Book of the Devil

203, Wind Shadow and Poisonous Man

Like a black shadow, waiting for the opportunity to launch a fierce attack on Aubert. When the fire whip waved to them, the shadow quietly dodged. Obviously, there are hundreds of fire whips, but they are even empty, and not even a shadow has been solved. Although the strength of nine phantoms is roughly like two-star thieves, the speed of two-star thieves is not comparable to the profession of magicians. It can be said that even if the magician who released the wind technique on himself, his speed will never be faster than the two-star thief!

Speed, wind-like speed! In one breath, Albert could feel that his back had been cut by a dagger ten times. Each phantom actually launched an attack at the same time, and the tacit understanding reached the extreme. Aubert spit out a mouthful of blood and suddenly took back his mental strength. He frowned slightly and said to himself, "Calm down! Be calm! His strength is just a Samsung thief. As long as he finds an opportunity, there is still a chance to turn the table!"

The initial panic was because it was the first time that Albert fought against people. In the past, most of the tasks that Albert received were tasks without dangerous remuneration. Therefore, he has very little actual combat experience, and has occasionally fought with one-star and two-star Warcraft, but Obert can still easily face the gap between one or two stars. But this time, Aubert's opponent is a thief with three-star strength like him. And the thief's practical experience was so rich, which also made Aubert passive at the beginning, leading to panic.

Due to the sudden withdrawal of mental strength, the whip in the air is also out of control. It soon dissipated into the air, although it disappeared. But he could still smell a scorching smell, but at this time, Obert found that he was really afraid to die this time. With two phantoms left and right, Aubert seemed to think of something and looked into the air. There are only eight illusions in the field of vision, so there are two more!

Above the sky, Albert only saw a small black dot! However, the black spot is getting bigger and bigger, and the black spot gradually changes. Aubert could see his face clearly, and this man was Vika! Danger has come! Vika's laughter suddenly sounded: "Let you see what life is better than death. Let me torture you well, hahaha!" Vika has been laughed at and humiliated by countless people because of her big head since she was a child!

Vika's pain in those years has not been forgotten at all, which also makes Vika's psychology very abnormal! I especially like to torture others and people who are weaker than him! Laugh at those weak guys, and finally kill them ruthlessly after torture! The shadow of childhood has long been the current Vika! Torture to the fullest and insult to the fullest! How is Vika's behavior different from those who bullied him in those years? With strength and the shadow of childhood, there will always be one person after another with psychological problems.

This Vika is one of them, on a huge open space. The bloody battle is slowly kicking off, with eight phantoms in less than three seconds. In an instant, he rushed to Aubert's side and cut! Cutting the dagger! In eight places of the body, blood gushed out like a fountain. But the biggest danger is not these eight phantoms, but the growing black spot in the sky. Albert suddenly said, "Is this the body of that guy!"

Speaking of this, Aubert roared, "Phoenix Shadow!" Samsung assisted in magic wind shadow, and suddenly, strong wind elements gradually converged. In an instant, Navika suddenly pulled out two red and purple daggers from his waist, and then skillfully injected spiritual power! Then, his hands suddenly made a throwing motion! Two daggers turned into two streamer lights and accurately pierced Obert's shoulders. But Aubert did not scream at all, and it was reasonable to have suffered such a fierce attack.

At least there will be screams or blood splashes. But Vika in the sky stood quietly on the ground, he! Seeing that the corners of Aubert's mouth were slightly raised, showing an innocent smile. But in Vika's eyes, his innocent smile seemed to laugh at himself. Then, Aubert's body broke little by little. Finally, a breeze disappeared in Vika's eyes, and Vika suddenly turned around.

But he found that Aubert was wearing a broken black robe and looked at himself indifferently. Vika sneered and said, "Good boy, I really underestimate you. The final decision is really unusual. I can actually think of using Samsung magic and wind and shadow to face my attack. But this wind shadow skill consumes magic very well, hum!"

Wind shadow art is a kind of wind auxiliary magic that is more popular. To put it bluntly, it is a stand-in formed by the cohesion of a wind element. It's easy to say, but it's not that easy to do. We must seize the opportunity that wind shadow art is a magic to release on oneself. After release, at the moment of attack. The ontology will be transmitted to dozens of meters away, after the ontology disappears. What appears is the wind shadow condensed by the wind element, and the wind shadow has no combat effectiveness.

But most of them are used to avoid critical attacks. Generally, low-level magicians will use wind shadow to save their lives at the critical moment of life and death. But the price to be paid is a full third of the magic of Samsung magicians. At this time, Obert's own magic was less than one-third left, on the way to escape. Aubert has continuously released several wind tricks to himself. Originally, the speed of the wind technique was not as fast as that of the three-star or even four-star thieves.

But these three guys are playing with themselves like cats and mice. Follow and stop all the way here. I just began to prepare to do it, but I didn't pay attention to myself at all. However, while Aubert was angry, he knew that it was naturally the end of the crossbow. It won't last long, just at this time. Aubert looked down as if intuitive, and then Aubert remembered.

I forgot, I forgot. There are ten phantoms in total, but eight phantoms are actually on the ground. One is in the air, and there is another one! Another one disappeared, waiting for the opportunity to move. These are the four most unforgettable words for thieves to survive and complete various evil tasks! Although Vika's understanding of these four words is not high, it is enough to deal with Aubert.

Vika's figure appeared and came out of the ground! Vika's left hand suddenly grabbed Aubert's left leg, and a sneer appeared at the corners of her mouth, "I want your right foot, hahaha!" After saying that, Vika's right hand waved quickly. The dagger was only less than three centimeters away from Aubert's right foot, but it appeared at this time. In a breath, he quietly appeared behind Aubert.

After that, Ming raised his right leg and kicked it at the bottom of Vika. The strong force hit Vika's head, and suddenly, Vika's body shattered little by little. Ming moved his body and said indifferently, "Is it a phantom? You are lucky enough to save a life!" Aubert quickly turned around and looked at Ming, shouting in surprise, "Your Excellency, thank you for saving my life!" At the same time, Albert said to himself, "It's so strong, the adult's strength is so strong. Although the man was a two-star thief, the adult's casual kick actually killed the phantom. It's amazing.

Ming said lightly: "The wind and shadow technique you used last really saved your life, if you don't make any decision. Waste doesn't need my help, and my men don't allow waste to exist! Your partner will show up tonight. Following her, you will learn a lot. And your strength is too weak. In this world, strength is the right to speak!" Aubert's eyes flashed and raised his chest. Although the body was very painful, Aubert still gritted his teeth and persisted.

And he shouted, "Yes, my lord. I will try my best to improve my strength and never let adults down!" Albert muttered in his heart, "Waste, I'm not a waste!" No! I want to be the sharpest sword under adults. I will kill those who can't be killed by adults! What adults can't do, I will do it!" It's not because the underworld took part of his soul that Albert said so. But it really changed his path, making him move towards the road of becoming stronger step by step, and gradually the trajectory of life began to change.

Obert will not forget this. If there is no help from Ming, I'm afraid I will wait for the time to leave the sky arena. My sister has died a long time ago. I'm afraid it's still a question whether Aubert can survive at that time. Ming not only saved him from the Sky Arena, but also put him on a completely different path!

At this time, Vika's other nine phantoms suddenly gathered together, and one of them said coldly, "Who are you?" Ming couldn't help sneering and said, "Aren't you always looking for my news? Don't you know me now?" Navika's phantom said unbelievably, "You, how did you hear our conversation? It's impossible, absolutely impossible!" You're lying, yes, you're lying to me!" At this time, Ming asked coldly in Aubert's ear, "Has your appearance been seen by the vice president of the union? If I see it, I have no choice but to kill!"

Aubert quickly said, "No, only these three people have seen my appearance!" As soon as Albert finished speaking, the corners of his mouth raised slightly and said, "This is the best way. It's enough to kill these three people. So that I won't waste my time and kill all the unionists!" Just as Ming finished saying this, the little man didn't know where he came out again. The man in green followed closely behind the short man, and the short man heard the arrogant words.

He couldn't help humming coldly, "What an arrogant boy, a small four-star magician. Unexpectedly, he said that he would kill all the people of my poisonous trade union. I really don't know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is!" Ming muttered, "It turns out that the name of this union is the Poison Man Union. Maybe it will take a lot of money to go there sometime. It's a little interesting."