official's direct daughter

Chapter 74 Emergency 2

"You guys should retreat first!" The second wife suddenly blocked the ninth sister's voice and shouted loudly.

Sister Jiu took a look at the second wife and then looked around. Except for Deng's mother, all the other maids went out of the house. Sister Jiu raised her head and took a look at Yao's mother and Feng's mother, with a slight struggle in her heart, "Mother Yao, you go out first."

Yao's mother still wanted to try to stay here, but Sister Jiu stared at her and gently glanced at Feng's mother. Yao's mother blessed her body: "I obey." She said seriously to Feng's mother, "Ninth sister will leave it to you."

Feng's mother was stunned. When the ninth sister asked her to come with her, she must have something to help. Now she is left alone, but she let the dearest mother Yao go out. Obviously, the ninth sister really needs her this time.

"Say, what did you find in the account book?" The second wife looked cold, and her voice had not been as kind as before.

Although Sister Jiu's expression is serious, if you look carefully, you can still find that the corners of her mouth are still slightly raised. But now the second wife's mind is not on the expression of the ninth sister.

"Jiu'er just wonders why there is something recorded in the account book, which is not in our warehouse at all!"

"Who are you listening to!" The second wife suddenly spoke harshly.

The ninth sister was really shocked by the second wife, but then her thoughts became clearer and clearer, and she was really afraid to see the second wife.

"Well, that is, the account book of the previous year and the account book of this month last month can see something. There is a screen called pearl emerald jade in the warehouse. Jiu'er obviously didn't see this thing last year, but this year it actually has it.

The second wife suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, asked Mother Deng to add tea again, took a gentle sip, and leaned lazily against the cushion. "You are just beginning to learn to settle accounts, and it is common to read the wrong account book."

The corners of Sister Jiu's lips finally couldn't help raising a little. Before she mentioned it, the second wife was so nervous. After she mentioned the pearl and white jade screen, the second wife was much more relaxed. If something is abnormal, there must be a demon. The second wife would really believe that she would find some clues, so she was in a mess.

In fact, it's not that the second wife is not calm. It's really that the ninth sister has performed much better than other ladies in Xue's house these days. What's more, her biological mother is still a woman who has become a legend in the capital that has convinced the emperor. In addition, Yao's mother is also beside the ninth sister, so the second wife really thought that the ninth sister would find something. However, it seems that the ninth sister may be a little smaller. Since she told her these things herself, it seems that there are still omissions in those account books, so Cao's mother has to pay more attention.

"But Jiu'er found that the pearl and white jade screen was not as big as she imagined, but she didn't think it was just a small object that could be played with in her hand."

"Ninth sister, that's just a small object. Occasionally, servants in the house steal one or two things, which is also common. Even the old lady can't stop this kind of thing."

Sister Jiu didn't care. The second wife pushed the screen to her servants to steal, and she had nothing to say.

"Mother Deng and Mrs. Feng are both understanding people and children of Xue's family. They have been with you and the old lady for so many years, and they will definitely understand this truth. If..."

Sister Jiu took a look at Deng's mother and Feng's mother, and her eyes were a little more mocking, but she didn't say anything. She got up and walked to the second wife and whispered softly beside the second wife, "If... Deng's mother is originally a good accountant, although Cao's mother knows something, after all... As for Feng's mother, I think she is very willing. "

Nine's voice was extremely small, but sometimes it revealed a little voice. For a moment, Deng's mother and Feng's mother felt like they were suffering in the oil pan.