Palace Prisoner

Chapter 26 Suddenly a Dream

The heat of leaning against his chest dropped, Shen Sirong's shoulders were held, and Xiao Yuanqi pushed away. There is still a slightly uncomfortable tingling feeling under the calmness of the faction.

"Are you angry?" Shen Sirong asked tentatively.

Xiao Yuanqi did not respond. Shen Sirong continued to explain, "I went out for a walk, and I also accidentally met King Li, and there was absolutely no improper behavior."

Shen Sirong explained that the tenderness dissipated with the wind. Sure enough, yesterday was just yesterday. When he woke up, he was still the high prince. He was still the prince who was estranged and indifferent. He was still the prince who planned and planned as a bridge...

"It's almost time. Let's go and visit my father." Xiao Yuanqi did not respond to her explanation. He glanced at Shen Sirong and walked down the bridge with his head held high.

Shen Sirong said nothing and followed him to the Shangyang Palace.

The breath of Longevity Festival disappeared, but because the end of the year was coming, the palace did not lose its joy, and there were red silk hanging everywhere. Xiao Yuanqi walked a remote road with few people, and Shen Sirong had to follow. Along the way, even a few palace people and bodyguards could be seen.

When I walked to a rockery, several women's voices came from the right.

"Our princess is really talented and beautiful, and the painting is really beautiful."

"Oh, but the girl who danced last night will be sent to the East Palace, and the princess is going to be out of favor."

"No, I think His Royal Highness loves the Crown Princess very much."

"Yo, you just know."

"I think that girl is so beautiful, not to mention anything else, at least this favorite should be divided in half."

"What are you talking about? No matter how the prince's favor is divided, it has nothing to do with us."

"Wrong, wrong, who doesn't act in the palace?"

Listening to these maids' words, Xiao Yuanqi took a look at Shen Sirong and saw that she did not show her sadness because of worry, nor did she show her joy because of the affirmation of these people.

Xiao Yuanqi did not approach the maid who was writing about resting the garden, but said in a high voice, "When you go back to the East Palace later, you can start to arrange it."

What to arrange? Shen Sirong didn't know what his sudden words meant. Then he thought about the words of the maids and realized that he was talking about Ruolan's entry into the palace.

"I know."

This dialogue shocked the maids who whispered before, put down the things in their hands, knelt down neatly, and said, "I've seen your Highness, the princess."

"If you just discussed it, I'm very interested. Go on." Xiao Yuanqi doesn't like the palace people's broken mouths so much that he usually can't control it, but now he just meets it. He said sarcastic words in a steady voice.

Those maids of honor were stunned and privately discussed the master's right and wrong was the crime of killing the head, not to mention the prince and princess in front of them. Knowing that the disaster was coming, the maids of honor were pale and came one after another with crying pleas.

"The crime of slave and maidservant deserves to die, Your Highness, forgive me."

Some people slapped themselves in the face, and the rest of them slapped.

Shen Sirong breathed a sigh of depression, and these messy voices upset her. When she frowned, the maids' faces were red and swollen, and there were tears in the corners of her mouth. She couldn't bear it for a while.

"Your Highness, it's time for us to say good to our father." Shen Sirong pleaded with these people in disguise.

Xiao Yuanqi had no intention of dealing with them, but what they had just said touched Xiao Yuanqi's displeasure, so he gave them a lesson, and now he naturally went down the steps.

Seeing the two leaving, the palace maids stopped and kowtowed in the direction they left: "Thank you, Your Highness, thank you, the princess."

From this, Shen Sirong decided that last night was just a dream.

At noon, the two came out of Shangyang Palace. Back in the East Palace, Xiao Yuanqi went to Chongwen Hall and ordered not to disturb at will. Shen Sirong went back to the Moon Hall.

Not long after sitting down, Liu Ran and Wu Wanqing came. They have heard the wind for a long time. Today, they have been sending people to guard the Moon Hall, just to see Shen Sirong. However, the purpose of these two people is different.

Liu Ran heard that Shen Sirong was praised by the emperor at the Longevity Festival, and there was also a Lanxi princess as the backing, so he came to show his goodwill.

And Wu Wanqing is because of Ruolan. Last night, she heard that a minister had sent a woman to Xiao Yuanqi, who was said to be a rare beauty. Because of the news, she didn't close her eyes all night. After conceiting a child, she doesn't want to have another person to intervene.

"Congratulations, mother-in-law." Liu Ran lowered his eyebrows and blessed his body.

Shen Sirong's joy for her is unknown: "Why am I so happy?"

Liu Ran smiled flatteringly and replied, "Empress won the great joy of the emperor in yesterday's painting, and the blessing is not shallow."

Shen Sirong listened without making any expression, but she paid attention to the food box in Liu Ran's hand. Liu Ran followed her eyes and respectfully handed the food box in her hand to Hanxiang, which was presented by Hanxiang.

"This was made by humble concubine herself. I'm a little careful, and I hope the Empress will accept it with a smile."

Han Xiang opened the seal on the food box in front of Shen Sirong, which contained a pile of crystal exquisite dumplings and a stack of hibiscus osmanthus cake. Both of them are favorite small items. It seems that Liu Ran knows a lot about Shen Sirong's preferences.

"You have a heart."

Wu Wanqing stood side with her feet sour. Seeing that Shen Sirong had not paid attention to her all the time, she frowned and stamped her feet gently. Shen Sirong remembered when he heard the noise and asked the two to sit down.

"Look at me, I forgot that my sister is pregnant." Shen Sirong whispered.

Wu Wanqing listened to this, put her hand on her lower abdomen, stroked it regularly, and straightened her waist, which made her lower abdomen stand out more prominently. She Sirong looked at her little movements and didn't care.

"My sister has come less since she was pregnant. Why did she come here today? It's cold, don't hurt yourself."

"Sister is worried, and the humble concubine is in good health."

Just as soon as she took Shen Sirong's words, she found herself trapped. She said that she was in good body, but she didn't come to salute, which was a charge of favor and pride.

Fortunately, Shen Sirong did not continue to talk. Wu Wanqing gritted her teeth with hatred and opened her eyes. This Shen Sirong is really not simple.

"The humble concubine heard that our Donggong is going to become a newcomer, so..." Wu Wanqing asked the question she wanted to know most after a few words.

Shen Sirong's eyebrows tightened, and her heart also sank because of Ruolan's mention. Everyone in the hall looked at Shen Sirong's reaction and was mostly surprised.