Devil's Capital

Chapter 52 Under the Historical Trajectory

Ruth pointed to Ordis, who was standing in front of him praying and said to her companion, "Look, the student standing in front of him is Mr. Luffy. He has been in crimson for 300 years. Originally, with his talent and sense of divine power, when he took over as the head of the temple here 300 years ago, he could go to the main plane for further study. Only with his extremely devout faith in the gods of Kazate made him stay and help the god of Kazate take care of this with no matter how many years. A plane."

Revis now understood that he had been rejected for his confession to Ruth before. Originally, he thought he was not good enough, and the beauty in front of him had a higher goal. Now, the feelings are a pope who falls in love with this small place, and he is also a pope who has died. Suddenly, he became jealous and said meanly: "Yo, our beautiful Ruth, your lover doesn't seem to know that you like him! You have been reading the other party alone for hundreds of years. If the other party doesn't like you, you will have waited for hundreds of years!"

The fact that Reeves said that these people who came to carry out the mission usually had good personal relations. Although they disdained to be with Reeves at this time, it was difficult to directly refute his words. After all, they are divine messengers from the main plane, and their identities naturally have a sense of superiority over Odys, so they have wisely kept silent about Ruth's emotional issues.

Memories of the past surfaced one by one:

"The Great Sun God Caesar

You maintain the law of balance between the whole crystal system

Your humble subordinates are praying here today


As the spell sounded, Ruth and others got up and sat on the ground surrounded by Ephne, who was also infected with a snow-white skirt sitting on the ground. This prayer was given to the four people by Hephaistos, the god of fire, and Eos, the god of dawn. At the beginning, Caesar sent a split body to carry the plane storm outside the crimson plane, and collected some of the fragments and divine power breath of the rules in the void after the fallout before it was completely returned to chaos, in order to have One day, you can open the real treasure left by Kazate.

After knowing Odys's conspiracy, Ruth and other gods did not react much after experiencing the initial surprise. The reason why they were sent to carry out this task is that they put their faith above their personal feelings, that is to say, nothing can change their will. The eyes of the Lord God is Everything they fought for! Unfortunately, these are no longer important now. In the last war, their God defeated both one side and Odys, and the real victory is the devil camp! However, without the defection of the imperial power, they would not have failed at all. In comparison, their biggest failure was to mistakenly trust Odis, a pseudo-believer!

"Now is there any possibility of swiveness in my deep demonic hinterland?" Ruth dragged her heavy body step by step towards the next place. She had escaped three chases, physically and mentally exhausted, and her faith was on the verge of collapse.

After the end of the last sacred battle, only she used the stand-in of her father, the fire god Hephaestus, to escape. After that, Ruth, who lurked, found the trace of Odys and couldn't help her curiosity. Ruth followed all the way, and she also crossed the space channel to the demon world. Without the method of hiding her own traces by Ordis and the stinky snake, and her own magical breath is incompatible with the demon world, Ruth uses her inner strength to resist the erosion of the rules of the demon world. At the same time, she has to carefully avoid the pursuit of the strong in the demon world, and her life is quite desolate.

Until one day, her prayers in her spare time were answered:

At first, God created heaven and earth.

The land is empty and chaotic. The abyss is dark. The Spirit of God runs on the surface of the water.

God said that if there is light, there will be light.

God saw that the light was good, so he separated the light and darkness.

God calls light day and darkness night. There is evening and morning, this is the first day.

God said that there should be air between the waters and water up and down.

God created air and opened the water below the air and above the air. That's how it happened.

God calls air heaven. There are evenings, mornings, and the second day.

God said that the water in the world should be gathered in one place to expose the dry land. That's how it happened.

God calls the land the land and the gathering place of water the sea. God looks good.

God said that the earth will produce grass, seed-bearing vegetables, and fruit trees, each with its kind and fruit wrapped in cores. That's how it happened.

So grasses, seeded vegetables, their own species, and fruit trees, their respective species, and fruits are all wrapped in cores. God looks good.

There is evening, there is morning, it is the third day.

God said that there should be a light body in heaven, which can divide day and night, mark, set festivals, days and years.

and shine in the sky and shine on the ground. That's how it happened.

So God created two big lights, big tube day and small tube night. Then he placed these lights in the sky and shone on the earth.

Manage day and night, light and dark respectively. God looks good.

There is evening, morning, and it is the fourth day.

God said that water should breed more living things. Birds should fly above the ground and in the sky.

God created big fish and all kinds of living animals in the water. He also made all kinds of birds according to their own kind. God looks good.

God blessed all these things, saying, "Prosperous and full of water in the sea." Birds should also be born on the ground.

There is evening and morning, which is the fifth day.

God said that the earth should give birth to living things according to their own kind. Livestock, insects, beasts, each of its kind. That's how it happened.

So God created beasts, each with its own kind. Livestock, each from its own category. All insects on the earth follow their own kind. God looks good.

God said, "We will make people in our image and according to our likeness, so that they can control the fish in the sea, the birds of the air, the livestock on the earth, and all the insects that crawl on the earth."

God created man in his own image, but made man and woman in his image.

God blessed them and said to them that they should have many children and cover the earth and rule the land. Also manage the fish in the sea and the birds in the air. And all kinds of living animals on the earth.

God said, "Look, I will give you food for all the vegetables that bear seeds all over the earth and all the fruits of the trees."

As for the beasts on the earth, the birds of the air, and all the living things that climb on the earth, I will give them grass for food. That's how it happened.

God sees that everything is well made. There is evening, there is morning, and it is the sixth day.

All sacrificial organs and legs should be washed with water. The priest shall burn everything on the altar as a burnt offering and offer it as a sweet aroma to the Lord.

If a man's offering is a sheep or goat as a burnt offering, he will offer a ram without disability.

Slay the sheep on the north side of the altar before the Lord. The sons of Aaron, priests, sprinkled sheep's blood around the altar.

If you want to cut the burnt offering into pieces, with its head and fat, the priest shall put it on the firewood on the altar.

But the organs and legs should be washed with water. The priest shall make a full offering and burn it on the altar. This is a burnt offering, an offering made by fire for a sweet aroma to the Lord.

If a man offers a bird as a burnt offering, he shall offer a turtledove or a young pigeon as an offering.

The priest will take the bird to the altar, catch its head, and burn it on the altar. The blood of the bird should flow next to the altar.

You shall also remove the bird's slash and dirt, and throw [dirty or feathers] on the east side of the altar and pour the ashes.

Take the two wings of the bird and tear the bird apart, but it can't be broken. The priest shall burn it on the firewood on the altar. This is a burnt offering, an offering made by fire for a sweet aroma to the Lord.

When Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah were kings of Judah, Isaiah the son of Amos came to a revelation about Judah and Jerusalem.

Oh, my God, listen, earth, listen to it. For the Lord said, "I have raised children and raised them, and they have rebelled against me.

The cow knows its owner and the donkey knows its owner. Israel does not know, but my people do not pay attention.

Crime citizens, people who bear sins, kinds of evil deeds, corrupt children. They forsook the Lord, despised the Holy One of Israel, were estranged from him, and retreated.

Why do you repeatedly rebel and be beaten? You are already full of pain and fainting.

From the soles of the feet to the top of the head, there is no complete. It's all wounds, bruises, and new wounds. It is not closed, wrapped, or moistened with ointment.

Your land is desolate. Your city was destroyed by fire. Your fields have been devoured by the Gentiles before your eyes, and since they have been overthrown by the Gentiles, they have become desolate.

The only city of Zion is like a vineyard pasture, a thatched hut in a melon field, and a besieged city.

If the Lord of hosts had not left us a little seed, we would have been like Sodom and Gomorrah.

You governors of sodom, listen to the word of the Lord. You people of Gomorrah, listen to the instruction of our God.

What good is the many sacrifices you have offered to me? I have enough of the burnt offerings of rams and the fat of fat animals. I don't like the blood of a bull, the blood of a lamb, or the blood of a male goat.

If you come to see me, who will ask you for these and make you trample on my courtyard?

Don't make any more false offerings. Fragrance is what I hate. The new moon, the Sabbath, and the calling assembly are also what I hate. I can't tolerate being guilty and being serious.

I hate your New Moon and Festival, and I think it's troublesome. I take responsibility and get impatient.

If you raise your hands and pray, I will cover my eyes. Even if you pray too much, I won't listen to you. Your hands are full of murderous blood.

You should wash and clean yourself. Remove your evil deeds from my eyes. Stop doing evil,

Learn to do good deeds. Seek justice, rescue the oppressed, redress the orphans, and avenge widows.

Come and we will argue with each other, says the Lord. Although your sins are like vermilion, they will become snow-white. Although it is as red as a red face, it must be as white as wool.

If you are willing to obey, you will eat the beauty of the earth.

If you do not obey and rebel, you will be swallowed up by the sword. This is what the Lord said.

It is lamentable that the city of loyalty has become *. In the past, it was full of fairness and righteousness, but now there are murderers living in it.

Your silver becomes scum, and your wine is rubbed with water.

Your officer is rebellious and accompanies the thief. Everyone likes to bribe and pursue bribery. They are not allowed to avenge orphans and widows, nor can they present them.

Therefore, the Lord Almighty, the Lord of hosts, Israel, said, "Oh, I will hate my enemies and avenge my enemies.

I will put my backhand on you, refine your dregs and remove your impurities.

I will return your judge as at the beginning and your counselor as at the beginning. Then you will be called the city of righteousness and the city of faithfulness.

Zion will be redeemed by justice, and those who are righteous will be redeemed by righteousness.

But the rebellious and the sinful will fall together, and those who forsake the Lord will be destroyed.

Those will be ashamed of the oaks you love, and you will be ashamed of the garden you have chosen.

For you will be like an oak with dry leaves, like a garden without water.

The powerful must be like a hemp, and his work, like Mars, will be burned together and no one can extinguish it.

The words of the king in Jerusalem, the son of David, and the preacher.

The preacher said that the emptiness of emptiness, the emptiness of emptiness. Everything is empty.

What is the benefit of all man's labor, that is, his labor under the sun?

Generation has passed and generation has come. But the earth will last forever.

The sun comes out, the sun sets, and rushes back to the place where it came out.

The wind blows south, turns north, rotates uncontrollably, and returns to the original path.

Rivers flow into the sea, but the sea is dissatisfied. Where does the river flow from and where it is still returned.

Everything is boring [or everything is full of fatigue]. Seeing, not seeing enough, hearing and hearing.

What has happened will happen again later. What has been done must be done later. There is nothing new under the sun.

How can one point to say that this is new? That knowledge has existed in our previous generations.

The past generations, no one remembers, future generations, and later generations don't remember.

My preacher was king of Israel in Jerusalem.

I concentrate on investigating everything done in the world with wisdom, but I know that what God has trained the world is extremely hard work.

I see that everything I do under the sun is empty and wind-catching.

The bent one cannot be straightened. What is missing is not enough.

I said in my heart that I have greater wisdom than all the people I used to be in Jerusalem. And I have experienced a lot of wisdom and knowledge in my heart.

I also focused on wisdom, arrogance and ignorance. I know that this is also a wind catcher.

Because there is more wisdom, there is more sorrow. Those who increase knowledge will increase sadness.

Here are the words of Jeremiah the son of Hilkiah, one of the priests in the city of Anath in Benjamin.

In the thirteenth year of Josiah son of Amen, king of Judah, the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah.

The word of the Lord also came to Jeremiah from the time of Jehoia son of Judah until the last year of the reign of Zedekiah son of Josiah king of Judah, when the Jerusalemites were taken captive in May eleven years.

Jeremye said, the word of the Lord came to me, saying,

I have not made you in my womb, I have known you, you have not been born, and I have made you holy. I have sent you as a prophet to the nations.

"This is the call of Caesar, the god of light!" Ruth cried with joy and lived a fugitive life in the demon world all day long. She could no longer see the hope of tomorrow. At this time, she could actually feel Caesar's response. Ruth, who was full of excitement, naturally took the initiative to communicate with Caesar with this faint connection.

"My believers, go to Zhongzhou and find a girl named Eveney there. If you find her, you will know everything! This is the arrangement of fate. My believers, throw away the despair and sadness in your heart and go to Zhongzhou, where you will be reborn!" Caesar's solemn and sacred voice echoed in Ruth's mind for a long time.

"Go to Zhongzhou, there will be everything I want!" Ruth planted a seed in her heart, and her thoughts became more and more firm!

Efne completely deceived her consciousness because of the New Testament and became Caesar's puppet! Her purpose is to trust Su Fei and then kill him with her own hands! Caesar doesn't like to see variables, and also doesn't like to see the existence of a demon with traces of fate. Although he has become the most powerful man in the whole crystal system, he will ruthlessly reach out and erase any possibility of threatening his status! The ridiculous idiot of Calsus thought he had no idea. Unexpectedly, he had put a * beside Su Fei. As long as he wanted, he could end Su Fei's life at any time!

Now there will be one more person to assassinate Su Fei, that is, Ruth, who escaped from the scarlet plane. In order to ensure that it is foolproof, all the emergency situation will be taken into account, but they never thought that Ruth could "smuggling' from the space channel of the crimson plane to the demon world. So Ruth became an unexpected part of the plan.

And the variables have to add that Odis and Salas may have obeyed the call of fate. On June 6, all those who should have come came, and those who should not have been present also participated in this school game in various identities, and the demon world completely broke the calm and once The awakening began to issue a strong declaration of return to the thousands of planes!

"Gods standing on the top of the clouds and looking down on the earth

Your sacred smile is in our eyes

How despicable and ugly

We are about to fall into sleep

You can laugh at this time

I hope you can still keep your smile in the distant future

Say the devil's fist in your face

Ding on your kingdom in the footsteps of the devil

At that moment

I hope you can continue to smile

The demon world will never sink

Even if there is only one demon

I won't compromise with you

After our death

There will be new demons

To inherit our unfinished business

There will be one day

The Glory of the Devil

It will ring through all planes
