fang shi tian shu

Chapter 318 The city is unstoppable

As if he heard Wang San's heart, he said, "You don't have to be unwilling. I have this array of eye pestle in my hand. If I hold it in my hand, I will naturally not be affected by the array and cast spells freely. However, even if you grab it, it's useless if you don't know how to use it. Be obedient and tell me the whereabouts of the deputy master. Naturally, I won't torture you.

In fact, Wang San doesn't care how he did it at all. He only cares about how he can escape!

"Your method is not rigorous, which is too different from that charm."

The viewer nodded: "Yes. But it's enough to deal with you. Even if there is no influence of the array, you may not win me, not to mention that you are now restricted by the array?

"Oh? Then withdraw the formation and let's have a fair and open match?

The viewer suddenly laughed: "Doll, your routine is useless. The method of excitement? I have lived for so many years, what have I never seen? Do you just want to talk more and delay time? Is this long enough time? Be good and get it!"

With that, the wind chime behind the Lord suddenly changed. The bells stringed together suddenly changed positions and formed a formation! With the formation of the array, the air in the whole space was suddenly pulled away! The body that was just cut off by Wang San actually swelled and even exploded under the influence of air pressure!

And Wang San, I don't see you again!

The next moment, Wang San appeared directly in front of the viewer! He procrastinated for this space-crossing spell! The space teleportation is five meters, which is his limit, and his body is exactly five meters away from the viewer!

Where can the viewer who is pulling away from the air react? The magic was too late to change, and the body's reaction was too late. The forehead and eye pestle in his hand was immediately taken away by Wang San!

At the moment when the eye pestle was detached, the vitality in his body was also blocked by the large array. The formation disappeared in an instant, and the surroundings returned to normal again.

"See you back!" After grabbing the eye pestle, Wang San did not delay and turned around and ran away.

But another strong force came, making Wang San stagger.

"Soldiers! Catch him! He can't use any magic!" The viewer shouted loudly, and the soldiers around him moved when they heard the sound. After several exchanges, the master has long found that Wang San's vitality has been extremely affected. After several spells, his face was obviously flushed and breathless. Take down his eye pestle just because his magic is too strange. If he is only about cultivation, he must not be as good as himself!

With this judgment, the master's confidence increased greatly, and several small spells were sent out continuously, delaying Wang San's pace. Although the power of these small spells is too low and quite inconspicuous, Wang San can't even release this small spell at this time, and he is powerless to resist at all. In a blink of an eye, he is surrounded by the surrounding soldiers! Dozens of soldiers fought against each other, and hundreds of them, including the guards, were waiting for battle. However, Wang San has not rested at this time and can't cast spells!

From afar, the watcher said to the surrounded Wang San, "Don't struggle, General Lin wants to catch it alive. But if you continue to kill, I don't mind giving General Lin a dead body.

Wang San held the eye pestle and felt the runes in it. For others, the process of array runes is really complicated. Decomposing the array alone is an extremely time-consuming task. However, Wang San used space magic to deconstruct the runes, which is as easy as the palm of his hand! But he kept saying, "I can still release a few spells now. It's not impossible to kill hundreds of people. Don't force me!"

The soldiers who surrounded him retreated, but when they retreated, more soldiers made up and made the whole encirclement tighter.

"Even if you kill more people, you still can't run away. It's better to retreat obediently. As long as you can honestly wait for General Lin's arrival in prison and tell the situation honestly, we will never embarrass you.

"How can I trust you? That's not what Diao Hongwen said!"

"Oh? So what did he say? And where is he?"

"He wants to kill me, make me a living dead, and make me his casting tool. Otherwise, how could I kill him!"

The Lord cursed a lot silently, but still said to Wang San peacefully, "That Diao Hong Wenli is lustful, and his behavior has nothing to do with my heavenly religion!" I heard that you also served in the school. Naturally, we will not embarrass you. It's just that the military order is difficult to violate. When General Lin Qiufeng arrives, everything will be decided.

Suddenly, Wang San showed his teeth and smiled: "You people are too unreliable to talk, or I'll wait somewhere by myself. Wait until Lin Qiufeng comes."

"How can you escape..."

Before the viewer finished speaking, Wang San's vitality suddenly erupted and was no longer bound by anything! In a short time, he has seen the operation principle of the whole eye pestle and cracked it! Wang San was also too lazy to kill these people. A vitality mixed with space debris burst out and shocked everyone!

A few years ago, at the time of Huyaguan, this kind of vitality explosion was still Wang San's life-saving move at the bottom of the box, but now, it has become a conventional move that he can use at any time.

The viewer can't believe his eyes! That magnificent vitality and pressure can't be faked at all. All this shows that this boy really cracked the eye pestle in a short time!

How can it be! Even if he is a master with higher cultivation than himself, it will take several days to get this array of pestle to really crack and use it. How did he do it?

The power contrast is completely reversed!

Wang San, who recovered his strength, had hundreds of ordinary defenders in the face of practitioners who were difficult to cast their spells, as if he was in no man's land. The whole encirclement was constantly blown away under the continuous explosion of his vitality. Slowly walking to the city gate, no one can stop it.

"Everyone! Stop him!" The guard rushed forward by example, but after all, he is not a strong man who has practiced strong gymnastics. How can he fight with Wang San! He flew backwards again and fell under the feet of the master. The viewer didn't care about the ferocious expression on his face, but asked, "You can't stop using a large array for two days. Change his person or not!"

Do you want to change it? This person is the person Lin Qiufeng asked for. For him, Lin Qiufeng is already on his way to Miaolingguan. Such a person will naturally do whatever it takes! As soon as he gritted his teeth, the general said, "Change! Change everything!"

The general gritted his teeth, and the Lord's determination is greater! Take off a small pendant from the neck. The pendant is made of jade and looks exactly the same as the eye pestle. His hands couldn't help shaking, and the viewer gritted his teeth and crushed the pendant!

This pendant and that eye pestle are a set. Because there is no prohibition on the eye pestle itself, he deliberately left this little thing when refining to prevent the eye pestle from being taken away by others. Originally, this was to prevent the city from being broken and being studied by the enemy, but I didn't expect that this backhand would be used at such a time!

At the same time, Wang San's eyebrows suddenly jumped! The whole array of pestle suddenly became hot, and the vitality in it suddenly became violent * uneasy! Subconsciously, Wang San directly cut a space and threw an eye pestle into it.

However, the void suddenly exploded! Even through the void, it still can't stop its explosion!

Does this eye pestle also use the magic of the law of cause and effect?

With the collapse of that space, the huge airflow from the void collapsed Wang San directly back to the besieged place. And the vitality of his body was once again affected by the forbidden array and became unable to stimulate the magic!

Wang San hates it! It's only one step away, as long as you go out of the gate, you can escape! I laugh at others all day. How can I put on that useless fairy demeanor at the critical moment!

The general, the watcher hates it even more! The eye pestle has been destroyed, and the array can't stop. They can't afford the precious materials consumed in the past few days! What if the enemy invades after these days and the materials are not ready? For this boy, they have set up their own future!

Next, you must catch him!

When Wang San saw that the situation was not good, he ran away! When the defenders of the large army surrounded, Wang San's figure disappeared again!

This time, thousands of soldiers who heard the sound waited for an hour and saw nothing!

The master looked at the same ugly general and said, "Don't wait. Search the whole city. He can't get out of the gate."

The general couldn't believe it at this time: "Are you sure?"

"He is different from other practitioners. Although the magic that can be used is relatively powerful, it is difficult to release. Be careful, all the people who can use magic will also obey your dispatch.

This is the only way.

The Lord is right. Wang San can't run out at all now. The prohibition at the wall is too strong. On the edge of the wall, the distance he can make a space jump is only about three meters. However, this Mailing Pass is a border gate, and the thickness of the gate alone is four or five meters! He has tried the consequences of the wrong jump, and the body will inevitably be embedded in the object and die immediately.

Escape? When did you escape? Now the defenders and practitioners in the whole city are searching themselves, and the doors of each house are open to accept the rotation of the defenders at any time. How long will this hide? After drilling into a dry well for a while, Wang San released Yunduo and said, "Let's hide here first."

Yun Duoduo turned into a human form, but found that this dry well was different from ordinary wells. The space inside was not much larger than the wellhead, and only forced two people to sit side by side. Leaning against Wang San, Yun Duoduo said dissatisfiedly, "You have to hide in such a place again!" What's the difference between this and being locked up?

"The difference is that if we are locked up, we don't know what they will do to us. Hide here, you should know what I want to do.

Even if it is already a "old husband and wife", Yun Duoduo still blushed unconsciously when he heard this: "When is this? Are you still thinking about this kind of thing!"

Ah? What kind of thing? I mean, Lin Qiufeng and I are familiar with each other. Naturally, I slowly wait for him here and then go to find him in person! Besides, we haven't heard the news about the young lady for a long time, so we just talked to him. Didn't I tell you everything I did in Huyaguan?

After the explanation, Wang San seemed to suddenly wake up: "Ah? That's what you said! Why are you so evil, little fox! Seductive men to do that all day long!"