official's direct daughter

Chapter 30 Fall out of favor 2

The third sister looked at the ninth sister's embarrassed back without any smile, as if everything about the ninth sister had nothing to do with her.

The old lady said with a smile, "Am of the few granddaughters, you are the only ones who know what I think best, more than the direct granddaughter."

The third sister cleverly didn't say anything and listened to the old lady's gossip silently.

"I thought Sister Jiu was a sensible person, but I didn't expect her to have these ideas at such a young age, which wronged you. Let's not talk about Sister Jiu. If she commits a crime, I will punish her.

The expression on the old lady's face became more and more kind, but her words were a little firm, as if it had increased the credibility of her words.

"The sixth sister was punished. I'm afraid she's still losing her temper. You and the sixth sister have always had the deepest relationship. Go and persuade the sixth sister to keep a memory. It's not good if she gets married in the future and has no rules like this. I'm also for the good of the sixth sister."

"Three children know!" The third sister adjusted her mood and only let the old lady think that she was just sad about her life.


Ge's mother took the old lady's life and took the ninth sister away from the main house and walked towards Dongyuan. Her heart was a little heavy. She could see clearly what had just happened. She must have taken Sister Jiu back to Dongyuan because she had suspicion of Sister Jiu.

She thought about the old lady's thoughts, her heart became heavier and heavier, and the smile on her face gradually faded away.

There were no words along the way. Mother Ge led the way, and the ninth sister also followed Ge's mother, but Yao's mother followed the ninth sister respectfully. The atmosphere of the three people is a little tense.

When she arrived at Dongyuan, Mother Ge said lightly, "It's better not to make friends with several aunts recently."

Sister Jiu paused for a moment, and then followed Ge's mother.

Mother Ge didn't notice a slight change in the ninth sister's heart and continued to say, "To make friends with several aunts is that you surrender your identity. You don't care about your face, but you lower the identity of the old lady."

The tone of this sentence was a little cold, and Sister Jiu's heart began to become heavy. She would not think that the old lady had nothing to do and let her mother Ge send her back. Sure enough--

"Okay, Dongyuan has arrived. Take care of yourself!" There has been no sense of respect in this sentence, as if it were sending a little maid.

Ge's mother turned around, although she didn't say clearly that she didn't care whether Sister Jiu understood or not, as long as Yao's mother understood.

"Mom Ge!" Sister Jiu'er stopped Ge's mother anxiously and kept a smile on her face. "Please ask Ge's mother to give Jiu'er a little instruction. Jiu'er didn't know what she had done wrong, which annoyed her grandmother."

Ge's mother turned around, and it seemed that the ninth sister also felt that the old lady was estranged from her. She smashed her mouth and let out a laughter, with a little contemptuous eyes, "Sixth sister is blessed, but you are the ninth sister..."

The smile on Sister Jiu's face froze, and even her breath froze a little. Listening to Mother Ge's unclear words, she almost sank into the cold pool and was out of breath.

Yao's mother intentionally or unintentionally blocked Sister Jiu behind her and looked at Ge's mother warily, as if she wanted to see through her mother Ge. The strange smile on her face was even stronger, and her hatred of Yao's mother was even more obvious.

"The old lady is kind after all. It's worthy of you not letting you live in a remote cabin. Don't think about competing with the third sister and the sixth sister!" Ge's mother raised her head and stepped out of Dongyuan like a victorious general.

Sister Jiu was resentful. When she was in the main room, the old lady's attitude towards her changed a little, but it was not obvious, that is, she was a little estranged. But Ge's mother dared to say that without hesitation. There was a thrill in her heart. Mother Ge was the old lady's right-hand man. It can be said that her attitude represented the old lady's attitude.

But Ge's mother's attitude was so clear that she gave birth to Ge's mother as the person next to the second wife. The ninth sister was shocked by this idea and sweated coldly. The old lady has always been shrewd. How could she reuse the second wife's person? If Ge's mother thinks that she is not as good as the third sister and the sixth sister, it must be the old lady's idea.

She couldn't help laughing at herself. It turned out that she had no status in the old lady's heart. If there were no shops in her hands, I'm afraid the old lady would really regard her as a passer-by. Soon, she adjusted her mood and sorted out this period, especially after the third sister was rejected by Mrs. Anguo.

According to common sense, the third sister must be jealous of the sixth sister. It was the sixth sister who brushed her face. What's more, she slightly saw that the third sister had a heart for the son of the world. Is that her? But in order to help the sixth sister speak, the third sister openly said that she was not in front of the old lady. And the old lady actually believed it.

The ninth sister sneered in her heart. Is the old lady so easy to fool? I'm afraid the old lady wants to reject her through this reason.

She did something wrong. A shop with a high income did not block the old lady's appetite, but made the old lady cove other shops! Apart from this, she really couldn't think of any other reason for the old lady to exclude her.

"Sister Jiu, let's go back first!" Yao's mother didn't know how to comfort Sister Jiu.

"Mom Yao, do you think I shouldn't give that shop to my grandmother!" There was a setback in her words.

"Don't think too much about it. After all, the old lady is your biological grandmother. How can she leave her direct granddaughter alone!"

"Mother Yao, you don't have to comfort me. You know what kind of person the old lady is. You have reminded me, but I still did such a stupid thing!" Sister Jiu is very annoyed, and she really has a feeling of frustration.

"Ninth sister, don't think nonsense. Go back to the house quickly. It's windy outside. If you are sick, you will be guilty again." Yao's mother began to panic faintly.

Sister Jiu cheered up. She really didn't expect the old lady to be so disrespectful. It's okay if it's just out of favor, but how should the servants in the courtyard discipline them? Hearing the news of her loss, what will happen to Feng's mother and Jinxiu? They did their best to help themselves because they were favored, but now they have fallen out of favor and will not stab Amitabha in the back.

Painting the screen will not take care of complicated things at all. In this way, she and Yao's mother have become the target of public criticism.

She still remembers the way Ge's mother looked at Yao's mother when she left. Obviously, she used to know Yao's mother, and may have been suppressed by Yao's mother. Maybe when Ge's mother would trip them behind the old lady's back.

Sister Jiu's heart was shocked.

Yao's mother came out of the palace with the eldest wife. I don't know what Sister Jiu is worried about. She is also worried about these things, worried that Sister Jiu will not be able to hold on.

"Ninth sister, don't worry, even if you are out of favor, it will be only for a while. Your grandmother's family won't let you suffer. Just put your heart in your stomach. Feng's mother and Jinxiu have slaves to watch and can't make a big deal. Mother Yao took Sister Jiu's cold little hand and walked into the room.

Nine sister really didn't want to think too much. She nodded tiredly, and her tender voice was a little hoarse. "Mother, you still have to be here. Don't worry, I'm not a person who can pinch!"

Despite that, Sister Jiu was extremely disappointed. She clearly knew that her relatives were not trustworthy and that her relatives were all wolves in sheep's clothing, but she still had a trace of expectation in her heart. I thought that the old lady was her direct grandmother, and even if she was spoiled by those shops, she must still have family affection for her. That's why she is willing to throw a shop to the old lady. But she was wrong and made a big mistake, which also implicated Yao's mother and the painting screen.

What the third sister said was like stabbing her in the back. It was very painful, but she couldn't prevent it. It was she who was so careless that she thought that the third sister had reached an agreement with her secretly, and she could feel at ease behind her, but she forgot that she was most likely to be poisoned behind her.

But this time, she and her third sister really got married an unresolved relationship. After thinking about it, she didn't know why the third sister gave up on her to please the old lady, of course, except for greater interests.

Sister Jiu shook her head helplessly, and suddenly her heart was like a mirror. Yes, it's the sixth sister. Although the sixth sister robbed her of her marriage, the sixth sister has been protected by the old lady and the second wife. If she still wants to find a good marriage, she must step on her to make friends with the sixth sister again. When the sixth sister was punished, the third sister just looked on coldly. In order to save her position in the sixth sister's heart, she had to do so.

Thinking of all this, the ninth sister's heart became calmer and calmer, but at the same time, her heart began to slowly cool down.

"Mammy, Jiu'er won't make any more mistakes in the future!" In an instant, the ninth sister seemed to be much more mature and strengthened.

Yao's mother was a little relieved, "As long as you can figure it out, we don't want to be favored in this yard, and I don't want you to take out the momentum of the eldest daughter to suppress the third sister. I just hope that we can live a good life in Xue's yard in the past few years and wait for you to get married.

Sister Jiu shook her head, "Mother, you know, we won't argue, and others will bully us."

"That being said, I still hope you can get married safely!" Yao's mother sighed in her heart, perhaps because she was used to living a comfortable life, so she persuaded Sister Jiu that this was not her intention, but for Sister Jiu, she could only say this.

"Mammy, I know it's for my good." Sister Jiu's voice is extremely clear and her spirit is better than ever. "In the past, Jiu'er didn't put her position clearly. If we are bullied like this, we don't know what will happen in the future." She suddenly smiled at Yao's mother, "Mother, do you believe in Jiu'er?"

Yao's mother suddenly suffocated. Seeing the glorious flow in Sister Jiu's eyes, she suddenly felt at ease, and the wrinkles on her face gradually loosened. "What Sister Jiu wants to do is what she wants to do. I will always stand beside you."

Sister suddenly hugged Yao's mother, "Mother, you are the only one in the world who is sincere to Jiu'er. In the future, Jiu'er will let you live a leisurely life like in Zhejiang, and it's good to choose an adopted son for you for your retirement!"

"Hey!" Yao's mother's eyes are rosy. There is no such a good master in the world. As long as there is Jiujie's words, what if she can't live such a life in the future? Now it's enough. If Jiujie has this heart, it's enough!

Sister Jiu's eyes turned slightly red, and her anxiety increased. Her consciousness was only one: she fell out of favor!!!