official's direct daughter

Chapter 18 Officers and Soldiers

"Mammy, we are in Xue's house!" Sister Jiu quickly interrupted Yao's mother's words, but she had a plan in her heart.

Yao's mother closed her mouth and made the bed for Sister Jiu, and the painting screen was poured hot water.

"Mother Yao, please say less. The ninth sister is almost exhausted. The second wife is not good. Let's not provoke her in the future." Although the painting screen was indignant, he didn't think about it deeply. He just thought that the Xue mansion was big, and it was impossible for the ninth sister to meet the second wife every three or five times, so she would just go to pay a visit on New Year's holiday.

The ninth sister smiled helplessly with a wry smile. It would be great if the painting screen was as beautiful. Her eyes were much darker, and the painting screen was almost fifteen years old. The house of Xue's house is very deep. I don't know what will happen in the future. Maybe it would be better to ask Yao's mother to help her a marriage. It would be better to find a deacon in Xue's house.

"You little girl, your mind is so simple!" Yao's mother's words stopped abruptly, and she finally knew what Sister Jiu was worried about these days.

"Ninth sister, please wash and go to bed first. Just now, I talked too much, but I forgot that I had to be careful in this big house. Yao's mother laughed at herself. In the past, she always thought that the ninth sister was the daughter of the young lady, and the Xue family would definitely treat her well, so even if she knew that the mansion was no better than Zhejiang, she didn't care much. I'm used to the idleness of Zhejiang, and I haven't been distracted at all. But now, although the ninth sister is the direct daughter of the Xue family, after all, this is the capital. After all, she is in a big mansion, if she is still as casual as in Zhejiang...

Yao's mother couldn't help shivering, remembering that when she was following the young lady in the palace, concubines and maids died every day. Although this is not a palace, it can't be careless.

"Ninth sister, don't worry, I will protect you!" Yao's mother said seriously.

The ninth sister smiled with satisfaction. Yao's mother followed her mother. How could she not know the intrigues in the house, but she was used to being idle in Zhejiang for more than ten years and didn't take Xuefu's house seriously at all.

When the sixth sister had an accident, the second wife came to pinch her, which was not a bad thing for her. On the contrary, it was the greatest gain to alert Yao's mother. Her heart suddenly relaxed. From entering the house, she was not relieved for a moment. Now that Yao's mother is with her heart, she will be much more relaxed in the future. A layer of fatigue came up.

Yao's mother asked Sister Jiu to sleep before exiting, and ordered the painting screen to wait for Sister Jiu to wake up before leaving.

The painting screen cleaned up the room, and there was a little sweat on her forehead. She carefully wiped the tables and chairs, but made no sound. The ninth sister looked at the painting screen carefully. The painting screen had a good face, with the softness of Jiangnan people, and was diligent, but honest. To put it nicely, you can live a peaceful life in Xue's house, but it is definitely a pity for the master to abandon and eat boring chicken ribs. She stared at the top of the bed and began to frown again!

"All come out..."

"It's not good..."

"Come on, get those servants out..."


Sister Jiu suddenly opened her eyes. As soon as she opened her panicked eyes on the painting screen, she fell asleep in a daze. I don't know how long it took, and there was a mess in her ear.

"Ninth sister, put on your clothes quickly. Something has happened. Something big has happened!" The painting screen turned white, and even his clothes were not sorted out, and his hair was scattered on his shoulders.

Sister Jiu quickly got up from **, put on her clothes, and said calmly, "What's going on? Don't panic. There's an old lady in the yard!"

" officers and soldiers, there are officers and soldiers outside..." The sound of the painting screen kept shaking, his legs were weak, and he couldn't walk a step.

"Let's go out first and go to the main courtyard!" The ninth sister took the hand of the painting screen and had no foundation in her heart. Why did many officers and soldiers come in the middle of the night?

Is it...

Yao's mother and Feng's mother also came to the courtyard. When Feng's mother heard the words of the officers and soldiers, their faces turned white like the painting screen, and their eyes were filled with panic. She said deterally, "It's over, it's over..."

The ninth sister stared at Feng's mother fiercely and shouted, "Mother Feng, what's the end? There are still old ladies and second wives in the yard. Why did you say this nonsense!"

Mother Feng was excited all over, and her eyes gradually regained their clarity. Yao's mother is much better than Feng's mother. After all, she has experienced a big scene. Although she has been neglected in Zhejiang for more than ten years, it does not mean that she is not as good as Feng's mother.

Yao's mother said in a low voice, "Mother Feng, take Sister Jiu to the main courtyard first. She is a lady of Xue's mansion. She has a noble status and can't tolerate any negligence. If any officers and soldiers rush into the inner courtyard, you must protect Sister Jiu."

"Mom Yao, be careful!" Sister Jiu gritted her teeth tightly and looked at several maids who were still panicked, but her heart was like a mirror. It must be that the emperor came to take people. After all, this partisan dispute is too big. The emperor will definitely bet some people on the mouths of those ministers, but after all, the two masters have a classmate with the emperor, and the Xue family will definitely be fine. She said loudly, "You can rest assured that some soldiers have come to Xue's house. Most of the inner courtyard is females, and the second uncle is also a court minister. They will definitely not break into the inner courtyard. Everyone may be summoned later, as long as you follow Yao's mother. If anyone cries and shouts, don't blame me for ignoring the service.

Her voice was not loud, but it calmed down the maids in the yard a lot, as if she had taken a reassurance pill. But the last sentence made Sister Jiu establish some prestige in the hospital.

Mother Feng took the ninth sister to the main courtyard, and all the aunts also came, with only one or two close maids. Everyone was panicked, and the timid aunt sobbed in a low voice.

The old lady's face was rigid, "Why are you crying? You're not dead yet. Shut up." She was in a bad mood, and she was even more irritable when she heard the crying.

Sure enough, all the crying people in the courtyard stopped.

Although the second wife also looked calm, her hands kept ** with a veil, which was obviously still afraid.

Sister Jiu's body trembled involuntarily, and the momentum in front of the servants had long been gone. In her heart, she took Feng's mother's hand and stood dullly. Although she was prepared, she was still scared.

Xue's house is brightly lit. Although the outer courtyard has been noisy for a long time, the inner courtyard has not had much impact. The old lady stood in the cold wind with her daughters-in-law, tall and raised her head, with no fear at all.

Perhaps influenced by the old lady, the people here also began to calm down.

Finally, after an hour, the lights in the distance loomed, and there were swaying shadows under the lights and the sound of armor hitting from the second middle. Everyone's breathing was awe.

The young bodyguard in armor held the handle of the knife in one hand, and his eyes were bright. After entering the inner courtyard, he did not squint. He came to the main courtyard with his subordinates. Seeing that the old lady saluted respectfully first, he said, "My subordinates are ordered to act. Please rest assured that the brothers will not talk. Disturbing the inner courtyard.

The bodyguard spoke powerfully, but respectfully and without any more politeness. The old lady's heart finally let go, waved her hand and said, "Little general, please!"

The bodyguard nodded and waved to the bodyguard behind him. The five bodyguards bypassed the female family and entered the main room. After a incense, they returned to the yard and stood behind the bodyguard.

The bodyguard held his fists and said, "It disturbed the old lady's rest. I asked Lord Xue to stay in the Ministry of Criminal Justice for a few days. Please don't worry."

The old lady nodded, and the daughters-in-law escorted the group of soldiers away. Finally, someone couldn't stand it and slipped to the ground.

The ninth sister vomited a turbid breath, and her back was wet. Looking around, except for the second aunt and the third sister, which one had lingering palpitations.

"Let's break up, let's all go!" The old lady shouted, "Go back and rest. It's no big deal. Let the maids in the yard tighten their mouths."

This is already the best result. Although it was in the middle of the night, it was also for the face of Xue's family. Which young bodyguard repeatedly showed that the second master was fine, and the old lady was relieved. Although it has begun to move around years ago, except for the royal concubine, no one is willing to answer, which one is not like avoiding snakes and scorpions.

Fortunately, these imperial army also kept a low profile. If these imperial troops are allowed to break into Xue's mansion during the day, even if the second master comes out of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, I'm afraid this stain can't be erased anyway.

There was a weakness under her feet, but fortunately, there was a second wife holding it.

When the aunts went back, the old lady also returned to the room with the help of the second wife. After thinking about it carefully, it was expected that the imperial army would come to take people. At first, she only guessed that the emperor would not let the imperial army break into the inner courtyard for the face of the deceased old woman and the noble concubine. Obviously, the imperial army came to take people at night.

"Is it the second aunt's help?" The second wife couldn't help guessing.

I just experienced a panic. Although it was a false alarm, I have already lost my sleepiness.

The old lady thought about it and invited the second uncle to come over during the day, but she didn't know what the second uncle had talked about with the second uncle, so she asked the second uncle to help.

The old lady said righteously, "The Marquis of Anguo's family definitely can't be broken."

A trace of panic flashed on the second wife's face, and the old lady continued to say, "It's better to seize the Anguo Marquis's Mansion. You have also seen that the Anguo Marquis's Mansion is very powerful."

The second wife Nuonuo replied, "Everything is up to my mother, and the third sister is also her life. She has been more thoughtful than her second sister since she was a child. As long as she can give birth to a son, she will sit firmly.

She also figured it out. Instead of fighting with a woman in a yard, it's better to let her daughter hold the power of the house in her hands. Even if the second aunt has the prosperity of Longyang, it is impossible to bring the male pet back to her house.

"You can talk to the third sister tomorrow so that she can prepare for it." The old lady didn't say much, and she was obviously very satisfied with the third sister.

If you can become a family with the Marquis of Anguo again, even if the second master comes out of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, the power of Xue's mansion will not be much damage. "Remember to take the third sister to Anguo Marquis's mansion tomorrow to pay a New Year call. The marquis's wife seems to like the third sister, and she also wants to marry Xuefu again. This opportunity can't be missed again."

The old lady spoke with a long tone.

The second wife seemed to accept her fate and said lightly, "My daughter-in-law knows what to do, but... The dowry prepared by my daughter-in-law for the third sister was really too shabby. Do you think..."

"I'll ask Aunt Zhou and the fifth sister to come and sit down tomorrow. The fifth sister is lovely!" The old lady said without hesitation, and she added, "Mo Xiao looked at Sister Jiu. It's better to let her know about this."

The second wife looked awe-looking and kept her breath in her heart, but she couldn't say a word.