Book of the Devil

124, three questions and three answers

It seemed that Ming's behavior also attracted the attention of the male teacher, but Dith lay lazily on the table. And the fat man listened to the teaching of the male teacher with relish. No wonder the fat man listened carefully. After all, these knowledge of magic soldiers is very important for people from a poor background, and even the basic knowledge is difficult to hear such a detailed explanation.

At this time, the male teacher's eyes had already noticed the dark. Suddenly, the male teacher said indifferently, "The classmate by the window, please stand up!" Naturally, he didn't hear this guy calling him, and still looked out of the window indifferently. Seeing that Ming ignored his shouts, he was embarrassed and extremely embarrassed. The male teacher suppressed his anger and said to the fat man, "The fat classmate called the classmate by the window for the teacher."

In a while, the atmosphere of the whole classroom was extremely quiet. Familiar classmates all know that the more she shows such a peaceful expression, the more angry she will be than ever. Almost all the students stared in the direction of Ming. At this time, the fat man said to Ming, " boss, boss, the teacher called you." Ming turned around, looked at the fat man and said, "Teacher, where?" Almost everyone closed their mouths tightly for fear of laughing.

Ignore it, ignore it like never before. This girl is too bold. Don't you know that credits will be deducted? The male teacher's face had turned pale, and then the male teacher said in a low voice, "It's you, stand up." Ming stood up lazily and said lightly, "What's the matter?" The male teacher took a deep breath and said, "Please listen carefully in class and don't look out of the window at will. Deduct your 15 credits. All right, sit down.

For a while, everyone took a deep breath. 15 credits, tut. At this time, Ming said indifferently, "Sorry, although I don't know what credits are, can you give me a reason to deduct my credits?" The male teacher said lightly, "If you don't listen to my class carefully, it's that simple. If you know it, sit down and listen to the class carefully." Ming sneered and said, "Can you stop talking about this idiot's content? Tell me something I don't understand. I'm sorry that I understand everything you taught.

Everyone thought they were going to admit their cowardice, but it turned around. What does this sentence mean? Provocation, ** naked provocation. Originally, the male teacher also planned to deduct Ming's credits and continue his lecture. Although the mood was a little bad by Ming's attitude, after all, 15 credits were deducted, and the anger in my heart still subsided a lot. But Ming's sentence is like something, just like the little flame that represents this annoying fire. It was gradually extinguishing and suddenly pouring oil on the small flame.

The anger in my heart burned wildly, and there was nothing more to add fuel to the fire. The male teacher sneered and said, "Yes? Then I will ask you a few questions about magic warfare? If you answer, you don't need to listen to my class, and I won't deduct the same credits. Do you think it's okay? Ming smiled and said, "So on the contrary, what if I don't answer?" Let's say it together." The male teacher snorted coldly, "I didn't answer. Can I double the credits and deduct 30 credits from you?"

nodded and said, "Okay, there is no problem. It's really great that you teach such an idiotic content so vigorously. The male teacher's body trembled angrily, and Diss couldn't help laughing and said, "Bad guy, you are so angry today." Ming said, "Yes, this idiot just hit the muzzle of the gun." The fat man couldn't help laughing and saw Ming and Tis singing together. The male teacher suppressed his anger and said faintly, "Can it start?"

The corners of Ming's mouth raised slightly and said, "Anytime." The male teacher asked directly, "So the first question is who are the leaders and creators of the magic soldiers?" Ming couldn't help laughing and replied indifferently, "Teacher, do you really think I don't know anything? It's too contemptuous to look down on people. The creator and guide of the magic soldier are the same person. Goss created the magic soldier thousands of years ago. And led the magic soldiers to an unprecedented height. It is said that the magic soldiers created at that time were stronger than the current magic soldiers. But Goss took away all the magic soldiers he created at his peak. I left for some reason, leaving only the inheritance of the magic soldiers and disappeared.

After saying that, the corners of Ming's mouth raised slightly and said, "Teacher, do you think I'm right?" The male teacher couldn't help scolding in his heart, "This is not right. It's even more correct than the textbook answer. Damn it." But the male teacher said, "You are right, aren't you?" Then, the male teacher asked, "So I'm asking you, how are the magic soldiers classified and how they are made?"

Ming shook his head and replied, "There is no hierarchy of magic soldiers. Teacher, you asked another common sense question. Do you really think I'm an idiot? Magic soldiers cannot be divided by level, because it has long been the forchanters of magic soldiers, but the people who use him. Everyone can only have one magic soldier in his life, at the moment when the magic soldier is about to be forged. The user drips his own blood, because this magic soldier is created to cooperate with the special ability of the source of magic. As the user's star level increases, the ability of the magic soldier will also increase. Because of the particularity of magic soldiers, magicians always collect a lot of rare materials to forge magic soldiers. Because the magic soldier is not disposable, but to accompany the magician for a lifetime.

Speaking of this, Ming released a mass of healing water. Then swallow it directly and moisten your throat with healing water. Then he said, "Only four-star magicians can make magic soldiers. The first is the material, which is much more complicated. It depends on what form of magic soldiers you want to use, such as whips. The most suitable material is meteorite gold, but without exception, this kind of material is the rarest. For daggers, the most suitable materials are Tianyan water and black spirit iron. It is not only rare, but also surprisingly expensive even if it appears on the market. How to make a magic soldier? Just prepare the materials and entrust others to make them. Who has spent so much effort to forge magic soldiers, except for the last drop of their own blood. Just let the forger of the magic soldier do the other steps. It's that simple.

After saying that, everyone looked at Ming in disbelief. Most people think that Ming will definitely be deducted double credits, but in fact, it is the correct answer to the question. And as if he knew it very well, even the male teacher suddenly muttered in his heart, "How can this guy even know this? There are some things I haven't said." Nevertheless, the male teacher is not going to let go.

Since he took office in the third level of magic soldiers, he has never seen a student like Ming. Indeed, there are many students like Ming. But they were severely deducted from their credits. Even if they asked them questions, they couldn't do anything. There is also a reason to deduct their credits, but this guy in front of us, Ming! He ignores himself more than anyone before, and he doesn't know anything. Just like before, it's better to be directly deducted from your credits.

But Ming seems to know everything, and there is no reason for him to deduct his credits. Immediately, the man asked slowly, "You still know a lot, so let's ask you one last question. If you can answer the last question, I won't interfere with you if you do whatever you want in my class in the future. Ming shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said, "Okay, ask quickly. You really waste a lot of my time, grinding like a woman.

For a moment, the male teacher clenched his fist. Indeed, the male teacher has never had such an impulse to hit a person. And this is the first time that Ming made him have such an impulse. The male teacher said repeatedly in his heart, "Good boy, good boy. If it weren't for the regulations in the college, you can't do it at will. If you do it, you must report it, otherwise such an arrogant boy, hum." Naturally, the male teacher did not think how strong Ming was, but only thought that he knew the rules of this college.

dares to ignore himself so much and even insult himself. Immediately, the male teacher asked faintly, "What is the strongest magic soldier in the world today?" In whose hands is it?" Ming shook his head and sneered, "Do you think such a problem can be difficult for me? Naturally, the strongest magic soldier in the world is in the hands of the royal family of the Anmont Empire, called the magic wand. Once an enemy invaded the Anmon Empire, but only relying on this magic sceptre, the whole million army was defeated in one fell swoop. Since then, it has established the status of the magical empire of the Anmont Empire, but now this spell has only been used four times. Once four times are used, the magic stick will be wiped out! Completely disappeared into the world.

At that time, Ming was also shocked when he heard the spell and couldn't believe it was true. It is also because of this spiritual staff that Ming also confirmed one thing, that is, Hirant's strength has already surpassed that of the royal family. Why don't you resist and obey the orders of the royal family? Sure enough, because of the power of this magic stick, there is naturally no trace of opposition on the surface. Similarly, the royal family knows that the strength of the Hilant family is growing desperately, but they don't suppress it at all.

Not to be afraid of the Hirant family, but also need to rely on the prestige of the Hirant family to deter foreign enemies. If you fight with the Hirant family, only 60% of the royal family can win the Hirant family. Even if it is won, the foreign enemy will naturally not miss this good opportunity at that time. Therefore, although the Hirant family has ghosts, the royal family still needs to use the power of the Hirant family.

But the old man shouted unbelievably, "How can this be? How can you even know this kind of thing?" Ming shook his head and closed his mouth. How could the male teacher know that Grandpa Cosway told him a lot of unknown secrets. Naturally, the terrible power of the magic stick also told Ming, but the male teacher knew nothing about all this.