fang shi tian shu

Chapter 319 Old Man, See You Again

Why can't Yunduo hear that this is Wang San deliberately flirting with himself! Regardless of the danger, he pinched Wang San's waist fiercely.

Two people are playing in the dry well.

The two have been used to this situation for a long time. For more than two years, the two have lived in the cemetery, not to mention the dry well. The two leaning against the coffin and doing something they love at all, not to mention a dry well? Anyway, the ghost and the fox demon are naturally friendly, which is equivalent to neighbors.

After a fight, Yun Duoduo suddenly calmed down and said seriously to Wang San, "Brother, why are we so unlucky! Or remove the ban on me."

Wang San touched Yunduo's head and sighed, "Do you think I dare? Have you forgotten how the eight-tailed robbery went through the ancient mass grave? Tens of thousands of rotting corpses! And they all have magical power! Even we almost became rotten corpses!"

"Who told you to take me to that kind of place! When did I get through the disaster before I met you? It's all up to you!"

Wang San shook his head: "I have studied your body for two years," he said, subconsciously touching the curve of Yunduoduo's waist, making Yunduoduo blush again. "I should not have caused the recent disaster. It's not right for you to survive the disaster and advance smoothly. Even the two old prime ministers in Dongli can't tell your situation. I think all the problems lie in the auspicious spirit on your body, so the breath on your body is sealed.

"I know! But since you sealed my breath, our luck has become too bad!"

"It's because your breath is too strong! The breath on your body has been increasing. It should be because those auspicious qi did not reach the critical point that triggered the natural disaster before. The scale of these several disasters is strictly related to your breath. I have seen it with Tianyan, and it won't be wrong. This is not discussed. You must listen to me!"

"Wait here all the time?"

"That..." Wang San scratched his head, "Actually, I want to close up... I've been focusing on space magic for a long time..."

"Will you survive the disaster?"

"I try my best to restrain..."

Wang San and Yun Duoduo hid in the dry well and enjoyed the quiet, but the defenders above exploded! After looking for it for two days, I still can't find it, but tomorrow morning, Lin Qiufeng will arrive at the Muling Pass! The vanguard officer has come to report the letter, and the guard will find someone to muddle through. However, when Lin Qiufeng comes in person, will he have to use people to replace the fool? What if I can't get through! Stricter search!

"Many, wake up! All right!"

Yunduo rubbed his eyes and looked at the mouth of the well in the sky: "It's just dawn, it's still early..." As he said, he closed his eyes and wanted to sleep.

Wang Santrip slapped her again: "That ban has weakened, and we are ready to leave the city!"

Out of the dry well, walking on the street, but there is no one on the street! There is no need to hide the figure. Wang San was very strange: "What happened in the past two days?"

I don't know more about Yunduo. Wang San imposed a sound insulation ban before the retreat, and she slept every day. Since Wang San gave her the prohibition of suppressing breath, she can fall asleep almost at any time, completely as shallow as a cat. How can she know what's going on outside when she sleeps every day?

The square at the east gate of Muling is dense! The people of the city were all concentrated in one place, and even most of the defenders stood with the people and were not allowed to move around.

but there is no sound!

Seeing that the sky began to brighten, the guard stood at the head of the city and said in a gloomy voice to everyone below, "I'll give you one last chance!" Anyone, if there is any secret that is easy to hide, it must be true! If you find someone hiding a wanted criminal, even kill the nine clans!"

The general's tone is almost crazy. If someone dares to look into his eyes, he will inevitably find that his eyes are full of blood, which is no more than real madness! For two consecutive days, the whole tomb has been turned upside down, but the prisoner is like evaporating from the world, and he can't even find a shadow! Even they have searched everywhere such as pits, ditches and wells, but why can't they be found? Seeing that Lin Qiufeng is coming, the forbidden array in the city is about to run out of materials and fail, and his own limit will also come!

Fly report the military situation in wartime, and there is no mercy!

Wang San, who was hidden in the dark, had no words. Obviously, the general lost his temper. However, his anger has nothing to do with himself. Who called you and those people in your group are so stupid?

"If you don't confess the whereabouts of the wanted criminal, I will kill you all with the crime of culprit!"

As soon as this word came out, everyone knew that such a guard was completely crazy! And it was also after this sentence was said that the silent crowd suddenly became noisy and chaotic! How did they know that there was such a person as Wang San in the world! Because such a person who doesn't know his origin will kill all the people in the city?

At the sight, the restless crowd was about to start to riot, and Yunduo took Wang San's sleeves: "Third brother! You can't ignore it! It's all for you!"

What does it have to do with me? Exchange my life for the lives of the whole city? Very fearless, isn't it? I'm not going."

Hearing this, Yun Duoduo was dissatisfied: "Why are you doing this! So many people! So you're not like this!"

Wang San snorted coldly: "First, so many people have nothing to do with me. All these sins are on the defenders who make such decisions. Those people have nothing to do with me, but he forced me out with the life and death of the whole city? Is it that I have to compromise with someone who threatens me with the life of someone I don't know at all? Second, I have always been such a person. Where do you think the souls I have used to do in the past few years come from?

"But you have always been fine when you were in the house!"

"What attitude do you use to anyone? The people in the general's mansion have common sense and reason, and their good conduct are not messy. Naturally, they should be treated rationally. However, most people in the world are muddle-headed people, and they can even reject logic. Naturally, for this kind of person, it is a different set. Don't worry, we'll just watch.

"So many people's lives!"

Wang San patted Yun Duoduo's head: "Okay! They deserve nothing and nothing will happen. I can tell fortunes, don't you know?

In the chaos, the people began to attack the soldiers guarding around them. After the first person began to clash with the defenders, the whole chain reaction suddenly opened! In the blink of an eye, the already restless crowd rushed into the city like a flood of the embankment!

"No movement! Otherwise, there will be no mercy!"

As soon as the sound of the guard on the wall fell, a blood splashed out!

A big head was directly cut down by a soldier, and the blood ejected from his neck was several meters high and solidified in everyone's hearts!


They are really going to kill the people!

Yun Duoduo asked, "You say they should not die!"

"That..." Wang San coughed dryly, "This is a special case. The rest of them should not die..."

Stimided by this blood, the fear of death suddenly turned into the madness of survival! The whole crowd began to attack the defenders unstoppably!

And the crazy shouting of the defenders provides the ultimate power for the knives in the hands of these defenders! Countless knives were chopped down, and countless people fell into a pool of blood!

Yun Duoduo looked at Wang San angrily: "You said that the rest of them should not die!"

"Uh... most of them should not die..." Speaking of this, even Wang San has no confidence. Under normal circumstances, if a person is going to have an accident, the fate before death will also change, but the fate of these people has really not changed! There should be no accident!

Yun Duoduo saw Wang San speechless, stamped his feet, stood up, opened his mouth and wanted to shout! How can she bear to let so many people die for herself! This body scared Wang San to directly imprison him with magic! Little aunt! Don't make trouble! As long as we show up, those soldiers and people will have to rush over and give up if they don't chop it into mud!"

" Stop it!"

At this moment, a shout resounded throughout the city, suppressing all the riotous cries below!

The guard at the head of the city suddenly stared: "Who! Disturbing the military order, come out and die!"

"Zhenhai General, Lin Qiufeng!"

This sound is not the roar of the whole city, but behind the general of the Mailing Pass!

Below, the riots are continuing, the conflict is still expanding, the bloodshed is increasing, and lives are still being lost. However, the general's brain has gone blank!

Have you arrived? So fast?

The pupil suddenly expanded, and the general pulled out his sword and turned around and shouted: "I pretend to be a general!"

The long sword in his hand was used as a big knife by him and cut it off desperately! Even if there is anyone behind him, he doesn't even look at anyone.

He can't see it clearly. Just as he drew his sword and turned around, the figure behind him suddenly disappeared, and what appeared here was behind the general!

I couldn't see this person's action at all, and I couldn't even capture a trace of image. The general's eyes were black, his neck was crooked, and he flew straight out!

This hand knife almost cut off the guard's neck!

"Everyone stop! Zhenhai general Lin Qiufeng is here, and if there is any more reckless action, the military law will deal with it!"

With this shout, the crowd suddenly became quiet!

Lin Qiufeng? Lin Qiufeng, the general who has never lost a hundred battles?

Wang San hurriedly looked up. At the top of the city, a young general stood with his hands. Although his eyebrows were full of haze, his expression was extremely clean, full of hero and no murderous spirit. Years have not left too many marks on his face, but much darker. Who else can be besides Lin Qiufeng?

When everyone was shocked and silent, Wang San suddenly jumped up, stimulated the vitality of his whole body, and shouted, "Brother Lin! I'm here! I'm Wang San!"

Wang San? Lin Qiufeng stood on the top of the city without any expression.

At this moment, a feather arrow suddenly shot at the jumping Wang San!

This feather arrow is also mixed with vitality! In the stimulation of vitality, the whole arrow flew faster than the sound and flew behind Wang San without any warning!

(By the way, I have managed to update it during this period, about two chapters a day, 3K each. Is there no one to support this? Please collect and red tickets!)