Book of the Devil

138, the cold pool and the first

The five-star magician could only watch the man in black robe come towards him step by step. In less than three seconds, the man had come to the five-star magician. The man in black took out a blood-red dagger from his pocket and began to cut the body of the five-star magician with a dagger, as if he was looking for something. The body of the five-star magician was cut little by little, and soon the ground was covered with the flesh and blood of the five-star magician.

Is blood mixed with meat or meat mixed with blood? This can't be distinguished at all, but the man still indifferently cut the body of the five-star magician. But the five-star magician looked at the man with a ferocious face and didn't know how he provoked the pervert at all. What on earth is this guy looking for? He knew that the guy's dagger pierced his own eyes. Suddenly, the five-star magician's body slowly fell down.

He shouted in horror, "The source of magic!?" The five-star magician did not know that he could speak, but at this time he was no longer a five-star magician. The magician's most important "source of magic" is in his left eye, but it was ruthlessly dug out. He is no longer a magician, just an ordinary person. At this time, he finally understood what the man was looking for in his own body, which turned out to be the "source of magic" in his left eye.

At this time, the man in a black robe casually released a fireball on the five-star magician. The body of the five-star magician was swallowed up little by little, and soon turned into ashes and no longer existed in this world. The five-star magician had no resistance in front of the man, but the man looked at the sky and muttered, "First! 9999 are still missing. However, this emperor is the city with the most magicians, which is enough to collect many sources of magic. At that time, at that time.

Speaking of this, the man actually laughed wildly. The "source of magic" that this man wants to collect is not the ordinary "source of magic", and the lowest level must also be the "source of magic" of the five-star magician. For example, although the five-star magician in front of him has not completed the assessment task of the five-star magician, his own magic and spiritual strength have reached the realm of the five-star magician. He went to the magic place and had just accepted the assessment task of the five-star magician, but who would have thought that as soon as he came out of the magic place, he was killed by a mysterious man in black robe.

And not even a dead body can be left, which can be said to be extremely unlucky. But no one thought that this was just the beginning. The killing of this mysterious man has just begun. No one knows the purpose of collecting so many "sources of magic"? But the only thing I can know. As long as he dares to continue to kill like this, both the four major families of the imperial capital and the royal family will take action.

Killing so many magicians in the imperial capital, isn't this hitting the face of the four families and royal families in public? I'm too bold. But looking at the man's crazy expression, maybe this is not just a saying, but a fact that is really about to happen. Kill a five-star magician, there is no problem. But ten, a hundred or more, then the severity of this matter is not imagined by anyone. And this guy actually said that he wanted to kill 10,000, 10,000 five-star and more magicians with more than five stars.

Although there are many magicians in the imperial capital, they have killed so many magicians. It will also be a very serious blow to the Almont Empire, known as the Magic Empire, but no one has found a five-star magician. In this way, he died silently, as if the five-star magician did not exist at all. The cloud boundary is marked as 10 areas, and the ice cloud and the old madman chose the middle fork in the road. Immediately, the two walked slowly.

disappeared into the darkness, I don't know how long it took. Caputo and the second lady came to the countless fork in the road unharmed, while Caputo took out a jade pendant from his pocket. Caputo muttered in his heart, "Is this the power of prophecy? It's really horrible! Just like what was said at that time, the mysterious warcraft and these countless forking roads, but what happened to the sudden extra three groups of people? I hope they won't disrupt our plan. After all, they have been planning for so many years.

At this time, the jade pendant in Caputo's hand emitted a strange light. The direction of the sudden beam of light emitted by the jade pendant was a fork in the road, and Caputo did not hesitate to go straight to the fork in the road. The second lady followed Caputo closely, but the uneasiness in the second lady's heart became more and more serious. The sudden second lady felt a sharp pain in her mind, but Caputo laughed when she saw the second lady's painful appearance.

said indifferently in his heart, "Sure enough, the closer to that place, the signs of awakening gradually accelerate." At this time, Caputo took the second lady's hand directly and walked quickly towards the fork in the road. However, Ming followed closely, and Ming felt that what would happen next would be a earth-shaking event. I don't know how long he has been away, Caputo doesn't care about the ferocious signs of the second lady's face. But he muttered in his heart, "It's almost time, soon, the ancestors are about to wake up."

At this time, the cold breath became more and more solemn, and the dark cave emitted a faint light. At this time, Caputo stopped and stopped in a mysterious place. It is surrounded by light yellow stones, which emit a faint yellow light. From time to time, the yellow light turned into a trace of thunder and lightning walking on the stone, which was strange. The stone was extremely strange. But Ming felt that there seemed to be something wrong with his blood-red mask.

This mask wants to devour the countless yellow stones around it, just like devouring the huge thunder light curtain. What surprised me most was that the blood-red mask began to control his body, let himself walk into the yellow stones, and then swallow them all up. At this time, Ming roared, "You dare! I'm your master!" The voice of the underworld is very loud, but the mask is extremely magical.

The outside world did not hear Ming's roar at all, and with Ming's roar. The blood-red mask seemed to realize that Ming was his master, and gradually Ming's body was controlled by himself again. At this time, Ming snorted coldly, and he was not allowed to be controlled by anyone in this life. Your life and your destiny can only be controlled by yourself, that's all. Even if this mask has saved you many times, if you dare to control your body, you will not hesitate to destroy this treasure-like mask.

Don't control yourself and control your body in precious treasures. Does the life manipulated by others still belong to you? The answer is obvious. This place is extremely strange, and the air is filled with the sound of thunder. But under these countless yellow stones is an endless lake, but the lake emits an extremely cold atmosphere. Coincidentally, there was a small stone under Ming's feet, which kicked directly. The stone passed through the mask and drew a beautiful trajectory from the air.

But it hasn't fallen into the lake yet, and it still stays in the air. The stone itself is frozen a little, not only that. The breeze blew gently, and the pebbles suddenly disappeared without a trace. At this time, Caputo looked solemnly at the lake and said, "Is that thing about to appear?" The calm lake gradually became less calm after the arrival of Caputo and others.

A sudden sound of an ancient beast suddenly sounded, and a huge head stretched out under the lake. The lion-like head is covered with countless goose bumps behind it. Caputo said indifferently, "I want your magic crystal!" I just finished this sentence. Caputo raised his right hand slightly, red, and the color that this strange warcraft saw was only red. I don't know why Caputo didn't launch an attack at all.

With just raising his right hand, the strange beast moaned in pain. This is not so much an endless lake as a cold pool. However, in such a cold place, the beast is still safe and complaous. But at this time, the beast roared crazily, as if it had suffered severe pain. Caputo said indifferently, "Although he has ten-star strength, his wisdom has not yet opened. I didn't expect that such a warcraft exists here."

But Caputo said in his heart, "Sure enough, exactly like the prophecy, the ancestors will finally be resurrected. At that time, my Hilante family will have a strong man with more than ten stars in the third realm, hahaha." At that time, what is the royal family? The whole Almont Empire, and even the whole continent, will belong to my Hilant family. I don't know what's going on with this monster, and there is a red light in his eyes.

But the pain in his eyes was clearly seen by everyone present, and Ming said doubtfully, "What on earth is going on? Seeing the old man raising his hand so much, the warcraft showed such a painful expression. It seemed to be the severe pain caused by the fire, but there was no flame burning the body of the Warcraft at all. At this time, Caputo said to himself, "Isn't the flame enough? Then how much is it?"

After saying that, Caputo just glanced at the Warcraft. The expression of the warcraft was getting more and more painful, but the second lady took a deep breath and muttered in her heart, "Is this the strong man in the first realm of more than ten stars? Why? Why? I can't see the flame at all. Where is this flame? How to burn the mysterious warcraft? Although the second lady was puzzled, she still didn't ask.

The body of the huge warcraft is melting little by little. I'm afraid that in a while, this huge warcraft will die completely.