Book of the Devil

125, purple and black

After answering the male teacher's question, Ming did not seek this guy's opinion. He sat down and said indifferently, "Is this the Nagel School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? That's all." After saying that, he looked out of the window. And the male teacher ignored it after a short period of embarrassment. I don't know how long it took to close the window slowly. The whole person lay on the table and closed his eyes.

There is no sleepiness and there is not much fatigue. But I feel that my heart is tired, which is much more uncomfortable than physical fatigue. In this way, the male teacher gave himself a vicious look, and he didn't know anything about it. When Ming opened his eyes, the second class had already begun. Immediately, he sighed. But in his heart, he muttered to himself, "At least there is still a goal now, and there is a reason to live. When the revenge is over, where will it go? Maybe I'll accompany Dith to the demon world.

At this time, he did not care about the surprise of others. The whole person pushed the window open again and didn't care about the teacher who taught the magic array on the podium. The whole person lay on the window and raised his right hand slightly. Almost instantly, the purple flame sphere suddenly floated in the palm of its hand. Immediately, he threw the fireball into the endless white clouds. It was like a flame falling into the water until it disappeared. Ming repeatedly threw the fireball into the white clouds, as if he didn't know how to be tired.

Boring, boring. This day of listening to the class is not as interesting as what you want to do. After countless life-and-death experiences, the whole person's nerves have been relatively tense. The nerves are highly nervous, not the high tension all the time. But as soon as the whole person is idle, he will be in that state. It must be vented when killing people. But there was a little more excitement and a little pleasure in my heart. The feeling of killing can gradually relax the state of high tension, but it is addictive.

Although it seems meaningless to throw a fireball under the clouds as if nothing had happened. That's because Ming is suppressing the impulse in his heart and the impulse to kill in his heart. Killing people, I really want to kill people. This is the only thought in Ming's heart. He endures the impulse at the bottom of his heart. If that string breaks, he will not be able to control himself. Killing the whole class, knowing that he couldn't do this. Once he does this, it will be very detrimental to his whole plan.

will even die, be irritable and depressed. I really hate this peaceful time. The quiet time of listening to the class, if you don't experience the experience of life and death. Ming will easily integrate into the atmosphere of the class, but there is no chance for Ming to regret it. And Ming has never regretted it. Ming knows his current situation. It is the early sequelae of that life-and-death experience. In the battle with Obo, the sequelae have begun to attack.

Dith looked at Ming but muttered, "No one can help you at this level. Once you can't hold on, you will become a killer. Become a machine that only knows killing, and then I can only destroy the source of your magic. Only then can I save your life, although I want to persuade you. But I know your temper, and persuasion doesn't work at all. That's your temper. It's really going to be that time. No matter how much you hate me, I have to destroy the source of your magic! Destroy it!"

Tis naturally hopes that she can survive the sequelae. At the same time, it was a young woman around 20 years old who taught the magic array. The woman has long hair like a waterfall with a smooth shawl, and her delicate facial features are like a doll with pink makeup, holding a quiet smile. The woman stood there like a doll, whenever she walked into the classroom. All the students who attended the class listened carefully to the woman's lecture, and they all wanted to arouse the woman's favor.

It's only once a week, and it's a coincidence. There is naturally a reason why so many students gather in one place. Every week, all the students in the three floors will gather to teach some non-magic courses. For example, magic soldiers and the current magic array, followed by pharmacy. The woman is responsible for teaching the magic array, and the woman seems to have just entered the Nagel School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

And this woman is very gentle, not as mean as the man who teaches magic soldiers. It has also aroused the love of many students, and some of them are bold. The students who wanted to pursue this woman were politely rejected by the woman without exception. It is also because of this woman that the teaching of the magic array is very smooth. Almost 100% of the students listened carefully, and the woman was not surprised. I didn't realize that it was not because of her good teaching, but because of her appearance and gentle personality.

Today, unfortunately, this woman met such an alternative. And now it is very bad, and there is an invisible strange smell around the person. The breath is killing, and the uncontrollable killing is gradually spreading out. This breath can only be felt by Ming, and the irritable mood is full of Ming's heart. Ming's right hand suddenly destroyed the window, and the window suddenly turned into countless fragments.

Originally, the woman's dedicated lecture did not realize that she was standing outside the window. But Ming's move obviously attracted her attention. The woman looked at the corner where Ming was, and the woman muttered in her heart, "This person's face is so strange. Is it a new life?" However, Ming did not notice the woman's eyes, but raised her right hand slightly. In an instant, the purple fireball in the palm of his hand reappeared and expanded little by little.

expanded crazily, "One foot! Two feet! Three feet!" The diameter of this purple fireball did not gradually stop expanding until it expanded to ten feet. At this time, there was only the strange atmosphere around the underworld that it could feel. Crazy rushing towards the purple fireball, only to see the purple fireball suddenly rise. Suddenly, black eroded purple. In a short time, a purple-black fireball suddenly appeared. The most strange thing is that purple and black each occupy half of the area.

Not more than one point, not less than one point. The scorching heat and bloodthirsty horror killing. Ming's eyes suddenly turned blood red, and immediately, Ming's whole body sneered like a madman. After that, he grabbed the huge purple-black fireball with his right hand and threw it into the clouds. Suddenly, a loud noise suddenly sounded. Then, a terrible energy fluctuation suddenly spread out.

In the window, the things around Ming were fused by the high temperature emitted by the purple fireball in an instant. At this time, Ming did not stop. Almost in the blink of an eye, a purple-black fireball reappeared. After that, the left hand is the same. The huge purple-black fireball appeared again, and then his hands gradually closed. The two purple-black fireballs merged little by little. What was horrible was that the size of the purple-black fireball did not expand. Instead, it shrank little by little, and finally the fireball shrank to the size of nails.

Not so much, all the strangeness around the body is sucked into this miniature fireball. At this time, the fireball stood on Ming's right finger and only looked at the miniature fireball. It gave people a feeling of extreme destruction, but at this time, he breathed a sigh of relief. The smell of killing around his body is almost all in this miniature fireball, and now he can't believe that his breath of killing is so heavy.

This breath is not the killing in the mask, and the killing power in the mask has begun to take shape. Although the killing power in the mask is not strong, the meaning of the two is different. The killing power in the mask represents only the killing generated by killing, pure and pure killing power to the extreme. There is no spirit that belongs to himself at all, but the murderous atmosphere emitted by himself is not like this.

The killing breath of Ming represents the mood of Ming at this moment, not just killing. It's the kind of person who blocks me, no matter who. I met the Buddha and killed the Buddha, and I met the mood of slaughtering the gods. This is the little spirituality that was lacking in the mask, and he didn't expect that his own murderous breath could burst into the fireball to burst out such a terrible power. But this is always unattainable, just because of the leisurely class time.

leads to the onset of sequelae, which leads to its own killing breath. This time it's very dangerous, just a little bit. He can't control his own body and kills like a machine. But fortunately, somehow the breath of killing desperately blended into the purple fireball. This is why Ming is not controlled by the killing, which is the next time. Even the underworld can't predict the development of the situation and completely eliminate the sequelae caused by life-and-death experience.

It's almost impossible unless a person hides in a sparsely populated place. He lived silently for a few years and endured the impulse to kill. It may be possible to completely eliminate the sequelae, but it will not do so, because there is no time at all. This also leads to a lot of contradiction, because of the sequelae of meditation to kill people. But once the killing is carried out, the chance of eliminating the aftereffects will be even more difficult.

At this time, Ming did not find that the beautiful woman had come to him, and Ming manipulated the tiny fireball on his index finger with mental power. In an instant, the miniature fireball suddenly emitted dazzling sparks. It is particularly beautiful, and at the same time, the woman's voice is very soft. Excuse me, is this fun? He subconsciously nodded and said, "General, average." The woman bit her lips and asked, "Is the teacher's class so boring?"

This woman also thought that it was because she was very boring in class that Ming was so unscrupulously doing similar venting behavior. This woman is also sad and always looks for the problem from herself. Have you ever looked for problems from others and say that she is simple? Or is it stupid? Who knows.