Book of the Devil

255, Dance and Total Destruction

The roaring fire dragon danced slightly, and the surrounding temperature rose crazily. With Vilan's cold hum, the fire dragon roared from the top of the void and twisted its body and rushed to the gray spirit-patterned rat on the ground as fast as electricity. And the gray-striped rat instinctively spit out its killing moves and the dead spirit fog crazily. The fire dragon spewed out a hot red flame and directly wiped out the dead fog.

Dozens of fire dragons tacitly opened their mouths, and a strong attraction attracted the body of the gray-striped rat. The gray spirit rat struggled strongly with its body, trying not to be controlled by this strong attraction. However, these ten fire dragons were extremely strange and opened their mouths and just made a breath. But this inhalation action is extremely horrible, as if it can pull anything into the air.

The extremely horrible traction is more than the attraction between magnets. With this amazing pulling force, the gray rat was pulled directly to the void. At this time, dozens of fire dragons stopped breathing in. The body twisted sharply, and a fire dragon danced its body as if it were dancing. The top of the void staged a beautiful scene, in the dark night.

Under the little moonlight, the fire dragons danced their bodies. The fiery red body dances beautifully. But Rita, who was beside her, muttered, "The dance of the dragon, and Weilan is also angry." As Rita said, Vilan can be said to be extremely angry. Just a little bit, Willan will turn into a cold body. Even the body no longer exists, and it will be blown slightly by the wind like the skeleton giant and disappear into people's eyes.

You can't despise any action of these tattooed mice, even if it seems meaningless. If Vilan had reacted at once, even his right arm would not have been injured. But at that moment, Weilan made a good decision. But Vilan was still dissatisfied and was injured by a tattooed mouse. Weilan doesn't allow it, absolutely not allowed. It's not that Weilan looks down on these tattooed mice. It's just that Weilan attaches great importance to these tattooed mice.

It was so that his body was damaged by a gray-striped rat that Weilan was very angry. This gray-striped rat is just the beginning, and it is not known how powerful the rat is. I have fallen a big step now, not to mention facing the next more powerful tattooed mouse. So Weilan was extremely angry, and he was angry that he fell here. Don't forgive, never forgive. So Viran was angry and didn't calm down for the first time.

Using the horrible bullets of "Fire Dragon Dance", I have to say that sometimes the crazy Vilan is much more powerful than the calm Viran. Weilan was crazy and didn't look at any bullets in the magazine and loaded it directly into the spiritual pistol. At this time, take care what bullets are in your magazine. As long as you don't die, the bullets in the magazine must be finished. Even if you die, you have to shoot the last bullet in the magazine.

This is a well-known thing for lancers. Even if they die, they can't waste any spiritual bullets. If you are not very nervous, Weilan can still think about countermeasures carefully. Then attack with the most effective combination of bullets, but there is no time to think about countermeasures at this time. Weilan was lucky enough to be able to shoot all the spiritual bullets in the magazine. Every spiritual gunner has a huge number of spiritual bullets. Let's see if you have enough spiritual power to ejaculate these bullets.

Vylan, who was annoyed and lost his mind, had to say that he had found a way to live at this time. Calm down, sometimes it's not good. Confused is not just a random attack. It refers to acting according to your instinct when you are in danger. For example, when there is a powerful Warcraft confrontation, when Calm, Willan will consider shooting the Warcraft in the most effective and simplest way. And Weilan, who is dizzy, will only act according to his own instinct.

Kill this powerful Warcraft with the most powerful means. Even if both sides are defeated, they will not hesitate to die. This is Weilan, who relies on instinct to fight, and at this time, the dance of the fire dragon in the void is finally coming to an end. 3, 1" Weilan counted three numbers silently in his heart when he reached "1". In the space surrounded by ten fire dragons, there was nothing empty. No, there is another thing in this space, that is, the gray spirit-striped mouse pulled into the void by strong attraction.

At this time, there are countless silk lines in the space with only gray spirit-patterned mice. Countless silk threads, but the color of this silk thread is as red as fire. And you can clearly see the originally lively gray spirit pattern mouse, and there are countless small holes in the body of the bone color. There is no doubt that the small holes caused by these bright red silk threads have no vitality at all. This is the horror of the "Fire Dragon Dance". The most terrible thing about this "Fire Dragon Dance" is that you have died without your own discovery.

First of all, inhale, emitting an extremely terrible traction from the mouth. Pull the enemy's body to the void, and then dozens of fire dragons surround the enemy. Finally, he began to attack, dancing his body and dancing a beautiful dance. But this beautiful dance hides murder, an extremely horrible murder. Every time the dragons twist their bodies, their bodies will eject tiny silk threads. It penetrates directly into the enemy's body, and at the end of the dance, it is the time when the enemy dies.

The dance of the fire dragon is over, and the previously arrogant gray-striped rat has slowly fallen from the air. It turns into countless white powders, and the beauty is mixed with murder. This is the "dance of fire dragons". The first "Fire Dragon Dance" quietly came to an end, and the second "Fire Dragon Dance" is slowly kicking off. Dozens of fire dragons in the sky took the action of inhaling again, but this time the traction force was more horrible than the previous traction force. It is almost ten times the power of the first traction, even more than that.

With this terrible pulling force, there are as many as five gray-striped mice that came to the void this time. Originally, in addition to the fog, these gray-striped rats had a few powerful cards. However, when they met this group of fire dragons that eat people and don't spit bones, they didn't have time to use their cards at all. Because when they first arrived in the void, the beautiful dance of the fire dragon had begun. At that time, the first silk thread had been inserted into the body of the gray spirit rat.

But the gray-striped rats on the ground are more anxious and want to attack, but they can't fly. Originally, they were going to attack Weilan, but Weilan kept a certain distance from them to harass them. What is a harassing attack? The purpose of the harassing attack is very simple. It is to make these gray-striped rats unable to touch their bodies and carry out this strategic harassing attack at a certain distance. Although it can't last much time, this little time is enough.

Because this little time is enough to kill these gray-striped rats. The meaning of the four words "dance of fire dragon" is like death. When Weilan was harassed, the second "Fire Dragon Dance" finally came to an end. Five gray rat has quietly fallen to the ground, and all this is almost the same as Weilan thought. So far, there is no unexpected situation, but despite this, Weilan still can't relax his vigilance.

With this repetition, the beautiful fire dragon dance killed all the arrogant gray spirit-patterned rats. Rita is like a servant of Vilan. Helping Weilan do the finishing work, the fireballs appeared strangely like magic in an instant. A gray-striped mouse was corpse and turned into powder by the power of fireball. Viran made a gesture, and suddenly Rita became proficient in releasing a healing water.

Vylan opened slightly and swallowed the healing water. With the attack of the "Fire Dragon Dance", the fire dragons danced their bodies crazily. The temperature around him suddenly rose a lot, and Weilan's forehead was covered with sweat. Directly swallow this group of healing water, and the dry lips gradually become moist. And there were no tattooed mice on the ground, which were burned clean by Rita. But Vilan still dared not be careless, because the danger is just beginning.

I don't know how many tattooed rats are still peeking at Weilan and others not far away, and may launch a deadly attack at any time. Of course, it is not impossible to leave, but the probability of this possibility is too small. For tattooed mice, once the prey is locked. Either you succeed in hunting their prey or their prey will kill them. Although there are accidents, such accidents are rare and rare. And the breath of dozens of fire dragons in the sky gradually became weak.

The fire dragon, which originally exuded a terrible momentum, is gradually decreasing. In less than a minute, a flame dragon disappeared into the void. Weilan secretly touched the cold sweat on his forehead and muttered in a voice that only he could hear: "How long will it take to end this long battle. Damn, some cards can't be wasted in this place. It's not that Weilan is proud. If he really comes out all the cards on his body, these tattooed mice are not Weilan's opponents at all.

But I can't, absolutely not. After all, that mysterious place encounters more dangers, and that mysterious place is the time to use the cards on your body.