Book of the Devil

202, Phantom and Fire Whip

Obert's figure soon disappeared into Ming's eyes, and Ming slowly closed his eyes at this time. He reviewed all the four-star magic that Cosway gave him, and quietly waited for the return of Aubert. Mingming with a bloody sickle leaned slightly against the broken wall, and it had been about three hours since Aubert left. A hundred meters away, Ming heard bursts of footsteps.

Ming frowned and pushed open the crumbling door. The Ming hand pushed gently, and the door turned into powder in an instant. The dark face did not show surprise. He knew that it was because of the extremely horrible power bonus of the bloody sickle. And the rapid footsteps 100 meters away were also heard clearly, and his whole body looked in the direction of the footsteps. Because of the addition of this sickle, Ming's vision has reached an extremely horrible level.

Everything 100 meters away can be seen clearly, and Obert, who had gone out well, was already full of blood. The black hat has long been gone, and the robe has been cut very damaged. At this time, he clearly heard a loud laugh, "The boy obediently handed over the money on you, and then I can still give you a pain!" Otherwise, I want you to live worse than death!" Aubert spit out a mouthful of blood and shouted coldly, "You bastards! You are not members of the thief union. How can you do such a thing!"

He suddenly opened his eyes and clearly saw a few ghostly voices. Thieves and thieves are the fastest in all professions, and only God's secret assassins can compare! This speed refers not only to the speed of movement, but also to the speed of action! Waving the speed of the dagger slightly exuded his spiritual power. There are three people, two three-star thieves and one four-star thief, which is not afraid at all!

Just as Aubert said this, the thief finally showed his figure. This man is very short, playing with the emerald dagger in his hand with his right hand! Immediately, the man said coldly, "Do you think the people in the thief union are in the union? It's not that easy to enter a thief union. We have to pass the test to join the thief union, and the content of the test is very simple, that is, kill you, take away your money, and get information!"

Obert coughed several times and frowned slightly, "Intelligence? What information can I have? I'm just a three-star magician!" The little man smiled and said, "Although I don't know why the content of the test is this, I know the union I want to join. It seems to be very short of money. You are a little three-star magician with so much amethyst paper. It's strange to say that there is no one behind you, and the information you inquired about turned out to be this famous ditch in the imperial capital! So, you should understand."

At this time, Aubert said palely, "Do you want to sell me about that man as information!" The little man clapped his hands and said, "You are very smart. It would be strange if there was no conspiracy to find out the ditch's details at such a large price. So we test the content to force you to say who is behind you. Then sell this information to that dage. You should know that the dage has always been generous.

Aubert shouted unbelievably: "There are regulations, there are regulations. You can't sell your employer's information, how dare you violate it! Dare to violate!" The short man said with a ferocious expression, "There is indeed this rule, but this test was personally ordered by the vice president to the three of us. As long as you can get the information about the person behind you, hahaha! We will also be soaring and tell us the identity of the person behind you, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless!"

As soon as the short man finished speaking, Aubert suddenly turned around. But he found that there were many more people behind him, dressed in a blue robe and holding a red dagger. The other person can remember him at a glance, nothing else! This man's head is twice as much as ordinary people, and he holds a blue dagger in his right hand! The front and back roads were blocked, obviously led by the little man! He is also the strongest of the three, with four-star strength.

Obert sneered and said, "Why? The three of them are really cautious." The little man immediately snorted coldly, "What do you mean?" Albert responded coldly, "Do you really think I'm an idiot? Test? What a joke! The three of you are the people in the union, otherwise the so-called vice president can make you take such an action with just one look!" After saying that, Aubert wiped the blood from his mouth with his long sleeves.

The little man smiled and said, "You really observed carefully, and you also found the inadvertent eyes of the vice president. Yes, I am a member of the union. To tell you the truth, the union needs a lot of money. So even if you violate the rules, you will die later! If you want to die in pain, just tell me the identity of the person behind you!" Aubert looked at the three people indifferently and said faintly, "I won't say anything!"

It's only four words, but it reveals a resolute attitude! The short man suddenly snorted coldly, "Tot, Vika! You two teach this boy a good lesson, but you have to save this guy's life!" The big-headed man's name is Vika, and the other man's name is Tot. At this time, Navica said lightly, "Totter, you don't need to do it! Let me have a good time with this boy. At first glance, this boy has never had a real battle. Let me torture this boy well, wow ha ha!"

Toth snorted coldly, "Torture can be torture. I don't know you, boy. Be gentle. Don't kill it like last time! This is the task assigned to us by the vice president. If it is completed beautifully, I don't need to say more about the benefits!" At this time, Vika's body suddenly moved, strange, extremely strange! He is about two meters tall, but the speed is amazing! The ghostly figure, when Aubert turned around, he already saw Vikana's huge head.

In a moment, Vika's right hand! He waved the light blue dagger in his right hand rapidly, and the speed was extremely fast. In an instant, blood splashed everywhere. There was already a big opening behind Obert's back, and Obert suppressed the pain behind his back. Unexpectedly, he did not make a sound, but immediately used a healing water on his back. At this time, Aubert found that Vika's whole body was missing, and Aubert shouted in his heart, "No, the thief's concealment!" Damn it!"

In addition to their extremely fast speed, thieves are most proud of their hidden ability! Ordinary thieves can hide behind professionals of the same star without being found! There are more powerful thieves who can cross a whole three stars and hide without being found. Aubert looked around indifferently, and Aubert also found that the man in the cyan robe and the short man had disappeared at the same time. It's not that they disappeared, but that they disappeared at a very fast speed.

Hidden and dodged, Aubert said to himself, "Calm down! Be calm! The three must be hiding around here, and only one person did it, the big-headed man Vika!" At this time, Aubert actually heard Navica's voice. Boy, I'm coming! Be careful, hahaha!" Even Aubert's heart is full of anger, and this guy doesn't put himself in his heart at all.

Unexpectedly, he reminded himself so unscrupulously that he was going to attack himself, while the Ming 100 meters away looked at everything in front of him indifferently. If you want to, use the speed bonus of this bloody sickle. He was able to come to Aubert in an instant, but he didn't want to do so. Ming wants to observe this Aubert and how he will make a judgment in the crisis of life and death. But once Aubert encounters a real life crisis, he will take action at that time.

Suddenly, Aubert suddenly raised his head. Aubert heard the sound of the branches breaking. Vika hid on a big tree in front of her left, but at the moment she found it. Vika jumped high from the tree alone, and Vika shouted indifferently, "Kid, quickly use the special ability of the source of your magic. Otherwise, it's really not interesting at all. Although you and I are a star, you have too little practical experience.

The moment he said this, Vika accelerated in the air! The distance from Aubert is getting closer and closer. How could Vika know that the source of Aubert's magic has no attack ability at all! It's the most chicken rib ability. Aubert said coldly in his panic, "Fire whip!" Samsung's magic fire whip was suddenly launched, and hundreds of flame whips were distributed around Naobert. At this time, Vika said indifferently, "The timing is not right. If it is later or I will be hurt a little!"

After saying that, Vika said coldly, "Phantom!" Samsung's thief skill "Phantom Body" is one of the skills that can continue to advance with Vika's current ability. Only ten phantoms could be split, and Albert looked at everything in front of him in surprise. At this time, dozens of shadow-like Vika appeared around Aubert and surrounded Aubert. Ten phantoms have fallen on the ground, and while the "phantom body" splits, the body will also turn into a phantom.

That is to say, one of these ten phantoms is real! That's really Vika's body, but Aubert nervously controls the hundreds of fire whips with mental strength. The whip was beaten crazily by Aubert, but the ten illusions easily escaped Aubert's attack. And one of the phantoms said coldly, "These ten phantoms, nine of which have the strength of two-star thieves!"

said that sooner or later, ten phantoms clearly launched an attack. Aubert felt that his body was cut little by little by a sharp dagger! Aubert felt more that his life was being cut little by little, and the crisis had come!