Palace Prisoner

Chapter 27 Abortion

Shen Sirong, who has always been calm and calm, rarely shows his emotions in front of people, not to mention that Wu just asked a question. Shen Sirong paused his voice and said gently, "It's the niece of the Minister of War. It will be sent in before the New Year. It should be the beginning of next month."

Liu Ran saw that Shen Sirong's words were not easy. It seemed that the person who entered the palace this time was not a simple person.

"At the beginning of next month?" Wu Wanqing thought in her heart that she had been pregnant for more than three months. When the woman came to the palace, she would not be able to serve the crown prince for half a year. Looking at the appearance of the crown princess, the woman must be difficult to match. In case you can't give birth to an imperial grandchild, then...

"Well, you have asked yourself what you want to ask. Go back."

Shen Sirong looked around the hall, and the people in the seat were all thinking. I have no intention of continuing to pester them. Liu Ran and Wu Wanqing saw that Shen Sirong didn't want to continue talking, so they got up and said goodbye.

Shen Sirong closed his eyes and wanted to take a nap, but he screamed sharply in his ear.

She opened her eyes and saw Wu Wanqing leaning against the table, her face full of pain, and her legs were also bent. Shen Sirong was shocked and hurriedly called someone to call for a doctor.

As soon as Wu Wanqing stood up, she felt a pain in her stomach. She was not unfamiliar with this pain. Recently, her stomach often hurts, and occasionally there was a sense of impact. She only thought that her child was good-looking and was kicking her, but the pain was more serious than before.

As soon as she stood firm, she stared at Shen Sirong angrily. Shen Sirong calmly faced her doubts, but Wu Wanqing became guilty. Yes, she didn't even drink a sip of water after entering the Moon Hall. How could it have anything to do with her?

Shen Sirong sent someone to help her to rest in the side hall. Liu Ran wanted to watch a good play, so naturally he would not leave at this time. After waiting for a while, the medical doctor who heard the news arrived at the Moon Hall.

"Are you the doctor who has been in charge of Wu?" Shen Sirong saw that the person was very young, and a little imperceptible panic was revealed in Shen Sirong's suspicion.

"It's right to go back to the crown princess."

Shen Sirong heard another cry of pain in the side hall and let him in.

In the side hall, the doctor gave Wu Wanqing a pulse and said, "Have you been taking the fetal medicine I prescribed?"

"Yes." Wu Wanqing's personal maid replied for her.

"Is the child in my belly all right?" Wu Wanqing was very nervous. She saw the doctor withdraw his hand to explore the pulse and asked anxiously.

The doctor shook his head: "This baby is unstable. I can only try my best to keep it."

Wu Wanqing shook her head in disbelief and unexpectedly pulled the doctor's sleeve: "How could this be? You prescribed my medicine, and I have been paying attention to diet. How can this happen? Tell me."

The doctor retreated and carefully broke away from Wu Wanqing: "According to your pulse, it is caused by the mother's depression, too much mood swing, and eating cold food."

"Emotion? Cold food?"

Wu Wanqing was indeed in a bad mood because Xiao Yuanqi didn't come to see her. Last night, was it even more so. Is it because of this that her child was unstable? Also, she doesn't seem to have eaten cold food, except for some melons and fruits that were divided into the East Palace yesterday.

As soon as his thoughts were cleared, Wu Wanqing sat down deciduedly**. After a while, she suddenly got up again, got out of bed and knelt down in front of the doctor with tears in her eyes: "I beg you, please save my child, otherwise, otherwise, the prince will not let you go."

Is this a request for threat? Shen Sirong, who followed up to see the situation, stopped at the door and sent someone in to mention it. She knows that Wu's arrogant nature is that if she sees her kneeling down, the depression will definitely be more serious.

"The doctor must do his best, but the sister should also take good care. The mother's body has a great impact on the child. You should also relax." Shen Sirong persuaded him.

Wu Wanqing did not go back as usual, but nodded obediently. This child is her all and the only opportunity. Xiao Yuanqi will not give her another chance to "calcify".

"Well, you can rest here and go back to the Wind Pavilion when you are in better spirits." Shen Sirong said a few words and went out with the doctor.

"Cold fragrance."


"Go and send the doctor."

"Yes." Han Xiang answered and sent the doctor to the door.

"That humble position has retired."

Shen Sirong returned to her bedroom, and there were many annoying things that made her a little tired. Rubbed the painful forehead. Shen Sirong leaned against the couch and fell asleep.

In the dream, Xiao Yuanqi was still the same as last night. She raised the corners of her mouth and fixed a smile on her face, as if she would never wake up.

Hanxiang didn't wake her up when she came back, but just added a white velvet blanket to her back. Hanxiang looked at Shen Sirong in her sleep through a hanging curtain. She oozed a shallow shadow at present. Hanxiang sighed and turned to the dining room.

When Shen Sirong woke up, Hanxiang was coming in with a light yellow glazed cup. Seeing her wake up, Hanxiang put the cup in front of Shen Sirong.

"Mother, I boiled some red date tea. Drink some."

"Is everything all right on Wu's side?" Shen Sirong smiled at Hanxiang. Hanxiang lowered her head. As soon as she was about to open her mouth, she heard the wet nurse shouting in.

"Mother, mother. Come on, something happened."

The wet nurse didn't care about the rules. She ran in in panic. In winter, her forehead was full of sweat. Shen Sirong swallowed the red date tea in her mouth. She frowned and had a bad feeling in her heart.

Is something wrong with Wu?

Shen Sirong's consciousness is indeed good. The wet nurse gasped and leaned on Hanxiang. She was more worried in the original hurry: "Mother, Wu Shi, she has a minor child."

"Small birth?" Hasn't it stabilized just now?

She looked at Hanxiang, and Hanxiang whispered, "Wu just said that she was fine and had already returned to Fengying Pavilion."

Shen Sirong knew that she could not panic at this time. She went to the wet nurse and told her, "The wet nurse, I can only trouble you to go to Chongwen Hall to find the prince, tell him the news, and ask him to rush to Fengyin Pavilion as soon as possible."

The wet nurse nodded and trotted out.

"Hanxiang, we have to go." Shen Sirong knew that this was a trouble. Wu Wanqing came to the Moon Hall well, but there was a problem in her hall. She had just left her. It was reasonable that she had to go there.

I don't know why, she always felt very uneasy when she heard the news of Wu's child birth. It's not just because of shock, but because of indescribable emptiness. Along the way, she squeezed her lips tightly, and the cold fragrance followed.