fa mou

Chapter 89 Add insult to injury

Even in the face of Ling Xianger's shocking ghost crying and howling Thunderbolt Bodhisattva's frightening stunt, the promise only snorted and did not scream, which is a necessary quality for a killer. But Xuyi's situation was a little different at this time. His face was paler, his face was sweating like rain, and his eyes were a little lax.

" Promise, what's wrong with you? Don't pretend. I won't pity you." Ling Xianger didn't dare to pinch him again when she saw the promise, but she thought the promise was lying to her, but her tone was no longer so resolute.

Without Ling Xianger's hand around his waist, he seemed to have lost his support point. He knelt softly on the ground, sometimes gasping for breath, but he was so angry.

"Ap promise, what's wrong with you?" Ling Xianger knew that the promise was not a lie to her. She squatted down and looked at the promise with concern. According to reason, although she pinched a promise, it was just a pain, not enough to make the promise kneel to the ground.

How does Ling Xianger know that the promise was almost the limit just now? He was holding back from talking to Ling Xianger. And Ling Xianger's pinch is like the last straw that overwhelms the consciousness of promise. Promise that the current situation is very bad. He is injured and injured.

"A promise, how are you doing? Answer me, I... I won't pinch you anymore, okay? Say something..." Ling Xianger began to sob. Her father was arrested and promised that it is now her only support. It can also be said that after the test of life and death, Ling Xianger's feelings for promises are no longer as vague as before. This will be her man, her only man.

"Get out of here... into the woods... find a place... heal me..." He promised to say these words intermittently with his last consciousness, and then he fell down. The promise can't stand it now, so I have to give it all to Ling Xianger.

"A promise, a promise..." Ling Xianger shouted a lot, but the promise did not respond at all.

Ling Xianger is really scared now, which is different from her fear when she was held hostage. At that time, it was the instinctive fear of human beings, but now it is the helpless and lonely fear. Ling Xianger stretched out two fingers tremblingly, put them under the promised nose, and probed his breath. Although the promise is full of anger, it's okay. It's still alive. As long as it's alive, there is still a chance.

Discovering that the promise was still alive, Ling Xianger suddenly came to courage, and an inexplicable strength rose from the bottom of her heart. Ling Xianger remembered the promise's order. Yes, the most important thing now is to heal the promise and leave this place as soon as possible. Maybe those pursuers will catch up soon.

Ling Xianger untied the burden on the promise's back and looked through it. Finally, she found a bottle of potion, which was the same as she had seen before. It was when he promised to go to bed in his small house, which must be a good medicine for the injury.

Ling Xianger opened the cork and immediately smelled a fragrance. The fragrance was refreshing, but there was a feeling of wanting to sleep. Only then did Ling Xianger think that she had to sleep after drinking the medicine, so she quickly took the bottle out of her nose.

Ling Xianger picked up a promise and wanted to give him these potions before finding a place to heal his wounds. Ling Xianger's idea is very right, but how to give him medicine when she promised to lock her teeth. Ling Xianger worked so hard that she even turned several of her beautiful nails to pry open her promised teeth.

Ling Xianger quickly promised to pour the potion, but the problem came again. The potion was poured into her mouth, but the promise did not swallow it. There was nothing she could do. Ling Xianger's heart was horizontal. She pinched the promised nose, then sealed his lips with her little mouth and blew into it. After a lot of effort again, Ling Xianger promised to fill the potion divided into several times.

This potion is really strange. As soon as he finished drinking it, his face was no longer so pale, and his breathing was smoother. Ling Xianger knew that she had used the right medicine. Although she only felt numbness on her cheeks and her lips were a little red and swollen now, she felt very happy. She felt that she was not useless now, and could only cause him trouble as promised.

Ling Xianger tied the burden to the promised body again, and then she cleared all the cosmetics in her bag. She found a sword with a scabbard and tied it to her waist, and the silver hairpin that had been inserted by the guard leader before, she wiped the blood on it and then inserted it into her hair.

Ling Xianger is proving that she is useful. Ling Xianger is very smart, even if she is not smart. After so many things, she has learned to be smart. She knows what is useful now and what is useless now. On the contrary, the silverpin is a little selfish for her.

Ling Xianger walked to the promise, squatted down and carried the promise on her petite body. Huangtian lived up to his intentions. After a lot of effort, Ling Xianger finally carried out her promise. From the time she squatted down to stand up, it took her a lot of time, and the sweat on her forehead washed away the black powder that had been wiped on her face before.

At this time, Ling Xianger's face was black and white, and she looked very strange. But the white cheeks have now turned red. Finally, Ling Xianger took the first step. With the first step, there was a second step. Ling Xianger felt that the more she walked, the easier she felt. Or in other words, the more Ling Xianger walks away, the stronger she feels. This is the first time she promises to entrust herself. She can't let him down. At this time, if the promise is disappointed, she will be desperate, because the promise will lose her life at any time.

Ling Xianger doesn't know how she walked into the woods or how long she has been in the woods. She just wants to find a safe place as soon as possible.

It seemed that God heard Ling Xianger's prayer, and finally, Ling Xianger saw a very tall tree. Such a tall tree is rare, and what's more rare is that this tree has a hole that can accommodate two people. Although the tree has a huge hole, it is still green and vibrant.

That's it, Ling Xianger thought so. She put her promise into the tree hole, which was very dry and the air was fresh, and there was even some hay in it. Ling Xianger was very lucky. She looked at Promise's sleeping face and smiled gently.

--Look, God really gave us a chance, and I didn't let you down...