Devil's Capital

Chapter 37 School Big Ratio 1

"Okay, I promise you! See you at the school on June 6th!"

Su Fei left this sentence and ignored Jeff. He walked to the rear and helped everyone out of the woods with Cassie.

"This boy is very interesting," Jeff stood still and watched Su Fei take several people away. It was not until he walked out of the woods and out of sight that Jeff stood up and was ready to return to recover. Just now, the boss and the others left early and left themselves to clean up the mess. Originally, they thought it was a relaxing and pleasant thing, so Jeff accepted it happily.

What I didn't expect was that I would meet Su Fei. Fortunately, I just knew Su Fei's identity in advance and didn't fight with him. You should know that West Point still pays certain attention to the key training objects. If you know that third-grade students will bully first-year students across ages, even if there is a reason, punishment is essential. . This is the rule of West Point. If you want to stay, you must follow the rules here and not exceed them too much.

"Say it, what's going on?" Su Fei put down Orson. The infirmary in the school was off duty. Looking at the injured people, Su Fei had no choice but to take them all to the West Street outside the school, his home.

"This is the thing:

Jeff is a little guy in a group of third-grade students, and he can't play a role on the table at all. This time, only Jayne was blamed for provoking a first-year freshman. Originally, with the strength of four people, ordinary freshmen provoked them, and they would not be afraid of revenge from freshmen.

But the bad thing is that this new student is Jeff's cousin, a third-grade student. After being beaten by Jayne and others, he came to Lecoria and found his cousin Jeff with full of anger. After Lecoria told Jeff about the bullying, Jeff was ready to find Jayne and others to beat his cousin so that he could breathe a breath for his cousin!

If it's just like this, it's okay. West Point is originally a small society with a mixture of fish and dragons. There are all kinds of people. Big fights are naturally common. Jayne and others often fight, often beating others, and more often by senior students. Even if Jeff brings Lecoria to find four people, it's no big deal. However, the bad thing is due to the resounding reputation of the four Orsons. The four evils are notorious in West Point, and even some third-grade students are concerned about the four people. This time, the sudden thing happened, and the four evils did not expect to directly face the third-grade students this time, and there was inevitably a trace of worry in his heart.

But after Jeff's boss learned about this, he thought of an extremely vicious plan, which is to beat the four evils and make them unable to raise their heads at West Point from now on, so that they can take advantage of the four evils' bodies to win public attention and win glory. This private fight was completely planned by Jeff and others for a long time, so as soon as Jeff came on the stage, he defeated the four Orson alone. When he was about to continue to ridicul, Cassie and others happened to hear Orson's sad and angry words as they passed by. Curiously, he followed into the woods, and then he saw the scene of Sisha being surrounded and beaten...

"That is to say, this time the other party is aggressive?" Su Fei listened silently and asked Orson, who was sitting on the sofa with medicinal wine.

"The truth is, but who blames us for our poor strength? Let's take it as a lesson this time. From then on, the title of Sishu should also disappear. Our four brothers finally understand that there is no matching strength, and it is useless to have such a great reputation!" Seeing Su Fei's mention, Orson couldn't help but stop wiping the medicine, moved his wrist slightly, endured the pain of his heart, and persuaded Su Fei. He doesn't want such a good seedling to be destroyed in the hands of those third-grade students. The best way is that Su Fei will not participate in the school party and avoid Jeff and others. This will endure this moment. When Su Fei grows up, people like Jeff will not pose any threat to Su Fei at all.

Su Fei heard the words and could not deny Orson's words. It is the same in any world. People are good at being ridden by horses, and the weak are controlled by the strong. Since things come to the door and there is no way to avoid it, there is no need to avoid it! Let them see that even if they are freshmen, no one can come and step on it!

Seeing that his words did not move Su Fei, Orson couldn't help but feel a trace of regret in his heart. You should know that Su Fei had little to do with them, that is, they just met each other. At the beginning, they met in the canteen because of the conflict between the two sides. This time, they had nothing to do with Su Fei. The disaster caused by his four people actually needed others to help deal with the aftermath.

"Okay, don't think so much. Tell me about the situation of previous schools, so that I can be prepared at that time." Su Fei interrupted Orson's reverie. It has happened, and there is no need to complain about anything else. At this time, we should seize the time to collect more information. Even if it comes to the school, it is better to be prepared.

"The school comparison gradually emerged in the year of the graduation of the Lord of Karsace. In the past, West Point only taught students some basic knowledge, and then let them go out after graduation. It was only at the end that a series of reforms were carried out one after another, including this kind of cultivation teaching method that also appeared later. Orson made more preparations in Su Fei's mind, so that he would be more prepared in future school comparisons.

Listening to Orson's slow narration, Su Fei probably knows what the school is like:

When Carlsas entered West Point, his own strength had reached a high level. Fortunately, West Point did not set any threshold at that time. As long as you are willing to come to West Point and pass the assessment, you can stay at West Point to study. At that time, Sinjid and Carlsas were not idle. After arriving at West Point, they naturally made a scene and beat the students from freshmen to third-grade seniors. As soon as the whole school heard that someone could beat Carlsas, they would take the initiative to find them. Without saying a word, they would beat them first.

It is also because of this arrogant and domineering personality that the West Point School has a headache. There is really nothing we can do. West Point School has to put the exchange between the schools on the agenda during the exchange meeting between Stanford and the Delhi Military Academy. In order to throw the scourge of Carlsas to other schools, there is nothing he can do. His father can't afford it. Even if he can afford it, he will be angry with Carlsus for this little thing. At that time, this way of communication with other two military schools in the demon world began to rise.

The school first carried out in West Point, and then selected the top ten, and then went to the other two military schools to study and communicate in the name of West Point. On the surface, it is to learn and communicate and have friendly competition with those students, but in fact, it is in this name to strive for the first reputation and reward. In order to see if the other two military schools have seen any unnatural talents in recent years and explore the reality in other territories. This has basically become an undisclosed secret among the lords of the demon world.

In fact, the three lords, especially Lucifa and Carlsas, took the opportunity of the school competition to explore each other's strength. In recent years, they have paid special attention to the results of the competition. Each reward is very attractive, attracting the students below to break their heads and fight for life.

After understanding the reason for the school, Su Fei couldn't help but have a glimmer of enlightenment in his heart: the obvious hatred between Carlsas and Lucifa has reached a white-hot level, and Lucifa is always thinking about how to kill Carlssus and steal the throne of the highest authority in the demon world! Compared with Lucifa, Carlsas naturally did not resist at all, so in the school competition, the two took the school as the chessboard and the talented students as the pawns to carry out a contest of exploration.

They know that the demon world is in the turf years and can no longer withstand the internal friction between the two lords. But Lucifer's ambition was not satisfied one day, and he was unwilling to do it one day! Although there was no big dispute between the two, there was continuous friction in private, which was also a headache for Carlsas. Two generations of human beings, the experience of his previous life told Su Fei Karsas that he was definitely not sent to West Point to recuperate with good intentions. It was definitely for a different purpose.

Now he understands that people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. It seems that no matter where you go, you can't be calm. Since life is like this to yourself, it would be too boring if you blindly choose to avoid it. However, from this incident, Su Fei saw a trace of ambition in Carlsas's heart: it was different from a narrow-minded person like Lucifa, who was blinded by hatred and lived in the torment of hatred all his life. What Su Fei saw was the traces of Calsus in the vast galaxy. His goal was thousands of planes!

Now that the matter has been confirmed, the follow-up will happen naturally. By this time, it was late at night, and even if he returned to school, the dormitory must have been closed, so Su Fei decided to let Orson and Cassie stay and live together. Anyway, Smod didn't think so much when he bought this small villa. There were only four people living in the huge villa, and there were many rooms available. Orson and the others naturally huddled together.

Considering that Phil was a woman, Su Fei specially took her upstairs to find Evelyn's room and asked her to sleep with her at night. Anyway, Evelyn hasn't been in a good mood recently, and it's good to have someone to chat with.

Life is like a farce. You don't know when it will start to tease you, making you laugh and crying but helpless. With these distracting thoughts in his heart, Su Fei arranged for Orson and others to stay and dragged his tired body back to the room and lay **, but couldn't sleep for a long time. The matter of the school comparison touched Su Fei's heartstrings. Although he didn't know what Carls really thought, Su Fei knew that he could not avoid the school this time. Since he could not avoid it, the school comparison a month and a half later was approaching, and there was not much time left for Su Fei. He had to take advantage of this short time to strengthen himself desperately. The strength of the body can lead to the end in the school.

"I really don't have much time left for myself!" Su Fei thought silently that he had joys and sorrows in the past few days when he came to the demon world, which made him have a strong attachment to the demon world. He knew that he would be closely connected with the demon world in his life, and this bond would not disappear until he died. But Su Fei firmly believes that if he dies in this life, there will be no chance of resurrection, that is to say, if he is killed by the gods sent by the gods, his mission will end and his life will end!


Elf Forest.

"Locce, stop it!" Il looked at the man who kept coughing blood in front of him, and there was a trace of unbearance in his heart, but thinking of the order of the Elf Queen, his heart was cold and he immediately made a choice.

"Yil, how do you feel when you look at this sky?" Loche coughed another mouthful of blood while talking, and the red blood hung at the corners of his mouth, looking particularly enchanting.

This gorgeous man is Loche - the traitor of the elf forest, the devil's lackey! Il, as a Druid with the same name as Loche, the guardian of nature, this time he came not to chat and laugh with Loche. When he came this time, he received the order of the elf queen Maria to kill him!

"Don't talk about these useless topics! Loche, I just want to ask you one thing. Is what Queen Maria said true? Why do you want to back the whole race? Il's heart is full of sadness at the thought of his former good friends, but now they want to fight with each other. You should know that even if Loche said that he was not behind the scenes and that he was wronged, Il would rather believe that he would take Loche back, guarantee Loche with his own reputation, and then transfer the truth of the matter.

"231 lives in a small tribe. In the forest of elves, who else has such power to slaughter them overnight?" Loche did not answer Il's words, but said something seemingly unrelated. At the same time, Loche muttered in his heart: In addition to you and me, the high-ranking Queen can do this, and with her authority, she will kill faster! And the reason why those simple elves did not resist at all is that in addition to Maria's strength, she is the queen of elves - the spiritual symbol of the whole elf forest plane!

Her people would not have thought that in order to get the elf tree heart, the queen would kill the whole village! However, it is meaningless to say that this elf queen can't stand ** practicing forbidden books without permission. Although she has gained great power, her heart has lost its way and become a bloodthirsty demon!

"This is exactly what I'm curious about!" Ilvan never thought that the murderer was the one who gave him the order to arrest the murderer. Hearing Loche's words, he couldn't help thinking of the tragedy a month ago and asked angrily: "The murderer is naturally extremely vicious. He not only forcibly took away the tree heart, but also killed 231 people in the village. The life of elves! Loche, tell me why! Why is the tree's heart biased towards you?

Loche couldn't help looking into his arms, where there was a package, and at the moment Il fell, the heart of the tree in his arms seemed to be attracted by something and was shining at this moment. Knowing that no matter how much to say at this moment, it is useless. At least after confirming the whereabouts of the tree heart, Il has determined that he is the murderer. As for this tree heart, it was stolen by Loche who secretly sneaked into Queen Maria's bedroom during the tragedy a month ago. Unexpectedly, it has become his stolen property now.

"Take my life! Although the heart of this tree is not old, it has been thousands of years. I hope you can take good care of it after you take it back and don't fall into the hands of people with bad intentions. In this way, I will feel at ease when I die. The innocent elf must have a trace of comfort in my heart underground!" After saying that, Roche coughed out another mouthful of blood, and his pale face was not even blood. Thinking that he had no time to stop to deal with the injury in order to escape from Her Majesty's pursuit, he had no time to deal with the injury. At this time, Loche knew that he had not had much time.

"Look, how is this sky different from the past?

Is there a little less charm?

Is there something missing?

Does it look empty and boring?

This is because our people have surrendered to the devil's ** power and can no longer hold the sharp blade in their hands and draw swords to each other!"

Excited, Loche coughed a large pool of blood again. He lay quietly on the ground, and his right arm on the ground began to shake the weight of his body. Yin Hong's blood soaked the clothes on his chest. He didn't care at all at this moment. What was revealed in his eyes was the infinite love and love of the ethnic group, a silent criticism of fate, and a naked mockery and contempt for the ignorant world!

"Loche, Loche? Loche!" Il saw that Loche had nothing to do. Under his worries, he couldn't help stepping forward quickly and hugged Loche, who fell to the ground. He couldn't help but feel sad and indignant. He remembered the days when the two played together when he was young, and his heart couldn't help mixed feelings.

"Hmm, tell me to be against you! Now the whole elf forest is under my control. I can trade with the devil with the whole plane. When I take that step, no elf goddess Ruth can stop me from moving forward! You stubborn guys, why are you so stubborn? Why do you insist on believing in that bitch? Yes! That's a stinky bitch who began to rise beside Caesar's thigh, but did she ever care about her followers? Just because we have been occupied by the demon plane, we have never descended even once, and we don't want such a god!"

"No one can stop me from moving forward! No one!..."
