College Record

Chapter 036 Miss Qianjin?

In the corridor, Chu Nan carefully supported Fang Qing's arm and walked slowly with her.

In Chu Nan's heart, this is what he should do. Who said he hurt her like this!

However, Chu Nan is really worried about letting Fang Qing go home by herself, because he knows very well that people like Fang Qing must have offended many people, and there must be many people who want to find an opportunity to block her. In case this kind of thing really happens, she absolutely can't stand it. After all, her leg is injured. And the person who injured her was Chu Nan, so in order to forgive her, Chu Nan had the responsibility to escort her home safely.

On the contrary, Fang Qing was grateful and thought that Chu Nan really liked her, so he stayed with her and sent her home. Of course, she didn't know that the person who hurt her was the boy closest to her.

However, this is the first time that Fang Qing has been so close to a boy, and it is also the first time that she has had such a long physical contact with a boy. At the same time, a feeling of first love also quietly sprouted in the depths of her heart, which is enough to make her heart beat and happy.

Is this the feeling of love?

This feeling is so wonderful. Obviously, I only knew him all morning, but why do I feel that I met him in my previous life?

Is this the legendary love affair?

Maybe I really knew him in my last life, but in this life, I just continue my relationship with him.

Perhaps this is what people often call 'destined'?

Fang Qing's heart is full of thoughts, and the more she thinks about it, the more wonderful she feels.

It is undeniable that she has really felt the taste of 'first love' at this time.

And the reason why 'first love' can make people linger and remember it for life is precisely because it is the best thing in life and the beginning of the bud of love. No matter men or women, no matter who they are, any experience will be unforgettable!

This is the beauty of first love!

Thinking of happiness and enjoying the beauty brought by her first love, Fang Qing couldn't help blushing and her eyes were full of spring light. She felt that her whole body was extremely hot. There seemed to be a deer rushing around in her heart, which made her excited, but she was also so excited. She enjoyed it alone, giggled from time to time, and completely entered herself. The state of drunkenness has reached the state of selflessness.

Seeing that her face was red, as if she had a 40-degree high fever, Chu Nan asked worriedly, "What's wrong? Do you feel uncomfortable?"

Suddenly, when she heard Chu Nan's extremely gentle voice, a warm current surged up in Fang Qing's heart, which soon swept her whole body and felt a little hotter. Even a lot of crystal sweat oozed out of her forehead. Her face was as red as persimmon and charming. She was obviously very happy, but she couldn't look at the boy beside her. In a word, when a girl enters the stage of first love, her original state of excitement and tension has all appeared in her at this moment.

Seeing her like this, Chu Nan pondered for a moment, suddenly realized that she was emotional.

You should know that although Fang Qing has never been in love, Chu Nan has some experience in this regard. Anyway, he is also a person who has made a girlfriend, so he will have a little understanding of the girl's thoughts.

For a moment, Chu Nan felt a little embarrassed, and gradually, even he became ashamed. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't speak. At the same time, he felt very strange. When he was in Nanling University, he obviously had a girlfriend and had fallen in love, but why did he feel so wonderful when he was with this Fang Qing?

It's like making a girlfriend for the first time, which gives birth to a feeling of first love, which is really unexplainable!

However, he can be sure that he has no feelings for his former girlfriend. Even as time goes by, he almost forgets the girl's appearance and has no impression of her.

Of course, Chu Nan is not a flirty man. On the contrary, he is extremely dedicated to his feelings.

If he thinks he should be responsible for a girl, then even if he doesn't like this girl, he will be responsible for her to the end.

The key is that he is sure that he has never hurt any girl, let alone deceived any girl's feelings. As for the former girlfriend, Chu Nan did not owe her, and now he has no feelings for that girl. In this case, he will no longer miss her.

What's more, he has decided to abandon everything that used to be, and the girl is part of the past. Therefore, even if the girl stands in front of him at this moment, he will calmly speak his heart to him.

When he came outside the teaching building, Chu Nan didn't continue to think much. Zhan Yan smiled and said, "Waitate for me first. I'll go to the Academic Affairs Office to get the school uniform and textbooks, and then send you home."

Fang Qing also returned to normal. Now she nodded happily and said softly, "Go."

Chu Nan turned around and walked to the school office, but after a few steps, Fang Qing suddenly called out again, "Hey, Chu Nan..."

"What are you doing?" Chu Nan turned around and looked at her puzzledly.

"I haven't welcomed you to this Shengwu University before." Fang Qingyu smiled. Whether it is attitude or expression, it is completely different from before. At present, she sincerely smiled at Chu Nan and said, "As the president of the student union of this school, I officially welcome you to join our Shengwu University. Besides, it's nice to meet you!"

Chu Nan could hear that every word she said was sincere and from the bottom of her heart. She couldn't help but feel happy, smiled and said "thank you", and then trotted all the way to the school office.


After receiving the school uniform and textbooks, Chu Nan returned to the teaching building and found that Fang Qing had disappeared.

"Isn't she leaving first?" Chu Nan looked around and couldn't help but be a little worried. After that, he came to the outside of the school. When he looked left and right, he still didn't see Fang Qing's shadow. He was even more anxious and muttered to himself, "She was injured in her leg. She walked really fast. However, she was so seriously injured that in case she met someone who tried to harm her, she would definitely suffer a big loss..."

"Alas! Forget it, it shouldn't be such a coincidence. Maybe her home is very close to here, or maybe she has been picked up by her family. Thinking of this, Chu Nan didn't think much about it. He changed his direction and walked straight to the bus stop across the street.

As soon as he reached the intersection, there was a pleasant engine sound in the distance. Soon, a red Lamborghini luxury sports car stopped in front of Chunan, blocking his way.

With the slow rise of the door, Chu Nan fixed his eyes, and the driver's appearance gradually entered his eyes, and his eyes also appeared with a little confusion, because it was Fang Qing who was not others.

First, I took a look at the sports car in front of him. Although Chu Nan is not a famous car enthusiast, he also knows that the price of this car is not small, at least more than 30 million. People who can drive such a luxury car are either rich or expensive. It's just that he doesn't understand why the owner of this car is Fang Qing? To be precise, he doesn't understand who this Fang Qing is?

"I'll take you home." In the cab, Fang Qing looked at Chu Nan with a smile on her side, with a smile and no intention of showing off her wealth.

Chu Nan was stunned for a while, then nodded, did not refuse Fang Qing's kindness, and got into the car.

On the way, Fang Qing has been focusing on driving, while Chu Nan glanced at her from time to time. It seemed that she had something to say, but she didn't know where to speak--

"I'm sorry, I went to pick up the car just now." Fang Qing opened her mouth first and broke the silence.

"It doesn't matter." Chu Nan took a look at Fang Qing, and then began to appreciate the luxurious cab and asked euphemistically, "Is this car yours?"

"Hmm." Fang Qing nodded and said, "My home is far away from the school, so it's more convenient to have a car."

"Your family must be very rich, right?" Chu Nan asked again. In fact, you don't need to ask him to know that even a fool can guess that this Fang Qing must be a daughter. However, Chu Nan couldn't figure out why she would go to a third-rate school like Shengwu University if she was a rich lady?