Devil's Capital

Chapter 4 Tranquility Before the Storm

"Welcome to the Central Plain! I believe that all the people present did not come here to see the desolate scene here. It is true that since the demon capital disappeared, thousands of demons have come here for pilgrimage every year, but not in this season!"

"Today, the annual school big deal has begun again. Then naturally, it is these three representative military schools that attract you. Speaking of this, we have to mention the origin of the school comparison:

It was caused by the West Point Military Academy founded by the sickle demon, and the protagonist of this story must be quite familiar to everyone, that is, today's Lord Carlsas!

When Carlsas entered West Point, his strength had reached a high level. At that time, West Point did not set any threshold. As long as you are willing to come to West Point and pass the assessment, you can stay in West Point to study. At that time, Sinjid and Carlsas were not idle. After arriving at West Point, they naturally made a scene and beat the students from freshmen to third-grade seniors. As soon as the whole school heard that someone could beat Carlsas, they would take the initiative to find them. Without saying a word, they would beat them first.

It is also because of this arrogant and domineering personality that the West Point School has a headache. There is really nothing we can do. West Point School has to put the exchange between the schools on the agenda during the exchange meeting between Stanford and the Delhi Military Academy. In order to throw the scourge of Carlsas to other schools, there is nothing he can do. His father can't afford it. Even if he can afford it, he will be angry with Carlsus for this little thing. At that time, this way of communication with other two military schools in the demon world began to rise.


"I have confidence!" Eliod didn't hesitate when he said this, and even Lemo beside him could clearly see that Elod's face was full of strong confidence when he said this!

Yes, there is no reason for him to fail! Lemo thought of something and smiled self-deprecatingly. If Lucifer's almost demonic magical inheritance will fail, it can only show that fate is too favored by the sickle demon!

In fact, in the early years, the Stanford Military Academy considered whether to instill some powerful skills in some contestants so that they could win once on the spot. However, after the disappearance of the ancient baptism inheritance, the young people in the existing inheritance and indoctrination family could not bear it at all, or If the inheritance fails, or the inheritor faces a magic collapse because his body can't stand it! It was once banned in this way. Elod became the biggest trump card in Stanford's hand, not because of anything else, but because he completely endured a complete spell in Luci's hand!

That's enough to know that Lucifa is the strongest existence in the demon world except for Carlsas, who is the closest to the gods! In heaven, he had a chance to break directly into the real god, but unfortunately she gave up. After accepting the invitation of the devil's will, all this disappeared, and everything had to start all over again! But Lucifa saw through the mystery of the devil with his extraordinary talent and once again stood at the peak of the legend, only one step away from the gods!

Such a gift, looking around, as long as it is not the peak of the Holy Land, Elliot can let go and win the battle! This is the most powerful card in his hand that can completely turn over the Stanford Military Academy. Maybe this is the only chance for them in the far west, and they will be crushed back by the sickle magic after that, but this time is enough! Their fallen angel clan has been silent for too long. For a long time, all demons in the demon world only know that they are an abandoned race in heaven. They are a race that can survive and breathe after receiving the help of the devil's will. Their grievances in their hearts are deeper than any demons!

The school first held in West Point, selected the top ten, and then went to the other two military schools to study and exchange in the name of West Point. On the surface, it is to learn and communicate and have friendly competition with those students, but in fact, it is in this name to strive for the first reputation and reward. In order to see if the other two military schools have seen any unnatural talents in recent years and explore the reality in other territories. This has basically become an undisclosed secret among the lords of the demon world.

In fact, the three lords, especially Lucifa and Carlsas, took the opportunity of the school competition to explore each other's strength. In recent years, they have paid special attention to the results of the competition. Each reward is very attractive, attracting the students below to break their heads and fight for life.

Naturally, high-level things can't be explored by us unidentified demons. Even if you know something, you can't show it off. After all, it's a matter of life. Next, let's get back on track and talk about this school event:

Look over there, it was the fallen angels from the far west who walked to the southern camp of the site. They were the members who represented the Stanford Military Academy to participate in this big battle. At the front of them was their patriarch, Lord Lucifa! Legend has it that Lord Lucifa's strength has reached the peak of the legend, and he has even faintly glimpsed into the realm of the gods. In the demon world, his strength is second only to Lord Carlsas, the sickle demon leader!"

"Here, a group of teams walking towards the northern camp are the students of the Delhi Military Academy led by the werewolf Demon Lord Cofit. Although the overall strength of the Delhi Military Academy is slightly inferior to that of the other two military schools, it has continuously sent a large number of countless military talents to the demon world, based on the battlefield of gods and demons. The werewolf fortress in the east blocked the invasion from the gods and bought a lot of time for the demon world to counterattack the main material plane!"

"Next, what will be revealed to everyone is the sickle demon team that has attracted everyone's attention. Please look at the eastern camp: the middle-aged uncle who walks ahead is the Lord Carlsas! Don't look at his amiable appearance and gentle personality. You should know that once Carlsas gets angry, few people can bear the consequences! In the past, every school competition was won by their West Point Military Academy. After that, Stanford Military Academy and Delhi Military Academy competed with each other and had their own wins and losses, but this time there was a rumor that the Stanford Military Academy used their secret weapons this time! This adds suspense to the game. I don't know which one can win the final victory this time? Please wait and watch the next game!"


Because it is a large-scale public event, organizers are naturally indispensable. As a clerk, Lisa has become the master of ceremonies of the school with her enchanting figure and kind voice. In these years of competitions, her lines are not very new. It's just to add some suspense and can be worded at her own discretion. !

In addition to the three major military schools, the other military schools sponsored by other lords have also appeared one by one, but because these military schools are too mobile, such as closing next year, or changing a military academy to continue to support them, which is normal in the eyes of other demon lords! However, this is really not comparable. These miscellaneous military schools are really not enough for these three major military schools. First of all, the lord's support is not in place, and there are no teachers with strength, status and status. Secondly, they can't afford to pay wages. They are reluctant to pay for the facilities in the school. After all, these things can't go on without the support of the great aristocracy.

The school first held in West Point, selected the top ten, and then went to the other two military schools to study and exchange in the name of West Point. On the surface, it is to learn and communicate and have friendly competition with those students, but in fact, it is in this name to strive for the first reputation and reward. In order to see if the other two military schools have seen any unnatural talents in recent years and explore the reality in other territories. This has basically become an undisclosed secret among the lords of the demon world.

In fact, the three lords, especially Lucifa and Carlsas, took the opportunity of the school competition to explore each other's strength. In recent years, they have paid special attention to the results of the competition. Each reward is very attractive, attracting the students below to break their heads and fight for life.

For Eliod, this school is more to prove Stanford to the demon world and prove their fallen angels!

Life is like a farce. You don't know when it will start to tease you, making you laugh and crying but helpless.

His eyes inadvertently stared at the figure of martial arts in the West Point Military Academy. On the way, his friends, teachers and principal all mentioned this guy in the discussion. West Point is the most promising strong existence to break through to the Holy Land in the graduation season after Carlsas, and it is also the top two of the last school. The first place in the grade is his big enemy in this big match, and he can't help but pay attention to it.

Feel the eyes that Elio had to explore, Wu inadvertently cast his eyes and looked at each other from afar. The two's eyes collided in the air without sparks or even a trace. Then the two looked at each other and smiled, and knew in their hearts who was their real opponent in this competition!

The school is allowed to leap-level challenges. Before leaving, Su Fei specially asked Lilith to teach these details. You should know that he has a lot of trouble. However, fortunately, when you owe more, you suddenly feel so relaxed and comfortable all over. Yes, once you are in debt all over, you don't care who will pay first or who will delay first. As for whether you don't pay back, it's up to you!

"The first game of the school: West Point first-grade student Ryan vs. Stanford first-grade Slock; second-grade scene: Dre Zack vs. West Point Thorne; third grade first scene: West Point Weike vs. Stanford Sonny. Next, the game begins!"

There was no superfluous rendering. Lisa had no ink after the introduction and directly announced the result of the first game. Compared with the explanation of the demon world, Lisa is more keen on the money in her pocket. If she doesn't follow the procedure, the bonus agreed by the organizer will be ruined! In contrast, Lisa naturally had a clear priority and did not whatch the audience's appetite, and directly read out the list of the game!