official's direct daughter

Chapter 20 Dowry 2

The old lady is very selfish! This is Yao's mother's opinion on the old lady, but Sister Jiu has learned too much from these words.

She couldn't help being silent. Let's wait and see what happens!

At lunch, Mother Ge came to invite Sister Jiu again. There was no impatience on her face, as if nothing unhappy had happened this morning.

"The old lady said that Mrs. Feng would serve people and let her go with you!" Ge's mother's heart beat twice and said bravely.

The two slender eyebrows in Sister Jiu's eyes leaned closer to the center of her eyebrows, and there was sarcasm in her heart. Except for the first day when the old lady called Yao's mother over, she seemed to be particularly unwilling to see Yao's mother. Sister Jiu raised her head and glanced at Yao's mother, who stood aside without squinting, and couldn't help but feel relaxed.

"Mom Ge, please help Sister Jiu change her clothes." The ninth sister's eyebrows showed joy, and her tender voice sounded particularly brisk, "Mother Yao, go and invite Mother Feng over!"

"Oh, the maidservant obeys!" Ge's mother felt much relieved when she saw Sister Jiu's bright smile. She thought that maybe the old lady had thought too much. Anyway, Sister Jiu was also a girl who wanted to be loved by her elders. Looking at Sister Jiu's excited appearance, Mother Ge moved briskly to help Sister Jiu choose a light blue dress.

Yao's mother left the room. Before long, Feng's mother came in. Seeing that Sister Jiu was ready, she stood aside respectfully and greeted Ge's mother slightly.

The bowls and chopsticks have been arranged on the side of the main house, but the food has not been delivered. Although the room is warm, the food is still easy to cool down.

The old lady sat on the soft couch and saw Sister Jiu's pleasant dress with an easy-going face. She greeted Sister Jiu to sit next to her and ordered, "Let's put it on!"

Sister Jiu's cheeks were stained with a thin blush and said coquettishly, "Grandma, will Jiu'er accompany you every day in the future?"

The maids waiting beside couldn't help but smile. They still prefer the ninth sister. In the past few days, I have never put on the airs of a young lady. Maybe she is young and easy-going.

The old lady couldn't help smiling, "Yo, Jiu'er is getting more and more coquettish!"

The blush on Sister Jiu's face deepened a lot, and she said angrily, "Jiu'er only has one direct relative. Naturally, she wants to be with her grandmother all the time."

The old lady sighed in her heart that after all, she is her direct granddaughter. She is still so young, and there is no scheming. Her heart softened again, and she had already thrown away the morning's unhappiness. She spoiled Sister Jiu's nose and said, "My Jiu'er will eventually get married. Could it be that Jiu'er doesn't want to marry her husband, so she stays in the house to accompany me as an old lady?"

The ninth sister was so ashamed that she buried her head lower, "Grandma is dead."

"All right, let's not talk about it!" Seeing that the food was put on, the old lady took Sister Jiu's hand and comforted Sister Jiu.

Sister Jiu squeezed her lips and nodded silently.

Mother Feng picked up the public chopsticks and added food for the old lady first, and said with a smile, "Nine sister is filial. I wanted to come in the morning, but I have to eat some cheap food. She was afraid that you would say that she didn't eat well in the house, so she didn't come here until noon.

"Mother Feng!" The ninth sister pulled the corner of Laffon's mother in a panic. She didn't expect Feng's mother to say this. If the old lady knew that she only ate some boiled white radish or cabbage, would she think she was pretentious or lost the face of Xue?

The old lady looked awe-looking, but she didn't look at the ninth sister. She asked, Feng's mother. Mother Feng looked relaxed and added vegetables to Sister Jiu, and then continued to say, "You also know that Sister Jiu is not in good health. Although she eats well in the main room, she doesn't even eat meat in Dongyuan." She sighed, "Although the ninth sister doesn't take medicine, she can only eat vegetarian dishes, which is more bitter than that hard-working monk. But this is a thing that can't be done, but I'm afraid that you will be worried and haven't said anything.

A trace of pain flashed on the old lady's face, picked up the ninth sister's face, and said sadly, "I'm your grandmother. How can you hold even such a small thing in your heart?"

"Jiu'er doesn't want to humiliate her grandmother." She lowered her head slightly and covered up the stiff expression on her face. Feng's mother's mouth was really talkable. No wonder she used to be like a fish in water beside the old lady. Maybe Feng's mother was trustworthy.

"My Jiu'er, how can this humiliate me? How can grandma make you suffer so much?" The corners of the old lady's eyes were a little wet. She took out a veil and wiped her eyes. "Look at your thinness, grandma is heartbroken!"

Sister Jiu'er wiped the corners of her eyes with a smile, "Grandma, don't worry, in a few years, Jiu'er will be healthy."

"Good boy!" The old lady praised the ninth sister again and personally added food to the ninth sister.

I had a good lunch. When the maid served tea and rinsed her mouth, the old lady chatted with the ninth sister again.

But Sister Jiu's heart has not been put down, and it is impossible for the old lady to invite her to lunch in the main room. I'm afraid that the news of her cooking in the main room has already reached the ears of those aunts and third wives. When the second wife comes back, I'm afraid I have to pinch her again.

"Sister Jiu, did your father tell you about your dowry when you were in Zhejiang?"

Sister Jiu has calmed her mind, and as expected, she is starting to do business now.

"It was said that the father handed over the shop left by his mother to his mother in front of Jiu'er to take care of it, and then returned it to Jiu'er."

The wrinkles on the corners of the old lady's lips are a little looser, "But can I tell you about the losses of those shops and Zhuangzi?"

The ninth sister squeezed her lips and shook her head.

The old lady was a little disappointed, but kept her expression, "Then Zhuangzi should be the person left by your mother, but you can rest assured. But those shops are in the hands of outsiders after all. Although Aunt Zhou lives in Xue's house now, maybe one day she will take away the silver.

The ninth sister really wants to say that the fifth sister is here, and Aunt Zhou will definitely not run away with silver. Of course, she can also leave her fifth sister, but if she had wanted to leave her fifth sister, why come to Beijing with her? She could stay in Zhejiang. Two years after her mother's death, Aunt Zhou took care of Xuefu in Zhejiang, and her virtuous name also spread. Even if you remarry, you will get married well. But she still came to the capital together, unlike Aunt Zhou she knew.

The old lady seemed to know the thoughts of the ninth sister. She thought that the ninth sister was still too young. A woman, let alone the woman in the house, never only thought about her husband's love. Only by mastering the power and status in the house is the most real. Even if you have money, you still have no identity. Aunt Zhou can't marry into a civilian family again. In those two years in Zhejiang, didn't she taste the sweetness of her mistress? At that time, there was only one name left. But people are not as good as God. After all, the old man went. A woman's arrogance does not allow her to marry a person without status.

Of course, she is definitely not going to say these words to Sister Jiu.

"After all, I'm your grandmother, how can I hurt my granddaughter?" The old lady held the ninth sister in her arms, "This Xue family looks big, but you are the only one who is really related to me by blood. I'm afraid you will suffer losses. If I go one day and you haven't got married yet, what will a lot of people in Xue's house treat you!"

"Grandma--" Sister Jiu opened her mouth.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. Although you are still young, there are some things that you have to hold in your own hands. That's your own thing. Don't wait for your subordinates to empty your rights. At that time, you can't even cry. In two years, my grandmother will teach you how to manage the accounts. The daughter of our Xue family is a good girl in her mother's house. She went to her husband's house and is also a good housekeeper.

The ninth sister looked awe-looking, but she remembered the old lady's words in her heart, but she smiled happily. "Everything is according to your grandmother's arrangement. When spring comes, Jiu'er will talk to her concubine's mother and take care of the shop for you, and Jiu'er will be relieved."

"This doesn't work!" The old lady interrupted Sister Jiu's words and said, "How can the shop be given to my grandmother? Anyway, Aunt Zhou has no credit and hard work over the years. Grandma is old. How can she have the energy to care so much? You don't have to worry about it. After the Lantern Festival, I will ask Aunt Zhou to sit in the small courtyard in the south. After all, she has taken care of you for two years.

"Why don't you let your concubine come here when you are in the courtyard? Don't you have to let your second aunt know?" Sister Jiu asked worriedly.

"This shop is yours after all. Let the second wife know what to do!" The old lady said perfunctorily.

"But Jiu'er thought that the house has spent a lot of money recently. If there is an account in the shop, the house must be better, and Jiu'er wants a few little maids. Although Sister Huaping and Sister Jinxiu are good, she doesn't understand Jiu'er's thoughts after all."

The old lady smiled. Sister Jiu is also a child and must be accompanied by a maid of several years old. Naturally, she thought of this. But she always felt that Sister Jiu's seemingly childlike words just got to the point, as if she could see through her mind. She settled down and said, "Let your second aunt come in looking for two little maids. You can live in peace. There are also farm and shop income in the house. What's more, those are your dowries after all. If you really give them to the house, I don't know how many wives in the compound talk about our Xue's house.

When Mother Ge saw that the grandparents were chatting happily, she picked up the tray, served the tea, and retreated. The water vapor floating in the teacup blinded Sister Jiu's eyes, and she couldn't take her eyes off the tea. The old lady is really selfish. Although she didn't read the account book, it can be seen that Xue's family is beginning to be in need from the fewer and fewer fresh ingredients sent to Dongyuan every day. But the old lady did not take out the shop in her dowry as a subsidy. Unconsciously, she suddenly felt that the old lady was nothing more than that.

However, it was beyond her expectation that the old lady would ask Aunt Zhou for those shops first.

Suddenly, she remembered the second wife, the second wife's high appearance in front of her the day before yesterday, and the smile in her eyes was even stronger.