College Record

Chapter 076 Again

This is a breakfast shop that has just opened. In order to do business after dawn, the owner will get up early and prepare the food that customers need in advance. There are many stores like this on this street, but none of them are the same. They don't like to see cleaners passing by, because when sweeping the floor, it will more or less cause some dust. In case it touches the food and causes discomfort to guests, it will be a big trouble.

It is also because of this that Zhang Cuifang is scolded a lot on this street, and even the owners of those breakfast restaurants will treat her as a decline and avoid her.

The flat-headed man is the owner of this breakfast shop. Since the opening of the shop, he has warned Zhang Cuifang many times and asked her to take a detour. Zhang Cuifang is also an interesting person and makes a detour every day. However, she just chatted with Chu Nan and forgot about it for a moment.

"Sorry, I'm sorry, I forgot." Zhang Cuifang took off the mask and hurried to accompany him. She said pleasantly to the flat-headed man, "I'm sorry to disturb your business. I will pay attention to it next time."

"And next time? Aren't you fucking mean? If I don't let you sweep, you still have to sweep. You said you were not mean, what is it? The flat-headed man was very unhappy, full of dirty words, and shouted at Zhang Cuifang.

It is said that he is also a greedy master who gets up early. It is not easy to live a life, and it is inevitable that he will have a bad temper. Besides, he has to get up before dawn and worked hard for a long time. In case the food prepared for guests is stained with dust, he will not do business on this day. However, after many warnings, Zhang Cuifang still swept the floor in front of his store. How could he swallow this breath easily?

Zhang Cuifang is an honest person, and she understands that it is not easy for flat-headed men. Everyone is for life, and no one wants to be unhappy. Therefore, in the face of the harsh accusation of the flat-headed man, she did not respond.

She still knows the truth of resisting the calm for a while and taking a step back.

At the same time, Chu Nan, who has been silent, can't stand it anymore. Even if her mother is wrong, she has apologized, but this flat-headed man is unrelentless and full of dirty words. Let alone say that his mother is wrong, and Chu Nan can't stand the attitude of the head man towards his mother!

The hot temper was stimulated at the moment--

Insatiated by anger, Chu Nan threw the broom in his hand, without saying a word, suddenly reached out and grabbed it, and strangled the flat-headed man's neck. His arms were lifted up, almost making his feet leave the ground, and actually lifting his tough body.

Chu Nan moved under his feet and was like a wind. He held the neck of the flat-headed man with one hand and ran all the way under his feet. He kept pushing the flat-headed man in front of the store. He pushed hard on his arms and suddenly heard a "bang" sound. The glass wall of the store had been smashed, and the hair of the flat-headed man was no longer black at this time. It has turned red and dyed red with blood!

Because the flat-headed man's body is too strong, Chu Nan did not cause him much damage this time. At most, it is a skin injury.

At present, the flat-headed man did not show weakness. He grabbed Chu Nan's sleeve with his left hand and waved his right fist quickly, trying to give Chu Nan a heavy punch. Unexpectedly, Chu Nan's eyes were quick and his hands were everywhere. He had a panoramic view of all the movements of the flat-headed man. As soon as he grabbed the flat-headed man's right wrist with his left hand, he gently twisted it. The flat-headed man suddenly felt the whole His left arm seemed to be involved in the meat grinder, and the unspeakable severe pain penetrated his lungs. He grinned in pain and howled endlessly. Coupled with his blood on his head, he looked embarrassed and miserable!

Chunan can tolerate anything, except that no one is allowed to hurt his family.

Although his two-year prison life has diluted his blood, he has not yet reached the point of fighting back and scolding. However, at present, a flat-headed man bullying his mother is more uncomfortable and angry than bullying him--

In anger, his hot temper will naturally be stimulated--

"It's really cheap not to drink and not to drink!"

After saying that, Chu Nan turned his hand back, and the flat-headed man's arm immediately rotated 90 degrees. His body was like a puppet. His burly body did not listen to it. He immediately turned over, bent down and faced the glass wreckage. At this time, his left eye happened to be aimed at a sharp raised glass fragment on the window rack. Chu Nan grabbed his arm with one hand and pressed it on the back of his head with the other hand. As long as he gently pressed down, his left eyeball would be scrapped in an instant!

"Brother, brother, there is something to say, there is something to say. Just now, the brother had no eyes and offended the eldest brother. Big brother, you have a lot. Don't argue with the younger brother. The younger brother will treat you another day and personally bring tea to the eldest brother to admit his mistake..."

The flat-headed man sweated like rain, crying and begging, and completely lost his ability to resist. Pang Shuo's body was motionless, but his heart trembled violently. Before he touched the glass fragment, he felt a dull pain in his left eye. If he stabbed down, the consequences could be imagined!

"Xiaochen, stop!"

Zhang Cuifang hurried to Chu Nan's side, intending to stop his behavior.

You know, if Chu Nan continues to fight, not only will the flat-headed man lose an eye, but he will not want to escape the punishment of the law. Moreover, he has just been released on parole. If he commits another crime, it will be a crime. If he is sentenced again, his life will be ruined.

Seeing that my mother was sweating anxiously, she almost cried, and Chu Nan's anger subsided more than half in an instant.

Turning over the flat-headed man's body, Chu Nan held his collar tightly and warned harshly, "Listen, next time if you dare to bully my mother again, I will definitely abolish you!"

Because Chu Nan was still wearing a mask, the flat-headed man could not recognize his appearance, but the exposed eyes were clearly seen by the flat-headed man. However, at first sight, the flat-headed man couldn't help but feel cold all over his body, and his hair stood upside down, shuddering!

In his life, a flat-headed man has never seen such a breathtaking look!

Especially in those eyes, there seems to be something hidden, as if there is a demon living in it, and it seems that these eyes belong to the devil!

And, through these cold and extremely serious eyes, the flat-headed man can be 100% sure that this boy is definitely not joking, and he will definitely do what he says!

nodded quickly, and the flat-headed man answered in a trembling voice, "Don't worry, don't worry, there will be another time."

As he finished speaking, he turned to Zhang Cuifang and said sincerely, "This elder sister, everything is my fault. In the future, you can sweep it. Brother, I promise I won't even fart. There are a lot of two adults, so let's forget about this matter. OK?"

Seeing that the flat-headed man's attitude was sincere, Chu Nan's anger also disappeared, so he let go of his hand and retreated aside.

Zhang Cuifang quickly took out a tissue, gently wiped the blood from the flat-headed man's face, and helped him hold the wound. While sincerely and modestly, "My son is still young and ignorant. Don't blame him, he is also impulsive. You should go to the hospital to wrap the wound, and I will bear the medical expenses and the loss of your store. I just hope you don't call the police, because my son is still in school. If you call the police, my son's life will be ruined. So..."

"Don't worry, sister, I didn't want to call the police." The flat-headed man took Zhang Cuifang's words and secretly glanced at Chu Nan. His attitude obviously changed 180 degrees. He said in a low voice, "This is just a skin injury. A piece of glass is not worth much money. How can I alarm the police? I think this matter is just about it. The so-called harmony makes money."


"I'll wash my face and I'll be fine. I was offended just now, and I hope the eldest sister doesn't care about it. After saying that, the flat-headed man turned around and walked into the store, completely as if nothing had happened. Of course, it is impossible for him to say that he is not angry. But even if he wants to call the police, he still has to worry about Chu Nan's revenge.

In the eyes of the flat-headed man, Chu Nan's eyes just now obviously smelled of warning. He seemed to be telling himself that if he had a hard time, he would not think about it. The so-called harmony makes money, so the flat-headed man had to swallow it.

"Mom, you still don't do this kind of work..."

Before Chu Nan finished speaking, Zhang Cuifang's face suddenly changed. She took a few steps forward and raised her arms high, as if she wanted to slap Chu Nan in the face.

But she didn't hit this slap in the end. She just said with tears in her eyes and a disappointed face, "What did you promise me? Have you forgotten? What's the difference between you and your persive nature and often beat people? You disappoint me so much!"


Chu Nan said, Zhang Cuifang angrily interrupted, "No matter how dirty and tired this job is, I will do it with peace of mind. Go away, I don't want your help, and you don't follow me in the future.

After saying that, Zhang Cuifang bent down and picked up the broom thrown on the ground by Chu Nan, then pedaled the tricycle and rode to the next cleaning point.

Looking at his mother's fading back, Chu Nan was stunned and did not move for a long time.

Thinking back on what my mother just said, Chu Nan took down the mask and couldn't help sighing--

Yes, what's the difference between me and my former self?

I clearly promised my parents that I would never use violence to solve problems in the future, but how long did this promise last?

I injured five people yesterday, and today I broke their heads. Do I have to see others bleed and injured before I be satisfied?

At the thought of this, Chu Nan only felt regret and guilt--

If time can be turned back, he will definitely not take action arbitrarily.

Unfortunately, time will not go back for anyone, it will only keep moving forward——