official's direct daughter

Chapter 21 Dowry 3

After quarreling with the old lady for a while, he suddenly heard the voice of the tenth brother. In a flash, he saw the tenth brother's sweat on his forehead in the arms of the old lady.

"My little ancestor, where did you go to play? Look at this sweat. What if you sweat and catch the wind and cold!"

The maid who followed the tenth brother ran recklessly into the room and saw the tenth brother jumping into the arms of the old lady. Fortunately, the old lady put her mind on the tenth brother and did not blame her.

"Grandma, I just saw playing in the garden and found a big hornet's nest on that jujube tree." Brother Ten showed a frightened expression on his little face and continued, "As a result, when I took it off, I found that there was only a half-finger-long hornp in it. It's really boring."

The old lady was almost scared out by the tenth brother. "You don't learn from the ninth sister. You are crazy with the sixth sister all day long."

Brother Ten spit out his tongue, "Grandma is so amazing that she actually knew that Xiao Shi went with the sixth sister to take out the hornet's nest."

The old lady laughed and scolded the tenth brother.

The ninth sister smiled and looked at the two grandchildren happily.

The old lady couldn't help looking at Sister Jiu more and said to herself: Sister Jiu is indeed an unbearable person, and she doesn't forget her old woman. Over the years, she can give good advice.

Nine doesn't know that today's decision will change her status around the old lady, let alone that she will learn more from the old lady.

At dinner, the ninth sister was still eating in the main courtyard. The second wife was stunned when she saw the ninth sister. She thought that the old lady would let the ninth sister go back to Dongyuan when she told her about the dowry, but she didn't expect that the old lady would keep the ninth sister for an afternoon.

The second wife made the decision privately and asked the third sister to stay for dinner together.

The old lady was rarely happy and asked the second wife a few words about the attitude of Mrs. Anguo. The second lady raised her head slightly, and the corner of her eyes never left the third sister. She said proudly, "The marquis likes the third sister very much and also took the third sister to the house to play with the two princesses. When she left, she sent another pair. Emerald bracelet.

She gently stretched out her finger and picked up the third sister's wrist and saw a green bracelet hanging on the third sister's green and white jade wrist. The third sister lowered her head shyly and let a table look at the dazzling bracelet.

A trace of light appeared in the old lady's turbid eyes, and then disappeared, but the smile on her face was even stronger. "The third sister is a good child. The marquis's eyes have never been missed, and naturally she will send such a pair of bracelets."

"Come on, take out my jade Buddha pendant." The old lady looked at her third sister more and more intimately.

The ninth sister lowered her head and ate the rice in the bowl by herself. Occasionally, she picked up a few pieces of green vegetables, as if the glory brought by the third sister to Xue's house had nothing to do with her.

Mom Ge soon took out a red lacquered sandalwood brocade box from the room. The middle of the box was inlaid with superior white jade, but the quality of the white jade was no worse than that of the emerald bracelet on the third sister's wrist. Even the ninth sister, who was indifferent to this, couldn't help looking at it a few more. She was really curious about what was in the box.

Mother Ge carefully held the box in her hand, and Cai Luan quickly moved away several dishes on the table. Ge's mother put the box next to the old lady.

The old lady's hands trembled a little, and her eyes looked at the brocade box, and her heart was more reluctant. This ornament was given to her by the former queen herself. To mention how valuable the jade was, it came from the former queen and was also valuable.

The lid of the box was gently opened, which was stuffed with red silk and a pure white jade in the center. Even the second wife couldn't help taking a cold breath. She saw this jade on the day of the old lady's 50th birthday, but she didn't expect that the old lady would give this jade to her third sister. Her heart suddenly pounded.

The third sister held a handkerchief nervously. The old lady quickly greeted the third sister to her side and lifted the hair behind the third sister and personally brought the white jade Buddha to the third sister.

The second wife looked at the white jade Buddha on the neck of the third sister and unexpectedly became a little jealous. She pulled the corners of her mouth and scolded gently, "Why don't you thank me quickly? This jade Buddha is a rare thing that your grandmother has treasured for a long time."

There was a smile on her face, which just covered up that little jealousy.

"Thank you, grandma!" The third sister quickly blessed the old lady, took off the bracelets from her hand, and smiled, "This emerald green is a little frivolous on your granddaughter, but it looks young on you. Although the marquis's wife gave it to her granddaughter, her granddaughter still gave the bracelets to her grandmother.

The old lady was very satisfied with the performance of the third sister. She ate happily on a table, but the old lady seemed to forget the ninth sister. When she opened her mouth and closed her mouth, the third sister was clever and the third sister was gratifying.

At the beginning of the application, the ninth sister left like an old lady, and the second wife also took this opportunity to return to the west wing. The third sister also followed, and the old lady also agreed and asked Ge's mother to send several people out.

She looked at the back of the three people leaving, pondered for a long time, and said casually, "Which one do you think is more pleasant, the ninth sister or the third sister?"

Cailuan took the mouthwash with a smile and respectfully handed it to the old lady. "It goes well, naturally, the ninth sister is more pleasant. In the afternoon, the ninth sister can rely on you. When you can have dinner, you only care about being good to the third sister, and the maidservant can see that the ninth sister's face is much more lonely."

Caifeng was frightened by Cailuan's words and couldn't help trembling. They were just little maids. How could they talk about their master's words behind their backs? The old lady would be angry.

The old lady suddenly had a gloomy face and looked at Cai Luan with a smiling face. Cai Luan seemed to know that the old lady was in a bad mood, and the whole room looked a little depressed.

But soon, the wrinkles on the old lady's face unfolded and said with a smile, "You are the favorite of these maids, or do you, the girl who knows the heart of the old body." She paused and said uncertainly, "The lonely expression of the ninth sister is not because she gave the white jade Buddha to the third sister."

Cailuan shook her head, "Since you and your second wife talked about how the third sister won the favor of the marquis in Anguo Marquis's Mansion, she has been like that. Old lady, don't really abandon Sister Jiu. After all, she is your direct granddaughter, isn't she?

The old lady's eyes suddenly scratched Cailuan's face fiercely. Cailuan shivered all over and quickly pushed her away. Her back was already wet.

"Caifeng, get hot water for the old man. It's time to rest." The old lady glanced disdainfully at Cai Luan, but she was just a maid. She really thought she dared to talk nonsense when she was spoiled.

Cailuan closed her mouth tightly, biting tightly, and still trembled involuntarily.

The ninth sister said goodbye to the second wife and the third sister. Seeing that Feng's mother had already taken the lantern, a faint smile appeared on her face.

"Second aunt, third sister, ninth sister leave first." Sister Jiu is blessed.

The second wife's expression was blank, but she inadvertently saw the white jade Buddha on the third sister's neck and called the ninth sister with a smile, "What is the ninth sister doing in such a hurry? You can go back with the third sister later."

The ninth sister's heart was very calm. Just now, the second wife kept praising the third sister. When the old lady hung the white jade Buddha on the third sister's neck, the second wife was not in a good mood, and her eyes kept glancing at the jade Buddha. After that, the third sister gave the pair of emerald bracelets to the old lady, looking even worse, but she didn't expect the second wife to stop her.

The third sister smiled at the ninth sister, but heard the second wife say, "There are many objects around the old lady, but I didn't see her give you one."

The third sister's heart thumped and didn't think that her mother would use this to provoke the ninth sister. Does she want to have sex with the ninth sister? She was secretly annoyed by why her mother didn't look far away, but she shouldn't say anything now.

The ninth sister lowered her eyebrows and said faintly, "The third sister is more powerful than the ninth sister. If the third sister is favored by the marquis's wife, Xue's house will have a backer in the future, and my grandmother will naturally give the third sister some things." She said sadly, "It's a pity that Jiu'er is too young to help her grandmother or Xue's house. Although she promised to take care of a shop for her grandmother for the time being, she can't help her grandmother after all."

She wiped the corners of her eyes and reluctantly pulled out a smile, "Jiu'er is not in good health. She is very tired after tossing around all day, and let Jiu'er leave first."

Sister Ninth turned around and fell into the dark. She did not dare to look back to see what the second wife and third sister looked like, but Feng's mother looked strange and her old face turned red.

The ninth sister smiled faintly and said, "Why are you laughing? The third sister is indeed much better than the ninth sister."

Mother Feng's body was like splashing a basin of cold water and said, "You didn't look up just now. I saw that the second wife's face was not very good-looking, and even she didn't like the third sister very much. I have never seen such a thing. The third sister is the most favored in front of the old lady or in front of the second wife.

The ninth sister couldn't help sighing, "The third sister is indeed a good one, but it's too difficult to do between her grandmother and the second aunt, which also makes it difficult for her."

Mother Feng listened to the words of the ninth sister's old success, and she sighed even more in her heart. Didn't you be as exquisite as the third sister? Unfortunately, she hasn't been raised by the old lady's side all the time, otherwise the third sister can only stand on the side of the second wife.

"Ninth Sister--" Not long after, the voice of the third sister came from behind.

The ninth sister stopped Feng's mother from continuing to talk. She stopped in surprise and couldn't help asking, "Third sister, why don't you spend more time with your second aunt in the main room?"

The third sister looked at the ninth sister for a long time and finally made sure that the ninth sister's words were unintentionally, and then said, "Don't pay attention to what my mother said just now. We juniors can't care about the relationship between mother and grandmother."

Sister Jiu raised her eyebrows secretly. Is this a warning?

"Your dowry is the richest of our Xue's sisters. It's good to take it out first to solve Xue's urgent needs, but you shouldn't tell your mother." The third sister sighed helplessly, "You haven't been in this yard for a few days. You don't know the tricks in it. You don't have to worry about your mother and grandmother. Those things are yours."

"Jiu'er knew it, so she gave the shop in the dowry to the old lady." The ninth sister was a little more angry in her words.

The third sister was not angry and said, "But remember the four words I wrote for you, 'heart as quiet as water'. As long as you can be as calm as water, you can live well in this house. That's all I can say, you... take care of yourself."

After saying this, the third sister disappeared into the night.

The ninth sister thought of the four words "heart as calm as water" and felt more and more ironic. Since your third sister knows the tricks in it, why do you come to make friends with her?