Cultivation plan

chapter 22

He slept until nine o'clock in the morning. If he hadn't been woken up because of a class at ten o'clock, Shu Chen would not have been planning to get up from the warm **. After talking to his grandmother on the phone last night, he was scared into nightmares all night. Sometimes he dreamed that his grandmother stuffed him with a bunch of photos and materials of girls, and sometimes he dreamed that his grandmother forced him. The most bizarre thing about the selection in the photo is that Shu Xing in the dream actually brought him a group of all kinds of men for him to choose. Shu Chen didn't think about it. Thirty-six tricks were the best plan, but he was suddenly tripped over by a tall man and forcibly pulled into his arms. No matter how hard he struggled, it was useless, which scared him to sweat coldly.

The cool breeze blew in from the half-open window, bringing a refreshing smell. He rubbed his forehead vigorously and rubbed his face desperately with his hands. The last step was to shake his head fiercely. After these three movements, Shu Chen hinted to himself: I have completely forgotten the dream of last night and absolutely forgot it. Remember.

Breakfast is toast with yogurt. The toast is bought from the pastry shop. The heating process is carried out by the toast machine. They don't like milk. There is always no shortage of yogurt in the refrigerator at home. In addition to the strawberry flavor, all kinds of flavors are available.

Today is Sunday. Shu Chen is going to tutor the students at 10 o'clock. As a teacher, Shu Xing has nothing to deal with in the school. Originally, he could have sent Shu Chen to the school, but because of the injury in his hand, Shu Chen resolutely refused to use him to send him. He was worried about threatening his personal safety, so he simply woke up. It's up to him. Anyway, it's just a few minutes away. He is not a kindergarten kid.

He had put on his shoes and planned to go out, but was stopped by the sound behind him. When he looked back, Shu Chen really hated himself for turning back. Shu Xing was coming over with a garbage bag and naturally handed it to him: "Take out the garbage by the way."

"It's your turn to take the garbage today. I won't dump it!"

"I'm not going to go downstairs today, so of course it's up to you." Breaking the rules you set, the speaker didn't think there was anything wrong.

"You..." Just as soon as you wanted to turn around and left, a voice came from outside the door halfway: "It's Shu Xing and Shu Chen, you... huh? Wake up, your hand seems to be hurt.

Nonsense! Thinking of the awakening of these two words, his face smiled freely. Several bandages were wrapped in his hand. It would be strange if he couldn't see them: "Yes, I was slightly injured."

"I heard a miserable cry in your room last night, but it sounded like Shu Chen's voice. Why are you injured?" Because it's the neighbor next door, I can always hear all kinds of strange sounds. Even if I think the sound is strange when I hear it, I don't take it seriously. If I hadn't seen it today, the neighbors would not have come to ask questions.

Hearing the question, Shu Chen's face was not good when he remembered the vinegar that was poured into his mouth last night and looked down on the ground.

"Shu Chen knocked the knife off the cutting board. In order not to hurt him, I blocked it and just scratched the back of his hand. It's nothing. He called out because he was frightened for a moment."

Just directly put the black as white and put the blame on himself. Shu Chen doesn't know what to say. The man who lives next door is so serious. If Shu Chen dares to shout to Shu Xing to distinguish the facts, he may hear 'A man with his brother really It's not easy.

Finally escaped from the house and took the elevator with a garbage bag. After throwing the garbage downstairs, he put his head and body at a 90-degree angle. Shu Chen looked hatefully at the awakening of smiling and waving at him by the window and left the community angrily.

The course tutoring of master's students for undergraduates should have been from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. every Wednesday, because it was the half-day closing day of the library every week. The school was imhumanized to consider that diligent students did not need to rest, so it was specially arranged at that time.

This Wednesday, because of the school's activities, the course tutoring that should have been carried out has been delayed. In fact, if this is in other schools, the delay will also be delayed. If it is missing once or twice, it will not affect the brilliant opening of the flowers of the motherland. However, in this university famous for its rigorous scholarship, there will never be a saying of 'forgo it' The teaching director said that all kinds of flowers of the motherland had to cultivate their minds and come back to the classroom on Sunday.

Looking at the students under the podium with heavy makeup or a little powder, Shu Chen remembered the words of Shu Xing and his grandmother, and his body trembled involuntarily.

"Brother, are you cold?" The next junior who is familiar with Shu Chen came over to talk to Shu Chen during the break.

"Ah?" I have reminded this guy several times, but I don't remember to call him 's senior'. He calls 'brother' and 'brother' a day. Anyone with eyes knows that he is a human and refuses to look back. He thinks that Bajie is calling him Wukong.

"You are shaking in class," the junior explained patiently.

"Oh," I remember that I seemed to have shaken, but this guy could catch the momentary movement. Did he listen to the lecture? "Is my lecture quite boring?"

"How can it be," the younger brother quickly made up for his small mistake: "Brother, do you know? The so-called boredom means 'no one wants to talk to you'."


The younger brother who realized the mistake cleared his throat: "Isn't that... a little cold?"

"Can you allow me to be silent at this time?"

"Brother, you already have it."

"Oh? Does he have it? Who made his belly bigger? How many months?" The two people who were talking didn't notice when Xu Xian came over at all.

"Ah, it's Brother Xu," the younger brother's mouth is sweet enough to see everyone's call.

Xu Xian's voice was not loud just now, but it was enough to ensure that the first two rows of juniors with erect ears and no ears could be heard clearly. Seeing the first two rows biting each other's ears, and the second and third rows began to whisper, until the last row looked at himself together, Shu Chen turned to the younger brother angrily. Yin Sen gritted his teeth and said, "Explain."

The crying junior quickly cleared the truth in apologetically: "I was going to say that my brother has a voice, not."

"Oh, it turns out that he has been born," Xu Xian said this sentence that was enough to make laughter overturn the roof. After explaining to the monitor who had recently helped him revise his student paper, Shi ran out and ignored Shu Chen's knife eye.

I was so ashamed that I wanted to find a junior who wanted to get into the ground and carefully looked at Brother Monkey's eyebrows: "Brother, I didn't mean to..."

"Do you dare to say it's not intentional?"

The person who has been confused did not think of the consequences of this sentence at all. Without his brain saying it, he couldn't take it back even if he wanted to.

After a short silence, amazing laughter broke out in the whole classroom. Although these flowers of the motherland who have been playing family games since kindergarten are at the age of maturity and dissatisfaction, their thinking is fast enough to dare to throw away anything.

"I can't see, boy, you are awesome. Even the seniors have been chased by you, and there are children, boys or girls? Why don't you invite your brother to have a full moon wine?

A group of people who laughed cautiously just now were completely laughed by this. The delicate flowers laughed so much that they trembled, and the green grass laughed so much that the flowers of the motherland opened to their heart's content. The students and teachers who passed by looked at the door curiously.

A girl who usually looks quite quiet said amazingly at this moment: "It turns out that the senior is gay."

This topic was opened, followed by various versions.

"I usually think the senior has a baby face, which is very cute, but it turns out that men and women are really gay."

"Looking at the senior, it certainly doesn't look like a top. Maybe it's a little bear."

"Do you know? Wow, just thinking about it is very interesting."

"The senior must have a boyfriend. Since he looks so cute, how can he have an empty window?"

"It's right by my side. Didn't you even have children?"

"Yes, but no matter how you look at it, the seniors are a little at a loss."

These words hit Shu Chen and almost made him vomit blood and die. With only one breath left, Shu Chen tried to explain to the majority of students who did not know the truth, but before he could speak, his words were blocked.

"Don't worry, senior. We are all open-minded. We won't refuse to accept you just because you are gay, so you don't have to deny it. Just accept your identity generously."

But I'm really not! At this moment, Shu Chen's whole heart has been baptized once by a level 10 storm.

"I really don't have children!" Obviously, the brain that has just been baptized by the storm cannot expect it to correctly command language functions to respond appropriately.

Usually in class and exams, they all have sad faces. When it comes to this kind of thing, they are all in high spirit, whistling and whistling, and the whole second half of the class did not stop.

After such a destructive coax, when Shu Chen walked out of the main gate of the school, his footsteps were light, like stepping on the clouds. On the way back, he walked out of a detour. As a result, when passing the small square outside the community, Shu Chen almost hit the square. Planted trees.

I opened the door and entered the house, changed my shoes and went in. I saw Shu Xing lying half on the sofa, with my back against the armrest of the sofa and two books spread on my legs. The sofa was basically full of various materials. Shu Chen went to the bathroom to wash his hands, and went to the kitchen to pick the largest and redest apple. Some of them sat on the other end of the sofa in a trance. On the armrest, nibbling on the apple peel.

"Would you like to eat red bean rice?" Putting aside the things in his hand, Shu woke up and looked at his cousin in chaos.


"If you have a baby, it's very physical. You can't save a meal of red bean rice."

"How did you, you, know?"

He raised his mobile phone and smiled brightly: "With a machine in hand, you can see the world without leaving home."

"Who told you?" Shu Chen stared fiercely at the mobile phone in Shu Xing's hand.

Thinking of the relaxed and evil tone when Xu Xian called him just now, Shu Xing felt that Xu Xian was more like his cousin than Shu Chen.

"Why should I tell you?"

"You, you..." Shu Chen, who was poor, saw an open message on Shu Xing's mobile phone and hurriedly rushed over.

Open Shu Chen with his legs, Shu Xing held his mobile phone in his hand and 'discuss' with him in a threatening tone: "Do you want more people to know?"

"............" Shu Chen felt depressed and walked helplessly to his room with an apple in his mouth.

Seeing Shu Chen walk away from a harmless distance, Shu Xing took the mobile phone in front of him. There was a message just sent on his mobile phone: Shu Xing, the weather in the camp is very good today. There will be a bonfire party tonight. Everyone still wants to have a barbecue. If only you were here.

The sun sprinkled into the living room from the back of the awakening, hitting the shadow on one side of the floor. The corners of the shadow's mouth were slightly raised, and the eyes were also stained with the warmth of the sun.