official's direct daughter

Chapter 73 Urgent

The return of Sanxia will be updated at least twice a day, and the text will soon enter the in-depth reading. The story will become more and more wonderful. A little bit, Sister Jiu is about to grow up after this matter is over, and the so-called marriage has become a headache. As for how to have a headache, the girls have tickets to hold a ticket yard, and collect them if they don't have tickets, and the article will be shown one by one. Sister Jiu's fiance will make them feel amazing. Wow, at least the child who catches up is more sad.


For three consecutive days, the ninth sister arrived at the accounting room on time every day and returned to Dongyuan at one o'clock in the afternoon. It was also on this day that it rained for three days that the ninth sister had more leisure time to clear the account book.

However, these three days have gained a lot for Sister Jiu, but Zhou Fu sent more betrothal gifts than she thought. There are many big objects that have been rewarded by the palace. Except for some things to be put in the third sister's dowry, Xuefu has made enough money this time. She was also slightly relieved, but how long could the bride price sent by Zhou Fu last?

The ninth sister did not consider these. On the contrary, the ninth sister was no longer as panicked as knowing that Xuefu had lost 50,000 taels of silver. With these preparations, the ninth sister was confident, "Mother Yao, go and call Mother Feng here. Let's go to the main courtyard together. It's time to let our second aunt know our value."

Yes, if Sister Jiu is only worth the value of her dowry, one day the dowry will be robbed by Xuefu. At that time, she will be a bullied master. But what if her value is more than that? There is always a way to make the second wife not attack her dowry shop.

"I'm going now!" Although there was not much joy on Yao's mother's face, her voice couldn't help rising a little.

After the painting fan helped the ninth sister tidy up, Yao's mother and Feng's mother stood in the room. Sister Jiu also ordered Jinxiu and the painting fan to guard Dongyuan, so she safely took Yao's mother and Feng's mother to the courtyard.

The rain outside was much lighter than the previous two days, but it was still raining. Yao's mother took a step forward to hold an umbrella for the ninth sister. The two quickly sank into the rain, and Feng's mother also stepped forward and put on an umbrella to follow the ninth sister.

What Sister Jiu is going to do? Naturally, as a slave, she will not ask much, but she also knows that Sister Jiu is favored by the second wife, and the old lady is no longer difficult for Sister Jiu, as if she agrees with Sister Jiu's choice, but Mother Feng doesn't really think so simply. Today, the ninth sister sent Yao's mother to ask her to go to the courtyard together, which will certainly not be a simple matter.

"Mother Feng, Jiu'er will talk about some things about the account book with the second wife later. At that time, I asked Feng's mother to stay with Jiu'er more. It's up to you whether we can live well in Xue's house in the future." The ninth sister's voice is childish, but it is a little more serious than usual.

Feng's mother looked awe-in and heard some different information from the ninth sister's words.

Sister Jiu said again, "It's not a big deal." Sister Jiu said it easily, but the following words added a different meaning. "It's just that Feng's mother may prefer to call for wind and rain in Xue's house."

Feng's mother suddenly stopped, but then followed. Yes, from the steward mother beside the old lady suddenly changed to a mother serving by a foreign lady. Anyone would be dissatisfied, not to mention Feng's mother, in the whole Xue mansion, no one dares except for the master. Standing on her head, but after the ninth sister came, she suddenly fell into hell.

At these times, Feng's mother was beside the ninth sister, followed by a lot of gossip. She was no longer around the old lady. Those former sisters did not step on their own heads. However, Feng's mother hides these very well. Even if she complains, who can she complain about? Sister Jiu was not as easy to bully as outsiders imagined. She simply stayed with Sister Jiu first and waited for the opportunity to return to the old lady again.

Although she said last time that she would be single-minded for the ninth sister, that was just from the position of a slave. As long as she doesn't put a stumbling on Sister Jiu behind her back, Sister Jiu will not wear small shoes for her.

However, the ninth sister's words made Feng's mother see a glimmer of light again. She missed the power in Xue's mansion very much.

Yao's mother didn't seem to hear Sister Jiu's words. She covered the rain for Sister Jiu and looked at the road ahead. Fortunately, the house was full of stone roads, which was not difficult to walk.

The corners of Sister Jiu's lips couldn't help but rise. If she wants to live in Xue's house, she has to climb up by all means. She is no exception, so she can understand Feng's mother's thoughts. But understanding does not mean that Sister Jiu will let Feng's mother show these thoughts in front of her. Maybe it can give Feng's mother some benefits!

The corners of her eyes were a little up, but her eyes were very clear, and she arrived at the main courtyard after a while.

Fanghua was ordered by his second wife to go to the sixth sister's room to ask if there was anything missing. As he was coming out of the sixth sister's room, he saw three people coming in the rain, one of whom was covered by an umbrella. At this time, Fanghua didn't recognize anyone and secretly guessed which lady would come to the courtyard just after lunch.

Her eyes turned around and held up an umbrella to greet her. Except for the fourth sister, only the ninth sister could come to the courtyard. I heard that the second aunt was pregnant, and it was definitely impossible for the fourth sister to come to the courtyard at this jux.

"Why did the ninth sister come to the courtyard in the rain? If she is invaded by the cold air, not to mention that the old lady will be distressed, the second wife will also be distressed." Fanghua stood behind the ninth sister on her side.

"Well, I have something important to discuss with my second aunt. Jiu'er didn't know how many days it would rain, so I can't wait." The ninth sister's face was more anxious.

"I'm going to report it!" Fanghua didn't say much and took a few steps to the main house.

The second wife looked at Fanghua standing aside respectfully, her eyebrows jumped, and secretly guessed that the ninth sister had to come to the courtyard in the rain. The second wife thought so, but ordered Deng's mother to prepare cushions and chairs for the ninth sister.

"Second wife, the ninth sister is coming in!" Liu's mother lifted the curtain and watched the ninth sister walk into the room, but the ninth sister's steps were a little fast. Obviously, the ninth sister was really in a hurry.

"Jiu'er, please send your second aunt's peace!" The ninth sister first stepped forward to greet the second wife, and then heard the second wife say kindly, "Your child, what's so anxious? If you are sick, you have to drink those bitter drugs again."

The second wife looked at Sister Jiu and said with some satisfaction, "You are used to living in the house these days, but it's difficult for you?"

The ninth sister knew in her heart that the second wife saw that her health was indeed much better than when she first came to Xuefu, so she asked this, that is, to let the ninth sister know that the second wife was very good to her.

The ninth sister answered, "The servants use it well."

There is another trace of satisfaction on the second wife's face, and everything in the house is still under her control.

"It's just that Jiu'er came to see her second aunt in a hurry, so she was so panicked!"

The second wife didn't think so, "What's the matter? You have to wait until the rain stops, right?"

The urgency on Sister Jiu's face was even stronger, and her voice actually shook a little because of anxiety. "Jiu'er found something that shouldn't be in the account book!"

The second wife's face turned pale in an instant.