official's direct daughter

Chapter 17 Pinch

The third sister came out of the main courtyard. According to previous years, she will definitely live in the main courtyard until the 15th before returning to Nanyuan, but this year is very different. Mother and grandmother had no intention of the Spring Festival. The third sister only played with the sixth sister and the tenth brother for a while, and then rushed to Nanyuan.

Dongyuan is not far from Nanyuan. From the main courtyard to the small garden, there is a fork in the road, which is the road to several affiliated courtyards in the southeast and northwest. And several courtyards in the southeast and northwest are connected in series. She thought about it and took the maid to Dongyuan first.

As soon as Sister Jiu got up from a nap, she asked the painting screen to lay paper to practice calligraphy, but Yao's mother said with a smile, "The third sister came to see you."

The ninth sister nodded faintly, but couldn't help frowning. What was the third sister doing at this time? She only let the sixth sister fall into the water at noon. What's more, isn't the second sister-in-law also here?

After a while, Jinxiu led the third sister into the room.

As soon as the third sister entered the room, she took off the hut. She knew that the charcoal fire in the ninth sister's room was the best and weighed a lot, but when she came in, she still didn't expect the room to be so warm.

The pattern of Dongyuan is exactly the same as that of her Nanyuan. After the ninth sister lived in, she had not even moved the decorations in the house, so after entering the house, the third sister was also familiar with the car, but she still followed Jinxiu.

I turned too many treasures and entered the ear room. Jinxiu lifted the pearl and jade curtain again before arriving at the ninth sister's bedroom.

The third sister saw the ninth sister writing seriously, and her eyes moved to the white rice paper. The ninth sister wrote very slowly and wrote a few small regular scripts one by one. Obviously, she had just laid the paper. The third sister finally couldn't help showing surprise in her eyes. She thought that even if the ninth sister could read and write, it would only be taught by her aunt for a year, just like the sixth sister, but she didn't expect that this handwriting would be so well written. Although it was a little young, it was already round.

"Wow--" Sister Jiu exhaled and put the brush on the closed mountain.

The third sister praised with a smile: "Ninth sister's handwriting is very good, both elegant and generous. I don't know how many times better than my six sisters.

The third sister spoke every word very slowly, and her voice was soft, sounding kind and kindly. The ninth sister couldn't help but float a red cloud on her face and said softly, "The third sister made fun of Jiu'er. Dad said that my word can't be elegant." Perhaps thinking of her recently passed away father, Sister Jiu's eyes darkened, and then she said with a smile, "Everyone says that you are the best in Xue's house. Please write me a few words so that I can copy them when I'm free."

The third sister squeezed her red lips gently, with a faint smile and doting in her eyes, "Okay!"

With that, she went to the desk, took another piece of rice paper and laid it out, picked up the pen, wrote it, and finished it in one go.

The ninth sister stood silently beside the third sister, her eyes gradually bloomed, and then calmed down. No wonder her words were not elegant. It is said that her words are like human beings. Her words look beautiful and mellow, but they hide their disdain for everything.

As long as you are a scholar, you can't stand this kind of hostile contempt. And looking at the words of the third sister, just like herself, she has a gentle personality.

When the third sister stopped writing, the ninth sister was like a treasure, and only the words "heart as calm as water" were written on it. It seems that the third sister deliberately gave it to the ninth sister.

"Thank you, third sister!" Sister Jiu is very grateful, "Sister Jiu will follow the teachings!"

"Ha ha!" The third sister laughed. The ninth sister was smart. She waved her hand and said, "It's just a few words. You're still young now. Practice first. Ask your husband to find some posts for you after the Spring Festival.

"Well, good!" The ninth sister replied simply, "Draw the screen, what are you doing here? Why don't you make tea? The third sister has been here for a long time."

"No, I just came to see how you are doing. I must have been scared at noon. The sixth sister is naughty, and my mother and grandmother were also scared, so I ignored you. Don't take it to heart." The third sister said softly.

Sister Jiu said with a smile, "Jiu'er understands it in her heart."

The third sister nodded with satisfaction and said, "Your second brother-in-law is the same. He can't even give face to his grandmother and mother. He is actually a good man..."

She sighed with emotion.

The corners of the ninth sister's lips couldn't help raising, "I heard that the second brother-in-law has the prosperity of Longyang..."

The third sister's face turned pale, and she regained her expression in an instant. She couldn't help touching the ninth sister's head, "Yes, that good man is happy. What are you a child doing listening to this!"

Sister Jiu wrinkled her nose and said angrily, "He said I was an ugly girl. Why can't I speak ill of him?"

The third sister couldn't help covering her lips, but still laughed. The depression on this day was much easier. "You little man, what do you pay attention to these? You are a little thinner and don't have a long face. How can we talk about beauty and ugliness? As long as we have both talent and morality, we can be respected by our husband and raise our eyebrows. Just like Zhong Wuyan!"

The ninth sister sighed, "It turns out that the third sister misses her future husband. They don't understand what you said!"

The third sister couldn't help making a big red face, but forgot the woman's reservedness and laughed loudly, "I won't tell you, you actually came to make fun of the third sister." After laughing enough, she said, "Well, my sister has been sitting here for a long time, and it's time to go back."

"Sister Jiu, my mother is straightforward. If there is anything to offend in the future, please forgive me!" The third sister looked at the ninth sister with a complicated look.

Nine sister squeezed her lips, but she didn't say anything.

The third sister quickly smiled and said, "I'll go first. Take care of yourself quickly, or grandma will be distressed."

The ninth sister has been frowning. I really don't know why the third sister showed her goodwill. I don't know how many levels the third sister's status in Xue's mansion is higher than her. Not to mention his beauty, he is thoughtful and considerate. He can not only please the old lady, but also make the second wife happy. Even the servants of the Xue family are proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and kind-hearted. But the third sister still came to Dongyuan and gave her the words "heart as calm as water".

There was a sneer on the corners of her lips. No matter what the third sister's intention was, she did not intend to get involved. One day, the third sister would confess to her.

After dinner, the second wife came to Dongyuan in person. She looked bad all the way. Deng's mother bowed behind the second wife and her heart pounded. But when she arrived in Dongyuan, the second wife's face was full of amiability.

The third sister was also stunned when she heard that the second wife came, thinking that the second wife should come to the sixth sister. But when the third sister met the second wife, she saw that her face was not angry, but with the kindness of her elders.

"Ninth sister, come and show it to your second aunt. You're not scared today!" The second wife held the ninth sister's hand in her hand. She frowned and felt a little disgusted, but her face was distressed. "Why didn't even prepare a hand warmer? Look at your little hand cold, Jinxiu, how do you serve the ninth sister? You were a sensible when you were in my hospital, but why did you be so lazy when you got here?

Jinxiu hurriedly knelt on the ground, "I know my mistake, please punish the second wife!"

Sister Jiu was dissatisfied with Jinxiu, but she was a little more anxious. The second wife's face softened a lot, "You are now a member of the ninth sister. You have to put the ninth sister first. If the ninth sister is not in good health, you have to think more about it. Do you still have to teach you these things?"

The second wife is fierce, and even Yao's mother can't help sweating behind her back, and she dares not come out.

Jinxiu kowtowed to the ninth sister repeatedly, "The maidservant made the ninth sister suffer."

The second wife seemed to be angry with Jinxiu and continued, "I have always had clear rewards and punishments. I used to reward you a lot when I was in the main courtyard, but now I will deduct three months!"

The second wife said it without salt.

Hearing the monthly case, Jinxiu was also relieved, "Thank you, second wife."

The ninth sister lowered her head silently and let the second wife dispose of Jinxiu. The second wife looked sideways at the ninth sister playing with the corners of her clothes, and the anger in her heart gradually dissipated a lot.

A child is a child and can only play a little cleverly. After getting this recognition, the second wife felt much more relaxed and asked some of the ninth sister's tonics and diet, and the smile in her eyes became stronger and stronger.

"Mother Yao, do you know the dowry left by your sister-in-law for the ninth sister?" The second wife looked at Yao's mother with a smile.

Yao's mother took a deep breath, and finally, the second wife began to come up with this idea. She was angry in her heart, but she knew that the master and servant were different, and she was angry and anxious. "I know the second wife. The eldest lady handed over most of the dowry of the ninth sister to Aunt Zhou.

"Oh--" The second wife's voice dragged on for a long time, "Aunt Zhou is an outsider after all..."

Yao's mother's heart tightened, but she didn't wait for the second wife's post. But the second wife said gently to the ninth sister, "Do you know how much of her dowry?"

Sister Jiu looked at Yao's mother helplessly, and then said respectfully, "It has always been a concubine's mother taking care of it, but Sister Jiu doesn't know. The ninth sister still has six or seven years to get married!"

There is a sense of powerlessness in her heart, and she has to live in Xue's house for six years. It's really too long.

"This day will pass in a flash. I'll tell the old lady tomorrow to see if I can take care of your dowry. After all, the old lady is your biological grandmother."

The ninth sister looked up and looked at the second wife seriously. Could it be that she didn't want the shops in Aunt Zhou's hand? But nothing appeared on the second wife's face.

After all, Aunt Zhou is an outsider, and this is Chang'an, the capital. She can't sell or take her shop for herself. If you really gave it to the old lady, I don't know if the name of the shop is her after the Spring Festival. She then said, "Aunt Zhou has been in care of the shop for many years. Let her take care of it. Grandma should have enjoyed the evening happiness."

The second wife raised her eyebrows and said, "Okay, it's all up to you. As long as you don't let others say that our Xue family treats you badly.

The ninth sister still couldn't help frowning, and the second wife's words occasionally showed a lot of pressure. She really didn't like it. Today, the second wife came here, and I'm afraid it's time to help the sixth sister get her.

Whether it's a lesson or a dowry, the second wife deliberately added a block to her.

The second wife continued, "Sixth sister should be in good health tomorrow. I'll ask her to apologize to you, otherwise the old lady will not be happy."

Sister Jiu shrank her neck and said, "Don't, don't. It was the ninth sister who caused the sixth sister to fall into the water. Tomorrow, the ninth sister will go to see the sixth sister and apologize to the sixth sister.

"They are all children. If you come to accompany the sixth sister tomorrow, there is no way to apologize." The second wife said kindly.

After sitting for a while, the second wife asked the maid to light a lantern and leave.

Yao's mother dismissed the maid and couldn't help saying angrily, "The second wife came to pinch you on purpose. The brocade was originally given to you. What qualifications does she have to deal with? Oh, I dealt with Zhaoxue before the New Year, and the maidservant didn't say anything, but the beautiful girl is reasonable and attentive. What's the second wife? She also asked about your dowry. Is that what she should ask?