Devil's Capital

Chapter 3 Inducement

" boss, get up! It's seven o'clock in the morning. If you don't get up, you'll be late!" Last night, several people talked very much, so they went to bed very late. Now Su Fei is going to school at West Point. It is not allowed to be late during this period, so Smod got up early in the morning and made breakfast and ran to Su Fei's bedroom to wake him up.

"Ah! It's seven o'clock, and it's still more than ten minutes away from here to school, so hurry up!" Su Fei was disturbed by the knock on the door outside the room. She was about to turn over and change her comfortable posture and make up for a beautiful sleep. Hearing Smod's words, she was shocked and immediately climbed up from **, found her clothes and dressed neatly. Then she got out of bed and opened the door.

I have to say that Zhongzhou is a relatively peaceful environment. Compared with other places in the demon world, there are few bloody events here. The cold air in the morning came into his nose, and the fresh breath made Su Fei suddenly refreshed and suddenly woke up. He took the soaked handkerchief from Smud, wiped his face, and then took out a green bean and put it in his mouth. This is specially used to freshen the breath among the people in the demon world. Of course, the demon poor who live at the bottom of the demon world all year round cannot enjoy this treatment.

What kind of strength determines what kind of treatment you get. This sentence applies to any world. After breakfast, Su Feicao wiped his oily mouth with a soft paper towel, explored the storage ring with mental strength, and found that the professional books were lying quietly in it. Now it was time to leave for school.

The teacher of the course "Xinghe Balance Axiom" is Valles. He is a very punctual teacher, and what he hates most is naturally the student who is late for no reason. During this period, the principal has just returned, and Su Fei doesn't want to commit crimes in the past few days.

Walking on the quiet avenue, the West Street is deserted. The store outside has not opened in the early morning, and those business demons are probably still dreaming in the warm quilt! Sure enough, the most painful person is always the student. Su Fei said something in his heart and tightened the neckline of his clothes. Although the cold winter had already passed, the cold wind in the early spring morning still made people uncomfortable. Quickly walked out of the West Street, and Su Fei strode in the direction of the school. Yesterday's roommate Walter's words are still vivid. Su Fei must figure it out. For unknown reason, he carried the name of a sinister villain, and no one will forget it like this.

There have been no major changes in the class recently. Su Fei saw that the four characters of 'West Point Military Academy' were close in front of him. He stepped into the school gate and walked on the quiet path. This is a shortcut to reach the teaching building more quickly. When he took this path for the first time, Su Fei still walked with Ellis, but I don't know why Ellis has ignored Su Fei in class since he had a conflict last month. Some time ago, Ellis turned away, which made Su Fei depressed for a long time.

"Look at it! This is the standing horse pile. Don't underestimate the wisdom of the sages. This work is basically evolved on the basis of the standing horse pile! Learning martial arts in the world does not mean that the higher the level, the more powerful the students will be. Nothing in this world is absolute! As long as you work hard enough, even if you have practiced junior fighting for a long time, those who have practiced advanced fighting will choose to walk around when they see you!" Mivis spoke in a small voice, but there was no doubt that he had planted a crazy seed in the hearts of the students, the seed of doubt, waiting for one day to land and blossom, and produce unexpected results that even he did.

The originally noisy crowd on the playground fell into a dead silence. Mivis only showed them four movements, including standing stakes, jumping back and forth, and two punches in the five-shaped boxing. What an amazing performance. Cassie and the others all opened their mouths and stared at Mivis stunned. They couldn't help themselves for a long time. Looking at Mivis, now he has turned around and stood still, as if he had never left.

Su Fei looked at the changes in the look of the students, and couldn't help but have a trace of understanding in his heart: the journey of martial arts does not depend on unparalleled talent and the legacy of predecessors. Practice still requires personal efforts, and diligently to make up for his shortcomings is true. Only by enduring hardships can you be a superior. The wisdom of the ancients has already seen through this point, but the authorities are fascinated by it.

After a morning of training, there were still two courses in the afternoon. After class, Su Fei dragged his tired body and turned off the idea of going home for dinner. Although Mivis is a rigorous teacher, he is also an extremely responsible teacher. Even if Cassie is not optimistic about this, they have to admit it.

Thinking that he couldn't taste Smod's craftsmanship at noon, Su Fei still had a little regret that as long as it was the school, there would be no delicious food. Naturally, Cassie and the others naturally understood this, otherwise they would not have gone out to eat every Friday afternoon. Su Feila and others rushed straight to the canteen. These days, the school has a large population, so they naturally have to rely on eating. Fortunately, they take practical courses and have relatively free work and rest time, otherwise there will be another good scene of grabbing seats in the canteen!

"I said Su Fei, why do you practice these basic fighting skills so hard?" Casey took a step forward and followed Su Fei. Not only was he alone in doubt, but Burton and the others behind him also cast their eyes to inquire Su Fei.

And not only that, Su Fei practices more than them every day and has never been lazy. However, Su Fei has been more energetic than everyone after class in the past two days. After a few days of getting along with each other, they are also familiar with each other. Since they have doubts in their hearts, they naturally ask.

"Can I tell you that I'm a physical repairer?" Su Fei muttered in his heart, and his voice was a little soft. Cassie and others who followed him did not hear, but they saw that Su Fei did not answer, so they had to walk behind and wait for Su Fei's answer.

"Actually, Mivis's teaching is a very smart teaching, and his training method is worth advocating!" Although Su Fei doesn't know why this extremely effective method of exercising the body has not been widely promoted in the territory, it has no impact on his own respect for this aspect. "Although I don't know why today's strong people subconsciously ignore the practice of fighting skills, in my opinion, this is a The door strengthens its own body!"

"Do you want to know why I said that?" Su Fei paused, slowed down, and asked Cassie, who came up parallel to him.

"Please make it clear!" Cassie felt awe of heart, and suddenly knew that he was afraid that he had hit the big luck. He suppressed the excitement in his heart, tried to calm his tone, and answered Su Fei.

"The last time you saw me, I was still the strength of the eighth-order demon, right?" Su Fei did not say anything, but raised another question. At the beginning, when he was on the crimson plane, he only had a few faces of fate with Cassie, who was out on a mission, but because they were young, they naturally said slightly more than other demons.

"This Cassie naturally remembers that even as an eighth-order demon at that time, the courage and courage of Lord Su Fei who dared to go to the appointment as bait had deeply touched me!" Thinking of the memory of a few months ago, Cassie was also quite impressed. The world was impermanent. No one would have thought that the son of fate, who was not favored by other lords, broke through the first barrier of the devil in such a short time and easily crossed the threshold of the big demon. However, Cassie knew that Su Fei would not say anything unrelated to other things at this time. Now there must be a follow-up to mention these, so he cheered up and prepared to listen to Su Fei's next words confidently.

"Just half a month ago, I was promoted to become a junior demon. During this period, I have been consolidating my realm, but in just two days, after practicing this basic fighting skills, I feel that my realm has been completely consolidated, and even the bottleneck of the next level has been faintly visible. I believe that in a period of time Tired, if you have enough accumulation in your body, you can naturally advance!" Su Fei said lightly, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him, as if the promoted demon was not him, but someone else.

Sure enough, there are evils everywhere in the world. When Cassie heard Su Fei's words, she took a deep breath in her heart. Not to mention Su Fei's time from the devil to the big demon, she only consolidated the realm after promotion and plotted for less than half a month. If she had been hard for several years, she would not consolidate the realm. If the devil knows, he will be ashamed to death!

Wait! Cassie only felt as if she had forgotten something. After only practicing basic fighting for two days, there was such a big change! Is it possible that this basic fighting method still has its mystery? Cassie couldn't believe it. She stared straight at Su Fei with wide eyes, hoping to see something from Su Fei's face. It's just that Su Fei's expression was indifferent. From his smiling face, it's not difficult for Cassi to judge that this is true, but how can this be possible? Even though Su Fei's talent is different, I believe that such a short practice record is also one of the few in the history of demons!

"Maybe my personal physique is slightly stronger, so others are not as effective as mine when practicing this fighting skill. But I believe that this fighting skill is by no means as simple as it shows. Think about it, it's only elementary now, and what about the intermediate and advanced? If the subsequent advanced method requires the threshold of practice, I believe that there is no other shortcut except to study this elementary fighting skill!" Although Su Fei can't be completely sure, he has had this speculation in his heart for a long time. Since Cassie and others took the initiative to mention it today, Su Fei has made up his mind to wake up Cassie and others.

West Point can't be a mediocre school, so the teaching practice of West Point naturally has some of its own strengths. After listening to Su Fei's words, Cassie suddenly woke up and recalled the two days of practice. He couldn't help but suddenly: except for the first day, more than half of nearly two-thirds of the students did not care about the movements of teaching. They only cared and did not follow the training. By the next day, only half of the number of people began to reach the third day. The number is a little less. After thinking about this clearly, even if Su Fei doesn't say these words, Cassie also wakes up. After all, he is not a stupid person or a pedantic person. Since there is a better practice method, why not adopt it?