Devil's Capital

Chapter 39 School Big Ratio 3

"Those who are first in the battlefield and treat the enemy, and then those who are in the battlefield and tend to work hard. Therefore, those who are good at fighting are not good at people. Those who can make the enemy reach themselves are also beneficial; those who can make the enemy unable to reach them are also harmful. Therefore, the enemy can work hard, be hungry, and move.

out of what it must be, and what it is unexpected. Those who travel thousands of miles without labor will walk in no one's land. Those who attack and must take it will not defend it. Those who defend and must be solid, and those who defend must attack. Therefore, a good attacker, the enemy does not know what he defends; a good defenders, the enemy does not know what he attacks. Minimal, as for the invisible; as for the divine, as for the silence, so it can serve the enemy. Then those who can't control it will rush to their virtuality; those who retreat and can't be chased will be quick and unreachable. Therefore, if I want to fight, although the enemy is high and deep, I have to attack those who fight with me and save them. I don't want to fight. Although I paint the ground and defend it, the enemy can't fight with me and behave.

If I am invisible, then I am dedicated to the enemy. I am dedicated to one, and the enemy is divided into ten, and one of them is one of ten. Then I am outnumbered, and if I can defeat the enemy, then I will make an appointment with the warriors. If the place I fight with is unknown and unknown, then there are many enemies; if there are many enemies, then there are few people I have fought with. Therefore, if you are prepared, you will be widowed, if you are prepared, if you are prepared, you will be widowed by the left, if you are prepared, if you are prepared, you will be widowed by the right, and if you are prepared, you will be widowed. Those who are widowed are prepared for others, and those who are prepared for themselves.

Therefore, if you know the place of war, you can fight thousands of miles. If you don't know the battlefield, if you don't know the day of war, then the left can't save the right, the right can't save the left, the front can't save the back, and the back can't save the front, and the far away is dozens of miles, and the nearby can't be several miles away! With me, although there are more soldiers, it is also beneficial to victory? Therefore, it is said that victory can be done. Although there are many enemies, there can be no fighting.

Therefore, the strategy knows the plan of gains and losses, waits to know the reason of movement and quiet, knows the place of life and death, and knows the shortcomings of the horn. Therefore, the extreme of the shaped soldier is invisible; if it is invisible, it can't be seen deep, and the wise man can't seek it. Because of the shape, the measures are better than the public, and people can't know it; everyone knows the shape of my victory, but they don't know the shape of my victory. Therefore, its victory is endless, and it should be infinite.

The image of the soldier is water, the shape of water, avoiding high and going down; the shape of the soldier, avoiding reality and hitting the virtual. The water flows because of the land, and the soldiers win because of the enemy. Therefore, the soldier has no permanent power, and the water is invariant; the one who can win due to the change of the enemy is called a god. Therefore, the five elements are impermanent, the four times are impermanent, the days are short and long, and the moon is dead.

"It is the basic common sense of every commander to adapt to changes on the battlefield. If you don't know how to adapt, no matter how much theoretical knowledge you have learned, you can't be adaptable when you encounter a war. It's just talking on paper, which is not enough!"

Su Fei plagiarized the wisdom of the ancients, and naturally these things would not be understood by himself. However, even if it is investigated behind the school, with the flag of Carlsas, they can completely deduce that they have obtained this knowledge from their inheritance, so that they will not be too suspicious even if they have doubts in their hearts.

"Good people, the enemy army □ people, can be separated without saving each other, and can be defeated by the enemy without knowing each other. Therefore, the deep base of the ditch should not be considered solid, the car should not be strong and the soldiers should not be regarded as powerful, and the soldiers should not be considered strong if they have courage. Therefore, the good man controls the danger and obstacles, Dun three armies, the enemy can make many people, the accumulation of grain and the army can make hunger, the peace and move can make the work, the world can be separated, and the three armies can make firewood. Therefore, the soldiers have four roads and five movements: advance, the road; retreat, the road; left, the road; right, the road. Advance, move; retreat, move; left, move; right, move; silently, move. A good person must be thorough in four ways, and five moves must work. Therefore, you can't face the front, you can't retreat back, you can't be blocked by the left and right, silently [however], □□ to the enemy. Therefore, the enemy will be poor on the four roads, and the five movements will be worried. If you advance, Fu will be in front of you, if you retreat, you will be in the back, and the left and right will be blocked. However, the army will be exempted from trouble. A good person can make the enemy far away, walk both ways, tired and sick, hungry and thirsty. With this thin enemy, the battle will be invincible. I am full of food and serve its hunger, live in peace to serve its labor, and be quiet to serve its movement. Therefore, the people see the progress but do not retreat, and they follow the white blade and do not return." Soldiers, the major events of the country, the place of life and death, the way of survival, must be noticed.

Therefore, the scriptures are five things, proofread, and ask for their feelings: one is the Tao, two is the sky, three is the earth, four is the generals, and the fifth is the law. Taoists, let the people agree, can die with it, can live with it, and not be dangerous; those in heaven, yin and yang, cold and summer, and time system; those on earth, far and near, dangerous, narrow, life and death; generals, wisdom, faith, benevolence, courage and strictness; those who do the law, the system, official Tao, and the main use. All five will not hear, and those who know will win, and those who don't know will win. Therefore, the school took a plan and asked for his feelings, saying: What is the master of the way? What will be capable of? What is heaven and earth? What's the law? What is stronger than the soldiers? What is the training of soldiers? What is the reward and punishment? I know the victory or defeat. If you listen to my plan, you will win if you use it, and keep it; if you don't listen to my plan, you will lose if you use it.

It is a trend to listen to profit. Those who have the power to control because of profit. Soldiers are also slyrical. Therefore, you can show that you can't, use it and show that you don't use it, show it near and far away, and show it near. Profit and lure it, take it in chaos, be prepared for it, be strong and avoid it, be angry and scratch it, be humble and arrogant, work hard, be close and leave it, attack it unprepared, and be surprised. The victory of this soldier cannot be passed on first.

Those who win the temple without a battle are counted as many; those who are invincible in the temple without a battle are counted as few. More wins, less counts, and nothing counts! From this point of view, I can see the victory or defeat.

The method of using troops, thousands of cars, thousands of leather cars, 100,000 armor, and thousands of miles of food. Then the internal and external expenses, the use of guests, the materials of glue paint, the offering of car armor, the daily fee of thousands of money, and then 100,000 teachers.

It is also used in battle. If you win for a long time, the army will be blunt and defeated, if you attack the city, you will be defeated, and if you have been violent for a long time, the national use will be insufficient. When the blunt soldiers are defeated and the goods are defeated, the princes take advantage of their disadvantages, although there are wise people who can't take good after them. Therefore, the soldiers heard the speed and did not see the coincidence for a long time. There is no one who has been a soldier for a long time and benefits the country. Therefore, those who do not know the harm of using soldiers cannot know the benefits of using soldiers.

Those who are good at using soldiers will no longer be in service, and the grain will not be used for three years. Because the grain is in the enemy, the army can be eaten enough. The poor of the country will lose far away, and if they lose far away, the people will be poor; if they are close to teachers, they will be sold expensively, and if they are sold, the people will be exhausted, and if they are exhausted, they will be eager to serve in the hills. The strength of the Central Plains, the inner waste of the family, the cost of the people, ten out of seven; the cost of the public, breaking the army and horse, armor, arrow bow, halberd shield, spear, Qiu Niu cart, ten out of six. Therefore, wisdom will eat the enemy, eat the enemy for one hour, and be my 20 clock; □1 stone, one stone, as my twenty stones. Therefore, those who kill the enemy are angry, and those who take advantage of the enemy are also goods. The car battle got more than ten rides, and the first one rewarded the flag. The car is miscellaneous and riding on it, and the pawn is good and raised, which is to beat the enemy and make it stronger.

Therefore, soldiers are expensive and not expensive for a long time.

The generals of the soldiers and the orders of the people. The lord of national security.

The method of using troops is the whole country is the top, and the country is the second; the whole army is the top, the army is the second; the whole brigade is the top, the brigade is the second; the whole soldier is the top, the the pawn is the second; the whole army is the top, and the army is the second.

Therefore, it is a good thing to win in a hundred battles, which is not a good thing; if you don't fight but subduing people's soldiers, it is also a good thing. Therefore, the upper army plotted, followed by the attack, followed by the army, and then attacked the city. The method of attacking the city is a last resort. Repair, with equipment, completed in March; after March. The ants will be attached to it, killing one-third of the soldiers, and those who do not pull out of the city, this attack is also a disaster. Therefore, those who are good at using soldiers, subduing people's soldiers instead of war, pulling out people's cities instead of attacking, and destroying people's countries instead of destroying people's countries for a long time, will fight for the world. Therefore, soldiers can be full of profit without pause. This is also the method of attack.

Therefore, the method of warfare is used, ten encirclement, five attacks, double, and the enemy can fight, and at least escape. If not, it can be avoided. Therefore, the strength of the small enemy and the capture of the great enemy.

The husband and general are also the helpers of the country. If you supplement Zhou, the country will be strong, and if you supplement the gap, the country will be weak. Therefore, the reason why you are worried about the army is that you can't advance, and you don't know that the army can't retreat, which is called retreat. If you don't know the affairs of the three armies and the politics of the three armies, the sergeants are confused; if you don't know the power of the three armies and the same as the three armies, the sergeants are suspicious. Since the three armies are confused and suspicious, it will be difficult for the princes. It is said that the chaotic army won.

There are five people who know how to win: those who know that they can fight and those who can't fight will win, those who know that there are few uses will win, those who have the same desire will win, those who treat those who are not at war will win, and those who can and those who do not control will win. These five are the way to win. Therefore, if you know your enemy and know yourself, you will not win a hundred battles; if you don't know your enemy, you will win and lose; if you don't know him, you will lose every battle..."

Ulysses organized Su Fei's conversation that day into a text and wrote it in his private notes. He was going to copy an appendix and put it in the library sometime. As for taking out this formal textbook as teaching material, it is estimated that there is still a long way to go. Ulysses himself knows that the real war masters will never be their scholars, and only the Hundred War Divisions can sum up this experience!

Wighters, subduing people's soldiers without fighting! The ancients did not bully me! It's been almost half a month since I saw Su Fei last time. Now the school is preparing for the school's big meeting, so most of the theoretical classes have stopped, and Ulysses has just taken his free time to reorganize all these things these days. However, when he was ready to go to Su Fei for correction after sorting it out, he found that the whole school had been suspended, and the students were naturally not in the classroom.

However, even if Ulysses is like an insect bite in his heart, he does not dare to find Su Fei in the martial arts arena. You should know that the teachers in the martial arts arena are some arrogant and unreasonable muscle men. Even if he is also a teacher, Ulysses does not think they will give themselves some thin face and take Su Fei to discuss military theory. Without a fight, those muscular men will agree, but it's okay to talk about theory. Once it's really compared with force, although Ulysses has the strength of the middle level of the Holy Land, he is not sure that he will win even those elementary teachers of the Holy Land in the martial arts arena.

This is like the art of war. The two armies fought, did not fight, were afraid, and had already lost without fighting. Moreover, those who teach and advocate force and fight are naturally desperate. They fight for their lives. Ulysis thinks that he is not a madman who is not afraid of death. Naturally, he will not be uncomfortable to find it. When he talks about military theories with those martial arts madman, it is even more about Niu.


"No. 22, Unit 3, West Street." Yes, it's here. Ulysses found the destination, knocked on the door gently, and shouted, "Is there anyone? Is anyone at home?"

"Dong, Dongdong!" Zhu Yingjun rarely rested at home in the afternoon. These days, when there was no source of property at home, he was naturally quite short of money. After Su Fei moved out, the days when he went to bars to fool around became obvious. Thinking that Eveni couldn't stay upstairs for a day, he couldn't move the figure suspected of her future sister-in-law, and Smod went out to go out to discuss business. He was the only one left at home. At this time, he was interrupted by a knock on the door and his lunch break. Under his frustration, his good mood was completely destroyed.

"Who are you looking for? What's the matter?" Zhu Yingjun heard that recently, in the name of visiting his friends, many criminals cheated the owner to open the door and then carried out house robbery. After Su Fei moved here, few people came to visit him, and his friends were almost all students in West Point. He began to be vigilant to avoid encounter that kind of robbers.

"Is this where Su Fei lives? I'm his teacher, and I'm here to talk to him about some questions. Although the tired and lazy tone of the people in the room made Ulysses a little upset that he had been waiting outside the door for so long without opening the door, it seemed that he wanted to ask questions.

If so, as Ulysses expected, the people in the room continued, "Since it is Su Fei's teaching, why not find Su Fei at school? Su Fei hasn't finished class yet. It must not be difficult to find Su Fei as an adult, right? Zhu Yingjun said, but he pricked up his ears in the room and listened carefully to the following words of the visitor outside the door.

Look, this must be another big liar, and this time the swindler is extremely shrewd. When choosing the family, he will get all the information of the members of this family in advance, so that he can be targeted according to the personality of different families and the owner. However, this guy's tricks are not very smart, and he can't find a good excuse. Obviously, Su Fei is still at school, and there is still an hour before the end of class. In private, this is not in line with the style of the West Point teachers. The latter is that Zhu Yingjun himself is casually confused, but the only thing he is right. This is it.

"So, you won't open the door until Su Fei comes back?" At this time, the man inside didn't open the door, and Ulysses was a little unhappy, and his tone suddenly became cold.

"Since you have this elegance, you can stand outside and wait." Seeing that the man outside did not give up, Zhu Yingjun was also popular. You said that one of your swindlers can't cheat, and you still want to use force. Although the binding force of the law in the demon world is as thin as that white paper, without any deterrent, the person who wants to come outside in public will not be strong.

"Since you are so polite, I will be rude." As the sound sounded, a figure flashed by. When Zhu Yingjun came to his senses, he found that he was competing to be a young man next to him. The two looked at each other and had their own thoughts in their hearts.

"I'm not afraid. I just came to Su Fei and talked about it." Ulysses didn't care about what the boy had thought of himself before. He took the mango on the table and ate it. The atmosphere in the room suddenly became strange. One person ate mango and sped his lips from time to time, as if praising the taste of the mango in the city. One person bowed his head and said nothing, eyes to nose, nose to foot, mouth to heart. , fell silent for a moment.

Zhu Yingjun was really embarrassed at this time. Looking at this man's ability, he knew that he was not the kind of person who plotted. He locked him out and thought it would be all right. As a result, he didn't expect that the other party didn't know what method he used to use and went straight through the wall. Damn it, if a thief had this skill, he didn't need it at all. Isn't it better to go in directly? Fortunately, this self-proclaimed teacher did not have the same knowledge as himself, otherwise Zhu Yingjun would immediately taste the consequences of his cheap mouth today.

"Tut! Not bad, little brother, what's your name? Ulysses had nothing to do. After eating a mango, he sat in the hall and looked up and down at Zhu Yingjun. Unexpectedly, he really showed him something.

Zhu Yingjun was uncomfortable with the playful eyes of Ulysses. When he saw the other party's question, he didn't answer or should not. He stood up suddenly in the entanglement and listened to Ulysis say leisurely: "As a pig demon, he is not as strong as the Holy Land, and he actually transformed in advance. It seems that you also have a lot of secrets hidden in you. Secret! Little brother, don't you want to say something to me?"

The clock ticked, and Zhu Yingjun was peeped through his biggest secret by the people in front of him. He was both angry and frightened, and also extinguished his intention to kill people. When he met Lord Carlsas, he especially told Smud to take good care of himself. The reason was that he was a pig demon in advance, which would inevitably cause the spying of those big shots. In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, Zhu Yingjun usually acted very carefully, but in public. Never stay longer in order to prevent those strong people from breaking their origins.

"Forget it, I'm over-minded." Ulysses saw that Zhu Yingjun did not answer, and his face was soaked with sweat. He thought that since it was Su Fei's private matter, there was no need for him to make up, so he changed his mind and asked Zhu Yingjun, "Does Su Fei go home after class every day?"


"Then there must be another partner living in your house?"


Zhu Yingjun only felt that all the secrets under his body had been seen clearly by the people in front of him. He only felt that the boss was uncomfortable, but he had no choice but to follow the other party's footsteps at this time.

Master, master, the little pig has never missed you so much now. Come back early. The little pig is about to be cut open by the devil in front of him, * blood! Zhu Yingjun's full sadness could not say anything to Ulysses. He had no choice but to let time walk slowly and wait for Su Fei to come back to save himself and the sea of suffering.