Book of the Devil

137, undercurrent and whirlpool

The mysterious Warcraft yawned lazily, "Not much, not much. Before you came, three groups of people had come here, and you were slow. Caputo couldn't help looking at the mysterious beast in shock and said, "Three batches? Is this true? The mysterious beast said faintly, "Believe it or not, anyway, you will meet soon. And I would like to remind you that you'd better leave as soon as possible. You are too weak!"

Caputo was suddenly shocked and said, "We are too weak. Do the strong people in the second realm of more than ten stars also appear? It's troublesome, troublesome." At this time, Ming did not know that he had been involved in a huge whirlpool, and once he was involved, it was difficult to get out. And what Ling Ming didn't expect was to meet an acquaintance in this place. At this time, Caputo took a deep breath and said, "Thank you for reminding me, but we still have to go in. I'm sorry to bother you."

The mysterious beast also shook his head and said, "Since you insist on doing so, I'm not dissuade you. Anyway, those people can kill you with one finger. I reminded you that you don't blame me for finding your own death." Immediately, the mysterious monster suddenly turned around after saying that. Behind him is a huge door. Half of the door is blood-red, but it is generally white like spring and snow. And this door exudes extremely cold and hot breaths, and countless tiny magic arrays are depicted on the door.

In short, all this tells everyone that this door is not simple! At the same time, the mysterious warcraft opened its mouth slightly. A blood-red bead floated in the air like this, and the blood-red bead flew to the center of the mysterious door in an instant. After a while, the sound of a door opening slowly sounded. Bang!" A sound awakened Ming from his meditation, but there was a little more uneasiness in his heart. Ming shook his head to get rid of the uneasiness in his heart, but the uneasiness in his heart could not be driven away, and he could only let nature take its course.

At this time, the second lady said slowly, "Grandpa Caputo, I don't have to go here. After all, it's too dangerous." Caputo's eyes flashed, but his face was soft and he said, "You have to go. There is a place where you must rely on your strength." The second lady asked puzzledly, "My strength? What kind of power can I just have as a small six-star magician? At the same time, Ming has put on a blood-red mask, changed his robe, and paid the sound-changing potion in one go.

These actions have been done almost in one go, and I can't get familiar with this. Even the virtual spirit was put into the blood-red mask. After all, the next accident will be discovered. However, the cold light in Caputo's eyes was clearly seen by the hidden in the dark. Ming thought in his heart, "What's going on? The second lady trusts the old man's appearance very much, but there seems to be something wrong with the old man.

But Caputo said lightly, "You'll know later. Come in with me first." The second lady didn't think much about it and said, "I know, Grandpa Caputo." At this time, Caputo had already led the way, but Caputo said in his heart, "If you are good, you can still save your life, otherwise you will only die. How do you think your extraordinary talent came from? Joke, this talent is not yours at all. As long as it goes well, the strength of our Hilant family will further increase.

If the second lady hears the muttering in Caputo's heart, she will definitely be shocked to the extreme. Grandpa Capto, who was so kind to himself since he was a child, actually said he would kill himself. Still no one can believe this fact, just like the most unlikely thing happened quietly, so ridiculous and ridiculous. And even her proud talent was completely denied, but the second lady didn't know all this at all.

As soon as you enter the gate, you will be surrounded by oil lamps. The road is flat and there is no fork in the road, which is illuminated with oil lamps. Caputo walked straight ahead, and at the same time, it was also inside the gate. Two people who were extremely familiar with Ming appeared here, who were still known by the magician of Ming Yixing. Dressed in a white robe and long white hair. Giving people a dusty temperament, no one can think of such an old man as the crazy guy in Vitra City.

And there is another person beside the old man. If he sees this woman, he will definitely be extremely shocked. The woman's face is still not much different from before, that is, Lina's face. But her long red hair turned pale blue, as blue as ice. And Lina's body exudes a cold breath, cold to the bone, and pride is also in this bone. It's too strange that she has no contact with the previous Lina at all.

These two people actually came to the cloud world and also came to the mysterious area marked as ten in the cloud world. At this time, the old madman slowly said, "Bingyun, what's going on?" Bingyun said indifferently, "Here, there is something familiar here. Somehow, as long as you get something like that. My memory will wake up. The old madman was also puzzled. A few days ago, Lina's hair temperament began to change.

That is, not long after coming to this emperor, when the hair of the ice cloud all turned light blue. What shocked the old madman most was that Lina's strength had recovered, except for that one. The rest of the strength is no different from the previous ice cloud, and this ice cloud has also recovered some memories. For example, when he recognized himself, the old madman asked worriedly, "Bingyun, will finding such a thing have an impact on your plan?" After all, as long as your plan succeeds, there should not be many people in the world who will be your opponent.

Bingyun said indifferently, "I don't know so much, but I only know that I have been on a crooked path for so many years. As long as you get something like that, that plan will also succeed. The crooked road I took has wasted too much time. But even I didn't expect that something would be here. If I knew it was here before, why would I waste so much time? The old madman asked doubtfully, "Bingyun, is that what it is?"

At this time, Bingyun did not make a sound, but just opened his mouth and said a few words. The old madman looked at the words spit out by Bingyun's lips and said, "This thing actually appears here? Needless to say, Bingyun, you are so talented, no matter who gets that... Tut-tut!!!" But at this time, the old madman looked at so many fork roads but frowned and said, "This place is really not simple. It is actually made by a third realm of more than ten stars. The end of every fork road is immeasurable, but what about the fork in the road?

Bingyun slowly said, "The left, right and middle fork road is my limit. One of these three fork roads must be where such a thing is hidden. It's really necessary to fight. The old madman said with great pride, "What are you afraid of? You're adding me! Where can't we go in this world!" Bingyun retorted, "Have you forgotten the place you told me, the place where you imprisoned so many strong people, and even drove a determined person like you alive?"

Suddenly, the old madman gritted his teeth and said, "When my strength reaches the third level, I will definitely return to that place. It's a pity, it's a pity that I'm the only one left!" As if thinking of something, the old madman couldn't help trembling. Bingyun sneered and said, "I also want to go up. When all my memories recover, hum, many things I don't know will be revealed to me one by one."

The old madman and Bingyun are the first batch of the three groups of people mentioned in the mysterious Warcraft, who came to this place first. It is also the strongest, but Caputo is the fourth batch and the weakest. The dark current is surging, and the whirlpool involved is not that simple. I'm afraid it's okay if these four groups of people are looking for different things. If it's the same thing as what you crave, it's fun. A big war is about to begin.

While the dark currents in the cloud world are surging, the imperial capital is not calm. In a street somewhere in the imperial capital, a five-star magician came out of the demon. His face showed excitement, but he muttered, "Finally, I have advanced to become a five-star magician. Next, as long as I complete the five-star magician assessment task, I can also become a veritable five-star magician. This magician seems to see a bright future, and that's how people are.

When ordinary people are eager to become a magician, they want to become a magician, but they want to advance! Desire is endless, and so is this five-star magician. At the same time, the five-star magician looked at his surroundings. But I found that the environment was so strange. Originally, I was still in a busy street, but now I am in a corner. The five-star magician suddenly panicked and didn't know what was going on? Obviously walking on the bustling street, how could it appear in such an empty dark corner without a person?

The breath of danger shrouded over this five-star magician, the danger between life and death. At this time, a man in a black robe and a black mask walked towards the five-star magician step by step. The man just moved his lips, and the five-star magician wanted to escape but couldn't move at all. Not only that, he wanted to shout for help, but he couldn't make any sound.