Wind control

Chapter 136 Blood

YY Novel Network Update time: 2011-12-28 16:22:09 Words in this chapter: 3633

Chapter 136 Blood

In the world of immortal cultivation, only human monks can form ghosts, but in fact, this ghost is not as terrible as mortal legends. In the final analysis, it is just an obsession, and it will not form too strong combat power, unless there is a very small chance of special circumstances.

In addition, not all monks can form ghosts after death. They can only be formed under specific conditions, such as the dark environment full of yīn gas, no one disturbs nearby, etc. Of course, the most important thing is that the soul of the deceased must be strong

The ghost that Feng Ruo is encountering now should have been transformed by the monk who died in this deep pit, but it's a pity that it was just a face to face and was scattered by the white má ghost bat. If you are lucky, you may be able to recover in the future. If your luck is poor, it will basically disappear

"Go back"

If you don't pay attention to this sudden little song, you will casually urge the white má ghost bat to return


Unexpectedly, the white má ghost bat screamed gently a few times, as if he had found something. Then before Feng Ruo could react, he shook his wings and flew sideways to the darkness behind the left

Feng Ruo was stunned for a moment and immediately controlled the Phantom Sword to follow. He completely believed in the white má ghost bat, because this guy was good at surviving in the dark, especially now that he has reached level six. In this environment, his perception is much sharper than him

With the help of the white light emitted from the white má ghost bat, Feng Ruo soon found that he was entering a crack that was not very spacious. This crack seemed to be formed naturally, and there was no trace of chiseling, but he did not find anything suspicious.

This crack is always extending downward, and there are countless branch cracks in it. Gradually, it is impossible for Feng Ruo to determine which crack he came from

But the good thing is that the matter of recognizing the way can be given to the white má ghost bat, if you only need to wait patiently

In this way, after wandering around for more than an hour, Feng Ruo suddenly found a faint light coming from the crack in front of him.

"What? Do you mean that you have reached the ground?

Feng Ruo thought funnyly, but then he felt something was wrong, because although he was oriented by nòngún, he could still be roughly sure that he was at least two or three thousand feet underground, so he immediately thought of another possibility. The one emitting a faint light in front of him may be the five elements stone. Mineral vein

Soon, Feng Ruo rushed to the crack with a faint light. At this time, he found that he had actually crashed into a huge underground cave

After a little observation, Feng Ruo can be sure that there are no monks here, but the situation here is relatively strange. Before, he thought that there were all the high-quality five elements stones here, but now he knows that those that emit faint light are not five elements stones at all, but a kind of attachment to the rock wall. Má fluffy, like a plant similar to a small grass

As for the five elements stone, there is no stone at all. It is also very normal, because if there are mineral veins of the five elements stone here, with the power of human monks, it is impossible to find it here. Not to mention that it is at a depth of two or three thousand feet underground, even ten thousand feet can't escape

At this time, Feng Ruo suddenly found that the white má ghost bat under him was a little impatient. Obviously, there was something in this underground cave that moved him.

After a little thought, Feng Ruo jumped down and let the white má ghost bat look for it by himself, and he was careful at the crack. After all, if there is really any natural treasure here, then there must be some powerful demon beast guarding it. If it is too reckless, it will not be unfair to die

The white má ghost bat seemed to understand Feng Ruo's intention. After hovering in front of him twice, he slowed down and flew towards the center of the cave little by little.

At this time, Feng Ruo found that there seemed to be a small pool in the center of the cave.

As the white má ghost bat approached forward little by little, Feng Ruo also became nervous, paying close attention to the situation around him, while controlling the Phantom Sword and ready to attack at any time

After several breaths, the cave was still as quiet as before, only the faint sound of the white má ghost bat flapping its wings, but just as the white má ghost bat was about to approach the pool, a roar suddenly sounded, and then a huge figure rushed out of nowhere. The big mouth of the blood basin was just a Zhang, bite most of the body of the white má ghost bat

The speed is so fast that it's really incredible that even the level six white má ghost bat didn't dodge


It's not good to scream secretly. The sword formula in Feng Ruo's heart flowed. In an instant, he unfolded the sword formula, and the "huh" bombarded the monster

Fortunately, Feng Ruo has now condensed the meaning of the sword, and this sudden sword formula can be used to show its magic. In an instant, it bombarded the weakest corner of the monster's eyes. Suddenly, the blood splashed everywhere, and the bones flew horizontally

Under the pain of the monster, he couldn't help roaring up to the sky and finally let go of the bitten white má ghost bat

However, Feng Ruo didn't have any joy in his heart, because his sword trick was able to easily kill the stone heart worm king at the peak of level six years, but now he bombarded the weakest corner of the monster's eyes, and he just broke a head-sized dòng, from which shows the monster's defense ability. How strong it should be


After being hit, the monster was obviously very angry. He gave up the white ghost bat with a roar and ran towards Feng Ruo

At this time, Feng Ruo saw the appearance of the monster clearly. It looks a little like a lion and tiger. The whole body is about seven or eight feet long, and it stands more than four feet high. One head is particularly huge, with a single horn that is only a few inches long, always shining with a shimmer. There are huge claws under his Present blood red è


Seeing the appearance of this monster, Feng Ruo remembered the similar information he had seen in the classics before. It is said that this blood was transformed by the corpse of the spirit beast. If it has been cultivated for more than ten thousand years, it can overturn the mountains and the sea, call for wind and rain. The strength is strong, and no one can One

It's just that this blood mackerel has always been the best at hiding traces. Once it is cultivated, it can even be transformed into a human form, and there is no trace at all. I think this is why the existence of this blood mackerel can't be found with the perception of the white má ghost bat

These thoughts just flashed like lightning in his mind. At the same time, Feng Ruo suddenly bounced up and rushed into the more spacious cave from the edge of the narrow crack, because he had the opportunity to dodge in this environment. After all, even if the blood did not practiced well, it must be It is equivalent to the strength of the seven-level peak or even the eight-level spirit beast. Facing the confrontation, he has no chance of winning at all

With the help of stepping on the cloud boots, Feng Ruo's previous position was completely knocked down by the blood red with a "boom", and then the blood did not stop at all. It suddenly bounced from the ground, with a huge mouth, which was a purple flame dozens of feet long

This purple flame is obviously at a high level. Feng Ruo doesn't know which one is more powerful than his Xuanhuo split, so he dare not try it. What's more, the attack of the blood body is also particularly fierce. He is caught by it with one paw. I'm afraid he can't eat it and walk away

retreated back again, and Feng Ruo sealed the white má ghost bat in a seriously injured state. Now in this case, the white má ghost bat and the silver armored sky spider are useless at all, and it is a dead

Fortunately, it is huge enough in this cave, and there are a large number of extremely hard boulders standing up. Feng Ruo circled the blood in this bouldron with the bouncing ability of the cloud boots, which can be pulled away

Of course, at the same time, Feng Ruo did not forget to control the Phantom Sword to attack. Unfortunately, now the blood is already on guard. Seeing the Phantom Sword attacking, he immediately dodged his head, or simply use his body to resist hard. In the face of its more defensive body, even the strongest impact sword formula is There is nothing I can do

For a while, Feng Ruo has no other magical power to work, but correspondingly, the blood can't help Feng Ruo

Because of the special environment here, its speed can't be used at all. Coupled with its huge body, if it can get into some stone cracks to avoid, it can't do it

In addition, this blood seems to not want to destroy the environment in the cave too much. It only occasionally releases the purple flame near the rock. If it is near those fluffy grasses, it will only impact with all its strength

So after a long time, Feng Ruo also discovered this mystery. Obviously, this kind of grass with shimmering light should be a little strange, at least it is very important for the blood.

However, this situation is not very useful for Feng Ruo, because these fluffy grasses are only attached to the rock wall, and it is impossible for him to make the blood scruples

But even so, Feng Ruo can't afford it, because the blood seems to have endless strength, and it is estimated that he can catch up for ten days and eight days

But it is different. The reason why he can be extremely flexible in such a complex environment is because of the jumping ability of the cloud boots. If the time is short, he can cope with it. After a long time, his mana will be exhausted, and he will really become the bloody meal

It was because of this situation that Feng Ruo knew that he could not go on like this. After continuing to make a few circles, he released the defense weapon white yù bone shield and another arm shield, and then got into a rock crevice that looked extremely strong

Sure enough, the blood immediately rushed over and immediately opened its mouth. Suddenly, a purple flame ** came out, completely covering the whole rock crevice

The temperature of this purple flame is extremely high. Even if Feng Ruo releases the defense ability of the white yù bone shield to the strongest, he can still feel the feeling of being burned.

What shocked Feng Ruo even more was that under the burning of the purple flame, his nine-sided white yù bone shield was actually seen to be melted little by little, and finally a soft sound of "pup" turned into flying smoke

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