Devil's Capital

Chapter 53 First Battle!

In 976, Warcraft* appeared in the southern Sweigas Mountains. In view of the local count's misjudgment, he did not ask the lord for support at the first time, causing Warcraft to break through the defense line laid by the demon army in the mountains. This would have been a big disaster, but a baron named Teller under the Earl of Gus offered a clever plan to successfully block the attack of * Warcraft in the mountains. Although the lives of 3,000 demon soldiers were buried, this loss was within the psychological tolerance of all sickle demons, so this Instead of receiving punishment, Baron Teller received a reward and was directly promoted from a baron to a viscount. His territory was expanded fivefold, and he naturally became the confidant and minion of Count Gus.

I don't know why Brady seemed very excited when he saw this record. By the way, he tore off this page of paper and carefully hid it in his close-fitting clothes. Although I was curious at that time, I didn't think about it carefully, but Brady began to go out often. After more and more interrogations, he finally said where he went: the Thinking Gas Mountains. He went to find the truth of what happened in those years. I know that he obtained it in the name of exploring geographical characteristics. Before leaving, he specially obtained the consent of the teacher for this purpose.

But what I didn't expect was that his move eventually led to great changes in our lives, and everything was irreparable!......

The plan of that year was implemented as scheduled, and everything went smoothly. The lives of 3,000 civilian demons brought peace to the earlion and gave the whole earl a breathing opportunity. After the conflict between Lord Carlsas and the local aristocracy eased, a large number of demon troops marched towards the Singgas Mountains to find the real reason for Warcraft*:

Deep in the Singgas Mountains, there is a team of magic dragons and couples living for many years. They have legendary peak strength. They usually do not kill innocent people indiscriminately and are not afraid of general threats. There were such neighbors in Count Gus's territory, and he also felt very helpless. He could not beat, kill, and could not kill, and it was likely to attract the hatred of the dragon couple, so he had to turn a blind eye to their existence. And this time the * of the Warcraft Mountains is because this female magic dragon is pregnant. In order to protect the safety of his wife and children, the male magic dragon began to expel the Warcraft in the Thinking Gas Mountains, so the Warcraft * in the Thinking Gas Mountains began!

These are all real history. Gibran paid so much attention to the letters sent by Brady, a student, because of the new * decree in the sickle demon territory for hundreds of years: no demon can achieve his goal by killing the lives of demon civilians for any reason or excuse!

When Lord Carlss set up this decree, his original intention was to protect all the sickle demons in the territory as much as possible, because in that dark era, without the supplement of the sea of demons, their sickle demons could only be passed on from generation to generation by the descendants of blood, without the Demons and civilians, then the foundation of their sickle demons is gone!

The only thing he did wrong with this Baron Teller, the current viscount, is to protect his own security and the interests of his territory, kill demon civilians indiscriminately, and use their lives to prevent disasters for himself! This kind of behavior is undoubtedly shameful and should be severely sanctioned! There is no reason, and there is no excuse for you to kill these innocent lives wantonly. If you do it, you will pay for your actions, no matter who!

With Brady's letter and the evidence he collected, when Carlsas received a handwritten letter from Principal Gibran, he specially sent Calondo's personal guard to travel to the Singgas Mountains and verified Brady's letter from the valley where the remains of 3,000 sickle demons were buried at that time. Explain the situation: None of the three demons is stronger than the big demon, and their bones have begun to slowly decay. Some of them have already integrated into the ground and mixed with the soil.

Dear Brady, your big hatred finally waited for the day when it could be repaid to the enemy. We were very excited when we learned the news, but we ignored it. The crisis was gradually approaching!

Edmund has now returned to West Point from the En Vegas Mountains, accompanied by a small and exquisite magic dragon cub. The life of the magic dragon is long and long. More than 50 years after the birth of this magic dragon cub is still in its infancy. It has not yet established its own world view of the world. Everything is from him. I got it from my parents. This time he accompanied Edmund out of the Envegas Mountains, which can be said to be his first time to set foot on the outside world in a truly ancient sense, although for the magic dragon Ferredir. Edmund was deeply puzzled about the great sacrifice made by Udir, but it had no effect on his acceptance of the gift.

Legrod. Udir opened his big round eyes and stared at the gray space. His pink nose vigorously smelled the smell that did not belong to the Warcraft Mountains in the air. It was not until he walked out of the Warcraft Mountains and the outer En Vegas Mountains that this sign converged slightly. I guess he was tired. The little magic dragon shrank his body on Edmund's shoulder and found a comfortable position to calmly close his eyes to take a nap.

"My preacher will be reborn in anger!" A secret idea in the galaxy made an unconscious murmur, and then it fell into nothingness.

The seven first demons actually left an inheritance, and Caesar must have a wonderful look on his face when he knew the news! Thousands of years ago, it is very likely that Jeronlua was still not dead, but he was seriously injured and ran to a corner to watch the joke of their gods!

Edmond 'sees' the truth of what happened in those years. Now he just wants to go back to his father, stay with the decadent and desperate man, give him warmth and encouragement. He has lost everything. The only thing he misses now is himself!

"Okay, I promise you! See you at the school on June 6th!"

Su Fei left this sentence and ignored Jeff. He walked to the rear and helped everyone out of the woods with Cassie.

"This boy is very interesting," Jeff stood still and watched Su Fei take several people away. It was not until he walked out of the woods and out of sight that Jeff stood up and was ready to return to recover. Just now, the boss and the others left early and left themselves to clean up the mess. Originally, they thought it was a relaxing and pleasant thing, so Jeff accepted it happily.

What I didn't expect was that I would meet Su Fei. Fortunately, I just knew Su Fei's identity in advance and didn't fight with him. You should know that West Point still pays certain attention to the key training objects. If you know that third-grade students will bully first-year students across ages, even if there is a reason, punishment is essential. . This is the rule of West Point. If you want to stay, you must follow the rules here and not exceed them too much.

"Say, what's going on?" Su Fei put down Orson. The infirmary in the school was off duty. Looking at the injured people, Su Fei had no choice but to take them all to the West Street outside the school, his home.

"This is the thing:

Jeff is a little guy in a group of third-grade students, and he can't play a role on the table at all. This time, only Jayne was blamed for provoking a first-year freshman. Originally, with the strength of four people, ordinary freshmen provoked them, and they would not be afraid of revenge from freshmen.

But the bad thing is that this new student is Jeff's cousin, a third-grade student. After being beaten by Jayne and others, he came to Lecoria and found his cousin Jeff with full of anger. After Lecoria told Jeff about the bullying, Jeff was ready to find Jayne and others to beat his cousin so that he could breathe a breath for his cousin!

If it's just like this, it's okay. West Point is originally a small society with a mixture of fish and dragons. There are all kinds of people. Big fights are naturally common. Jayne and others often fight, often beating others, and more often by senior students. Even if Jeff brings Lecoria to find four people, it's no big deal. However, the bad thing is due to the resounding reputation of the four Orsons. The four evils are notorious in West Point, and even some third-grade students are concerned about the four people. This time, the sudden thing happened, and the four evils did not expect to directly face the third-grade students this time, and there was inevitably a trace of worry in his heart.

But after Jeff's boss learned about this, he thought of an extremely vicious plan, which is to beat the four evils and make them unable to raise their heads at West Point from now on, so that they can take advantage of the four evils' bodies to win public attention and win glory. This private fight was completely planned by Jeff and others for a long time, so as soon as Jeff came on the stage, he defeated the four Orson alone. When he was about to continue to ridicul, Cassie and others happened to hear Orson's sad and angry words as they passed by. Curiously, he followed into the woods, and then he saw the scene of Sisha being surrounded and beaten...

"That is to say, this time the other party is aggressive?" Su Fei listened silently and asked Orson, who was sitting on the sofa with medicinal wine.

"The truth is, but who blames us for our poor strength? Let's take it as a lesson this time. From then on, the title of Sishu should also disappear. Our four brothers finally understand that there is no matching strength, and it is useless to have such a great reputation!" Seeing Su Fei's mention, Orson couldn't help but stop wiping the medicine, moved his wrist slightly, endured the pain of his heart, and persuaded Su Fei. He doesn't want such a good seedling to be destroyed in the hands of those third-grade students. The best way is that Su Fei will not participate in the school party and avoid Jeff and others. This will endure this moment. When Su Fei grows up, people like Jeff will not pose any threat to Su Fei at all.

Su Fei heard this and could not deny Orson's words. It is the same in any world. People are good at being ridden by horses, and the weak are controlled by the strong. Since things come to the door and there is no way to avoid it, there is no need to avoid it! Let them see that even if they are freshmen, no one can come and step on it!

The so-called school comparison was at first because Carlsas's own strength had reached a high level when he entered West Point, which undoubtedly broke the balance between the new and old forces in the West Point Military Academy. They have no better way for this kind of rule-breaking person. After all, there is a principal standing behind Carlsas. Laozi, who is also the lord, had to push the boat along the water to change it into a school comparison and hold it in a fair and reasonable form. Fortunately, there was no threshold for West Point at that time. As long as you are willing to come to West Point and pass the assessment, you can stay in West Point to study. At that time, Sinjid and Carlsas were not idle. After arriving at West Point, they naturally made a scene and beat the students from freshmen to third-grade seniors. As soon as the whole school heard that someone could beat Carlsas, they would take the initiative to find them. Without saying a word, they would beat them first.

It is also because of this arrogant and domineering personality that the West Point School has a headache. There is really nothing we can do. West Point School has to put the exchange between the schools on the agenda during the exchange meeting between Stanford and the Delhi Military Academy. In order to throw the scourge of Carlsas to other schools, there is nothing he can do. His father can't afford it. Even if he can afford it, he will be angry with Carlsus for this little thing. At that time, this way of communication with other two military schools in the demon world began to rise.


The Lord of Lies is best at lying. Unlike others, his lies are real and difficult to distinguish. Even the God of Truth can't tell which sentence he said is true and which is false. Help you make a game and hide it from the gods? Then this game is more valuable. What can you give me? Maria did not ask what the truth was hidden. When it came to their existence, only the benefits came true.

"This is a junior demon. You remember what he looks like." The proud lord took out a monster skin with Hao Ran's portrait of Su Fei, and then said slowly, "At that time, you will take him to the Elf Forest to take good care of him. Remember that he is dead in the demon world!" Believe it or not, just let the gods believe it!"

"Well, the little woman's remuneration will increase. Tell me, what can I get in the end?" Maria is also unambiguous and directly put forward her own request. Naturally, for the Lord of Lies, the Lord of Pride who belongs to the primitive devil is naturally not easy to deceive, so the best way is to let the other party offer.

"The goddess of nature, Filana, we will help you find her when everything happens!"

"Okay, it's a deal!"

"June 6."

See you in the Central Plain! It will satisfy you!" After saying that, Maria turned away from the woods and walked towards the tree house, slightly lonely.

"Your Excellency, will this woman make any mistakes? In case things don't work out, won't all our efforts be in vain?" Moffett was a little worried. After all, this matter is too much to relate to put all their hopes on a newly found liar.

"Don't worry, she will handle it! Just when she killed her beloved man, it shows that she has fully integrated into the inheritance of the Lord of Lies. From now on, she will be Maria, the Lord of Lies!" After saying that, the Proud Lord stopped talking. There is no point in staying here. It's time to return to the demon world and start the next layout.

"I hope you made the right bet this time!" The angry Lord standing aside took a deep look at the two, and then his figure blended into the darkness without a trace. He doesn't know whether his choice is right or wrong, but since his daughter persists on this path, there is nothing he can do. Even if it is wrong, he can only continue to follow! I can't help it. Who told him to owe so much to her mother?

In the fight table, Edmund and Su Fei stood in a good position and set out to start the test.

"Although I don't know why I can feel a strong familiar atmosphere in you, I still advise you to admit defeat. Your opponent is not me!" For the first time, Su Fei rarely said so much nonsense before the battle. Just because since Edmund came to power, he has vaguely felt a trace of inexplicable familiarity from Edmund, which is a kind of kindness that transcends the long river of time and transcends the barriers of history, as if they had known each other a long time ago.

"You feel wrong!" Edmund's gentle temperament is no longer the little devil from the mountain village before. After receiving the inheritance of the Lord of Angry, he has suddenly become another demon and has a completely opposite personality. It was after he learned through his own channels that Su Fei's real identity was actually the son of fate that was rumored a year ago that anger burned in his heart, which led to today's comparison.

Originally, it was not Edmund's turn to play today. The preliminary match has reached the final stage. Just wait for each of the competition leader on the stage to compete in the final first three, but I don't know where he got the news. After confirming Su Fei's identity, Edmund resolutely stepped on the ring, nothing more than that. Because of his identity as the Lord of Angry: anger can only be extinguished by fighting!

Since his questions can't be answered, Su Fei won't spend more time. If the other party wants to fight, then fight! There is no reason, no excuse. Since we are going to fight after all, what else should we say? There is no need for excuses, no need to excuse, let's fight directly! Su Fei knows very well that Edmund in front of him is the strongest opponent he has encountered so far, but there is no need to worry about it. Let's talk about it later!