Cultivation plan

chapter 85

"Do you feel that you have just been fished out of the 108th floor of hell?" Without the key, Shu Xing naturally had to ask Xu Xian to open the door through the walkie-talkie. He was ready to wait for a long time. Xu Xian's speed did not disappoint Shu Xing, and when he came to open the door, he still had sweat on his forehead.

"Yes, it's not just 108 floors, it should be 180 floors," Xu Xian is not a strong-mouthed and strong person. He can always correct the mistakes he recognizes: "Join Uncle Lei Feng's team, as far as I am personally, I obviously a little inexperienced. Why don't you take over the fire of the revolution? Plant it."

You can find someone who takes the initiative to accompany you to suffer. How can Shu Xing easily let him go? "I have no problem, but Shu Chen may not want you to go," he looked behind Xu Xian: "Am I right?"

Shu Chen, wrapped in the mopping carpet, only showed two big eyes, and even put his head in the cartoon doll hat at home. The whole is a young child. If you look carefully, you can find that Shu Chen's big eyes in the past are full of slender blood, and his eyes are extremely blank. God, if it hadn't been for his particularly cute cartoon style, he might have been regarded as some mysterious creature that just came out of the bell.

"Why did you come back?" Shu Chen's voice was quite like a broken bellows, and when he spoke at this moment, the uncomfortableness of his throat was like grinding on the dry and hot sand grains with his throat: "Xu Xian, don't let me go. I don't want to see you."

But I don't want to see you... Xu Xian, who is standing at Shuxing, is not stupid enough to say what he really thinks at this time, but the desperate expression and painful look have fully demonstrated the realistic truth of 'Shu Chen can't live by his side'.

How's it going? Do you feel a little sad, depressed and life is not as good as death? Shu Xing smiled and handed the fast food porridge in his hand to Xu Xian: "You can serve porridge for him."

Just now, Shu Chen came out and was curious about who came home, and when he was sick, he became very clingy. He found that Xu Xian was not by the bedside and heard a voice outside. He quickly came out to have a look. After knowing that he woke up, he just said a few words and went back to the room to rest with his head covered. Regardless of the two people in the living room.

"He's your cousin, right? Don't you think it's not my turn to take care of him?" When ordinary people are sick, they will more or less show weakness. Generally speaking, they will be more dependent on others than usual, but Shu Chen is obviously not an ordinary person. He has entered the ranks of gods. He has really experienced what Shu Xing said about 'pain deep into the bone marrow'. Xu Xian is really a little unbearable at this moment.

"Actually, I don't want to be like this," after saying this, Shu Xing woke up and made Xu Xian still alone in the living room and went back to his room to change his clothes. His movements were not slow. There was no consciousness of 'there was still someone waiting for him in the living room'. It took him a long time to return to the living room and see that Xu Xian was still waiting there, which was very The considerate words will not end: "It's just that thanks to you, I can't leave recently. I must wait until Shu Chen recovers. In order for you to feel my mood, I think it's better to stay here temporarily until Shu Chen recovers, which is also convenient."

Thanks to yourself? Xu Xian recalled what he had done today. Thinking of leaving the school gate, he was depressed: "I just said something casually to the principal. Are you retaliating? Also, what is this convenient? Is it convenient for me or you?"

"The process is not important," Shu Xing took out a bowl from the kitchen and handed it to Xu Xian and pointed to the direction of the kitchen: "That's the kitchen. If Shu Chen needs anything, you don't have to be polite to me at all."

Although Xu Xian has not been here for a long time, he understands that if he doesn't follow Shu Xing's intention, there will be more trouble waiting for him. He has no choice but to take over the bowl in Shu Xing's hand. When he sees Shu Xing return to his room like nothing happened, he doesn't go to Shu Chen's room to greet him. I wonder if these two people are relatives or not?

Shu Chen has told Xu Xian before that he and Shu Xing don't cook much at home, and the food they eat is also very simple, but in the family where they live together, everything is very complete... And it can be said to be very new. It's one thing to buy and not to eat, but it's another thing to eat when you want to eat. Xu Xian Pour the fast food porridge brought back by Shu Xing into the bowl and bring it into the room for Shu Chen.

Since becoming a graduate student, because most of what they have done coincided, Xu Xian and Shu Chen have spent a long time together. Every time they have done something, it is basically either lunch time, dinner time or midnight snack time, which makes the two of them eat together almost every meal except for breakfast. Just now, they coaxed Shu Chen to eat. During the meal, Xu Xian missed Shu Chen, who could eat well by himself. Without personal experience, Xu Xian would never believe that Shu Chen, who was sick, had such a great lethality.

Shu Chen, whose personality is quite complicated, is completely different in illness and health, and another cousin who has never met but heard Shu Chen and Shu Xing mention respectively, Xu Xian feels that the genes of their Shu family are made with reference to different types of demons.

Shu Xing brought back a lot of porridge. It seems that it's not just for one person. Last night, he translated it very late and had passed the school meal. Xu Xian casually bought some food and came over. Unexpectedly, after arriving at Shu Chen, there was no time to eat at all. Shu Chen didn't want this or wanted him to pick that, let alone find something. After eating, even white water, he didn't have time to take a sip. As soon as he was idle, Xu Xian felt that his body was particularly heavy, with his chest pressed against his back, but he had no desire to eat anything.

Unconsciously lay on the table and fell asleep, but was woken up ruthlessly: "Why are you sleeping here? I'm not a fascist. That guest room has been staying for you. If you haven't changed your clothes, go home to pick them up now. Anyway, it's quite early. You must come back before 6 p.m. Probably after that time, it's Shu Chen's recurring period.

rubbing his eyes and waking up for a while, Xu Xian realized that he might be hungry. When he came out to find something to eat, he found himself sleeping on the sofa in the living room. Xu Xian, who was tired and hungry, had no strength to refute Shuxing. After eating his newly heated porridge with Shuxing, he obediently went home to clean up his clothes.

Not long after Xu Xian left, the landline phone rang. Sure enough, it was his father who called. Shu Xing reported Shu Chen's situation to his beloved principal on the phone, including what food he had eaten and the type of drugs he took. He put down the phone with the care he instructed.

In the whole Shu family, the principal is most concerned about Shu Chen. Unlike a little biased grandmother, the principal always does the right thing according to reason. At the beginning, Shu Chen was handed over to Shu Xing. The principal was not worried about another possibility, but after thinking about it, the principal wisely felt that he was awake. Personality may be the best growth situation for Shu Chen.

The last time Shu Chen got sick, it was not long after Shu Xing went to college, that is, about two years or about three years after they lived together. At that time, Shu Xing had to take care of Shu Chen while practicing. Even so, his father still had to give priority to Shu Chen, let alone By now, Shuxing has had a lot of time to waste.

Shu Xing is most afraid of receiving a phone call from his father to greet Shu Chen. Shu Xing will never be jealous. He just feels that his ears are very hot. After listening to the phone for so long, he always makes him feel that his ears can be scorched by the heat of his father's concern. It's not that he didn't remind his father that the mobile phone is a kind of With the convenient communication tool of using headphones, wise people still feel that the landline is better, so that he can know that Shu Xing has taken good care of Shu Chen at home. As for the transfer of calls, it is completely useless. The father can achieve the position of principal, but it is not blown by the strong wind.

Not long after talking on the phone, Xu Xian also returned to Shu Xing's home. It was less than five minutes before six o'clock. For Xu Xian's good habit of observing time, Shu Xing gave verbal praise and praise, and was quite relieved to give Shu Chen to Xu Xian's care, but there was one thing. He called on the landline before 10 o'clock. Xu Xian is not allowed to answer the phone.

After explaining everything, Shu Xing returned to his room. At this time, it was when Rong Chengxian was free and called. Shu Xing told Rong Chengxian about Shu Chen and said that he would stay here to wait for Shu Chen's recovery.

The dream he had last night made Rong Chengxian feel very bad, but after all, the one who was sick was Shu Xing's younger brother. Rong Chengxian's personality was very considerate to everyone. Now he agreed and was also very concerned about Shu Chen's condition: "Then did he go to see a doctor?"

"Doctor?" Understanding Rong Chengxian's problem, Shu Xing smiled and said, "The doctors are all in the hospital, right? Based on this conclusion, I don't think he will go even if he dies."

Rong Chengxian on the other end of the phone was silent for a while: "You and Shu Chen both hate doctors and hospitals."

"It's better to say it's annoying than to hear it." There are also many people in Shu's family who are engaged in the profession of doctors, but Shu Xing and Shu Chen always have some feelings of not wanting to get close to hospitals and doctors, especially hospitals, and at this point, Shu Chen has a stronger feeling than Shu Xing.

"Only children hate hospitals because they are afraid of pain."

"Xian is right," Shu Xing can imagine Rong Chengxian's serious expression when he can't see him, but his Xian doesn't know that Shu Chen's extreme dislike of the hospital has nothing to do with fear of pain.

It is absolutely impossible to persuade Shu Chen to see a doctor. When Rong Chengxian understood this, he proposed a compromise solution to Shu Xing. Although Shu Xing did not want to see the person who could solve this problem, he thought that Shu Chen could recover as soon as possible, Shu Xing agreed.