College Record

Chapter 077 Unfounded Worry

Zhang Cuifang was angry. Chu Nan didn't dare to follow him, so he had to go back and apologize to his mother.

walked all the way with a depressed mood. When Chu Nan came to the school, the sky was already bright, but at this time, there was still some time before the class. No teachers and students came, and the whole Shengwu University was empty and particularly quiet.

There's nothing we can do. Chu Nan can only wander aimlessly on the campus. By the way, think about how to please his mother when he gets home and tell her not to be angry...

Unconsciously, when he passed the door of the fighting hall, suddenly a violent beating sound came from the hall.

Chu Nan heard the sound and was curious. Who would train in it so early in the morning?

Go to the door and look in. Chu Nan couldn't help but be slightly stunned. He saw a beautiful girl hitting a sandbag with all his strength.

The girl was wearing only a tight white vest on her upper body and a black casual sweatpants underneath. She was already sweating all over her body, but her fists were always clenched and without boxing gloves. She hit the sandbag without stopping. The violent sound of boxing and the rapid gasp were mixed together, as if Intertwined into a sad song, echoing on the four walls for a long time.

"Fang Qing!"

Chu Nan gently said the name. At the same time, he could see that Fang Qing's heart seemed to be full of resentment and unknown grievances, and she was not training, but obviously venting. She wanted to vent all the unhappiness in her heart through the sandbag. Even if there was still a wound on her leg, she completely ignored it.

However, as long as she doesn't hit her leg, there will be no problem with the injury on her leg. However, she did not wear a boxing condom. If she didn't stop hitting, her hands would break their skin, which was no different from self-harm.

She is the girl Chunan likes. Now that her leg has been injured, how can Chunan bear to see her hand hurt again?

In order to prevent Fang Qing's self-harm, Chu Nan walked into the museum and smiled, "I thought I had come early enough, but I didn't expect anyone to come earlier than me."

Finally, Fang Qing stopped hitting. At the same time, when she saw Chu Nan, she was also inexplicably better. She couldn't help smiling and asked, "Why did you come so early?"

"I just finished my mother's work, and I didn't have time to go home to sleep, so I came to school."

Near Fang Qing, Chu Nan casually took out a bottle of mineral water in the box beside him, unscrewed the bottle cap and gave it to Fang Qing.

"Thank you!"

Fang Qing raised a bottle of painful drink and drank half a bottle in one breath. It seemed that she was really tired.

"You haven't answered me yet. Why did you come so early? Or does this sandbag have a great grudge against you, which makes it difficult for you to sleep and eat, so you want to break it into ten thousand pieces? Chu Nan said stubbornly on the surface, but in fact, she wanted to find out what unhappy things had happened to her, so that she would treat this sandbag as an enemy?

"I often come so early. Instead of staying at that house, it's better to come to practice boxing, which will also help me realize my dream as soon as possible." Fang Qing had a smile on her face, but there was a little melancholy in her words.

"That house?" Hearing this, Chu Nan couldn't help frowning and only felt that Fang Qing was a pun. First, it showed that she didn't want to stay at home, and second, it showed that her family seemed to have nothing to do with her.

Chu Nan soon thought of her powerful father. Presumably her father was angry with her again, right?

It is not strange that such a father often makes his daughter angry when he gives his daughter a birthday gift.

However, Chu Nan really didn't know something, so he asked jokingly, "Is your father really your own? Is your father really your biological father? Er... it doesn't seem right either. Are you really your father's biological daughter? Are you sure you didn't pick it up by him?

Fang Qing smiled when she heard the words and was amused by Chu Nan.

She knew why Chu Nan asked so, and thought that the little girl Chu Xingyue had already told him about it.

However, facing Chu Nan's question at this time, Fang Qing did not know how to answer it?

Because even she suspected that she was not her father's biological daughter, otherwise, why did her father hate herself so much and why did she be so mean to herself?

Fang Qing's sweaty face brought out a wry smile again, sighed and said in a low voice, "I don't know. But it doesn't matter anymore. That's how I lived. Even if I live like this in the future, I don't care.

"I heard that your car is worth 30 million, and you have to pay it off before the age of 30, according to your current age, that is to say, you only have ten years to raise 30 million. I'm quite curious. Where are you going to get these 30 million? Chu Nan habitually put his arms around his chest and looked at Fang Qing with a smile, but he was quite curious. In the limited time, how could she raise 30 million and return it to her father?

"Why do you say that I only have ten years to raise this money?" Fang Qing smiled and corrected, "It should be said that I still have ten years to raise this money."

"So how much money are you raising now?"

"Except for a few supplementary cards that can eat for free, I don't seem to have a penny. Those food cards were given to me by the managers of several restaurants. But if they know that my father doesn't love me at all, I think they will take back those cards immediately, right? Fang Qing talks and laughs easily. Compared with other girls, her personality is obviously more cheerful.

Chu Nan really wants to ask her that she obviously doesn't have any money now, but where did she get so much confidence?

30 million, if you start from nothing, unless you are a genius, making so much money in ten years is tantamount to fantasy. Or win the lottery and get rich overnight, but if you want to achieve this wish, unless it is a miracle.

And if she can't pay the money in the future, she will bear legal responsibility. Maybe her father will sue her for fraud!

Thinking of this, Chu Nan couldn't help worrying about her, so he was about to ask her about her future plans, but seeing her rarely smile with a happy smile, Chu Nan did not ask the questions in her heart, so as not to spoil her fun.

However, on second thought, Chu Nan couldn't help rolling his eyes, raised his hand and scratching his chin, thinking that she is now his girlfriend. If he marries her in the future, it seems that he should also have a share to help her pay back the money!

At this point, Chu Nan only felt that a big stone suddenly hit his heart, almost making him a little breathless, but a lot of bright * appeared in his mind. Fang Qing, the person concerned, was not in a hurry, but he was worried about the future...

Do you want to break up with her now? Well, how unrighteous do you look like this? However, if you marry her in the future, how can you help her? Chu Nan muttered in his heart, and his thoughts came to mind, and his handsome and extraordinary face was full of sadness--