Wind control

Chapter 137 Flying Ash

YY Novel Network Update time: 2011-12-28 18:28:46 Words in this chapter: 3582

Chapter 137 Flying Ash

(It's not easy. I owed it the day before yesterday. I finally made it up today. Thank you for your support. I'm in a good mood every day)

The white bone shield was melted by the purple flame in the blink of an eye. Feng Ruo's heart was really in pain

That's a top-quality defense weapon. He hasn't been warmed up yet. It's over, but this is enough to show that the purple flame is really extraordinary. I'm afraid it's more powerful than his Xuanhuo split. Fortunately, he just tried it this time. Otherwise, the consequences of rashly using the Xuanhuo Imagine

At this time, with the melting of the white yù bone shield, Feng Ruo did not dare to stay too much in the stone crack, so he quickly escaped from another direction and directly drilled into another stone crack

Of course, the blood would not let Feng Ruo go, and immediately rushed up with a roar, but its huge body naturally could not get in, and the boulder that formed the stone crack was also particularly hard. It grabbed it with one paw and only left a trace about a few inches deep

"You ball, have the ability to bite me"

Feng Ruo shouted in the stone crack, just to be careful. He released the best-quality defense weapon to cover the mountain. This thing can only be a fixed defense, which is used here, and it just works.

At this time, when he couldn't catch Feng Ruo, the blood roared, and he immediately opened his mouth. Although the power was amazing, Feng Ruo could see clearly that this purple flame had obviously weakened a lot compared with the previous ones, and the number was almost half less

But even so, the power of this purple flame should not be underestimated. It only took a few breaths to melt the Fengruo mountain shield defense weapon again

"It's now"

After confirming that the blood could no longer ** purple flame in a short time, Feng Ruo didn't care about his two defense magic weapons, so he drilled directly from the other end of the stone seam. First, he unblocked the silver armor spider, and then released the last defense magic weapon in his hand, and took out the handle at the same time A dagger-like magic sword

Because from the previous situation, neither the phantom sword nor the Liuyun sword can pose a threat to the blood, so there is only one last way left for Feng Ruo, which is to get close to the body and then kill the blood with the magic sword

But the problem is that the purple flame from the blood is too powerful. He must consume the purple flame stored in the blood before he can attack

With a loud shout, Feng Ruo rushed directly to the blood, although in front of the four feet of the blood, he was just a little bit

The bloody eyes saw that the slippery little one rushed up unknowingly, and suddenly roared excitedly, and then rushed up with a claw. The strength of the power directly shocked the cave

However, Feng Ruo had been ready for a long time. At the moment when the giant claws were approaching, the cloud boots suddenly bounced on the ground, and immediately jumped back, followed a little on the boulder next to him, and then rushed to the bloody head at a very fast speed

It's just that Feng Ruo still underestimated the strength and reaction speed of the blood. It has a huge mouth. Although there is no purple flame, it throws out a purple tongue that is more than two feet long

With a "pop", Feng Ruo's whole body was swept hundreds of feet away. If the arm shield hadn't blocked a blow for Feng Ruo in front of him, I'm afraid this one would have killed half of his life

But despite this, Feng Ruo was also hit with this huge force and was in severe pain, as if it had fallen apart. As for the arm shield, it was full of cracks, and it looked useless

And the blood didn't give Feng Ruo a chance to fight back at all, like a red wind roaring and smashing down

"His uncle's"

After a secret scolding, Feng Ruo didn't care much about it. He could only get up and jump aside with only a few mana left in his body. After avoiding the bloody attack, he turned around the blood and rushed to the blood

"Ten feet of green silk"

After casting this binding spell in an instant, Feng Ruo used the power of dozens of green silk in his hand to absorb the huge belly of the blood, but at this time, the mana in his body had been exhausted

Fortunately, he came to the five elements world this time and made a lot of preparations, and he also prepared a few activating pills that can restore a lot of mana in an instant.

First, he swallowed two active elixirs in one breath. At the same time, Feng Ruo raised the Zhumo sword in his hand and scratched it fiercely against the bloody abdomen, and the hard skin of the original phantom sword, which could not be broken at all, was immediately cut into a huge cut like a tofu


Such a severe pain suddenly made the blood completely crazy, but because Feng Ruo was in its abdomen, it wanted to attack and could not attack, so it could only run for a while in the whole cave

And how could Feng Ruo be soft at this time? The magic sword opened everywhere, and blood spurted for a moment, and the scene was extremely terrible

However, the vitality of the blood seems to be particularly strong. Although Feng Ruo used the magic sword to cut more than a dozen knives under its abdomen, it was still alive. What shocked Feng Ruo even more was that the blood wound began to heal strangely, and the blood flowed less and less, and in the end, even one The drops are gone


Seeing this situation, Feng Ruo was really anxious. He finally seized this opportunity, but he didn't expect that he could still bear the blood in this way. He really deserves to be one of the nine fierce beasts in the immortal world

"Flir, it's either you die or I live"

Gringing his teeth, Feng Ruo directly swallowed all the Huoluo elixir in his hand, and then stabbed the magic sword fiercely into the belly of the blood, and then put all the mana in his body into it

Now he can only expect the thunder and lightning attached to the magic sword to kill the blood. If this still doesn't work, he has to let his fate

Under the urging of Feng Ruo's mana, the magic sword soon showed the light of thunder and lightning, and the appearance of this thunder and lightning suddenly made the blood roar in panic. Obviously, the thunder and lightning seemed to be exactly its nemesis

But it's only a moment, and Feng Ruo can't support it. After all, the level of the magic sword is too high, and it's extremely amazing for him to be able to urge it. What's more, even if he takes all the active elixirs now, the recovered mana is only half of the peak state, which

In a hurry, Feng several crisply took out the Aoki divine crystal and directly absorbed the aura inside

Since this Aoki Shenjing heard what the wooden demon said more than 20 years ago, Feng Ruo has never absorbed the aura inside. He only drips a drop of Muling spring water into it every three years. Now he only has the last two drops left in his hand

Originally, Feng Ruo expected to come to the five elements to find some natural resources and treasures to cultivate Aoki Shenjing, but now it seems that it is still important to save his life

With this Aoki divine crystal, Feng Ruo was finally able to continue to input mana into the magic sword, but he did not know that the thunder and lightning condensed by the magic sword in the blood belly at this time actually began to a faint change. At the beginning, the Yaojin arc, which was still bombarded everywhere, seemed to have become countless developed It spreads towards the whole body of the blood

At this time, the blood was paralyzed on the ground. Except for the unconscious ōu twitches, it was almost death, but Feng Ruo was holed to find that he could not stop at all at all, and he didn't know what had changed in the magic sword. It seemed that he had completely lived the Aoki Shenjing in

Then an extremely huge force gushed out of the Aoki divine crystal, and he rushed towards the magic sword along his body like a huge wave.

That's all. What's really terrible is that this force is not as docile as Aoki Shenjing was before. On the contrary, it is like a beast out of the cage, the flash flood, and the soaring whirlwind, rampaging in his body

This pain is 10,000 times more terrible than when Feng Ruo took Peiyuan Dan to refine his body. The meridians in his body were completely destroyed before he could resist. He could only protect his heart with his last bit of mana and his last will

If you don't subconsciously know that you can't give up at this time, Feng Ruozhen wants to transfer all his consciousness to Xuanhuo's split

And at the same time, in the bloody body, the root-like Yaojin arc went through a search and finally bound a fist-sized purple bead firmly

If Feng sees this scene, he will definitely know that this purple bead should be the source of the purple flame

And the magic sword seemed to have a spirit. It pulled the struggling purple beads little by little, and finally swallowed it up completely. It was not until all the Yaojin arcs on the magic sword disappeared, and the suction slowly disappeared

However, this is not over for Feng Ruo, because there seems to be countless forces hidden in the Aoki divine crystal, which are still converging towards his body like a river

Fortunately, there is no absorption of the magic sword at this time. Although these forces are huge, they are much more stable, and what makes Feng Ruo more happy is that this power seems to have some magical curative effect, and it can make him feel a very kind and familiar taste.

Unconsciously, this power from the Aoki divine crystal began to slowly reshape the completely destroyed meridians in Fengruo's body, which felt like ūn weathered rain, so that Fengruo couldn't help relaxing his consciousness and slowly entering a dreamlike realm

In this way, I don't know how long it took. When Feng Ruo woke up, the first purpose was darkness, and then I heard a "squeaking" chewing sound

At first, Feng Ruo was still strange, but then he suddenly understood that this was the body of the ún egg silver armor sky spider devouring blood

But now Feng Ruo can't care about that, but hurriedly got up to see the Aoki Shenjing, because he remembered that this thing was absorbed by him a lot of pure power in the past, and he didn't know how it is now?

But when Feng Ruo spread out his left hand, he was stunned, because there was only a piece of flying ash left in his hand