Book of the Devil

254, rattan whip and ice chain

Although Willan can restore the right hand that has become a skeleton to its original state, it will take a lot of time. If the body is all eroded by these dead fogs, the whole person will turn into a skeleton. And unlike the skeleton of the big tree, the skeleton transformed by the big tree is very hard. And once Vilan's body touches the necromancer, although it also looks like a skeleton-like bone. However, with a gentle touch, the whole body will turn into bone powder in an instant.

It can be said that Weilan doesn't want to be touched by this thing. If he only touches part of his body, it's okay. Vilan still has a way to recover, if his whole body is swallowed up by the deadly fog. Then Weilan is a real tragedy. Even Daluo Jinxian can't save Weilan. At this time, I only saw the skeleton giant. Holding a huge skeleton branch in one hand, he showed an extremely fierce expression. The gray-stained mouse at the beginning of the battle opened its little mouth slightly and made a strange sound.

The strange sound waves hovered in the sky. Obviously, this sound wave is the way to control the skeleton giant, and it would be extremely surprised if anyone saw this scene. A little mouse that is only half the size of a human palm actually controls a skeleton giant thousands or even tens of thousands of times larger than himself. I have to say that this scene looks very spectacular, but no matter how spectacular it is, it doesn't matter your own life.

Weilan frowned slightly and took a deep breath, and the bullet was loaded again in an instant. The spiritual power was injected into the spiritual pistol like a tide, and three crisp gunshots suddenly burst out. Three bullets of different colors rushed wildly towards the skeleton giant. The skeleton giant swung a huge skeleton branch and destroyed it directly towards Weilan. At this time, Weilan said indifferently, "A necromancer that only relies on strength is not my opponent."

The first bullet at the top of the character first burst out its attack mode, and after the bullet burst, it turned into countless leaves in an instant. The leaves fell one after another and floated on the body of the skeleton giant. Then, countless leaves turned into countless rattan whips to tightly bind the body of the skeleton giant. Before the huge skeleton giant could react, the second bullet at the far left end of the character attack suddenly burst out. The second bullet turned into a four-winged tiger, but the tiger was ice-blue.

And it was completely condensed from energy, and the body of the four-winged tiger suddenly expanded. Then the blood basin mouth suddenly opened, and countless ice cones spit out from its huge mouth. The ruthless ice cone fell into the body of the huge skeleton giant, and the sound of an ice cone colliding with the skeleton sounded. After the ice cone was all revealed from the mouth of the four-winged tiger, the body of the four-winged tiger suddenly expanded.

Then the body of the four-winged tiger turned into a huge ice chain, and the body of the four-winged tiger was firmly tied in one circle after another. Originally, this skeleton giant was able to barely move when he was tied by countless rattan whips. However, Weilan did not give the skeleton giant time to act and resist. Maybe Weilan had already had time. The second bullet burst instantly as the skeleton giant was about to break free from the countless rattan whips.

is like spring thunder in winter, so sudden. And the last bullet stayed in the air like this, while Vilan snorted coldly. His eyes were like electricity, revealing a trace of cold indifference. And with Weilan's cold hum, his eyes were cold. The last bullet seemed to feel what Vilan thought and suddenly accelerated. Unexpectedly, the sound of a bullet rubbing against the air could be heard. The speed of this bullet was extremely fast.

A distance of dozens of meters, but it came in the blink of an eye. At this time, the bullet suddenly burst, and the bullet turned into a black spot. This black spot is about the size of a grain of rice, but this bullet emits extremely devastating energy fluctuations. Then, a crisp voice sounded slightly. The skeleton giant slowly fell to the ground, while Weilan had a calm expression, not panic at all as if everything was under Weilan's control.

The current attack seems to be a simple attack, and Weilan himself can't help sweating himself. If someone carefully observes the skeleton giant, you can clearly see a small invisible hole in the eyebrows of the skeleton giant. Without careful observation, you can't see the small hole in the forehead of the skull giant, and those rattan whips disappeared instantly after the death of the skeleton giant. The same is true of those ice-blue chains, disappearing in an instant.

The last black spot is the real attack. This is also planned by Welland, and the first two bullets are to control the action of the skeleton giant. The rattan whip and the ice-blue chain, and the last black dot is the terrorist attack that Weilan has accumulated all his strength. Just one blow left a small hole. It solved a problem, but this is only the beginning. The danger behind is even more imaginable. It can be said that Weilan is very irritable now.

Although Weilan's expression is still calm, don't mention how irritable he is. I don't know how many tattooed mice there are behind, which puts too much pressure on Weilan's heart. At this time, the wind gradually became strong, and a bright red fruit was blown down by the wind. The fruit hit the skeleton giant accurately. The body of the skeleton giant turned into powder in an instant. White powder, the wind hangs again. The scene of rolling up a pool of white bone powder on the ground was extremely beautiful.

But it was mixed with an indescribable cruelty, and Rita asked slowly, "Don't Weilan need to take action?" Weilan said slightly, "No, I can barely deal with it now." It's not that Weilan is trying to show his strength, but that the current gray-striped mouse really can't pose a big threat to Weilan. The meaning of Vilan's words is very simple. When she can't cope with it, it is when Rita took action. Now that Willan and Rita are sitting on a warship, they must help hand in hand.

No one is ready to hide privacy. Everyone is always the most united when it is dangerous. After the danger, the somewhat despicable nature of human beings will be revealed. Fortunately, Weilan signed a contract with Rita. In many cases, the situation is uncontrollable, and the team gathered at zero is the most dangerous and united. For example, in danger, such as a powerful warcraft. The power alone can't deal with this powerful Warcraft at all, so they can only work together.

Otherwise, there is only one dead end, but after joining hands. It is the most dangerous moment, and human beings are always the most terrible creatures. Even if it is an advanced ten-star Warcraft, the Warcraft theory that can turn into a human form is still not as terrible as human beings. Human beings are always driven by interests, and there are countless examples of people abandoning their brothers, women and relatives for profit. When we join hands, it is human's own infighting.

Maybe everyone can escape from danger at that time, once they fight for the so-called magic crystal. Even the whole army was destroyed. Weilan signed a contract with Rita to avoid this situation of killing each other. At the same time, the gray-striped rat with the head showed a fierce expression. It seems that he is very unhappy about the easy shooting point of the skeleton giant that Willan made him hard to get. Immediately, the gray rat suddenly raised its little head.

At the same time, the body emitted a strong gray light, and in an instant, the gray spirit rat's body suddenly accelerated. The moment the body approached Weilan, it suddenly expanded. Then a crackling sounded, and Weilan looked at the scene in front of him in surprise. He said unbelievablely, "Self-explosion!? No, is it..." Weilan almost subconsciously passed his head, and the self-explosion of the gray spirit-patterned rat in front of Weilan did not burst out much power.

I only heard a self-detonation sound, but nothing happened. Weilan subconsciously turned around and found the trick of the matter. Weilan's left hand touched his magazine at that moment. Take out a pale cyan bullet and quickly load it into the spiritual pistol. But at this time, the claws of the gray-striped rat had touched Weilan's right arm, and suddenly blood gushed out crazily. The gray-striped rat grew his mouth and sprayed a dead smoke at Weilan.

And these dead smoke are much more than before, and at this time, Wilan's fingers have suddenly pulled the trigger of the spiritual pistol regardless of his injury. The pale cyan bullet rushed out like electricity from the muzzle at that moment, and the pale cyan bullet turned into a strong cracking wind at that moment. The cracked wind pushed Weilan's body, and Weilan appeared dozens of meters away in an instant. She dodged the deadliest smoke, and Rita suddenly released a healing water.

The wound on Weilan's right arm suddenly healed, and Weilan sat on the ground in confusion. Weilan's back was already covered with sweat, and Weilan was also shocked. Just a little bit away, I will touch the dead smoke. Then he is really tragic, and Weilan is naturally angry. Crazy loading of bullets, the fiery red bullets were loaded into the spiritual pistol by Weilan. Vilan was like a madman, pulling the trigger crazily.

Hot bullets spewed out directly from the muzzle. When the hot bullets left the muzzle, the hot bullets suddenly turned into ferocious fire dragons. The fire dragon danced in the sky and looked very ferocious.