official's direct daughter

Chapter 32 Select 2

"You go back first and think about it first. I won't stop you if you want to leave. However--" Sister Jiu's voice became more and more fierce, "But if you choose to stay, I will treat you as a confidant, just like Yao's mother. If I find that you are two-hearted to me, don't blame me for being ruthless.

Mother Feng's heart tightened. She looked at the eyes of the ninth sister and found that the ninth sister's face was full of indifference. She had never seen what the first lady looked like, but she only felt that the ninth sister was more majestic than the old lady now.

"The maidservant is leaving!" Jinxiu was frustrated and blessed, and took away Feng's mother who still wanted to explain.

"Squeak!" They were closed by Jinxiu, and there were only Yao's mother and Jiujie in the whole room.

"Wow--" Sister Jiu fell on Xiaozi, sweating coldly behind her back. She was not sure about the choice of Feng's mother and Jinxiu. She had tried her best. In fact, secretly, she doesn't want them to stay. After all, people are separated from each other. After all, they are not always by their side. She doesn't know what to think. It's better to put them back to their original master.

"Sister Jiu, in fact, you don't have to do this. Feng's mother and Jinxiu are both smart people, and it's not harmful for them to stay here." Yao's mother sighed and only felt that Sister Jiu was too vigilant.

Sister Jiu shook her head with a little sarcasm, "Mother Feng and Jinxiu are the best servants in the house, and neither grandmother nor the second aunt are willing to give up on them. Of course, their hearts are big enough. I'm afraid they can't satisfy their appetite if they stay here! They are all smart people, and they also know that it is really difficult to stay with me and want to come out.

"What Sister Jiu said was wrong. You only lost your power in Xue's yard for a while. What's more, you are really good to them. When you get married, Feng's mother is the first-class steward's mother around you. Even Jinxiu, you can find a family for her. Jinxiu should look for a family in two years!"

"Jinxiu can't wait. You have spent a lot of time with Jinxiu and Feng's mother. I think you have known some of their temperaments. What kind of person do you think Jinxiu is?"

Yao's mother immediately smiled, "You are worried that the second wife will lift Jinxiu as an aunt. Don't worry, Jinxiu is beautiful. Although she looks obedient now, the second wife dares not lift Jinxiu as an aunt. She is really excellent, otherwise why do you think she was put up to you? Jinxiu is also fifteen years old. The second master is often in the main room. It's impossible not to notice Jinxiu. Do you think the second master didn't move that thought?

The ninth sister is clear, but she is still sad. "I'm afraid Jinxiu doesn't disdain to marry a farmer or an ordinary domestic slave. It's definitely not be better to stay here with her. What's more, I drove her away, and the second aunt can't support Jinxiu again. At most, she can find a steward quickly, and the second aunt is also reluctant to give up. You have a beautiful talent!"

"You are worried about what you have done. You are talented, and Feng's mother is real, but you have tried your best to drive them away, hey!"

"I just don't understand. Before I finished my words, Jinxiu stayed here and was stared at by Feng's mother. I really can't figure out why Jinxiu would rather stay with me. Mother Yao, you can't have found it! What's more, Feng's mother is the most powerful mother around her grandmother, and she must be eager to go back to the old lady. It's really not cost-effective to bet on me.

"Even if I get favored in the future, there is no scenery around my grandmother. After all, in this Xue Mansion, I am under the shelter of others. Even if I get married and become a mother-in-law, she will become a first-class mother, so she will have to wait for a few years. What's more, I won't be favored after I get married? Feng's mother must have figured all this out. If she is still willing to stay with me, I really don't dare to go!"

Spitting out the doubts in his heart, and the depression in the ninth sister's heart was much less.

Yao's mother smiled lightly, took the kettle from the stove and made a cup of tea for the ninth sister. She took out her usual needlework from the ear room and moved a peon to sit down.

"In this life, especially women, they just want to be a good husband and son-in-law. In the future, the husband and wife will be harmonious and have three or two children, which will be perfect! Jinxiu has been serving the second wife since she was a child. She is more reasonable than other maids. She may not want to be an aunt. It may be the safest to stay by your side. Yao's mother seemed to nag unintentionally and didn't care whether Sister Jiu could understand it or not. She continued: "In the past, when the young lady was seriously ill, she also told me that she didn't blame God for being unfair. Maybe it was because she did too well that she let her short-lived. But she doesn't regret that if she hadn't experienced those things, she wouldn't have met her uncle. I didn't meet my uncle. I only lived half of my life. What's more, she still has a sensible daughter like you, so the young lady left peacefully!"

Yao's mother's voice was a little choked, but the embroidery in her hand did not stop. She took a deep breath and found that her eyes were a little blurred. She quickly wiped her eyes with her cuffs.

"So, if Jinxiu stays here, you can put a hundred hearts in your stomach. As for Feng's mother, I also want her to stay. Although she can't be dedicated to you for a while, she is your mother after all. After a long time, she knows where to stay is best for her. Yao's mother still had tears in her eyes, but her eyes were really kind when she looked at Sister Jiu.

Sister Jiu held a cup of white tea in her hand, but she didn't know where she was going. After a long time, Sister Jiu turned her head and looked at Mother Yao and said quietly, "Mother Yao, how can I live without you!"

The smile on her face gradually increased. In the past few days, she has been melancholy for a long time, nothing more than thinking of the old lady's attitude and the knife her third sister gave her back. To put it to the truth, she was just disappointing. She suddenly missed her days in Zhejiang. Although Aunt Zhou studed her from time to time, she could finally face it calmly. It turned out that what was left in the blood was still fettered. She thought of this blood affection too well.

"Oh..." Yao's mother's smile seemed to be crying. "As long as you are well, I will feel at ease."

Sister Jiu went to the desk, picked up the pen, wrote the words "the heart is as calm as water", paused for a moment, and then wrote the words "resentence everywhere" on the other side. She tore up the paper and wrote "Anzhi Ruosu" on another blank paper. Then she put down the brush in her hand, and the ninth sister was really relieved, and a faint smile appeared on her face.

She turned around and smiled with a particularly bright smile, "Mammy, Jiu'er will be fine!"

There was a thumping knock on the door, and then Sister Jiu saw Jinxiu enter the room and kneel down suddenly!

PS: Thank you for the rewards of "Qionzhu", "Dunbei Yin", "village elders", "jun ink dyeing", "fish face fish language" and "flower monk".