Devil's Capital

Chapter 38 School Big Ratio 2

"Kaidi, has the list of the school big players been sorted out this time?" Gibran sorted his hair and saw that his secretary had left the office. He secretly took out two rolls of paper cigarettes from his special drawer and handed one to Kaidi.

Kaidi took the cigarette and put it in his mouth. He gently hit the two fingers between his right hand, and a slight flame began to appear on his middle finger. He handed it over to let Gibran light the cigarette first, and then took it back and lit it for himself. West Point is really boring. If it hadn't been for the work some time ago, they would have to stay at school and look at these little devils in the school. Taking a sip of the tobacco in his mouth, Kaidi spit out a smoke ring and said to Gibran, "There is nothing unexpected about this school competition. It is going well, and there are no exchange students from other military schools coming to compete between school competitions like in previous years. However, it's not good to add this class of freshmen, right?

Gibran did not answer. He knew what his old friend was thinking. He smashed his mouth with the aroma of tobacco leaves. His life secretary was very considerate, but he was too considerate. He not only made an extremely precise plan for his life and catering, but also took care of everything. For example, the smoke was ten thousand in front of her. Don't smoke! Thinking of the roaring face, Gibran's heart thumped and couldn't help trembling. He looked at the door of the office with a guilty heart. Fortunately, the committee had just gone to send duty sheets to the teachers of all grades and could not come back for a while.

When no one cares about it, they will feel empty, as if there is something missing in life, but once the care is too strict, it is also an extremely annoying thing. Gibran lives such a happy and painful life. Now that he has entered his old age, everything has been handed over to his subordinates. He doesn't have to do everything himself, but life also lacks some fun. In his words, incontinence is not satisfactory!

"It's the meaning of Carlsas guy to let Su Fei participate in this school big game. We old people no longer have the ** and motivation of those years. Since he has the intention, we might as well give him a hand, for the sake of his former classmates!" Gibran knew what Katie was worried about, and his nephew was also in this generation. Out of the kindness of his elders, he naturally did not want his descendants to come into contact with dangerous things too early, at the expense of which was not the law of operation in the demon world.

"A classmate?" When Kaidi heard this, he couldn't help thinking of the time when several people entered West Point to study together. Although the three years were very short, the memory of those three years was so deep that time could not be extinguished. When Carlsas came in, he was high-spirited and arrogant, and looked down on anyone in the West Point, including the teacher. At that time, Cardi was young and had his own gully in his heart. Originally, he and others came to study in West Point. How could this person be so arrogant and look down on West Point at all? Then why come here?

Most of the elders in West Point have fought with Carlsas. Of course, they were crushed by Carlsas with absolute advantage and signed the alliance under the city, that is, the subsequent inequality clause. Katie clearly remembers that Carlsas at that time also used the passage of the demon world in the long river of history to seduce them, including Gibran.

It was an uncivilized and desolate era:

With their strong bodies, demons and protoisms took the lead in walking out of the ignorant savage civilization and began to enter the era of slash-and-burn cultivation. At that time, men began to weave simple clothes with grassroots bark, and women began to have a sense of shame. They collected delicate leaf branches and woven various exquisite clothes with their delicate hands. There began to be clear boundaries in the race.

At the beginning, the man was divided into two factions. One side believed that he should plunder all the resources that could be seen infinitely to strengthen himself, step out of this world and move towards a wider world; the other party believed that Xu Tuzhi should use his strong power to enlighten those wild people with simple civilization. Collect people's hearts with small favors, and then seek greater profits. The woman was also divided into two factions, one side and the tough men stood on the same front with them, and the other side stood opposite. So there began to argue, and the two sides began to quarrel. Later, the hardliners looked down on the conspiracy theories of another faction in the clan and believed that they had violated the vows made during the period of ignorant civilization, and the war began!

At that time, the hardliners who believed in personal strength defeated the other faction with their strong personal strength, and the clan gradually began to divide. The elders who supported both sides stood on different fronts and offered advice to the factions they supported. The defeated party was lucky to be supported by some wise elders. Although it was defeated by hard-line attacks, there were no large number of casualties when retreating due to the order.

At this time, the two sides began to have a clear division. At that time, the hardliners called those conspiracies "Shu Ali", which means " cowards". The other faction calls the hardliners "Aligu", which means barbarians. The hardliners called themselves demons. At that time, they believed in their own strength, while the conspiracy factions claimed to be gods. At that time, they were the general term for the kind of people who advocated personal worship.

The war situation was stalemate. Although the demon clan was strong, after finding a new habitat, the pross began to camp step by step to attract those uncivilized people and gather forces to resist the demon clan. So although it still can't resist the attack of the demon clan, the defeat has stabilized. There was no clear geographical division of the ancient land. At that time, the war between the gods and demons was uncertain in a swamp. The demons advanced to the opposite side of the swamp. The next day, they would be counterattacked by the protoss with the vassals of their own tribes, so the two sides called the swamp a dusk swamp.

Later, the demon clan offended all the tribes of the whole ancient land because of its tough attitude, and most of the races began to slowly gather towards the Protoss. The elders of the Protos saw the dawn of hope, so they began to spare no effort to cultivate these dependent tribes, gather elite men, train soldiers together, and recite some simple beliefs to them, gather the power of faith, and the war began to develop in a good direction.

A war that really affected the pattern of the two sides came to an end in a battle called the dusk battle. At that time, the leader of the demon clan was a happy demon master Harb Gates. His personal strength was superior to the whole ancient land, but based on the wrong judgment of the war situation, the demon clan did not win over any allies and became an isolated party in that war. The leader of the Protoss is named Lord Slotanddin. He is not only wise but also has a good judgment of the situation of the war. While making the army retreat step by step, he retreats to the outside of the dusk swamp, he sticks to the demon army. On the one hand, he recruits a large number of soldiers from all ethnic groups, collects a large number of strong men, and also makes skilled craftsmen in the clan. Rush to make sharp wooden spears and wooden shields.

After successfully restraining the army of the demon army behind the dusk swamp, the demon clan had no logistical supplies. There was a controversy within the demon clan that Hab Gates could not suppress it. When he was ready to withdraw troops, Slotandin timely withdrew his troops to lure those who were already exhausted. The demon army later successfully ambushed the demon army in the rear canyon, annihilated the living power of the demon clan, and suddenly poured the balance of the war to the Protoss. At this time, Hab Gates, who reacted, looked at the large number of casualties of his subordinates and was unable to recover when he wanted to save the defeat, so On behalf of the hero Hab Gates came out of the siege with deep regret and regret, returned to the demon base camp alone and unloaded his crown. Since then, there has been no news...

At that time, the demon army was ready to defeat the Protoss army in one fell swoop, dominate the whole ancient land, and make all races submit. In that war, Hab Gates called on all the young and strong men in the clan. When he saw his king return, he did not bring back the news of victory, and none of the demon men who accompanied him returned. The elders in the clan already had an ominous foreboding in their hearts. When they were about to go out to question Harb Gates, they saw Harb Gates who took off their crown in the old sacrificial hall. After several inquiries, after confirming the news of the defeat of the demon clan, the elders almost fell into a coma. When Hab Gates walked out of the demon tribe, they woke up.

This is a disaster of extermination. Because of the tough attitude of the demon clan at the beginning, almost every race in the ancient land had a life-and-death enmity. At this time, the defeat has been decided, and the only way out of the demon clan is to escape from the ancient land and avoid the endless pursuit of all clans. At that time, different time and space were wide open, and the abyss creatures vented from the broken time and space wormholes, quickly occupying the situation in the ancient land. All ethnic groups were attacked by abys creatures on the way to chase the demon clan, which greatly reduced the pressure of the demon clan.

At this time, the general trend of the demon clan had gone, and he had no choice but to find the abyss creatures at that time to form an alliance to jointly resist the invasion of all races. The abyss race that first entered the ancient land had no backup, and the other did not have good intelligence resources. With mutual support, the two sides slowly transferred the old and weak people into the underground world. Since then, they have gradually lost contact with the ethnic groups on the ground.

Things came here, although it was not honorable and even more sad. The great migration is not a word. At the beginning, many old people and children of the demon clan starved to death on the way alone. At that time, the demon pregnant women were focused on. The demon elders specially found a group of young demon teenagers to carry stretchers to safely transfer these pregnant women to an underground cave. . The abyss creatures are obviously more familiar with the underground world than demons. They can encounter compatible races in different worlds. The upper layer of the abyss did not want to take the opportunity of the demon's decline to annex, but gave them free help. Although in the eyes of the world, they are as cruel, evil and domineering as the demons, they are also There is a set of rules for survival!

What they believe in is the law of domineering. There are many races, and I am the only one! They use it to compose the essence of life, but only killing. But this does not mean that they have lost their civilization. On the contrary, they just act as scavengers in nature and erase all traces of those weak races from the world. Unlike the way, this is destined to be a lonely road. After the demons turned underground, they began to call themselves demons and associate with abys creatures. It is difficult to maintain the survival of the tribe and continue the fire of hope for generations.


At that time, Gibran, Sinjid, Kaidi, Ferrans and others were as naive as Su Fei today, fascinated by the deeds of that era. After quietly listening to Carlsas's story of ancient history, he seemed to be fascinated, as if he was in the era when beasts were everywhere and there were many races. The demon ancestors went through hardships in order to continue the inheritance of demons and enable their descendants to pass on the racial culture from generation to generation.

"That means we have to work for that old boy for three years?" Kaidi was the one who was beaten the most by Carlsas, but he was also the most convinced of Carlsas at that time. After so many years, the past is unbearable to look back. When it comes to the past that were deceived, Kaidi's heart is sad. Now that after so many years, he still has to work for the old guy, and naturally the boss is not happy.

"There's nothing we can do!" Naturally, Giblen was also reluctant to work for that guy like this. Not only did he deduct his salary, but also there was no reward at the end of the year. This kind of loss-making business was also spread to them, otherwise he would not be happy with other legends! However, this is not the time to talk about these trivial things. Let the past go. Anyway, several people have been willing to manage the West Point for Carlsas in the past hundred years. After so many years, it has not been three years. It's really difficult to be a free nanny. Not only do you want to hand over the task in Carlsace, but you also have to appease Xiang Kai. It's really not easy for the headmaster to be a subordinate like Di who sometimes complains!

"The next time you go to the ethnic council, you just go back and beat Carlsace hard and get more money for West Point. Let's do it according to Karsas's will this time. I hope Su Fei won't let us down!" After spitting out his last cigarette, Gibran saw that there was still no movement at the door, and his anxiety suddenly eased a lot. It was also an extremely embarrassing thing to be caught smoking in front of him. With this kind of life secretary, Gibran had no choice but to smile bitterly.

Seeing Gibran's obscene and cautious appearance, Kaidi had a strong contempt for the principal. You said that you are a bad old man. You have to talk about feelings with your secretary. Now it's all right. The old cow eats tender grass, or the young grass that is particularly disciplined. You deserve to be angry all your life! Joking aside, Kadi also knew that Gibran was telling the truth. Although Carlsas, as the lord, was not idle all day long, he had to entrust it to them with West Point.

The rookie of the monarch and share the worries for you. Naturally, this is also Gibran's matter. Although they will say a word or two as soon as they are idle, it is just to pass the time, and it is not really unpleasant to Carlsas.

"Is it interesting not to take good rest at such an old age and grind all day long!" Judis pushed the door and came straight in, regardless of Katie, who was sitting beside him, and said to Gibran that an old man was like a woman all day long, so every time she saw Gibran talking, she couldn't help saying a few words to him. He is a bitch. If he doesn't say it, he won't have a long memory!

The river lion at home, Gibran didn't bow his head, and the girl didn't notice the smell of smoke in the room. Gibran wanted to take this opportunity to sneak out with Cady: "Judis, I have something to do here, so I won't stay in the office. I'm with Kaidi. Go out for a while, and I will come back for lunch on time.

"Go, go! If you dare to step out of this office today and go to bed by yourself at night, you won't come back for dinner at noon! Don't think I don't know your trick. I have a backup of your daily itinerary here. Do you still want to quibble? Judis had just run and was still out of breath. As soon as he came back, he saw Gibran preparing to run away, and he was naturally unhappy.

Judis looked at Cady, who sat aside with his mouth covering his mouth and suppressed his smile. He raised his eyebrows and turned to Kaidi and said viciously, "What are you laughing! I've never seen such a fierce secretary, right? Take care of your own affairs. Anyway, don't pull Gibran out of this door today!"

Seeing that his sister-in-law was angry, Kaidi had no choice. He spread out his hands to sign that there was nothing he could do. He stood up and said to the two and said, "I won't make up with your affairs. I haven't finished dealing with the trivial matters on my side, so I'll do it." After saying that, without waiting for Gibran to agree, Kaidi hurried out of the office. Hedong Lion Roar is not what ordinary people can bear. In comparison, this school comparison is not a big deal even with this year's freshmen, so let him go!

"Why don't you dare to look at me?" Now there are only Gibran and Judith left in the office. Judis speaks casually, but it seems that she has always been so casual...

"How can it be!" Giblin felt a little guilty, but naturally he couldn't show it at this time. Otherwise, he would have been caught by this little girl for another family education. "Dear Judis, I love you so much. I will feel sorry if I look at you less. How can I not help looking at you!"

"That's right. If you don't love me, I won't cook for you, and I'll kill all the nannies you invited and let you live a lonely life!" Judith muttered to himself and continued, "Speak to me, did you smoke today?"

"Hm, I smoked."

"How many?"


"It's quite honest! Gibran, you can sleep alone tonight. I'll go to sleep with my sister Lilith!"

"No way!"

"What's the matter? Do you have any comments?"

"Well, how come? Since you want to go, go there tonight!"

It can be seen that no matter where you are, there will always be some tough people interpreting their tough life!
