fa mou

Chapter 90 in distress again

It's not too late. Ling Xianger looked at the promise and knew that his injury could not be delayed, so she quickly put away her mind. After Ling Xianger helped up and took off his clothes, she found that there were many more wounds on her body. Especially at the time of the sneak attack on the carriage, until now, there will be a faint scarlet blood oozing out.

Ling Xianger is not afraid now, and she is not afraid at all. She is just worried and even more sad. Xu promised had many new injuries, some old wounds, and the wound also ruptured and bled. Ling Xianger had no choice but to remove all the gauze, then apply new medicine and wrap the wound again. Fortunately, there is a lot of gauze in the promise bag, and the promise is a bit like a mummy at this time.

Even Ling Xianger helped the promise's lower body be bandaged, but she didn't take off the shorts. Besides, she is too embarrassed to take it off. Ling Xianger just saw that there was no bleeding there and knew that there was no wound. If there was a wound, she might also help promise to bandage it.

After wrapping the promise, Ling Xianger took his clothes and covered him. She knew that after she promised to take that potion, she would not wake up if she didn't sleep for a while. Promise that the current situation has slowly stabilized, and Ling Xianger's heart has also calmed down. At this time, she felt that her back was sore. In particular, the feet are simply not like their own, if it weren't for the worn skin on the soles of the feet and the feeling of pain.

Ling Xianger suddenly felt unprecedented fatigue, and her petite body leaned aside and fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, but it was already bright outside. It seems that there was a heavy rain at night, and the ground outside the tree hole was still very wet. Promise hasn't woken up yet, but Ling Xianger woke up first.

She only felt that her mouth was dry, her whole body was weak, and her eyelids were as heavy as lead. Ling Xianger got up with difficulty and went out of the tree hole. She couldn't control whether the water on the ground was dirty or not. She lay in a small pool and drank it. She drank until she choked before raising her head. Through Ling Xianger's slightly open eyes, she could see that her eyes were full of blood.

Ling Xianger, who had not yet felt the spirit, gently picked up some water to wash her face. At this time, she really had no strength. When she was a little sober, she thought that the promise was still in the tree hole. So, she gently took some water and walked into the tree hole and fed it to the promise. Now the promised situation seems to be very good, and you can drink water by yourself. Ling Xianger came here several times, and the strength left all over her body also ran out.

Although Ling Xianger is very tired now and there is still some faint bloody smell in the tree hole, she is sincerely happy to see the promise of improvement. Leaning against the promise, Ling Xianger looked at him. Gradually, her eyes became confused, which was a sign that she was about to fall asleep.

Suddenly, Ling Xianger heard a silent cry at the entrance of the tree hole, and there was also a 'houl' sound. Ling Xianger suddenly became excited. She thought it was chasing soldiers and quickly stood up at the entrance of the tree hole to see what was going on.

The pursuers did not chase as Ling Xianger expected, but the actual situation was worse than that of the pursuers. The wolf, a wolf, a wolf running over smelling blood, is now staring at Ling Xianger with grin.

Ling Xianger had never seen this fierce animal, and she was so scared that she shrank into the tree hole. The wolf was very smart. Seeing Ling Xianger shrink into the tree hole, it also became bold and gradually approached the tree hole. At this time, the hungry wolf smelled the prey and became bolder than ever.

When it quietly touched the hole of the tree, it suddenly stabbed a sharp sword from it. However, although the sharp sword stabbed suddenly, its accuracy, strength, and speed could not be on the table.

It turned out that when Ling Xianger retreated into the tree hole, she saw that the promise was still asleep, and a desire for protection rose from her heart. So there was such a scene. Ling Xianger decisively pulled out the sword she picked up at that time and stabbed the wolf trying to approach.

The wolf was shocked and rushed to the back to avoid Ling Xianger's raid. The wolf also felt the danger. It was the danger of the sword in Ling Xianger's hand. Ling Xianger stood at the mouth of the tree hole, holding the sharp sword in both hands, and constantly waved it. Although her hair was upside down at this time, she forced herself to stare at the wolf tightly to prevent it from taking a step forward.

The wolf seemed to feel unsatiable and was not in a hurry to attack. He just circled around the tree hole, and the wolf looked at Ling Xianger. After such a stalemate for a while, although Ling Xianger was weak, she still had the last willpower to support her.

The wolf is a smart animal, but its stomach is empty, which makes it lack patience. The wolf originally wanted to enjoy every meal by himself, but now it doesn't seem to work.

The wolf howls in the middle of the night, which makes people's hair stand on end. But the howling during the day also scares people. Ling Xianger is very scared now. She is so close to the wolf. If it hadn't been for the sharp sword in her hand, the wolf would have rushed up. Ling Xianger is not a fool. She knew that the wolf seemed to be blocked from acting alone, and he was going to call his partner. This is the characteristic of wolves. If one can't beat them, they will rise up and attack them. Even if the other party is a tiger and a lion, you should weigh your own weight.

Sure enough, Ling Xianger guessed correctly. In a short time, several wolves gathered here, and there was an increasing trend. Because the wolves are still howling, as if they have to call all the wolves in the woods.

In the face of a wolf, Ling Xianger can still raise her courage, but in the face of more than a dozen wolves, her calves are trembling now. Even the sword in her hand can't hold it firmly.

More than a dozen wolves came at once, as if they had increased their momentum unprecedentedly. Now, these wolves are no longer watching Ling Xianger move, and they begin to flint. This is the wolf's tactic. Hard fighting may get hurt, so they are waiting for an opportunity. They have many people, no, they have many wolves and can afford to consume, while Ling Xianger has only one person, and there is always negligence.

But goodly, Ling Xianger is very smart. She just stayed at the mouth of the tree hole and didn't go out. The entrance of the tree hole was not very big. Ling Xianger stood there with a sharp sword in her hand. It can be said that a woman was in charge and could not be opened.

Several impatient wolves were cut by the sharp sword in her hand when they attacked Ling Xianger. After being injured, the wolf also learned to be obedient and no longer acted recklessly. They immediately divided into several batches, constantly exerting power on Ling Xianger and constantly attacking, which was depleting Ling Xianger's strength.

Sure enough, the emperor lived up to the wolf. Ling Xianger kept waving the sharp sword in her hand. That sword was not light for her, not to mention that her physical condition is really bad now. While waving, Ling Xianger was careless, and the sword in her hand suddenly flew out of her hand and inserted into the ground in the wolves.


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