official's direct daughter

Chapter 31 Select

Yao's mother took Sister Jiu back to the room. Feng's mother, Huaping and Jinxiu were talking and laughing in the room. Obviously, they didn't know that Jiujie was out of favor in front of the old lady.

The ninth sister had a smile on her face as usual, glanced at the three people, and saw a piece of brocade in her hand, with a faint luster. Obviously, it was an excellent material, embroidered with half a butterfly's wings. Although it was only half, it was vivid, but it was a little worse than the painting screen and Yao's mother's embroidery.

However, the painting screen held a brown cotton cloth in his hand, and several dark flowers were embroidered on it, which looked elegant.

"Sister painting screen, your embroidery worker is getting more and more exquisite!"

"Miss praised, Yao's mother's embroidery is really good!" The painting screen quickly stood up, his face was red, and he was actually shy.

"Who said no? The embroiderers on the screen made me jealous!" Jinxiu said generously. She put away her embroidery and said sadly, "No matter how I embroider, this butterfly always looks like it is embroidered, unlike your patterns, as if it is integrated with the cloth."

"If the maidservant had a son, she would definitely ask for the painting screen to be his daughter-in-law!" Feng's mother was on a whim and couldn't help but make up, but her eyes seemed to be asking Yao's mother.

Yao's mother shook her head gently and couldn't see anything.

Sister Jiu just smiled faintly, but saw that the blush on her face became brighter and brighter. There was a burst of laughter from the room.

The painting screen stamped his feet in shame, "Nine sister, mother Yao, mother Feng, you all make fun of the painting screen. Sister Jinxiu, I won't teach you this needle method in the future!"

With that, the painting screen escaped from the room.

The smile on Sister Jiu's face gradually disappeared, and her face began to become serious.

Mother Feng found something wrong when the ninth sister entered the room. Now when she saw the serious face of the ninth sister, she became more worried and asked, "Ninth sister, but have you been wronged in the main house? I didn't let go of my eyebrows when I saw you come in.

Jinxiu quickly sorted out the embroidery basket and looked indescribably serious.

Sister Jiu kept struggling in her heart and discussed it with Yao's mother when she was outside. This matter is true to Feng's mother and Jinxiu. Although everyone is from Dongyuan, the maids in the yard must regard Feng's mother and Jinxiu as her people and will not tell them what happened to the old lady of the main house, but the paper can't cover the fire after all. Instead of listening to gossip from outsiders, it is better to meet and tell Feng's mother and Jinxiu frankly now. But she is still nervous. What will Feng's mother and Jinxiu do? She doesn't know! All she knows is that if she loses the help of Feng's mother and Jinxiu, she will be bullied like a blind man in the yard.

"Mother Feng, if you want to go back to your grandmother, just go back! You are so capable that grandma must be reluctant to part with you!" The ninth sister smiled miserably.

"Haha! Sister Jiu, you are a slave. The maidservant has been given to you by the old lady, and it will be your servant in the future. Even if you marry in the future, the maidservant will still be your maidservant. Feng's mother really doesn't know what medicine is sold in Sister Jiu's gourd. Is it possible that Sister Jiu still suspects her and Jinxiu?

Sister Jiu shook her head tiredly, "I'm telling the truth, not a joke. If you want to go back, I'll tell my grandmother that you will suffer a lot by following me. Maybe it's not worth betting on me for the rest of your life."

"Ninth sister, slave and beautiful--"

"Mother Feng, don't be in a hurry to answer, wait for me to finish my words!" The ninth sister was particularly serious, "I'm afraid that the old lady's love for me will change now."

"Sy--" Feng's mother's eyes widened. Why did she go to the main room for half a day and become disfavored? If she understands it correctly, that's what Sister Jiu means.

Then, the ninth sister told some things that happened in the main room with Feng's mother and Jinxiu, "That's the thing. The third sister can't be the wife of the prince of Anguo, but the sixth sister has a chance. As you know, my sixth sister and I always have a bad temper. You have been in this house for a long time. You must know the old lady's temperament and what she will do. You should be able to guess.

"But your future son-in-law is more powerful than the Marquis of An! Unfortunately, before Feng finished speaking, she was blocked by Sister Jiu.

"When I came out of the main room, I happened to meet Zhao's mother beside Mrs. Anguo. She has hinted that as long as Anguohou's wife intends to marry Xuefu, even if her daughter-in-law has not yet arrived at Anguohoufu, Anguohou and his wife will help Xuefu."

When Sister Jiu finished saying this, her eyebrows were locked deeper.

Feng's mother was silent, although in the long run, it was better for her to climb to the ninth sister's mansion than the Marquis of Anguo. However, over the years, Prince Yi's mansion has been in a deaf ear to the ninth sister. Even the eldest wife passed away and the old master's death only sent a slave. After the ninth sister came to the capital, Prince Yi's mansion did not even send a slave. If it hadn't been for that marriage contract, I'm afraid Sister Jiu would have been abandoned long ago.

If she is an old lady, she will also choose to rely on the big tree of Anguo Houfu first. It's just that the ninth sister treats her very well. Even Jinxiu said that the ninth sister is gentle and should stay here or not.

Feng's mother's heart was in a mess. She had long wanted to go back to the old lady, but without the master's consent, she, as a servant, could not choose the master.


"I am willing to serve Sister Jiu all the time. Please don't drive Jinxiu away!" Jinxiu knelt on the ground with a firm expression.

Sister Jiu looked at Jinxiu in surprise. How could it be that Jinxiu decided to stay here without even time to think about it. With one breath in her chest, the ninth sister couldn't say a word.

Mother Feng began to feel anxious. How could this girl be so ignorant of the current affairs? How nice it would be if she stayed beside the second wife? Those maids had to bow their heads when they saw themselves. Jinxiu's brain is not working well.

But Feng's mother didn't look at Jinxiu as if she was joking, as if it had been decided a long time ago. Sister Jiu looked at Jinxiu seriously, and the corners of her lips trembled slightly. Jinxiu still has a frank face.

Mother Feng said with hatred and knelt on the ground. "I am willing to serve the ninth sister all the time. Even if the ninth sister loses her power, she can be a servant for a day and a servant for life. The maidservant will try her best not to let you suffer at all.

Feng's mother's words exaggerated.

Sister Jiu's eyes fell from Jinxiu to Feng's mother, and Feng's mother only felt a little guilty.