Phoenix Empire

Chapter 107 Detoxification of Tianquan Eye

After saying that, the girl unfolded the snow and flew up as light as a butterfly. Lingyue followed eagerly in astonishment. On a rainy day, I was supposed to accompany her, but I suddenly heard a strong wind behind me. What a terrible chill. On a rainy day, I turned around and saw a girl standing in front of her.

The girl's dress is very strange. She is only five feet tall, but her white clothes are long enough to mop the floor, and she is several feet away. Her face is clear, her eyes are cold, her lips are moist and red. Her demeanor can also be described as noble and elegant, peerless.

But the girl looked at her like an elder looking at a child, with wisdom, seeing through the vicissitudes of the world and being watched by such a pair of eyes, even the most blessed and excellent person suddenly felt humble.

"Let them go, what should come will always come, what should go will always have to leave, and everything will be a disaster."

The girl's voice was also slightly dull and hoarse. She stared at her for a long time on a rainy day and asked in fear, "Who are you? When did you come to this forest and when did you appear behind me?

"Oh, I've been in this forest for 15 years."

"Fifteen years?" The rainy day suddenly shook, and the girl who looked less than ten years old stayed in the forest for fifteen years. Dating back to fifteen years ago, she was just a six- or seven-year-old girl, running around with her newborn brother looking for their separated mother.

15 years! A flash of light flashed in his mind on a rainy day and almost cried out in horror: "Who the hell are you?"

The girl laughed, and her pair of petite hands slowly floated in mid-air, as if holding the power of peace between heaven and earth. A plain dress flew up in the strong wind, covering her slender body, like a white cloud covering the sky and the sun.

"My child, you have finally come to this day and bravely come to the palace to see your mother." Like the murmur of the empty valley echo, the girl did not seem to open her lips. A thin melon seed face was like a bright fox, and her body soared into the air like a ghost. The extraordinary momentum, compassionate and domineering feelings made the rainy day involuntarily kneel down: "Mother, the child is unfilial--" /P>

"Everyone's growth experience is different, and different experiences will create different people. Fifteen years ago, I left you and thought that one day, my children can become strong enough, and children sheltered in a greenhouse are always difficult to grow up, just like Lingyue." The girl smiled, gently turned her head, and looked at the goddess statue in the shrine in the ice palace, with a cunning smile on the corners of her lips, "Sister, how about it? My child is better than your child!" Although I have endured the pain of mother-child separation for 15 years, you, even if you can watch your child grow up every day, you can never recognize each other. That kind of suffering will never be less than me, right?

What? Sister? The rainy day shot his eyes at the shrine in the ice palace. Could the goddess actually be...

Lingyue chased the girl in snow clothes to a place she had never been before. The rockeries, waterfalls and springs were like the moon. When did such a beautiful resort have been built in this palace? It was as unreal as an illusion of another world.

The girl landed lightly on the rockery, and the waterfall flowing down the mountain stream penetrated her body, like an eternal picture. Lingyue looked around, looked at the girl and asked, "What on earth did you do here?" Can you take off the hood above your head?

The girl said lightly, "No. I just want to bring you here to meet someone.

Ling Yue was stunned. Just as soon as she wanted to ask something, the girl stroked the dagger in her hand. The mountain stone waterfall seemed to open. Ling Yue was caught off guard and was sucked into the spring by a strange force. It was dark around. Ling Yue was shocked and said, "Where is this place? Where are you?"

"I'm behind you." A clear voice came and said in her ear, "What you just saw are light and shadow illusions. This secret room was carefully designed by my master. It is under the fragrant forest of bell fruit, which can be called the beautiful palace."

"Beautiful Palace?" Lingyue was a little uncomfortable in the dark, so she asked, "Is there a light here?"

"Why, will the moon lord of the musk moon country be afraid of darkness?" The girl sarcastically, lit a candle in the sky, walked to her, grabbed her hand, and urged, "Time is running out. Come with me quickly to save a man."

"Save people?" Lingyue was inexplicably strange. Her wrist was tightly pinched by the girl. A trace of strange cold came from her body and penetrated into the bottom of her heart. Lingyue was shocked. The girl seemed to be different from ordinary people, and her body was as cold as ice. I don't know how many detours before the girl stopped, opened a door, and suddenly pushed Lingyue into a dark room.

Lingyue blurted out and fell to the ground. The girl's voice said in her ear, "He has sacrificed for you so many times, and you should also give something to him."

"What are you talking about? Why did you lock me up here? What on earth do you want to do? Lingyue carefully helped herself up, ran to the locked iron gate, looked at the girl who was about to leave, and asked, "Tell me who you are?"

The girl suddenly turned around, and the hood fell down, revealing the same face as her. Lingyue took a step back in horror. The girl said coldly, "I don't know who I am? I'm also checking my background. Maybe there will be any blood relationship between us? However, I can tell you my name - Xueyan.

The girl left as soon as she said, and Lingyue hurriedly called out, "Don't go, don't go--"

Her voice weakened with the girl's back, soothing the fear in her heart. She calmed down and heard someone trembling and gasping. She was first shocked and turned around and retreated to the door. The light in the room suddenly lit up, illuminating a person lying on the cold jade ice mat.

The man in blue, with a cloak spread on the floor and half covered with black hair. Because of the light, he also turned around alertly, as if he was afraid of cold, hugged his body, opened his eyes and looked at Lingyue.

"Brother Feicheng--" Lingyue was shocked and blurted out.

The man in blue also flashed a surprise but with fear in his eyes. He called softly, "Yue'er--" He immediately rolled down from the cold jade ice mat, as if he had suffered a very serious injury and was weak. He could only slowly move his body to climb to her. Lingyue was shocked when she saw his pain mixed with joy. He immediately rushed to him, picked him up, and asked worriedly, "Brother Feicheng, what's wrong with you?" With a little contact, there is a kind of strange cold penetrating into the bone marrow. "Why is your body so cold? What's wrong with this?"

As soon as he heard the word cold, Feicheng subconsciously moved away, gently pushed Lingyue away, and reluctantly pulled away a smile and said, "It's okay. I'm just frozen. It's normal."

"But even if it's frozen, your body won't be so cold. Brother Feicheng, do you feel very uncomfortable and painful now?"

"No, I said it must be fine, but it's just a little medicine that won't kill me. I still have to save my life to take Yueer to the ends of the earth!"

The more she saw Feicheng smiling, the more uncomfortable Lingyue felt, and the inspiration flashed in her mind. She asked in horror, "Brother Feicheng, what did you just say? What medicine?"

"The poison of the world's cold - Tianquan Eye." The answer to Lingyue was the voice of the girl Xueyan. Lingyue suddenly looked up and saw the girl masked and appeared outside the iron fence. "What is the poison of the coldest in the world? Who poisoned him?" Lingyue asked Xueyan anxiously and fearfully. Xueyan lowered her head and answered shamefully, "Is it my master?"

"Who is your master?"

Xue Yan raised her eyes coldly and scolded, "If it hadn't been for saving you, he would not have been forced into a desperate situation by the soldier Hua Che, and would not have broken into the fragrant forest of bell fruit, let alone met my master and be poisoned by my master."

After saying this sentence, Xue Yan turned her head with shame and blamed herself: "Of course, it's also because I brought him to the master. I think if the master is the enemy of the soldier Hua Che, he will definitely take him in, but I forgot that she has always used human means to give people an irreversible poison. , that is, Tianquan Eye--

Because I have also been poisoned by her since I was a child, I had to be a shadow killer and work for her. A person who can never get out of a palace can't know what is going on in the world, so let me be an undercover agent beside Hua Che. One is to spread the world for her, and the other is to regard me as a chess piece to deal with Hua Che. On the plate.

"The immortal poison?" Lingyue was shocked and asked, "What's the solution to this poison?"

"You must take the antidote given by the owner." Xue Yan replied.

"Then ask your master to bring the antidote quickly!"

"He doesn't want it, and the master doesn't give it."

"Why? Can you help me ask your master to give the antidote to Brother Feicheng?

"I mean, Mr. Feicheng, don't want the antidote."

"No?" Lingyue was panicked and smiled innocently, "He doesn't want it. I want it. Go and ask your master for medicine. Give it to me, okay?"

"What do you want the antidote for?"

What should I do with the antidote? Such a simple question, why doesn't it seem to be able to turn around at once? Lingyue answered, "Of course, it's to save Brother Feicheng--"

"Do you think the master will promise you if you want it?"

"What on earth does your master want?"

"You must let Mr. Feicheng agree to the master's conditions. The master will give him the antidote."

"What conditions?"

"The condition is--" Xue Yan's eyes flashed, revealing a bright sadness, "You also take this poison."

Lingyue was stunned, and Feicheng has shouted: "No, go and tell your master that I will never agree to her terms, and I will never agree..."

"It's not up to you now." Xue Yan said, "But I have the final say." She turned to Lingyue again and said, "Go! Use the power of the fog and snow silkworm to suck out the poison in his body, and he can be saved--"

Xueyan stood aside coldly, and her whole body was exposed. Lingyue thought for a moment, smiled with tears, and immediately turned around and crawled on Feicheng. Her clear and slightly smiling eyes shot into Feicheng's eyes, reflecting his heart and throbbing with joy. At this moment, he didn't want to hold her tightly, but he couldn't let her She also suffered such pain, so he closed his eyes, tried his best to restrain his emotions, and pushed her away.

Lingyue fell to the ground, probably with the fetal gas, and suddenly cried in pain. After hearing her cry, Feicheng's heart tightened and climbed to her anxiously. He wanted to shake her hand, but he was afraid that the cold air on her body would freeze her. "Yeer, I'm sorry, I just thought..."

"I know you don't want me to get hurt, but I'm already hurt." Lingyue smiled sadly, turned over, and hugged Feicheng tightly, and her lips were imprinted on the corners of Feicheng's mouth.