College Record

Chapter 037 Love is getting stronger

Fang Qing nodded and acquiesced, but when she mentioned the family, her face was obviously a little more frustrated, and she didn't say anything more after that. It seemed that she didn't want to say more about her family situation.

Chu Nan seemed to see what she was thinking and didn't ask much. He just secretly congratulated himself. Fortunately, he didn't confess to her until he learned that she was a rich lady. Otherwise, everyone would think that he had taken a fancy to her money.

But in this way, Chu Nan also lost some confidence.

If her family is very rich, then she is a standard daughter, but she is a veritable poor man. Chu Nan believes that he has nothing except a family. It can be said that there is nothing wrong with her. If he really wants to develop a relationship with her, his future is really worrying!

A poor boy falls in love with a rich daughter. This kind of plot seems to appear only in idol dramas--

And this poor boy has been in prison--

Thinking of this, Chu Nan couldn't help smiling bitterly, but never thought that this kind of thing would happen to him.

Now, he just thinks it's difficult to ride a tiger. He can't think about breaking up with others before he starts, can he?


You can only let it develop and look at it step by step--

"Yes, remember you said you were going to work in the afternoon. Why is your family in trouble? Do you still need to work and study?" Fang Qing turned her head and looked at Chu Nan, then looked ahead and continued to concentrate on driving.

"My family was not very poor before. My parents have their own business. Together, all the family property can also buy a tire of your car." Chu Nan first said stubbornly, but also told the truth. Then his face darkened and he said with a wry smile, "Last year, my father had a serious illness. Since then, the situation at home has not been optimistic. So I want to study and work at the same time. I can help my family share some. Besides, I seem to be the only one in the whole martial arts class. I basically don't need to take professional classes. Instead of being idle, it's better to find something to do.

"Ha ha, I can't see that you are really sensible." Fang Qing couldn't help looking at Chu Nan again. The adult praised him like a child, and then said, "Would you like me to introduce a good job for you? Just go to work in the afternoon, and it won't delay you from going to school. However, in terms of salary, I believe it is better than your current salary.

"No, thank you for your kindness." Chu Nan was grateful and refused with a smile.

Of course, he hopes that he can have a good job, so that the salary will be more. But if he accepts the work arranged by Fang Qing, he thinks he is really no different from a little white face. Most importantly, I have promised Su Mengting to work in her restaurant. How can I go back on my word and change my thoughts?

"Well, when you need a better job, just tell me and I will try my best to find a good job for you." Fang Qing did not force people, nor did she ask Chu Nan what he was doing now. Although it is the first time she has a good impression on a boy, she still knows more about men. Knowing that ordinary men don't like women to interfere in their affairs, Fang Qing didn't say much, but seemed mature and sensible.

"by the way, why are you interested in martial arts? Why do you want to go to Shengwu University? Fang Qing asked repeatedly. In fact, she really wants to know more about Chu Nan. At the same time, no matter how she looks at it, she feels that Chu Nan is a simple and honest man. If it were in ancient times, he would be a weak scholar, and his temperament basically has nothing to do with the word 'force'.

No wonder, during the two years in prison, he read books almost every day in prison. Gradually, he not only learned a lot of useful knowledge and attitude, but also his former arrogance and temper were relieved, no longer arrogant, and no longer wanted to fight bravely, just like being reborn and reborn. After being released from prison, he didn't even realize that he was quite literati. In other words, two years of prison life made him much more mature.

However, if time had been reversed two years ago, Fang Qing would definitely not regard him as an honest man.

Because two years ago, he was Chu Xingchen, not Chu Nan now.

At that time, he was sharp and arrogant, more arrogant than anyone else. He could speak by force anytime and anywhere, and he was in a state of preparation for war for almost 24 hours. With his arrogance and murderousness alone, it was difficult for people to get close to him, and how domineering he was, otherwise he would not have suppressed the crowd. Xiong, unify Nanling University and become the hegemon with many subordinates in South China!


At this time, facing Fang Qing's problem, Chu Nan smiled and said frankly, "I have liked fighting since I was a child, and boys who like to fight will naturally become interested in martial arts. When I was a child, I had a lot of research on martial arts. Since I have some understanding of this major, I just applied for this major. Therefore, I went to Shengwu University and planned to work as a martial arts teacher in a primary school after getting my diploma in the future.

"Did you like to fight when you were a child?" Fang Qing seemed to be very interested in this topic. At present, she turned her head to look at Chu Nan and asked curiously, "So, are you very good at playing?"

Chu Nan pulled out a self-deprecating smile, lowered his head and was silent for a while. His face gradually became serious and slowly said, "So what if you can fight? After you hit someone, they will come back to beat you. It's endless. No matter how boring it is, it will be boring, and it will cause trouble sooner or later. No matter who always wants to solve problems by force, they will always pay a painful price for this!"

Hearing this, a feeling suddenly appeared in Fang Qing's heart. She felt that Chu Nan seemed to have experienced a lot of things, and his words were also extremely serious, and his words were a little deep, as if he was talking about his own experience or an unbearable experience related to fighting--

I didn't mean to look at Fang Qing and saw a trace of suspicion in her eyes. Chu Nan instantly restrained his serious expression, suddenly grinned, left the topic, pretended to be ashamed, and said, "Most importantly, I won't fight at all. Since I was a child, every time I fight with others, I am beaten by them. It was also because of this that I studied martial arts when I was a child, hoping that I would become like Bruce Lee, who could only hit people and not be beaten. However, I have only found that fighting requires talent, not reading a few books about martial arts, or learning two tricks in movies, so that I won't be beaten. Alas! It seems that I really don't have much talent for fighting. Even if I become a martial arts teacher in the future, I can only teach and can't teach by myself.

"What does it matter?" Seeing Chu Nan's shameful appearance, Fang Qing hurriedly comforted, "If you like karate, taekwondo, and free combat, you can choose any one, and I will teach you hand in hand. I dare not say that I can teach you to be invincible, but it should not be a problem for you to fight against three.

"" Chu Nan smiled bitterly when he heard the words and refused without thinking about it.

If he wants to get rid of the past and live a stable life, how can he make the same mistake and fight as a business?

Don't say that one is against three. Even if Fang Qing can match his training one against ten thousand, he can't raise any interest.

I heard that if the martial arts class does not get any good within three months, it will be abolished. At that time, you have to choose a new major, right? Is there nothing you like about karate, taekwondo and free combat? Or, do you doubt my fighting level? As the first master of Shengwu University, Fang Qing will naturally have a hundred times more confidence in her fighting level. If she can, she really wants to show her skills to Chu Nan on the spot. However, she had an injury to her leg, and she couldn't dance a knife and a gun for half a month.

"Of course not. How could I doubt you?" Chu Nan quickly explained, "At present, I am the only one in the martial arts class, so Wu Bo has licensed me not to go to class, and I can also use the time to work in martial arts class. I told you just now that the living conditions at my family are not very good, so I have to work. Moreover, I'm not interested in fighting, and I don't have the ambition to dominate the college world, so even if you train me, it's futile.

At this point, Fang Qing was speechless. She could hear that Chu Nan's words were sincere.

In this case, why force it?

It doesn't matter if he can't fight, as long as he can fight, as long as he can protect him from being bullied by others, that's enough.

Thinking of this, Fang Qing suddenly smiled, turned around, continued to concentrate on driving, and said, "Well, as long as you are happy, I won't force you to do anything. From today on, if anyone dares to bully you, you can tell me my name and I will support you.

Hearing this, Chu Nan suddenly felt a warm current all over his body, which moved him!

Since childhood, no one has said such a thing to him except his parents. At this moment, he actually had a feeling of being protected, and he couldn't help but feel warm!

looked sideways at Fang Qing, Chu Nan's eyes were bright and bright, and his eyes were fixed on half of her face, like a spell, and he could no longer move away.

At this moment, his heart is not only full of emotion, but also seems that the other party's love is getting stronger and stronger--