The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 326 Heart disease still needs a heart medicine

This night, Mo Ziyao did not fall asleep at all.

Towards early morning, I heard the sound of Yuzhi tiptoe out. She knew that Yuzhi must have thought she was asleep for fear of waking herself up. I couldn't help sighing in my heart. It was dawn, and I was left alone.

Not asleep, but not called Yuzhi. When she went out, Mo Ziyao couldn't help sitting up and rubbing her temples.

If today, the palace is in chaos, and I am strictly protected by Ruan Lingzheng, and I can't do anything.

I really want to go out and fight side by side with him, but this is the cold palace. Now I am just an abandoned concubine who has been beaten into the cold palace. How can I go out?

Originally, I wanted to use Princess Xi to attract Ruan Lingzheng and then find a way out, but now it seems that it doesn't work. After learning about his painstaking efforts, he no longer had this idea.

Thinking of Ruan Lingzheng, he also said that he couldn't come to visit himself every night. He came last night, so he is bound to come again tonight, and he doesn't have the opportunity to talk to him. What's more, with his understanding of him, he must refuse to agree.

Mo Ziyao stood alone for a long time. Someone came to deliver food and stood stupidly. The delivery man walked behind her and seemed to want to say something, but seeing Mo Ziyao meditating, he hesitated for a moment and gently put down the lunch box and left.

It was not until Mo Ziyao saw the food box on the table that she suddenly came back to her senses. She stood for a while, got up and went out to get water and freshen up.

Now in the cold palace, Mo Ziyao has to do everything herself. However, this is not the most difficult. The only thing is that I don't know what's going on outside after such a palace wall. In this way, she always feels uncomfortable.

Mo Ziyao shook her head, sat down, reached out to open the food box, two simple dishes and one soup, left for a long time, and the food was already cold. Although I had no appetite, I still picked up the chopsticks and ate some randomly. Now, where is the time to be pretentious?

She took a few bites and couldn't eat, so she pushed the things on the table aside. Pour yourself a cup of tea. As soon as I picked up the tea, I saw someone coming in to clean up the dishes and chopsticks. She thought it was Xiaoqing, but she didn't care too much. When she approached, she was surprised to find that the person who came was Yuzhi.

She spread her hair and really recognized her for a while. Seeing that Mo Ziyao recognized her, Yuzhi brushed her messy hair to cover her face, stuck out her tongue and said, "From now on, the maidservant will come to deliver food to the mother. In this way, the mother can often see slaves and maidservants.

Mo Ziyao looked at Yuzhi, who was busy in front of her, as if she had returned to those times in Yuyao Palace.

Yuzhi cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks, walked to the bed, brought out a basin of clothes, and said to Mo Ziyao, "The maidservant went to wash your clothes."

"Yuzhi." Mo Ziyao stopped her, "No, just take the food box out."

Yuzhi replaced her to deliver food to herself, and it is not appropriate to stay in the cold palace for too long. When the food is delivered, then go out, so as not to cause suspicion from others. Originally, I wanted to ask about Ye Yongshan Palace, but it seems that I have to keep it at night.

She believes that Yuzhi will sneak in at night and accompany her.

Yuzhi was stunned. At this time, Mo Ziyao winked at her again, and she didn't say anything more. She just put down the wooden basin, picked up the food box and turned out.

Looking at the empty room, Mo Ziyao sighed, raised her hand and put the cup on the table. What's the situation in the palace? I'm afraid that no matter how I think about it, I can't think of anything. The quickest way is to ask those who know.

Ruan Lingzheng said last night that Dr. Zhong would come today. Mo Ziyao guessed that it was also night when Mo Yao came.

I had nothing to do and didn't want to stay in the room, so I got up and walked outside.

The whole cold palace is deserted, except for the sound of the wind passing by. It rained heavily last night, and today's air is mixed with a trace of coolness. You don't have to go to the door of the cold palace. Think about it, there must be guards there.

There are always endless rumors about the cold palace outside. When I first entered the palace, I heard that many concubines living in the cold palace were driven crazy later. If there were no guards, there would be no peace every day. Over time, it has become a habit to guard the cold palace.

Mo Ziyao thought that although she is not crazy now, there are people who can do routine business. Naturally, I won't be stupid enough to escape so openly. Even if you go out, you will be arrested and won't do such a useless thing.

And she also knew that there must be someone arranged by Ruan Lingzheng. Therefore, the people outside can't get in, and the people inside can't get out.

Out of the yard, there is a bluestone road, which may be few people, and the cracks in the stone are full of weeds. Walking along the stone road, at the end is an abandoned garden. There is an artificial lake in the middle of the garden, but the lake is not a water lily lotus, but some unknown water grass, which is very long and dark green. The leaves are sharp and dense.

In the middle of the lake. There is also a pavilion in the center, which is connected by a corridor. It seems that this place used to be a garden.

Mo Ziyao stepped into the pavilion and found a railing to sit. Looking up, I saw the blue clouds floating in the air, white, very pure and pure. Looking at it, I smiled unconsciously. I thought how good it would be if I didn't look at the dust like this.

It's a pity that people always have so many thoughts. Good, bad, can be shown, needs to be hidden. Really, too much. Just like Ruan Lingheng, he is a mystery to himself. But in his heart, the feeling he brought to himself was so helpless and complicated.

Ruan Lingzheng is right. Maybe there is always his shadow in his heart.

He said that he envied his third life with Ruan Lingheng, but he didn't know how much he wanted to break free from this.

"If I can, I think more, the person in my fateful reincarnation is you..." Mo Ziyao whispered, no longer calm in her heart.

And she seemed to see Ruan Lingzheng and Ruan Lingheng's figures constantly intersecting in front of her...


In the evening, Dr. Zhong came as promised. After he took Mo Ziyao's pulse, he found that she was fine and not infected with the cold.

Mo Ziyao told him that there was someone else who actually wanted him to see.

Although Dr. Zhong had doubts in his heart, he still followed her to a remote corner of the cold palace. He was also surprised when he saw the person on the couch in the extremely dark and narrow house. But he soon recovered as usual.

As an old doctor in the palace, he understands what to ask and what not to ask. Since the emperor asked him to come to the cold palace, the person to see the doctor was Princess Xi. He understood everything.

And Mo Ziyao also knew that Dr. Zhong was a smart person, so she didn't say anything along the way. She believed that the moment he saw Princess Xi, she knew how to do it.

When they came, Princess Xi was already asleep, and her maid Xiaoying was taking care of her by the bedside. Seeing that Mo Ziyao really brought the doctor, I was so excited that I couldn't suppress it. He knelt in front of Dr. Zhong and begged him to save their concubines anyway.

Dr. Zhong was surprised and couldn't help looking at Mo Ziyao. Mo Ziyao stepped forward and asked Xiao Ying to get up. Whether the imperial concubine's illness could be cured, and let the imperial doctor see her. Hearing this, Xiaoying quickly got up and stood aside.

The two approached to see the person on the couch and saw her eyes closed and breathing evenly. It seemed that she was sleeping soundly. He didn't wake him up.

Dr. Zhong put down the box and sat down. His fingers were put on Xi Taifei's veins. After a pause, he stretched out his finger to open her eyes to look. He closed his hand, looked up and looked around, and finally stopped his eyes on the two hard wooden table at the head of the bed. Bangbang frowned with green moldy steamed buns and half a bowl of porridge.

asked Xiaoying, "Does the Empress eat these every day?"

Xiaoying did not dare to look directly at Dr. Zhong's eyes. His head hung down, and his hands kept twisting the corner in front of him, and he dared not speak.

Mo Ziyao also saw the food on the table and knew that the life of Empress Xi's life was so difficult. Her meal is fixed two dishes and one soup, and Princess Xi only wraps her stomach with white porridge every day. I don't know how many days the steamed buns will look like that. He also thought that Princess Xi lived in chaos every day and hardly knew anyone, but even so, she always remembered Ruan Lingzheng and was afraid that the concubines in the palace could not take good care of him, so she couldn't help but feel sad.

said to Xiaoying, "Take all these out and throw them away. From now on, go to my place to get food every day."

Xiaoying suddenly raised his head and looked at Mo Ziyao in a stunned way. "This...this..." His eyes flashed, but he didn't know what to say.

Mo Ziyao waved her hand and said, "Okay, tell you to go and get it. Just go and get it." Then he turned his head and asked Dr. Zhong, "How is the imperial concubine's illness?"

He did not answer directly, but asked Xiaoying about the recent situation of Princess Xi. After listening to the silence for a while, she said to Mo Ziyao, "This is caused by the accumulation of depression, resulting in lack of qi and blood and confusion. It's not too serious to say it's serious. Weichen went back to give her some medicine to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, and take a few posts to improve. It's just... the imperial concubine is weak and needs to take care of herself slowly.

After saying that, she got up to get the medicine box, found the pen and paper, and began to write the prescription. As she wrote, she sighed, "But the Empress is too worried about it. I'm afraid it's difficult to recover completely. Weichen can only do this. This heart disease still needs a medical doctor!"

After writing the prescription, he gave it to Xiaoying and asked her to go back with him to get the medicine. Xiaoying held the prescription and looked at Mo Ziyao at a loss.

Mo Ziyao also frowned slightly. Xiaoying absolutely can't go to the palace, because the world thinks that Princess Xi is no longer in the world. If people see her former maidservant in the palace, I'm afraid it will be another big storm.

This was something she didn't want to see, so she reached out and took the prescription from Xiaoying's hand and said to him, "I'll ask Yuzhi to go to the imperial hospital to get the medicine later."

"You have also seen the situation of Princess Xi, and the next thing is all up to you."

Zhong Zhenliang said, "Weichen will do his best to treat the Empress Xi."

"After all, Princess Xi is the emperor's biological mother..." Mo Ziyao said this and stopped talking.

Dr. Zhong took a look at the ** Empress Xi, her face changed slightly, and whispered, "Weichen was called by the emperor to see the Empress. Since the Empress is fine, Weichen went back to her life."

The implication is that he already knew that the emperor called him was actually because Empress Xi didn't want to be known, so he used the name of Mo Ziyao.

How smart he is, naturally he knows what to do. So he went to the table and began to pack up his things and prepare to go back to recover. Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned around, his robe was grabbed by someone.