Cultivation plan

chapter 83

Rong Chengxian was sent back to the villa by Shen Xiu.

Although he has known each other since he was a child, Shen Xiu came to this place for the first time. When he was young, he was not always haunted by many trivial things. The two played together many times, but at that time, Rong Chengxian still lived in the main house, and Shen Xiu always stayed at Rong Cheng's house. Chairman Rong Cheng's consideration was his residence. Hearts and children do not exceed the interests of friendship.

Primary school, junior high school and high school, if it weren't for the fact that they studied in different universities after going abroad, they would be alumni for a lifetime. When they were abroad, they would always walk from time to time. At that time, Shen Xiu met the god. Shortly after returning to China, the god naturally joined Tianchen. Shenhong has reached the peak of today, but it did not make Rong Chengxian feel that Shen Xiu deliberately started early, making Rong Cheng Entertainment lose a cash cow.

The first time he stepped into Rong Chengxian's villa, Shen Xiu originally wanted to look around the surrounding environment, but when he woke up, he suddenly lost the mood to observe the room.

After Rong Chengxian settled in the bedroom, he woke up and walked out of the room and motioned Shen Xiu to go downstairs to talk with him.

"What did you say to him?" This is the first time that the two people did not sit together because of business. They woke up the eyes that were not harsh but had nothing to do with kindness, and carefully looked at Shen Xiu's face.

"How did you think it had something to do with me?" Understanding that Shuxing cares about Rong Chengxian, Shen Xiu will not care about Shuxing's eyes at this time: "If you have the energy to question me, it's better to think about what to do next."

After the silence, Shu Xing was the first to apologize to Shen Xiu. Shu Xing's personality was very open. Just now, he was anxious and did not ask indiscriminately. After waking up, he naturally apologized for his behavior. The usual joke can be said to be a harmless joke. On the key issue, Shu Xing will not be a villain. The behavior.

Shen Xiu, who is dominant in the business world, has a blank understanding of feelings. He doesn't like to establish long-term emotional relationships with anyone. Unlike Shuxing, he occasionally finds a boyfriend. Shen Xiu is a gay, but he has never had a boyfriend. He is one of the senior members of an aristocratic club, which can be given by the club for him. Arrange the type you like and provide the services he requires, so that it will not cause trouble to his identity, and it is easy to get together and break up, and there is no possibility of causing disputes at all.

It's not a strong self-awareness that makes Shen Xiu want to distance himself from others, but a direct choice. As long as he doesn't deal with emotions, Shen Xiu's emotional intelligence and IQ will become very high, but when it comes to things related to emotions, he doesn't know how to sort out his feelings and can't find the need to exist. The meaning.

In fact, both honest officials and corrupt officials have things they are not good at. Considering that every family has difficulties, even corrupt officials may not be able to cut off housework and take people's money to eliminate disasters, but the problem is that eliminating disasters does not mean solving the essence of the problem. If it has not been fundamentally dealt with, it will rekindle one day. , come back.

It's sad and very sad.

Just now, Rong Chengxian left an impression on Shen Xiu. Briefly speaking, it can be turned into these four words. Shen Xiu has never taken the initiative to help anyone, only Rong Chengxian is an exception. However, under such circumstances, no matter how much Shen Xiu wants to help, he can't make any substantive opinions and can save Rong Chengxian. The person I want is not him at all.

sent Shen Xiu away. Shu woke up and did not immediately go upstairs. He took out the milk from the refrigerator and heated it on the stove. Then he went upstairs with a glass containing hot milk. The soft footsteps were completely absorbed by the soft carpet.

When the light in the bedroom was turned off and gently opened the door, Shuxing found that since he left more than ten minutes ago, Rong Chengxian, who was lying in **, did not seem to have changed his posture, but still facing the left, with his back to Shu Xing and entering the door.

"Hands are so cold," he groped and sent the cup containing warm milk to Rong Chengxian's hand. He smiled and rubbed Rong Chengxian's soft hair: "It's cold outside. I heard from Shen Xiu that you have walked for a while. Obviously, it's easy to become very cold. I'll be worried if you come back early next time."

"Don't be so kind to me..." The extremely small voice, if it is not a quiet night, coupled with waking up and listening attentively, is likely to ignore the content of this whisper just now.

Overwhelm the weight of the body**, and the big bed with good elasticity and softness immediately changed with the shape of the body. Wake up and ring Rong Chengxian's body with his arms and talk to Rong Chengxian in a relaxed tone: "Why?"

There is no calming sadness. At this moment, it is overwhelming, which makes Rong Chengxian breathless. If you have to describe it, the sadness in his heart now is not the surging tide of the sea, but the tsunami with countless layers of huge waves: "It is always gentle to me and so good to me. I will be spoiled and will make I... can't live without you..."

"Fool," he stretched out his finger and scraped the tip of Rong Chengxian's nose. When he woke up, he guessed that he would say this: "Then don't leave, Xian, will it make you feel relaxed if you leave me?"

Will you feel relaxed when you wake up?

After knowing that his father knew his relationship with Shu Xing, this is a problem that always confuses Rong Chengxian. In terms of the secular vision and the pressure given to him by his father, leaving Shu Xing can solve the difficult external problems. He can return to his original life mode and settle down in the company. On the two lines of the family, they accept their father's arrangement, accept their father's designated marriage partner, inherit the family business, and then die.

Old age... A definition of the end of life. When most people are used to looking back on their past lives, in recent times, Rong Chengxian has always imagined the future years in his mind. If he is like his grandfather who also passed away at the age of 70, then once he leaves to wake up, he chooses his father's satisfaction. Life, that is to say, to get used to the gray life in the next 40 years, not bright white, not completely dark black, but gray at the middle point, mixed and disorderly, unable to see the night, and unable to face the light.

Rong Chengxian's heart is being nailed to the cross symbolizing judgment. Many arrow feathers deliberately named by others came from all directions and inserted fiercely into his body. What is wrapped around his body is the shackles that have imprisoned him for more than 20 years. Although they can't be seen with their eyes, they are real. It is tightly embedded in the meat and sweeps away the remaining temperature for survival.

In order to adapt to the tightness of the shackles, only by constantly shrinking the body and shrinking the existence of oneself. Through this very uncomfortable way, can you cooperate with the gradually tightening shackles and not stop breathing because of the constraints of the body, but correspondingly, on the other side of the steady personality, it is Although it hurts, it can't be suffocated.

Sunshine, for Rong Chengxian, waking up is his sunshine. He has been sinking in the dark for a long time and thinks that he will never be redeemed, but there is a wisp of sunshine that penetrates through the gap inadvertently blown by the wind. I don't know what kind of invisible chain can It is slowly corroded by the sun, and the body has more room to breathe because of the loosening caused by the chain corrosion.

"Have you figured it out?" The cup with milk in his hand did not maintain the heat for too long due to the effect of body temperature. The unexpected problem made Rong Chengxian, who was thinking about it, have a temporary pause in his brain, and his mind became a little blank in an instant. Without careful consideration, he inadvertently slipped from his mouth. Get out.

"It will be easy."

Holding the fingers on his shoulder suddenly increased his strength and felt the pain in the body, but because of his consciousness, he did not want to move at all. If the pain in the body can replace the pain of the heart, then Rong Chengxian is willing to exchange them with each other.

"Did it hurt you?" The pain on his shoulder only lasted for less than five seconds. Shuxing quickly came to his senses, let go of the fingers held on Rong Chengxian's shoulder, and his grasped arm immediately felt relaxed, but Rong Chengxian's body immediately became very cold because of the temperature conduction of waking up.

"Wake up," after knowing that he had said something wrong, Rong Chengxian immediately turned his body, grabbed Shu's wrist, and suddenly moved quickly, almost making the white ** in the glass splash out, and his body was also supported by Shu Awakening, so he did not fall into ** under the condition of a quick change of position.

"Don't think too much about yourself," Shu Xing said with a smile in a gentle voice that made Rong Chengxian want to cry. "Drink the milk and wash and sleep. You are not used to staying up late, and you will definitely have dizziness the next day."

"Where are you going?" Rong Chengxian, who is not good at explaining and doesn't know how to deal with this situation. Although he felt Shuxing's intention to leave, he couldn't react accordingly. He only watched Shuxing get up from ** and walk towards the door. His nervous heart seemed to jump out of his throat and knew that he must open his mouth to stop it at this moment. It's absolutely impossible to let Shu wake up like this, but the words are choked in my throat and can't be spit out anyway.

"Xian, have a good rest," as if he could understand Rong Chengxian's idea, Shuxing turned back from the door: "I'm not going anywhere, but I have a paper to finish, and I must give it to someone else tomorrow."

The voice that refused to believe trembled a little: "Really?"

"Really," in fact, after dinner, I should have started writing, but I was worried about Rong Chengxian, so I kept looking out of the window in a daze. As long as I did it seriously, I would even be in a daze. As a result, I forgot the time and directly waited for Rong Chengxian back, but the computer screen was still blank.

Even though Shuxing promised again and again, Rong Chengxian still refused to let go of Shuxing, who was about to leave just now. He had no choice but to help him take a shower with a smile, and lay with him **. It was not until Rong Chengxian fell asleep before he walked to the study.