with you in class all day, this strange atmosphere will make you numb after staying for a long time. At this time, you have only two ways, either to integrate into it, change your own thinking, or ignore it and go your own way.

Cassie and his friends have been dating Su Fei for a long time, and they know that this strange-tempered boss usually talks little, so they don't say much when they walk on the road. Today, this matter was originally a trivial matter. There are many such things in the demon world. As long as you are not a strong man, you are doomed to be in a weak position. You have no right to speak, can only be bullied, and you can only endure being bullied. And what if they are strong? I guess the situation will turn around, and it will become their bullying. Strong people don't need a reason to do things, and often only need an excuse, which is enough.

Phil bit her lip, and she and Shaq walked behind, subconsciously distancing themselves from Cassie and others in front of them. Just now, if the two of them hadn't dragged down Su Fei, I believe that even if Orson wanted to do it, they would have some concerns. Without worrying about Su Fei, they believed that they could exert more power. The demon world is like this, and so is West Point. The weak have no right to speak. Since they have come to West Point, Phil and others naturally don't want to be weak. There is competition, struggle and progress here. Phil believes that as long as it doesn't take too long for herself, she can still really stand behind Cassie, no longer as a burden, but as a powerful support!

The teacher of military theory is called Ulysses. He is a rigorous scholar who has always disliked his students to be late. At this time, he has come to the classroom five minutes earlier and saw Sufi who had just entered the door. Although he had nothing to say, he was still extremely unhappy. He snorted and expressed his emotional dissatisfaction. In his opinion, as long as the students who come later than him are late, they are not good students.

However, he didn't know that several people had left a very bad impression in the hearts of Ulysses' teaching. Su Fei waited for Cassie and the others to walk into the classroom and did not go to see Alice sitting in front of them. Since the last time the big oolong truth came out, Alice was extremely embarrassed. She didn't expect that those things were all her own. Wishful thinking, so he has never had a chance to apologize to Su Fei due to the girl's reservedness. Since others did not take the initiative to look for it, Su Fei naturally would not have the cheek to paste it by himself. After the last oolong, Su Fei also saw the strength of these demon women. This logic is really powerful!

"Dear students, it's time for class. Now let's start the call!" After Ulysses heard the school bell ring, he took out the roll from the textbook on the desk and began to call the roll.






Soon after the roll call, Ulysses opened the textbook and began today's course. It has been more than a month since he studied military theory. Su Fei took this kind of class to sleep. Why did he use it to sleep? Because Su Fei actually found that he didn't understand it at all after listening to two lessons. That's all right. Since he doesn't understand it, he should listen more carefully, but when Su Fei really understood what the so-called military theory was, he completely lost interest in this course.

In this regard, Su Fei feels that the military knowledge in the demon world is too scarce. The battle thousands of years ago has been quoted as a classic textbook until now. If it is really a classic, it is still reasonable. At least you can see a lot from these large battles, and you can naturally learn from it. A lot of experience. But can you imagine what the devil's world knows?

I guess you won't believe it even if you say it. The demon world advocates the competition of personal strength. An army must be led by a strong man. On the one hand, it is to protect the generals in its own army and prevent it from being strangled in advance. On the other hand, it is in order to ensure the balance of the strength of the two sides, which is understandable. Naturally, martial arts practitioners hope to break the stalemate of the war with their own strength, so as to win the final victory!

"Next, I will tell you a story for your classmates. The story is used to enlighten you. I hope you can really listen to it!" Ulysses had long noticed Sufei and the Casi sitting next to him. From the beginning of entering the classroom and sitting in the seat, Sufei and the others have not stopped nagging. In the past two days, Ulysces was forced by the female tiger at home. Seeing that the students did not abide by the classroom discipline, they were naturally unhappy and spoke in a tone. It's much stiffer.

"Big boss, what are you thinking about! The teacher is staring at you. Don't be stunned!" Cassie gently kicked Su Fei with the same foot and pulled Su Fei from his mind. Looking at Su Fei's eyes for questioning, Cassie did not dare to look up and lowered his voice to remind Su Fei.

Ulysses was angry with the female tiger at home. At this time, he was angry and saw that Su Fei was still stunned in his class, and his unhappy mood became worse at this moment. After the classbook, Ulysses walked down from the podium to Sophie and leaned against the table and asked Sufi, "This student, you don't seem to be interested in what I said. I don't know if you have any unique views on the march?"

When Su Fei heard the teacher's question, he recovered. Looking at Ulysses in front of him, Su Fei only thought it was an ordinary classroom question. Since the teacher asked questions, he had to say what he thought in his mind: "Ulysius, I don't think this military theory class is of great value."

"Oh! How do you say this?" Ulysses only thinks that this student hasn't woken up yet, otherwise how could he make such a big opinion on this course? You should know that since the establishment of West Point, the course of military theory has been followed, and even some major battles have not been abridged, but some classic battles have been added one after another. However, since this boy doesn't know the depth of heaven and earth, Ulysses gave Su Fei a chance to see what he could say.

"Hey! Hello! Didn't you wake up, boss? It's not normal. The teacher is asking you!" Seeing that Su Fei did not hear his reminder, Cassie suddenly felt anxious, pouted and eagerly reminded Su Fei not to contradict the teaching. It's a blessing to be admitted to West Point, but it's not fun to be expelled from West Point because of some small things.

Su Fei can't take care of Cassie's friendly reminder at this moment. Since he has said something, there is no room for manoeuvre, so let's quote the words of the earth's sages and only listen to Su Fei's talk: "Soldier, the major events of the country, the place of life and death, and the way of survival, you must not ignore it.

Therefore, the scriptures use five things, and proofread them to find their feelings: one is the Tao, two is the sky, three is the earth, the fourth is the general, and the fifth is the law. Taoists make the people agree with the superiors, so they can die with them, live with them, and not in danger. Heaven, yin and yang, cold and heat, and time. The land is far and near, dangerous and narrow, narrow and life and death. General, wisdom, faith, benevolence, courage and strictness. The law, the curvature, the official Tao, and the main use. All five will not listen, and those who know will win, and those who do not know will not win. Therefore, the school asked for his feelings and said: What is the way for the Lord? What will be capable of? What is heaven and earth? What's the law? What is stronger than the soldiers? What is the training of soldiers? What is the reward and punishment? I know the victory or defeat.

If you listen to my plan, you will win and stay; if you don't listen to my plan, you will lose if you use it, and you will go.

It is a trend to listen to profit. Those who have the power to control because of profit. Soldiers are also slyrical. Therefore, if you can show it, you can't use it, show it if you don't use it, if it's near, if it's far away, if it's far and if it's near; if it's beneficial and induce it, take it in chaos, if it's practical and prepared, avoid it if it's strong, if it's angry and scratch it, if it's humble and arrogant, if it's hard, and leave it's close and leave it. The attack is unprepared and unexpected. The victory of this soldier cannot be passed on first.

Those who win the temple without a battle are counted as many; those who are invincible in the temple without a battle are counted as few. More wins, less wins, and nothing counts! From this point of view, I can see the victory or defeat.

"I don't think soldiers can rely on theory. Every battle can't be fought on the same battlefield, and the comparison of the forces between the two sides is changing all the time, and the main generals will be replaced. The classic battle is not because of the battle itself, but because of the morale of the commanders and soldiers on the battlefield, which is closely related to the victory of the battle. There is no absolute statement that the time, place and people are occupied by the army!"

"What do you say?" Ulysses couldn't care about the shock in his heart and couldn't help asking.

"Those who are first in the battlefield and treat the enemy, and then those who are in the battlefield and tend to work hard. Therefore, those who are good at fighting are not good at people. Those who can make the enemy reach themselves are also beneficial; those who can make the enemy unable to reach them are also harmful. Therefore, the enemy can work hard, be hungry, and move.

out of what it must be, and what it is unexpected. Those who travel thousands of miles without labor will walk in no one's land. Those who attack and must take it will not defend it. Those who defend and must be solid, and those who defend must attack. Therefore, a good attacker, the enemy does not know what he defends; a good defenders, the enemy does not know what he attacks. Minimal, as for the invisible; as for the divine, as for the silence, so it can serve the enemy. Then those who can't control it will rush to their virtuality; those who retreat and can't be chased will be quick and unreachable. Therefore, if I want to fight, although the enemy is high and deep, I have to attack those who fight with me and save them. I don't want to fight. Although I paint the ground and defend it, the enemy can't fight with me and behave.

If I am invisible, then I am dedicated to the enemy. I am dedicated to one, and the enemy is divided into ten, and one of them is one of ten. Then I am outnumbered, and if I can defeat the enemy, then I will make an appointment with the warriors. If the place I fight with is unknown and unknown, then there are many enemies; if there are many enemies, then there are few people I have fought with. Therefore, if you are prepared, you will be widowed, if you are prepared, if you are prepared, you will be widowed by the left, if you are prepared, if you are prepared, you will be widowed by the right, and if you are prepared, you will be widowed. Those who are widowed are prepared for others, and those who are prepared for themselves.

Therefore, if you know the place of war, you can fight thousands of miles. If you don't know the battlefield, if you don't know the day of war, then the left can't save the right, the right can't save the left, the front can't save the back, and the back can't save the front, and the far away is dozens of miles, and the nearby can't be several miles away! With me, although there are more soldiers, it is also beneficial to victory? Therefore, it is said that victory can be done. Although there are many enemies, there can be no fighting.

Therefore, the strategy knows the plan of gains and losses, waits to know the reason of movement and quiet, knows the place of life and death, and knows the shortcomings of the horn. Therefore, the extreme of the shaped soldier is invisible; if it is invisible, it can't be seen deep, and the wise man can't seek it. Because of the shape, the measures are better than the public, and people can't know it; everyone knows the shape of my victory, but they don't know the shape of my victory. Therefore, its victory is endless, and it should be infinite.

The image of the soldier is water, the shape of water, avoiding high and going down; the shape of the soldier, avoiding reality and hitting the virtual. The water flows because of the land, and the soldiers win because of the enemy. Therefore, the soldier has no permanent power, and the water is invariant; the one who can win due to the change of the enemy is called a god. Therefore, the five elements are impermanent, the four times are impermanent, the days are short and long, and the moon is dead.

"It is the basic common sense of every commander to adapt to changes on the battlefield. If you don't know how to adapt, no matter how much theoretical knowledge you have learned, you can't be adaptable when you encounter a war. It's just talking on paper, which is not enough!"

Su Fei plagiarized the wisdom of the ancients, and naturally these things would not be understood by himself. However, even if it is investigated behind the school, with the flag of Carlsas, they can completely deduce that they have obtained this knowledge from their inheritance, so that they will not be too suspicious even if they have doubts in their hearts.

"Good people, the enemy army □ people, can be separated without saving each other, and can be defeated by the enemy without knowing each other. Therefore, the deep base of the ditch should not be considered solid, the car should not be strong and the soldiers should not be regarded as powerful, and the soldiers should not be considered strong if they have courage. Therefore, the good man controls the danger and obstacles, Dun three armies, the enemy can make many people, the accumulation of grain and the army can make hunger, the peace and move can make the work, the world can be separated, and the three armies can make firewood. Therefore, the soldiers have four roads and five movements: advance, the road; retreat, the road; left, the road; right, the road. Advance, move; retreat, move; left, move; right, move; silently, move. A good person must be thorough in four ways, and five moves must work. Therefore, you can't face the front, you can't retreat back, you can't be blocked by the left and right, silently [however], □□ to the enemy. Therefore, the enemy will be poor on the four roads, and the five movements will be worried. If you advance, Fu will be in front of you, if you retreat, you will be in the back, and the left and right will be blocked. However, the army will be exempted from trouble. A good person can make the enemy far away, walk both ways, tired and sick, hungry and thirsty. With this thin enemy, the battle will be invincible. I am full of food and serve its hunger, live in peace to serve its labor, and be quiet to serve its movement. Therefore, the people see nothing but do not retreat, and they follow the white blade and do not follow back.

After Su Fei finished speaking, they found that the classroom was all quiet. Cassie and the others only felt as if they had never heard such an incisive opinion, and they were crazy for a moment. They all know that marching and fighting is a profound knowledge, so even if they hold the textbook of "Military Theory" in their hands, they naturally love those classic battles. Although they don't understand all the righteousness, they always feel that this is very useful for themselves. At this time, after listening to Su Fei's words, they naturally wake up. They never thought that marching and fighting could sum up the main points.

Ulysses was almost stunned. Hearing that he didn't care about his identity as a teacher, he began to take a pen in his hand and keep making notes with white title pages. Unexpectedly, he recorded Su Fei's words word for word, and even the words discussed by some students next to him were also He wrote it down on the notes in the blank column of the title page. He has been in West Point for almost 20 years and doesn't know how many military books he has read in the library, but this incisive summary only read a few words in these so-called masterpieces, which also left a deep regret in his heart.

"No more?" Seeing that Su Fei did not say anything, Ulysses couldn't help but stop writing and looked straight at Su Fei and asked.

"There are still some, but..." When Su Fei saw that Ulysses was teaching so seriously, he began to regret that he had made these things. At this time, it was difficult to avoid Ulysses' sincere eyes, so he had to gently remind Uly that Ulysses was still in class, and the students were all there!

"That's it!" Ulysses looked down at his watch and looked at the students listening attentively in the classroom. He thought about it and immediately made a decision, "That's all for today's class. Let's get off!" Su Fei, come to the office with me!"

"The soldiers, the major events of the country, the place of life and death, and the way of survival cannot be observed.

Therefore, the scriptures use five things, proofread them, and ask for their feelings: one is the Tao, two is the sky, three is the earth, the fourth is the general, and the fifth is the law. Taoists, let the people agree, can die with it, can live with it, and not be dangerous; those in heaven, yin and yang, cold and summer, and time system; those on earth, far and near, dangerous, narrow, life and death; generals, wisdom, faith, benevolence, courage and strictness; those who do the law, the system, official Tao, and the main use. All five will not hear, and those who know will win, and those who don't know will win. Therefore, the school took a plan and asked for his feelings, saying: What is the master of the way? What will be capable of? What is heaven and earth? What's the law? What is stronger than the soldiers? What is the training of soldiers? What is the reward and punishment? I know the victory or defeat. If you listen to my plan, you will win if you use it, and keep it; if you don't listen to my plan, you will lose if you use it.

It is a trend to listen to profit. Those who have the power to control because of profit. Soldiers are also slyrical. Therefore, you can show that you can't, use it and show that you don't use it, show it near and far away, and show it near. Profit and lure it, take it in chaos, be prepared for it, be strong and avoid it, be angry and scratch it, be humble and arrogant, work hard, be close and leave it, attack it unprepared, and be surprised. The victory of this soldier cannot be passed on first.

Those who win the temple without a battle are counted as many; those who are invincible in the temple without a battle are counted as few. More wins, less counts, and nothing counts! From this point of view, I can see the victory or defeat.

The method of using troops, thousands of cars, thousands of leather cars, 100,000 armor, and thousands of miles of food. Then the internal and external expenses, the use of guests, the materials of glue paint, the offering of car armor, the daily fee of thousands of money, and then 100,000 teachers.

It is also used in battle. If you win for a long time, the army will be blunt and defeated, if you attack the city, you will be defeated, and if you have been violent for a long time, the national use will be insufficient. When the blunt soldiers are defeated and the goods are defeated, the princes take advantage of their disadvantages, although there are wise people who can't take good after them. Therefore, the soldiers heard the speed and did not see the coincidence for a long time. There is no one who has been a soldier for a long time and benefits the country. Therefore, those who do not know the harm of using soldiers cannot know the benefits of using soldiers.

Those who make good use of soldiers are no longer in service, and the grain is not three years old. They are used for the country. Because the food is in the enemy, the army can be enough. The poor of the country will lose far away, and if they lose far away, the people will be poor; if they are close to teachers, they will be sold expensively, and if they are sold, the people will be exhausted, and if they are exhausted, they will be eager to serve in the hills. The strength of the Central Plains, the inner waste of the family, the cost of the people, ten out of seven; the cost of the public, breaking the army and horse, armor, arrow bow, halberd shield, spear, Qiu Niu cart, ten out of six. Therefore, wisdom will eat the enemy, eat the enemy for one hour, and be my 20 clock; □1 stone, one stone, as my twenty stones. Therefore, those who kill the enemy are angry, and those who take advantage of the enemy are also goods. The car battle got more than ten rides, and the first one rewarded the flag. The car is miscellaneous and riding on it, and the pawn is good and raised, which is to beat the enemy and make it stronger.

Therefore, soldiers are expensive and not expensive for a long time.

The generals of the soldiers and the orders of the people. The lord of national security.

The method of using troops is the whole country is the top, and the country is the second; the whole army is the top, the army is the second; the whole brigade is the top, the brigade is the second; the whole soldier is the top, the the pawn is the second; the whole army is the top, and the army is the second.

Therefore, it is a good thing to win in a hundred battles, which is not a good thing; if you don't fight but subduing people's soldiers, it is also a good thing. Therefore, the upper army plotted, followed by the attack, followed by the army, and then attacked the city. The method of attacking the city is a last resort. Repair □1□2, with equipment, and then in March; after March. The ants will be attached to it, killing one-third of the soldiers, and those who do not pull out of the city, this attack is also a disaster. Therefore, those who are good at using soldiers, subduing people's soldiers instead of war, pulling out people's cities instead of attacking, and destroying people's countries instead of destroying people's countries for a long time, will fight for the world. Therefore, soldiers can be full of profit without pause. This is also the method of attack.

Therefore, using the method of warfare, ten encirclement, five attacks, double division, the enemy can fight, few can escape, if not avoid it. Therefore, the strength of the small enemy and the capture of the great enemy.

The husband and general are also the helpers of the country. If you supplement Zhou, the country will be strong, and if you supplement the gap, the country will be weak. Therefore, the reason why you are worried about the army is that you can't advance, and you don't know that the army can't retreat, which is called retreat. If you don't know the affairs of the three armies and the politics of the three armies, the sergeants are confused; if you don't know the power of the three armies and the same as the three armies, the sergeants are suspicious. Since the three armies are confused and suspicious, it will be difficult for the princes. It is said that the chaotic army won.

There are five people who know how to win: those who know that they can fight and those who can't fight will win, those who know that there are few uses will win, those who have the same desire will win, those who treat those who are not at war will win, and those who can and those who do not control will win. These five are the way to win. Therefore, it is said that if you know your enemy, you will not be defeated in a hundred battles; if you don't know him, you will win or lose; if you don't know him, you will be defeated in every battle.


"Know yourself and know your enemy, and win every battle! Know yourself and know your enemy, and win a hundred battles..." These two words lingered in Ulysses' ears, and he didn't even know that Sophie had left. Although I don't know where Su Fei got this valuable military knowledge, since he has been told to him now, he will naturally tell the principal that this is really a big event that caused a sensation in the whole school and even the military community of the demon world!