Phoenix Empire

Chapter 106 Fog Snow Silkworm

Hua Che was busy with government affairs. He came to Wolongju at night. After only having dinner with Lingyue, he left quickly. Lan Shaolang was afraid to mention today's prison, and Lingyue also seemed to forget it. She lay meekly in Hua Che's arms as usual, listening to the arrangement he gave her and enjoying him to her. Caring.

No longer quarreled with Hua Che as before, and no longer cried and cried to cause old diseases. She could become so calm. Lan Shaolang couldn't help but feel cold in his heart. How deep is the resentment hidden under such a calm appearance, and how complicated will the feelings be?

When Hua Che left Wolongju, he ordered him to follow. In the evening, the bright lights hinder the moon, and the cold spring hits the body. There are flying covers on the road, the cicadas weep and sing low, and there is a trace of insoluble fear in the silence. Hua Che suddenly paused, and a snow robe flew under the moonlight, sweeping up a hazy autumn frost, solemn and unreal as a god. Lan Shaolang waited for a long time before he asked, "What happened today?"

Lan Shaolang was shocked and quickly showed fear in his expression. Did he already know about Lingyue's prison?

Hua Che turned to look at him and said, "The moon lord doesn't seem to be in a good mood today. Do you know the reason?"

Lan Shaolang's heart suddenly tightened again. Whether to say it or not, Hua Che will definitely be angry and blame him. He dares not imagine the severity of the crime, but how can he deceive him as his direct subordinate? Just as he opened his mouth and was ready to truthfully return to Lingyue's prison, Hua Che suddenly sighed and said to himself, "Forget, she seems to have always been like this. It seems that we will never cross that gap."

Lan Shaolang was stunned and secretly happy. It turned out that he didn't know what happened today, but just had a little doubt. Hua Che asked seriously, "How's it going to be that I want you to find a way to invite books to the palace?"

Books? In Rongcheng Mansion, Lan Shaolang quickly changed his mind and replied, "Mr. Tongbo has promised to enter the palace tomorrow and said that there are three treasures to be given to the soldiers."

"Oh? Treasures?" Hua Che's eyes immediately became interested, "The treasures of the world are in my palace. What treasure is he worth contributing to the court?"

"Son Bo didn't say anything about this, he just told his subordinates that the soldiers must be very interested in the treasure he offered."

Hua Che was slightly stunned, and the interest in his eyes was obviously stronger, and his smile was on the corners of his lips. He continued to walk in the flower path: "Okay, tomorrow you personally send someone to take him into my military policy house. I'd like to see how rare the treasure he offered is?"

"Yes, but, the soldier--" Lan Shaolang said in a hurry, "Son Bo said that he would present treasures in the court."

Huache's footsteps stagled, and he suddenly turned around and looked at him with cold eyes: "Is he going to see me in the court?"

"Yes." Lan Shaolang answered with his head. Hua Che's eyes showed a complex light that either appreciated or unpredictable.

What a book, and the scheming city is not as good as him. If he asks for his daughter and a promise in the court, he can't do anything to him in front of the civil and military officials?

The moonlight outside the window was just right, and a glimmer of light appeared on the glazed window. Lingyue changed into a black tar suitable for night travel. With the help of rainy days, she came to her long-swell bell. The bell was clear and cold, and the song was still singing. Lingyue pointed to the fruit on the tree and introduced it to the rainy day: "This is Lingluo fruit, a kind of fruit that has life and can sing. And this forest is also the holy place that our Ling family must help when practicing foggy snow silkworms. Without the fragrant forest of bell fruit and the blood sacrifice of our Ling clan, it is difficult to practice the miracle of the fog snow silkworm, which symbolizes the main force of the moon.

"Have you succeeded in practicing?" Rainy days can't wait to ask curiously.

Lingyue shook her head: "The last generation of moon master, who is also my mother, practiced to the third layer. She can blow water into fog, turn water into silk, and roll up the tide, and I can only practice to the second layer."

"Three layers can blow water into fog and condense water. What kind of state is it when you practice to ten layers?"

"I don't know. It is said that the Ling clan has inherited the fog snow silkworm so far, and there is no generation that has practiced to the tenth floor. If the person who is not qualified to inherit the moon master may not practice to the first floor, he will die by it.

On a rainy day, he was shocked and asked, "That is to say, you are still risking your life to practice this technique, then you..."

Lingyue nodded and continued, "Yes, several times, I almost got lost my temper and died, but Yue's grandmother saved me..." At this point, Lingyue looked dark. On the rainy day, she knew that she must think of her deceased grandmother again and was sad, so she took her hand and comforted her, "Yueer's cousin, the deceased is dead. By the way, we must work together to revive the Ling clan, okay?

Lingyue nodded with a smile, took her hand on a rainy day, and walked into the fragrant forest of bell fruit. The leaves floated with the fragrance of flowers, and the fruit shook with the wind, like a girl's singing. On a rainy day, Lingyue smiled and said, "Cousin Yufei, don't be afraid. Lingluo fruit is the fruit that protects our Ling family. It can eat aliens, but it is harmless to our Ling family, as long as we have the blood of the Ling family..."

"Is it...?" The rainy day covered the panic in his heart and muttered in a low voice.

Lingyue pulled her up, walked in a large circle in the fragrant forest of bell fruit, and finally walked to an ice-carved palace. The lighthouse covered its eaves were like a winged phoenix, transparent and bright. At first sight, she couldn't help sighing: "There is such a spectacular and beautiful ice palace in this forest!"

"I heard from Grandma Yue that this ice palace is also used to protect our Ling family. Like the fragrant forest of bell fruit, it can be regarded as the treasure of the town. There is also the god of protection of our musk moon kingdom in the palace, that is, the moon god."

"Moon God?" On a rainy day, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she took Lingyue's hand anxiously. "I really want to see Yue Shen, Yueer's cousin. Take me in and have a look, okay?"

"Good." After a few days with the rainy day, the relationship between the two became closer and closer. Lingyue was defenseless and nodded without hesitation.

The two entered the ice palace temple, and the century-old fog seemed to welcome them, spreading to both sides like rolling clouds. Everything in the ice palace was also unchanged. There was a huge shrine on the hall. In the shrine was a statue of the goddess. The moon was white clothes, smoke lingering, and the goddess closed her eyes. The face is hidden in the smoke, but the face that can't be seen clearly can give people a shocking power.

A force that made people unconsciously submit made the rainy day kneel down. She put her hands together, bowed to the moon god in the shrine, and muttered some words of blessing. Lingyue also knelt down beside her and recited with her.

The fog opened a mysterious curtain between them and the statue. On a rainy day, the face of the statue loomed. An inexplicable familiarity made her heart a trace of panic. This statue must not be an ordinary statue. Why did she think that the ice-cast "moon god" was like a living person? She even felt that The eyes of the statue are staring at her with some unknown sadness.

Is this the god of ice sculpture? Or a living person sealed in the cold ice?

I can't help but have such doubts on rainy days. Suddenly, I heard Lingyue also sigh and said, "Cousin Yufei, in fact, every time I see this moon god statue, I feel like I see my relatives. Sometimes I can hear her talking to me like a dream. Her voice is like my mother's gentle, very gentle and kind. Another time, I actually saw her listen to me after listening to me. After tears, I knew it was an illusion, but I couldn't help thinking, is she my relative or not?

Hearing this, there was a feeling of panic in the rainy day. Maybe it was not an illusion. This statue... Who is this statue? The rainy day raised her head in shock and wanted to see the face in the ice sculpture, but the fog was like a magic barrier that didn't let her see clearly. After staring at it for a long time, she was a little tired. The rainy day sighed, "It's not only you, but also I think this moon god statue is very familiar and kind. I think..." She looked at Lingyue with a smile, "This is what the moon god gave us by Lingshi. Take care of the family! Sister Yueer, can you tell me that you have encountered anything strange in the past few years of practicing in this fragrant forest of bell fruit?

"Strange thing?" Lingyue was stunned and shook her head and said, "I only practice fog and snow silkworms in the fragrance of bell fruit. Every time after practicing for an hour, I go back to my bedroom to bathe and rest. There is nothing strange!"

"Have you found any suspicious people in the forest?"

"Suspicious?" Lingyue was even more surprised, "Cousin Yufei, what are you trying to say? Do you think there will be suspicious people in this forest?"

No? I was disappointed on a rainy day, so where is my mother? Where is the moon lord Linghui?

"Oh. It's good if you don't have it. I'm afraid it's not safe for you to practice alone in the forest. A bitter smile on a rainy day.

"Who said she was the only one in the forest!" Suddenly, someone interrupted her words. Like a cold wind blowing, a cold war on a rainy day, she quickly stood up with Lingyue and looked around for the sound. After not seeing anyone for a long time, they were afraid to chase after the fragrant forest of bells outside the Ice Palace Temple. Sure enough, they saw a girl in snow-colored mantle dancing with swords in the forest. , dancing is the fallen flowers, the wind and candle blood shadow, the residual snow, the lake and mountains, the amazing scenery, and the stunning person.

Lingyue was shocked to see it and said, "Fog and snow silkworm!"

"Fog and snow silkworm?" The rainy day also asked in surprise, "You mean, she practiced foggy snow silkworms?"

Lingyue was also shocked, nodded, ran close to the girl who was dancing with a sword, and asked harshly, "Who are you? Why do you also practice the 'fog snow silkworm' of our Ling family?

The girl should not. After dancing the sword flower, she slowly stopped. Although her movements stopped, there were countless phantoms dancing around her, and the sword light in her hand also disappeared and turned into a dagger-

Fog snow silkworm!

The girl half covered her appearance with a hood, and her clear eyes suddenly swept Lingyue's face and said coldly, "If you want to know who I am, come with me alone!" Please listen clearly, it's one person!"