Phoenix Empire

Chapter 159 Awakening

"Save me, Brother Feicheng, come and save me, save me..."

Who? Whose voice?

He lifted the quilt and walked barefoot to the place where the sound came, but was confused by a strange scene.

What is this place?

The sky is glazed, reflecting light blue and purple, and the snow slowly falls with the light of the stars, and it seems to be still until time.

One after another ripple in a huge pool, a beam of water light floated up, melting into water vapor, and the curling smoke turned into boundless blue.

A neon floated from the pool and turned into a circular bridge in the fog, and the bridge gradually condensed a slender and graceful shadow. The steam cannon emerging from the pool gradually rose into the air. The colorful lights overflowed and flashed, covering the girl's delicate body. The girl turned sideways at him, like silk-like green silk slanting in the wind. Yang, the beautiful outline is looming.

"Help me, I can't stand it anymore... Help me..."

"Who are you?" He approached the girl step by step in fear and wanted to see her face clearly, but the girl had been squatting on the Hongqiao and did not move, but seemed to be farther and farther away from him. "Who the hell are you?" He ran up to the Hongqiao Bridge. The girl turned around crying and whispered, "Brother Feicheng, have you come to save Yueer?"

"Ye'er--" with a frightened exclaim, Feicheng accelerated its pace and ran to the girl, but the girl's body was like fog. As soon as it was blown by the wind, it floated farther and farther. "Ye'er--Don't go, Yue'er, wait for me--" He stretched his arms and tried his best to fly, trying to catch the white shadow. In his arms, there seemed to be a lot of weight under his feet, and he couldn't run. The hand he stretched out did not catch the white dress, but looked at her as if it had floated to the end of the world. Only the helpless and sad watery eyes were deeply imprinted in his heart, and the heart-deep pain...

"Brother Feicheng, don't come to save Yueer, and never come again..."

"If you and I don't meet each other in this life, you will definitely live a happy life... You will definitely soar freely in the sky like an eagle..."

"It's Yueer who hurt you. Fortunately, all this is over and it's over... We don't see each other in this life, and we don't love each other in the next life... Brother Feicheng, cherish the people in front of you..."

He looked at the pair of eyes full of nostalgia and farewell, but slowly disappeared in the fog. His heart sank like a cliff, "Yeer, what are you talking about? Where are you going? Don't go so fast, wait for me! Wait for me..." He ran on the rainbow bridge, but accidentally stepped into the air and fell into the huge pool under the bridge...

"Don't go, wait for me, don't go, wait for me..."

"Brother Feicheng, Brother Feicheng, wake up quickly..."

Where is this? Where the hell is he? The outstretched hand suddenly grabbed something, warm and soft. He suddenly opened his eyes and saw Lingyue's pair of worried eyes staring at him, and asked in shock, "Who are you? Who the hell are you?"

Lingyue was also stunned. Her eyes were full of water and seemed to drip into beads. She hesitated and said, "I... I'm your wife, I, I'm Yue'er... Brother Feicheng, are you having a nightmare?"

"Why is there such a strange feeling? I'm so scared, really scared..."

"What...what does it feel like?"

"I always feel that you have left me and walked so fast that I can't catch up with you. I'm getting farther and farther away... I will no longer see you in this life and love you in the next life... Why do I dream that you say such a sentence? Why..."

"Brother Feicheng..." Lingyue's face also seemed to be covered with a layer of haze, and became extremely cold, and there was a fear hidden in her eyes. She lowered her head and meditated for a moment without saying anything, but Feicheng suddenly hugged her and begged, "Yeer, never say anything like that, okay? Not only in this life, but also in the afterlife, I will also marry you, take care of you, love you, and give you eternal happiness and happiness... I will definitely be able to do it..."

"Brother Feicheng, Yueer has never said anything like that! It's your nightmare, not really..."

Although Lingyue said so, tears still overflowed from the corners of her eyes. Feicheng held her tighter and tighter, as if she was afraid that she would suddenly disappear. Lingyue even felt his body trembling slightly. Is it still in the fear of the dream? Or has he begun to doubt her, but he doesn't even dare to face her.

The two were still as usual, with shadows in their hearts, but they did not talk about the topic and still fell in love with each other. They raised their eyebrows like glue. During the day, Feicheng and the brothers in the cottage went up the mountain to hunt. Lingyue embroidered and cut clothes with the girls, and at night, Feicheng hit some hares. Wild birds play with Lingyue and often tell her some interesting stories. Until late at night, the two of them were a little tired and fell asleep together.

But Feicheng will still often think of that dream, and even recall everything with Lingyue over and over again in his mind, and always involuntarily compare the differences before and after and the most real feelings in his heart.

Why does that feeling change?

Until one day, a group of officers and soldiers searched their cottage and arrested everyone in the cottage and tortured them. He was really not used to it, so he fought with those officers and soldiers. When Lingyue saw that he was cut by an officer and soldier, she suddenly broke the neck of the officer and soldier. Other officers and soldiers saw his killing methods. Frightened and fled.

Feicheng looked at her blood and the extremely cold eyes when she killed people, just like the last time he saw his sister kill, he was extremely cruel.

"I never knew you had such a strong martial arts skill! It's ridiculous that I still protect myself as a hero..."

That day, he couldn't help saying such a sentence, but after saying it, he was extremely regretful. He was afraid of his suspicion and even hated his suspicion. Looking at Lingyue's silence for a day, he hoped that she would say something, but at the same time he was afraid that she would say something. Until Lingyue finally opened her lips, he suddenly He interrupted, grabbed a rabbit, and said with a smile, "Yeer, don't you think this rabbit is cute?"

Lingyue smiled and replied, "It's very cute."

"Then let's eat it tonight, okay?"

"Good. Whatever you want."

Lingyue answered casually, but Feicheng was shocked. She let go of her hand and let the rabbit escape. Lingyue just wanted to chase her, and Feicheng suddenly stopped and said in a low voice, "Don't chase it. Let it go! If it was Yueer, she would not allow me to kill this rabbit, so you... must not be Yueer. Who are you?

Lingyue saw that Feicheng's eyes were shining with crystal light, and her expression was also sad. After a long pause, she asked softly, "Do you really want me to say it?"

Feicheng clenched his teeth and did not answer. Lingyue smiled and said calmly, "I'm really not Lingyue. My name is Xueyan, brother Feicheng. Do you remember? There was a girl who asked you to remember this name: Xue Yan.

Feicheng shook his body and could hardly stand still. He held the table next to him. He asked calmly, "So, where is the real Lingyue? Where did Hua Che hide her?

"She died..." Now Lingyue also shouted like Xueyan, "I saw her die in the ** of Emperor Hua Che. That morning, I passed by the window of Wolongju and was found by Hua Che. He originally wanted to kill me, but later he thought that Lingyue, the moon lord, could not be so inexplicable. Wonderful disappearance, so he covered up the truth that Lingyue was dead and asked me to take her place. In this way, he could cover up his crime of killing the last generation of moon lords of the musk moon kingdom, block people, and maintain the image and reputation of the king of his country..."

"Don't say any more, don't say any more..." Feicheng suddenly smashed the table beside him, roared and ran out of the house. Xueyan stopped for a while and couldn't help following up. The two ran like arrows one after, running from the cottage halfway up the mountain to the top of the mountain. Along the way, birds flew, flowers and plants He was flattened, the tree was cut off, and the hut collapsed, and the roar shocked the sky. In this way, he ran all the way to the dead end - the edge of the cliff.

"Brother Feicheng--" Xue Yan was shocked and quickly advised, "No, don't do this, okay? Don't you still have me? Xueyan also loves Brother Feicheng. Aren't we also happy together? We escaped from the palace together, swimming in the mountains and rivers together, and grilled fish for me, and... Brother Feicheng..."

"Don't call me that again! Get out of here--

Xue Yan's face turned pale and she didn't seem to believe it: "What are you talking about? You actually kicked me away. Don't you have any feelings for me?"

"Yes, I don't have feelings for you. You go and leave right away--

"But it's me who married you! I'm your righteous wife. I, Ling Xueyan, married you innocently, and her Lingyue has never given you anything. She has always been a plaything of Emperor Hua Che..."

"You shut up--" An unexpected slap on Xue Yan's face made the corners of her lips flow out of blood. Although Feicheng was a little unbearable, he still said with a cold face, "Go away! You pretended to be her to deceive me. I don't blame you, but it's impossible for me to fall in love with you... Don't let me see you again..."

"Why do I look exactly like her, but you can love her but you can't love me? Or is it because you are afraid that you can't help thinking of her when you see me, and you will transfer all your feelings for her to me. Maybe you will fall in love with me after a long time? Brother Feicheng, can we give each other more time?

"I want you to go right away!" Feicheng roared, "Are you so self-respecting? I'll drive you away, but you won't leave!"

Xueyan was stunned by this sentence. Looking at the man in front of her, who was her husband, drove her away as an enemy. How could he hate her? During her days with him, she tried her best to change herself, tried her best to learn red embroidery, and satisfy him like a virtuous wife of an ordinary family. However, he not only did not love her, but also hated her? What on earth did she do wrong?

"Book Flying City, don't regret it--"

With tears, she turned into the air, like snow falling into the blue forest. When Feicheng looked back in fear, everything was silent, and only the leaves were light, leaving traces of her when she was about to leave.